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[Printed pamphlet in support of Professor John Tyndall, attacking the Christian doctrine of the immortality of the soul.] "To the Rev. Belfast Pygmies".

'Epicurus' [John Tyndall, FRS (1820-1893), Professor of Physics at the Royal Institution of Great Britain]
Publication details: 
Place and printer not stated. [Belfast, Ireland?] Dated at end 'September, 1874.'

10pp., 12mo. Stitched and unbound. Concludes: 'There, Reverend Sirs, you have Professor Tyndall's "streaks of morning cloud" brought down to the level of the meanest human capacity. The foregoing arguments are plain and obvious. Some of them are very old - older than the Christianity which you earn your bread by preaching. Yet they have never been refuted. If you do not refute them, then, in the words of Oliver Cromwell, | "The Lord has done with you!" | Reverend Sirs, | Yours obediently, | EPICURUS. | September, 1874.' On aged and worn paper, with the first leaf loose.

Autograph Letter Signed from Liverpool merchant Tyndall Bright to 'Mrs Alexander', wife of Captain John R. Alexander, Royal Navy, daughter of Henry Bruce, Commander-in-Chief, Pacific Station, making suggestions regarding a voyage to Central America.

Tyndall Bright, nineteenth-century Liverpool merchant with extensive business interests in Australia [director of the Anglo-Australian Steam Navigation Company]
Publication details: 
Undated ('Sunday afterno[o]n.') and with place not stated.
Autograph Letter Signed from  Liverpool merchant Tyndall Bright

12mo, 3 pp. In bifolium. Forty lines. Text clear and complete. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He cannot get her 'a good berth in the middle of he ship', but he recommends that she take a 'good side one near the Ladies Saloon which is aft'. He draws a diagram of the position of this berth, which is 'under offer' to her. He gives the number and price to Colon, Panama, and on to Valparaiso, Chile. He has written her letters of introduction, and offers his further services.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

John Tyndall (1820-1893), English physicist and mountaineer
Publication details: 
16 November 1881; on embossed letterhead of the Royal Institution of Great Britain.

12mo, 2 pp. good, on aged paper, but with slight damage along the inner edge as a result of removal from stub. Text entirely legible. Docketed 'Professor Tyndall' in a contemporary hand at foot of second page. He wishes he 'could respond to half the invitations for which I am indebted to the kind acts of my friends'. The 'duties now pressing' on him 'render this literally impossible'. 'All I can do under the circumstances is to wish success to your young society'.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent (John Tyndall?).

Alexander Strahan
Publication details: 
21 January 1874; on letterhead '12, Paternoster Row, London'.

Two pages, octavo. Good, apart from damage and loss to one edge caused by removal from mount. Would appear to relate to the controversy between the surgeon Sir Henry Thompson (1820-1904) and John Tyndall (1820-1893), held in the pages of Strahan's 'Contemporary Review'. Reads 'I herewith send you the proof of your reply to Sir Henry Thompson | Please revise and return it tomorrow.

On the observations made with a rigid specteoscope, by Captain Mayne and Mr. Connor, on a voyage to the Straits of Magellan.

J. P. Gassiot, F.R.S.
Publication details: 
London: presentation copy to John Tyndall of the Royal Institution of offprint from the 'Proceedings of the Royal Society', No. 94, 1867.

8 leaves, 8vo, paginated [5-6] 7-19 [1]. Stitched: in contemporary brown plain wraps. In good condition, though folded in half lengthwise and with wraps rather grubby. Inscription reads 'Dr Tyndall FRS &c &c | from J P G'.

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