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Autograph Sentiment Signed (Sentiment [proverbe] Autographe signe)

Ferdinand de Lesseps, engineer (Suez Canal).
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] 34 Drumsheugh Gardens [Edinburgh], 18 Avril 1884.

A half-sheet of writing paper, c. 11.5 x 11cm, good condition, text, a French proverb, as follows: "fais ce que dois | advienne que pourra. | ferd. de lesseps | edimbourg - 18 Avril 1884. ||"

Autograph Letter Signed ('Sorel') to 'Monsieur Philippe mécanicien | rue Chateau Landon. | a Paris'.

[Onésiphore Pecqueur (1792-1852), inventor of the differential gear for automobiles] Sorel, French civil engineer [locomotives; steam engines]
Publication details: 
28 June 1844; on letterhead of 'Sorel, Ingénieur Civil, Rue de Lancry, 6, à Paris.'

8vo bifolium, 1 p. 9 lines of text. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. Addressed, with two circular postmarks in black ink, on verso of second leaf. On the letterhead Sorel's achievements are given as '1837 Prix de Mécanique, Monthyon, A l'Académie des Sciences, Médaille d'Or' and '1839, Médaille d'Or, A l'Exposition Nationale des Produits de l'Industrie'. Announcing that 'il sera fait une expérience du nouveau Système de Locomotion de Mr Pecqueur, Mardi 2 Juillet de Midi à 3 h. rue Neuve Papincourt No. 11.

Autograph Letter Signed ('h. f.') to 'Madame [Eliza] Thomas'.

Henri-Jérôme-Marie Fournel (1799-1876), French civil engineer, geologist and disciple of Saint-Simon [Algeria]
Publication details: 
1 September 1842 ('4h du matin'); place not stated.

8vo bifolium, 3 pp. 57 lines of text. Addressed on verso of second leaf of bifolium, with circular postmark in black ink, to 'Madame Thomas, chateau de marville, près et par St. Denis (Banlieue de Paris).' Good, on lightly creased and aged paper, with slight damage to second leaf from breaking of wafer. Text clear and entire, in a difficult, indiosyncratic hand. An interesting and significant letter, announcing Fournel's appointment to the post which would result in his greatest achievement.

Two Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent ("Mon cher maitre et excellent ami")

Herve Mangon, French engineer.
Publication details: 
Ste Maries du mont, 31 July 1872 and 14 July 1876

Total 5pp., 8vo, good condition. (1872) Family matters and the election to the Bureau des Longitudes. (1876) He is going to Caen for the "inauguration de la statue de Mr E. de Beaumont". He is unhappy about "le chain fait par l'academie, car il n'a rien de scientifique et il est blessant pour un homme bon et excellent entre tous, votre ami Mr Dancour."

Manuscript document, in French, headed 'Etat des Presses hydrauliques vendues par Chapelle, mécanicien, depuis le premier Janvier 1827, jusqu'au 1er. Septembre 1827'.

Chapelle, mécanicien' [Louis François Xavier Joseph Crespel [Crespel-Delisse] (1789-1865), French sugar refiner; refinery; engineer engineering; Paris)
Publication details: 
Circa 1827.

On one side of a piece of watermarked laid paper, roughly 33 x 22 cm. Aged and with chipping, wear and creasing to extremities. Text clear and entire. Entries on nineteen presses sold to ten individuals (Gerard, Didier, Dabaret, Morel, Foubert, J. Butini, G. Estsienne, Jourdain, Crespel-Delisse and Durand), giving the nature of their work (e.g. 'fabr. de Vermicelle à Troyes' and 'fabr. de bougie diaphane'), and the use to which the presses are put (e.g. '1 presse horizontale pr blanc de baleine'). Gives the ' of each individual. A few pencil additions in a contemporary hand (e.g.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. de la Gournerie') to 'Monsieur Pingard'.

Jules de la Gournerie [Jules Antoine René Maillard de la Gournerie] (1814-1883), French mathematician and engineer, member of the Académie des Sciences
Publication details: 
27 October 1875; Martigné.

16mo, 3 pp. Text clear and entire on aged, creased paper. In French. He was not able to go to the Académie on the day the tickets were distributed for the 'Séance annuelle des beaux arts'. He asks for his two tickets to be sent to his friend 'M. Canon', a professor at the Ecole Polytechnique. Canon's address ('29 Rue Jean de Beauvais') in another hand on otherwise-blank verso of second leaf of bifolium.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. de la Gournerie') to an unnamed male correspondent ('Mon cher ami').

Jules de la Gournerie [Jules Antoine René Maillard de la Gournerie] (1814-1883), French mathematician and engineer, member of the Academie des Sciences
Publication details: 
22 July 1870; Ecole Impériale Polytechnique.

12mo, 1 p, 7 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. He has received at the Ecole Polytechnique ('où je passe toutes mes journées les examens') his correspondent's 'important travail'. He sends his best wishes and thanks him for 'ce beau souvenir'. Loose in blue paper folder with catalogue entry for the previous sale of the letter laid down on front.

Autograph Letter Signed ('henri Fournel') to the Parisian publisher and bookseller Duprat.

Henri-Jérôme-Marie Fournel (1799-1876), French civil engineer, geologist and disciple of Saint-Simon [Algeria]
Publication details: 
4 August 1861; 'rue de la Chaussée d’Antin 58 bis', Paris.

16mo (13 x 10.5 cm), 1 p, 8 lines of text. Good. Ordering a geographical work and referring (obscurely) to words with an arab flavour (hard to read).

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