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[W. Heath Robinson.] Proofs of two sets of prelims from his Navarre Society edition of 'The Works of Mr. Francis Rabelais', with a total of ten illustrations by W. Heath Robinson.

W. Heath Robinson [The Navarre Society, London; Morrision & Gibb, Limited, Printers, Edinburgh; Francois Rabelais]
Publication details: 
Navarre Society, London. Both sets of prelims with stamp of Morrison & Gibb, Limited, Printers, Edinburgh, dated 18 March 1954.

Both sets of proofs unstitched and unopened (and both opening out into a folio sheet), and both with title-pages printed in red and black. Both in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper, and both stamped on first page 'PLEASE PASS FOR PRESS | MARGINS' in blue, with purple oval dated printers' stamp. FIRST SET: 16pp., 8vo, paginated to xvi. Title: 'THE WORKS OF MR. FRANCIS | RABELAIS | [...] | Illustrated by W. HEATH ROBINSON | The Second Part'. Publishers' details at foot on pasted label at foot of title-page: 'MCMLIV | THE NAVARRE SOCIETY LONDON'.

[Printed offprint, in French, from 'L'Annotateur'.] Discours du Roi aux Chambres, Prononcé le 22 décembre 1824.' [An address from the new French king, Charles X, to the two chambers of Parliament.]

Charles X (1757-1836), King of France and Navarre, 1824-1830 [Sir William Hamilton (1788-1877), British Consul at Boulogne-sur-Mer from 1826 to 1873]
Publication details: 
'Supplément à l'Annotateur du 23 décembre 1824.' [Imprimerie de P. HESSE, rue des Pipots, à Boulogne.]

16mo, 2pp. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, attached along one edge to a piece of paper bearing part of the address of the English Consul in Boulogne, William (later Sir William) Hamilton.

Autograph Signature (d'Aubigné) on fragment of document.

[ D'AUBIGNE ]Théodore-Agrippa d'Aubigné (1552-1630), French poet, soldier and propagandist [d'Aubigne]
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On piece of paper roughly half an inch by one and a half wide. Poor, and untidily laid down on slip of paper one inch by six wide. Tear across signature. Docketed in pencil 'author of book on Reformation'. Extraneous matter adhering to reverse.

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