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[War Office publication, 'Not to be published'.] The Control of Epidemic Typhus 1942.

'By Command of the Army Council' [The War Office, Whitehall; British government publications; Second World War; Royal Army Medical Corps]
Publication details: 
'The War Office [Whitehall], June 17th, 1942.' ['Notified in A.C.Is.']

12pp., 12mo. Stapled pamphlet. In good condition, lightly aged and worn, with three punch holes at spine. Headings: General principles of control; Bionomics of the louse; Mode of spread of infection; The prevention of lousiness; Methods of disinfestation; Disposal of typhus cases and suspects; General epidemic measures [Measures in conjunction with civil authorities; Military organization; Action by the medical officer of the unit; Unit arrangements; Divisional arrangements; L. of C. and base areas; Disinfestation of prisoners of war].

Autograph note by the English physician Dr William Jenner.

Sir William Jenner (1815-1898), Bart, English physician who discovered the distinction between typhus and typhoid
Publication details: 
8 Harley Street, London. 15 June 1866.

1p., 12mo. Good, on a piece of lightly-aged paper, with fold lines. Possibly written in response to a request for an autograph. Reads: 'With Dr. Jenners Compts. & thanks - | 8 Harley St | June 15th 1866.'

Printed notice on the subject of 'Notification of Infectious Disease by Private Persons', headed 'The Infectious Disease (Notification) Act, 1889. 52 and 53 Vict., c.72.'

Richard Brierley, Clerk [The Newton-in-Mackerfield Improvement Commissioners, Warrington, Lancashire; small pox; typhus; typhoid; cholera; infectious disease]
Publication details: 
RICHD. BRIERLEY, Clerk. | Town Hall, | December 3rd, 1889.'

Single column (23 x 6 cm) on one side of piece of paper 34 x 21.5 cm. 72 lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged, creased paper. Small closed tear to central horizontal fold. Lists the infectious diseases of which notification is required ('Small Pox, Cholera, Diptheria, Membranous Croup, Erysipelas, Scarlatina, or ScarletFever, and also Typhus, Typhoid, Enteric, Relapsing, Continued, or Puerperal Fever'), and gives the duties of medical practitioners and the penalties for failing to comply.

Autograph Note Signed ('W. Jenner') to 'My dear Mrs. Lennith'.

Sir William Jenner (1815-1898), English physician who discovered the distinction between typhus and typhoid
Publication details: 
Friday' (no date); on letterhead of 63 Brook Street, Grosvenor Square, London W.

12mo, 1 p. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He writes that he will 'be able to see you at eleven oclock tomorrow[.] I have appointment [sic] for 11.30 & have to leave home soon after 12 -'.

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