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Autograph Letter Signed from Evangeline Florence to an unnamed male impressario.

Evangeline Florence (1873-1928), American-born British soprano, remembered for her work at the Crystal Palace, London Ballad Concerts, and Royal Choral Society
Publication details: 
21 August 1898; on letterhead of 59 Wynnstay Gardens, Kensington, altered in autograph to 'Rottingdean'.
Autograph Letter Signed from Evangeline Florence

12mo, 1 p. Six lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. She will 'keep January free' for him, and they can 'arrange the details of programme later'. She agrees that 'a wholly-Brahms programme might be rather heavy'. See Florence's obituary, The Times, 7 November 1928.

Typed pages from her 'Chinese Prose Literature of the T'ang Period' (London: Probsthain, 1938), together with a proof slip from the printers.

Evangeline Dora Edwards (1888-1957) [Stephen Austin & Sons, Ltd., Hertford, Herts, publishers]
Publication details: 

Good, on lightly aged paper. Rust stains from paperclips on one leaf. Five pages of typescripts on five quarto leaves. The first page gives the contents, and the rest are covering pages with a few words of instructions (e.g. 'PREFACE | (To be prepared after revising first proofs)' and 'APPENDIX --- Authenticity........ | To follow with Bibliography and Indexes.' The proof slip, printed and with pencil insertions, is one page, on a leaf roughly eight inches by four and a half.

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