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Woven silk portrait of Adolphe Thiers by J.-B. Champrony of Saint-Étienne, on printed backing, as a souvenir of the Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878.

J.-B. Champromy, Fabricant à Saint-Étienne, Portraits et Cravates en Soie [Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878; Adolphe Thiers]
Publication details: 
[Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878.]
Woven silk portrait of Adolphe Thiers by J.-B. Champrony of Saint-Étienne

[Stevengraph] Piece of silk, 7 x 11 cm, woven in red, white, blue, black and gold. Portrait of a bespectacled Thiers in an oval, draped with two French flags, with decorations including a quill and a book, and topped by castellated coronet and banner reading 'A. THIERS'. Woven beneath the portrait is 'LIBERATEUR DU TERRITOIRE | 1ER PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE'. Laid down on original printed bookmark, reading 'EXPOSITION UNIVERSELLE | 1878 | GALERIE DU TRAVAIL | METIERS POUR RUBANS | PORTRAITS ET CRAVATES EN SOIE | J.-B. CHAMPRONY | FABRICANT A SAINT-ÉTIENNE'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Mel. Alcan'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Conseiller d'Etat Commissaire Général'.

Michel Alcan (1801-1877), French politician and engineer who made numerous innovations in the field of textiles [Exposition Universelle de 1867, Paris, France]
Publication details: 
Paris le 13. Dbre 1866'.

4to (27 x 21 cm), 1 p. Nine lines of text. Text clear and complete on lightly aged, creased and foxed paper. Small closed tear at edge along crease line (not affecting text). Bearing the numbered stamp of the Exposition Universelle de 1867, Commission Imperiale. Accepting the position, conferred on him by the Commission, of 'membre de Jury de l'Exposition dans la 55me. classe': 'J'accepte cette tâche de confiance, et ferai tous mes éfforts pour la remplir avec l'activité reclamée par le reglement concernant les travaux du Jury'.

Offprint entitled 'Notice sur Mr. F.-G. Maurice, l'un des Rédacteurs de la Bibliothèque Britannique et Universelle.'

[Fréderic-Guillaume Maurice (1750-1826), French-Swiss savant, one of the founders in 1796 of the Bibliothèque Britannique [Bibliothèque Universelle]
Publication details: 
Tiree de la Division Litterature de la Bibl. Univ. [Bibliothèque Universelle] Nov. 1826'.

8vo, 13 pp. Paginated I-XV. Eight-leaf unbound bifolium. Unbound and unstitched, the whole held together by a pin in the gutter. Good, on wove paper, but with title-page somewhat discoloured with damp. Separate printed title, 'NOTICE SUR Mr. F. G. MAURICE.' Inscribed [to?] at head of title-page, 'Msr Marshall Newton-Kyme, Tadcaster, Yorkshire'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('L Fournier'), in French, to 'Monsieur le Commandant Martin', Bougiral.

L. Fournier, proprietor of the 'Imprimerie-Librarie Militaire Universelle' ('Fournisseur des Ministères de la Guerre, de la Marine et des Colonies') [Maurice Levert (1858-1944), collector; Hanoteau]
Publication details: 
26 July 1913; Paris, on letterhead of the Imprimerie-Librarie Militaire Universelle.

8vo, 2 pp. Good. Commercial letterhead spread over ten lines. The next time Martin visits Paris he and Fournier 'pourrions nous entretenir d'une affaire d'un intérêt common'. His approach to Martin is backed by 'M. Maurice Levert et du Captaine Hanoteau'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Picard') to Georges Berger (1834-1910), Directeur général de l'Exploitation de l'Exposition de 1889.

Alfred Picard (1844-1913), Vice-Président du Conseil d'État [Exposition Universelle de 1889; Paris Exhibition]
Publication details: 
24 April 1890; Paris. On letterhead of the Conseil d'État.

8vo: 3 pp. Bifolium. Very good. Written in French. After an 'etude attentive de rapport de M.M. de Lacretelle et Millas et des autres documents en ma possession' on the Exposition's foreign returns he finds 'certaines lacunes et certains points douteux' concerning which he hopes Berger can enlighten him. He gives a list of seventeen officially-participating countries, each with the subsidy it has received in francs, complaining that 'huit de ces chiffres sont douteux'. This is followed by a similar list of six countries which did not participate officially.

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