The Scotsman' [reporting and commenting on the three trials of William Hone, 1817] [William Ritchie and Charles Maclaren, editors]
Publication details:
No. 49. Saturday, December 27. 1817.' ['Printed for he PROPRIETORS by Abernethy & Walker, Old Bank Close, and Published at No. 347. High Street, opposite St Giles's [Edinburgh].']
Folio, 8 pp, paginated 385-392. Text clear and complete. On aged paper with fraying and chipping to extremities. With tax stamp. Printed in three columns, and with the article on Hone covering the entire front page, and more than half of the second page. The reports of the three trials, in smaller type, cover more than three pages, from the last column on the second page to the last colum on the fifth page. They are followed by half a column of 'excellent observations' taken from the Morning Chronicle.