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[ J. W. Benson Ltd., Ludgate Hill, London watch and clock makers and gold and silversmiths. ] Trade catalogue of 'Silver Goods | Empire Plate | Canteens', profusely-illustrated and fully captioned.

J. W. Benson Ltd., Ludgate Hill, London watch and clock makers and gold and silversmiths
Publication details: 
J. W. Benson Ltd., Ludgate Hill, London. '60th Edition, Section 'E' (x)'. Undated (1930s or earlier).

[1] + 52pp., large 8vo (27.5 x 21.5 cm). Stapled in silver wraps with elegant design in pink and black. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with slight rusting to staples. Profusely illustrated with photographs of items captioned with prices.

Printed trade catalogue of 'Stayte' pocket and wrist watches, 'Abby bracelets', and other items, by the Birmingham jewellers Adolph Scott Ltd, containing numerous illustrations in black and white and colour.

Adolph Scott Ltd., Birmingham jewellers [clocks and watches; trade catalogues]
Publication details: 
Adolph Scott Ltd., 24, 25 & 26, Gt. Hampton St., Birmingham.

44pp., 4to. In original grey wraps, with coloured illustration by 'Scott' of a Restoration lady by a sundial and the word 'Watches' on front cover. In good condition, lightly-aged with slight rusting to staples. The catalogue is printed on art paper, without indication of date or publisher, but with a label printed in red from Adolph Scott Ltd, tipped in at the front, stating that 'Prices in this list are subject to 50 per cent.

Collection of Victorian horological ephemera, comprising eight posters, two illustrated catalogues, four printed price lists, and four receipts. [American Clocks included].

G. & F. E. Wattis, Birmingham; Alfred Lea and John Knight & Co., Leeds; John Greenwood & Sons, Clerkenwell; [Victorian clocks and watches; clockmakers; timepieces; horology; trade catalogues]
Publication details: 
Undated [1870s and 1880s]. Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, London.

The collection, consisting of eighteen items, would appear to derive from J. L. Cocker, to whom one of the receipts is made out. Eight posters, all but the last in fair condition, aged and lightly worn; and all but Number printed in black and white. Items Three and Eight have the firm's address repeatedly printed on the reverse, so that the particular timepieces in which the customer is interested can be cut away from the sheet. ONE (56 x 43.5 cm).

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