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[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Speech of Mr. G. Shaw Lefevre, M.P., on bringing in "The Bill to amend the Law with respect to the Property of Married Women." In the House of Commons, April 21st, 1868.

G. Shaw Lefevre, M.P. [the Committee in support of the Married Women's Property Bill; Alexander Ireland, Manchester printer] [women's suffrage; Victorian feminism]
Publication details: 
Manchester: A. Ireland & Co., Printers, Pall Mall. 1868. [On reverse of title: 'Printed, by permission, for the Committee in support of the Married Women's Property Bill.']

12pp., 8vo. In fair condition, aged and worn, no wraps, disbound, with pencil annotations to title-page. Copies listed on COPAC etc

Autograph Letter Signed from Joseph Neeld to Thomas Frognall Dibdin, subscribing to a 'Splendid Work'..

Joseph Neeld (1789-1856), Member of Parliament for Chippenham, art collector and bibliophile [Thomas Frognall Dibdin (1776-1847); bibliomania]
Publication details: 
Grittleton House; 6 November 1829.
Autograph Letter Signed from Joseph Neeld to Thomas Frognall Dibdin

4to, 2 pp. Twenty lines. Text clear and complete. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of mount adhering at head of reverse. He has been on an 'interesting and agreeable' tour. 'If my name is worthy of standing amongst the Patrons of the Splendid Work forthcoming under your auspices I shall be proud to enroll myself with them; and shall be ready to obey the call of your publisher whenever you direct him to me.' He praises Dibdin's 'Tour in France and Germany' (1821), and thanks him for selecting 'so fine a copy'.

Letter, headed 'Copy', in contemporary hand, from 'X.' to 'Mr. Editor' [of Punch].

Punch, or The London Charivari' [Mark Lemon (1809-1870), editor; John Leech; Charles Kean; William Williams (1788-1865), Radical M.P. for Lambeth]
Publication details: 

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Watermarked 'TOWGOOD'S | SUPER FINE | 1859'. Eighty-seven lines of text. Text clear and complete on aged and grubby paper. With little hope of influencing the editor of Punch, the author feels compelled to 'write and tell you what I and many others think about your Publication and the malignant spite you display towards individuals who happen to incur your wrath'. This 'malignity', he feels, 'must be derived from that murderous old ruffian from whom your publication takes its name, and which alone prevents it being an influential publication.

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