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[Charles Edward Lawrence, editor of the Quarterly Review.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C. E. Lawrence.') to Clement King Shorter, regarding his ill health, the photographers Greenhough & Co, and P. C. Wren's 'Beau Geste'.

Charles Edward Lawrence [C. E. Lawrence] (1870-1940), editor of the Quarterly Review, 1922-1928 [Clement King Shorter (1857-1926), English journalist and critic; John Murray Ltd, London publishers]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Quarterly Review, 50A Albermarle Street, London, W1. 16 October 1926.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. He is sending the copy of P. C. Wren's 'Beau Geste' (published by the publishers of the 'Quarterly Review', John Murray Ltd, in 1926), and assures Shorter that he must not 'pay for this further review-copy'. He will be happy to give Shorter's message to the photographers Greenhough & Co., 'indeed, they shall see your letter, or at least the personal part of it'. He is sorry that Shorter's 'process of getting well is not to be more rapid', and asks to be informed when he can pay a visit.

Autograph Letter Signed P C Wren, novelist, to unnamed correspondent partly about the film of The Wages of Virtue (a Foreign Legion novel) with Gloria Swanson.

[Percival Christopher Wren] P.C. Wren, author of Beau Geste and others
Publication details: 
Frerem, 28 Penn Hill Avenue, Parkstone, Dorset, 23 Jan. 1925.

Two pages, 8vo, paper bleached by text clear and complete. Many thanks for your two letters. | 1. Thank you for the good advice in the first. Will you kindly tell me whether the Legion film that you saw was that of my book 'The Wages of Virtue'. This was filmed in America with Gloria Swanson as heroine & a star cast, but I have neither seen nor heard anything of it. | 2. I do not think that 'Tigress' was copyrighted in America in any way. The authoress never heard anything about this being done.

[Pamphlet, bifolium] Letters on the Signs of the Times. To the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London [addressed in Southcott's hand].

[Joanna Southcott and Jane Townley, her patron]
Publication details: 
Printed by S. Rousseau, Wood Street, Spa Fields, London, [1804].

Four pages, 4to, marks from folding as letter, some pinholes, edges sl. ragged, text clear and complete. Copies were abviously sent to church (ands other) personnel, this one being addressed possibly in Southcott's sprawling hand[papers in the BL only indicate that people did her writing for her - I've yet to find a sample beyong a signature] to the Church Warden | Bedfont, East | Middlesex || for the Curate. It is docketed with the date 7 July 1804 received, Townley writes to the Bishop, Joanna Southcott at greater length to Jane Townley. According to BBTI, the printer, S.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

William Crockford
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Proprietor (1775-1844) of the celebrated London gambling house, set up in 1827, out of which he amassed a fortune of more than a million pounds. On piece of paper roughly three and a half inches by one and a half. Good, but mounted on larger piece of paper, creased once and slightly discoloured by glue. Reads 'I beg to Remain | Your most Obed[ie]nt | W Crockford'.

Autograph Letter Signed to James Heywood Markland, with autograph draft of Markland's reply.

John Wilson Croker [James Heywood Markland]
Publication details: 
12 May 1851; on letterhead 'West Molesey | Surrey'.

Politician and essayist (1780-1857). The recipient (1788-1864) was an antiquary and member of the Roxburghe Club. Four pages, 12mo. In very good condition, although rather grubby and with traces of stub adhering to one edge. He finds 'a letter of Pope to Beau Nash transmitting him an inscription [^ (not copied)] for, as I guess, a statue or bust of Fredk. Prince of Wales.

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