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Keepsake poem titled 'In Memoriam Alex Foster' ('We laid him among the stones at Tahilla'), inscribed to Máire Gaster by Christine Hetherington, wife of the author and daughter of the subject of the poem, Alexander Roulston Foster.

George Hetherington, Irish poet, director of The Irish Times and owner of Dublin printers Hely's Ltd; his wife Christine Hetherington and father-in-law Alex Foster (1890-1972); Máire Gaster [Lynd]]
Publication details: 
Place and printer not stated [Hely's Limited, printers, Dublin]. August 1972.

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium. Nicely printed on laid paper. In good condition, on aged paper. Headed 'IN MEMORIAM ALEX FOSTER | by | GEORGE HETHERINGTON', and with 'August 1972' following the last line. At foot of second page, in manuscript, 'To Máire | With love from | Christine'. Christine's first husband was the diplomat and journalist Conor Cruise O'Brien. Scarce: no copy on OCLC WorldCat or COPAC. From the Lynd papers.

Five Autograph Letters Signed (one 'Alex Comfort' and four 'Alex C') from the poet and sexologist Alex Comfort to John Rogers, regarding poetry, including a discussion of whether poetry is 'finding a language in England, rather than losing one!'

Alex Comfort [Alexander Comfort] (1920-2000), poet, novelist, doctor and sexologist
Publication details: 
Three from Havengrove, Tudor Road, Barnet; one on letterhead of Chase Farm Hospital, Enfield, and another on letterhead of the Royal Waterloo Hospital, London. All undated [c.1942]

Item One: From Havengrove. On reverse of printed 12mo prospectus for the first issue of 'Poetry Folios' magazine (which appeared in 1942), edited by Comfort and Peter Wells. 1p., 12mo. Fair, on aged and creased paper. He thanks him for his letter. 'It is appreciation of this kind that makes one want to go on writing. [...] I wish I could meet you.' Item Two: From Havengrove, on letterhead of 'Poetry Folios'. Undated. 2pp., 12mo. Fair, on lightly-creased and aged paper.

The flamboyant Labour Member of Parliament Tom Driberg's own collection of photographic portraits of himself; nine large prints, by Maurice Beck (4, signed), Blechman (2, signed), Lenare (2) and Converse Studios (1); and a small one by Alex Dellow.

Tom Driberg [Thomas Edward Neil Driberg] (1905-1976), Baron Bradwell, Labour Member of Parliament and the Daily Express's 'William Hickey' ; Maurice Beck; Blechman; Lenare; Converse Studios, New York
Publication details: 
[London and New York.] In stamped photographic album of Lenare, Portraiture, 28, George Street, Hanover Square, London, W.1. None of the ten prints is date [1930s to 1970s].

The nine large prints are in good condition, lightly-aged with slight wear to corners. The smaller print is lightly-creased. In worn blue faux-leather album, with large facsimile signature of 'Lenare' on cover in gilt, with the address 'Portraiture | 28, GEORGE STREET | HANOVER SQUARE | LONDON, W.1.' ONE to FOUR. A series of four head-and-shoulders portraits of Driberg, each signed in pencil by Maurice Beck, and with the stamp on the reverse: 'Photograph by | Maurice Beck | F.R.P.S.' Each on a piece of 37 x 29.5 cm.

Black and white portrait by Converse Studios Inc., New York, of the Labour Member of Parliament Tom Driberg [Thomas Edward Neil Driberg, later Baron Bradwell], the 'William Hickey' of the Daily Express.

Tom Driberg [Thomas Edward Neil Driberg] (1905-1976), Baron Bradwell, Labour Member of Parliament and the Daily Express's 'William Hickey' [Converse Studios Inc., New York, photographers]
Publication details: 
Converse Studios Inc., New York. [1930s.]

Black and white portrait of Driberg from the waist up, by Converse Studios Inc., New York. In good condition, in lightly-worn printed card folder, 35 x 25.5 cm. The image is mounted behind a 23.5 x 18 cm windowpane. Driberg, in his early thirties, in a double-breasted pin-striped suit, white shirt, and tie, faces the camera with hands in pockets. From Driberg's own papers.

The Ulster Calendar of Persons and Events. By Alex. Riddell. 1911.

Alex. Riddell,
Publication details: 
N.p. 1911.

8vo, 76 + [i] + [iii]. Rebound in attractive green paper wraps, including surviving front wrap (back wrap missing), damaged but reinforced, staples rusty. Final page a Calendar for 1911, followed by three pages blank but for heading 'MEMORANDA'. Verso of front wrap carries an advertisement, with photograph of shop front, for James' Boys' Clothing, 10 Lombard St., Belfast. Scarce. No copy listed in National Library of Ireland online catalogue, and only one copy on COPAC (at the British Library).

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