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[ Clifton Suspension Bridge under construction, by J. L. Sachs of the Illustrated London News. ] Signed watercolour wash drawing of 'The site for Hungerford Suspension Bridge', showing the towers of the bridge on the banks of the Avon Gorge.

J. L. Sachs [ illustrator for the Illustrated London News and theatre manager ] [ Isambard Kingdom Brunel; Clifton Suspension Bridge; Avon Gorge; Bristol ]
Publication details: 
'from J Sachs, 203, Strand' [ Abbott, Barton & Co., London Advertising Agents ]. Undated [ circa 1860 ].

17.5 x 25 cm. In good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. In the bottom left-hand corner, in a close contemporary hand, in ink: 'The site for Hungerford Suspension Bridge. | from J Sachs, 203, Strand'. (203 Strand was the address of Abbott, Barton & Co., advertising agents.) In pencil at bottom left: 'Clifton -', with the word 'River' in lighter pencil towards the centre. The view, in grey pencil wash, shows a pleasing view down the Avon Gorge, with the Bridge's two towers the only part of the structure completed.

[ Sir Thomas Phillipps, collector of manuscripts. ] Illustrated menu for the Phillipps Centenary Dinner at Stationers' Hall, with separate table plan.

[ Sir Thomas Phillipps (1792-1872), collector of manuscripts; Stationers' Hall, London; A. N. L. Munby; Viscount Eccles ]
Publication details: 
Stationers' Hall, London. 'Printed in England at the Curwen Press'. 1972.

[Two items] 6pp., 12mo. A nicely-printed keepsake, stitched into green card covers, with 'SIR THOMAS PHILLIPPS | 1792-1872' in gilt on front. In very good condition. Oval window in cover revealing a profile portrait of Phillipps, which is printed in colour and tipped-in onto the first recto, which is bordered in brown. Text in brown, with title-page reading: 'Stationers' Hall | Phillipps Centenary Dinner | 4th July 1972 | Chairman | The Rt. Hon. Viscount Eccles | P.C.

[ Frederick Samuel Boas, scholar of the drama. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. S. Boas') to L. E. Berman, proprietor of the Royalty Theatre, regarding 'the two versions of Faust produced by Charles Kean & Samuel Phelps'.

F. S. Boas [ Frederick Samuel Boas (1862-1957) ], English literary critic and scholar of the drama [ Leopold Edward Berman (1877-1946), proprietor of the Royalty Theatre, Lonndon ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Athenaeum, Pall Mall, S.W.1. [ London ]. 26 February 1932.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition. In stamped envelope addressed to Boas at the Royalty Theatre, Dean Street. He thanks Berman for drawing his attention to the two versions of the play, adding: 'I feel that in this Goethe Centenary year, when the Urfaust is so rightly being performed, some English manager should put Marlowe's play on the stage for a few performances.'

[ Frederick Warne & Co., London publishers. ] Catalogue titled: 'Frederick Warne & Co.'s List of New & Recent Books'.

Frederick Warne & Co., London publishers [ Lawson Wood; L. Leslie Brook ]
Publication details: 
Frederick Warne & Co., Chandos House, Bedford Court, Bedford Street, Strand, London. June 1917.

8pp., 4to. With illustrations of some covers. Unbound. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. Begins with L. Leslie Brooke's 'Nursery Rhymes', 'The daintiest edition of the classic rhymes of childhood' ('This line will prove the exceptional merit of the higher-class books for children of entirely British production now being issued. ver 20,000 volumes have been subscribed on publication.' Two pages advertise 'Lawson Wood's Picture Books'.

[Windermere Police Station.] Typed and manuscript 'Bills of Quantities for Scheme' and 'Bill of Quantities for a New Police Station at Windermere for the Westmoreland Standing Joint Committee' by Walker, Carter & Walker.

Walker, Carter & Walker, Architects, Windermere [Windermere Police Station; W. L. Dolman, architect]
Publication details: 
ONE: W. L. Dolman, F.R.I.B.A., Windermere. May 1925. TWO: Walker, Carter, & Walker, Architects, Windermere. June 1926.

Each document with a substantial number of typed itemised entries, with each item costed in manuscript, and manuscript totals. ONE: Headed 'WINDEREMERE POLICE STATION. | Bills of Quantities for Scheme | Submitted by W. L. Dolman F.R.I.B.A. Winderemere. | May 1925. | Excavator, Drainlayer, Waller & Slater.' 5pp., crown 8vo. In fair condition, aged and worn, with rust-spotting from staple. Entries range from '24" wall next Lake Road of Langdale Rag Stone with selected stones for facing in mortar & including footings' to 'In stone walls girth of Main Quoins included.

[L. G. Wickham Legg, editor of the Dictionary of National Biography.] Autograph Letter Signed ('L G Wickham Legg') to Anglo-Irish writer Sylvia Lynd, regarding her DNB article on Katharine Tynan.

L. G. Wickham Legg [Leopold George Wickham Legg] (1877-1962), editor of the Dictionary of National Biography [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, wife of essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949)]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead ('From Mr. L. G. Wickham Legg | New College, Oxford') of the Dictionary of National Biography. 27 August 1947.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, aged and creased. He is returning the 'drafts of Katherine Tynan. I have taken some liberties with the text in the matter of arrangement, but I hope there is nothing omitted which is of essential importance.' He is including 'a list of small questions', most of which he imagines 'Miss Pamela Hinkson could answer, and he offers to write to her himself.

[Dorothy L. Sayers.] Printed 'Memorial Service for Dorothy Leigh Sayers (Mrs. Atherton Fleming) M.A. (Oxon): Hon. D. Litt. (Durham)'.

[Dorothy L. Sayers [Dorothy Leigh Sayers] (1893-1957), English author]
Publication details: 
St. Margaret, Westminster, 'on Wednesday, 15th January, 1958 at 12.30 p.m.'

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with one fold. Front page reads: 'St. Margaret, Westminster | A Memorial Service for Dorothy Leigh Sayers (Mrs. Atherton Fleming) M.A. (Oxon): Hon. D. Litt. (Durham) | Born 13th June, 1893 | Died 17th December, 1957 | on Wednesday, 15th January, 1958 at 12.30 p.m.' The lessons were read by Val Gielgud and His Honour Judge Gordon Clark. Scarce: no copies recorded on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed item.] First Regiment, L. L. V. | The Memorial of the Seventh Company to the Committee of the Bread-Street Ward Armed Association, agreed on at a Meeting of the said Company, [...].

Josiah Lowe, Chairman [Seventh Company, First Regiment, L. L. V., Bread-Street Ward Armed Association, London]
Publication details: 
'[...] held at the White-Horse Tavern, Friday-Street, on Monday, November 12, 1804. Mr. Josiah Lowe, in the Chair.' Sorrell, Printer, Bartholomew-Close, Smithfield.

2pp., 8vo. On the first leaf of a bifolium of laid paper with watermark 'WILLIAMS | 1803'. On aged and worn paper, with closed tears and chipping to extremities.

[Sir Thomas Phillipps.] Photostat of the Deed of Settlement between Messrs Lionel and Philip Robinson, Anthony Forbes Moir and Anthony Jamieson Haggie, regarding the disposal of 'the residue' of the collection of manuscripts of Sir Thomas Phillipps.

[Sir Thomas Phillipps; William H. Robinson Ltd, London booksellers; Lionel Keir Robinson (1897-1983); Philip Ramsay Robinson; Anthony Jamieson Haggie; Anthony Forbes Moir (1903-1967); A. N. L. Munby]
Publication details: 
[London.] 12 May 1960.

12pp., 4to. On Gevaert paper. In very good condition, on twelve lightly-aged leaves stapled together. Present as part of the photostat is the stamp '19 MAY 1960 | No. 14728' in the top left-hand corner of the first page, which also reproduces the four Inland Revenue tax stamps. The document is a typescript, and begins: 'THIS DEED OF SETTLEMENT is made the [twelfth] day of [May] One thousand nine hundred and sixty BETWEEN LIONEL KEIR ROBINSON of Redwalls Beech Hill Hadley Wood in the County of Herts Company Director who is hereinafter individually called "Mr.

[University College, London.] Six printed handbills: four syllabuses or calendars of events, each headed 'Special Arrangements', with another for 'Special Courses in Psychology', and an announcement of a set of 'Public Introductory Lectures'.

[University College, London (University of London)] [T. Gregory Foster; Walter W. Seton; William McDougall; Carveth Reid; Sir William Ramsay; Sir John Macdonell; F. Mackarness; L. M. Brandin]
Publication details: 
Unversity College, London (University of London). The four relating to 'Special Arrangements' dating from 'First Term. Session 1904-1905' to 'First Term. - Session 1905-1906.' The 'Special Courses' for 1904-1905. The 'Lectures' for 1905-1906.

The six items in fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With stamps, shelfmarks and labels of the Board of Education Reference Library. The four calendars of 'Special Arrangements' are all 1p., foolscap 8vo, and signed in type at the foot by T. Gregory Foster, Principal, and Walter W. Seton, Acting Secretary. They give details of lectures and other information including the 'Reception of new Students by the Principal and the respective Deans' and the 'Last Day for receiving Essays'. The other two documents only carry Foster's signature in type.

[Inscribed printed booklet.] Christmas Roses for Nineteen Hundred and Fourteen.

F. W. Bourdillon [Francis William Bourdillon [1852-1921)] [Arthur L. Humphreys, 187 Piccadilly; Lord Roberts]
Publication details: 
London: Arthur L. Humphreys, 187 Piccadilly, W. [1914.]

[v] + 25pp., 12mo. In grey card wraps, with white label on front cover, carrying title in black and red. Internally good, in worn wraps with front hinge torn at head around a third of the total length. Inscribed on front free endpaper: 'with affectionate remembrance | from | F. W. Bourdillon'. The booklet contains ten poems, tastefully printed, and all relating directly or indirectly to the Great War. Titles include: 'The Coming of the Oversea Armies', 'A Lamentation over Belgium' and 'Lord Roberts'. Not common: seven copies on COPAC.

[Sir Michael Clapham, while proprietor of the Cloanthus Press, Cambridge.] Scrapbook of Sir Michael's wife Elisabeth, containing forty examples of items either printed by him, or with woodcuts by his sister Christiana, or a combination of both.

Sir Michael Clapham (1912-2002), printer and industrialist; his sister Christiana Muriel Clapham (d.1967), engraver; children of Sir John Harold Clapham (1873-1946) [Cloanthus Press, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
Items dating from between 1932 and 1937; many from the Clapham family home, Storey's End, Cambridge.

The 40 items range in size from 25 x 19cm to 5 x 4.5cm. All in good condition, lightly-aged, and all but five laid down on the grey paper leaves of a heavily-worn album, with back cover loose, and with ownership signature of Sir Michael's wife Elisabeth Clapham at head of first page. The couple married in 1935, and one of the 40 items is a card with text in red featuring Elisabeth's maiden name. It conveys 'Good wishes for Christmas & the New Year from Elisabeth Rea | 6 Barton Street, S.W.1'.

Printed order of British Privy Council, 'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846', describing 'the several duties of Customs' to be levied 'upon all goods, wares, and merchandize, imported into the district of Natal for consumption'.

William L. Bathurst [British Privy Council; Natal, South Africa; HM Customs and Excise]
Publication details: 
'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846. Present, The Queen's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.'

Drop-head title: 'At the Court at Windsor, the 26th day of September 1846. | PRESENT, | The QUEEN's Most Excellent Majesty in Council.' 12pp., foolscap 8vo. Paginated 1-12 and in two columns. No printer's slug. Signed in type at end 'Wm. L. Bathurst.' In fair condition, on aged paper with chips and short closed tears to central vertical fold. Spine repaired with archival tape. The first page headed in black ink manuscript 'Natal', and in red ink '144'. No other copy traced.

[Printed pamphlets.] Board of Education. Memorandum on Class Instruction at Schools for Mothers.

[Janet M. Campbell; L. A. Selby-Bigge; Board of Education, London]
Publication details: 
'This Paper may be referred to as Circular 912.' London: Printed under the Authority of His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Eyre and Spottiswoode, Limited, East Harding Street, E.C., Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. 1915.

14pp., 12mo. Stitched and unbound. In very good condition, lightly aged and worn. The 'Memorandum' is by Campbell, with a 'Prefatory Note' by Selby-Bigge, dated May 1915. Divided into two main sections: 'Class Teaching on the Consultation Day' ('Health Talks' and 'Sewing Class') and 'Classes held other than on the Consultation Day' ('Mothercraft, Hygiene, &c.', 'Sewing Class', 'Cookery', '"Advanced" Classes', 'General Arrangements' and 'Teachers'). Final section on 'The Local Education Authority'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Deputation to the President of the Board of Education and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Minutes of Proceedings.

[H. A. L. Fisher, President of the Board of Education; A. Bonar Law, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Sir Oliver Lodge; Sir Donald MacAlister; Sir Bertram Windle; Sir Alfred Ewing; Bragg; Gillespie]
Publication details: 
London: Universities Bureau of the British Empire, Imperial Institute, SW7. [Undated, but concerning a deputation on 23 November 1918.]

36pp., 12mo. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with rust to staple. With manuscript shelf-marks (of the Board of Education Reference Library). Compliments slip of the Universities Bureau of the British Empire tipped-in onto front cover. The first page begins: 'MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS of a Deputation of Representatives of the Universities of the United Kingdom and of certain other institutions doing work of University standard, which waited upon the President of the Board of Education (the Right Honourable H. A. L.

Manuscript account book of an East London sign painter: 'F. J. L. Foot | Ledger & Journal | Business Commencing | Aug 27th 1934'.

F. J. L. Foot, East London sign painter of the nineteen-thirties [sign writing]
Publication details: 
Dating from 27 August 1934 to 9 September 1937.

286pp., foolscap 8vo, with 143 numbered double-page spreads. In sturdy ruled account book with stamp of the London stationers Parnell & Co. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, in worn black-cloth binding. Each entry gives the name and address of the business for which the work was done, with details of the job including the dimensions of the letters, and cost. Although some work is done in central London (Bedford College, Regent's Park), most is for firms in the E17 (Walthamstow) and E18 (Woodford) postcodes, suggesting Foot's location in the same neighbourhood.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Saml. Smith') from the Whig poltician and barrister Hon. Samuel Stevens, asking the Adjutant General of the State of New York, L. Ward Smith, to be one of the 'groom's men' at his wedding.

Hon. Samuel Stevens (c.1798-1854) of Albany, New York, American barrister, Whig politician, friend and associate of Daniel Webster [L. Ward Smith (d.1863), Adjutant General of the State of New York]
Publication details: 
New York. 15 June 1842.

Stevens married Mary Frances Smith (d.1890; second husband John Fowler Butterworth), daughter of Silas O. Smith of Rochester, and two of their children were the novelist Augusta de Grasse Stevens (1852-1894), and Marie de Grasse, Lady Evans (d.1920), wife of the English Liberal politician Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907). 2pp., 4to. 35 lines of text. In good condition on lightly-aged paper. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with postmark, to 'Mr L Ward Smith | Rochester | N.Y-'. The letter begins: 'My dear Ward | How affectionate & familiar a man is, when he is about to ask a favor.

14 issues of 'The Australian EEB. An Informal Electronics Experimenters Bulletin', edited by R. L. Gunther.

R. L. Gunther, editor of 'The Australian EEB. An Informal Electronics Experimenters Bulletin', established 1964
Publication details: 
14 issues between vol. 4 no. 9 (October/November 1968) and vol.6 no. 4 (May 1970).

Ten of the fourteen in 4to, and around 20pp each; one 18pp., foolscap 8vo; the last three 16pp., 12mo. Leaves of advertisements (2pp., 4to) inserted. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper; one issue (October 1969) with loss to cover and damage to first few leaves. The first eleven issues are mimeographed (the fourth to eleventh with offset covers on yellow paper); the last three issues are offset litho. A quirky magazine (vol. 5 no.

Printed illustrated booklet by London publishers Macmillan and Co., Limited, advertising 'The Highways and Byways Series'.

[The Highways and Byways Series; Macmillan and Co., Limited, St. Martin's Street, London publishers; Joseph Pennell; Hugh Thomson; F. L. Griggs]
Publication details: 
London: Macmillan & Co., Limited, St. Martin's Street. 1909. [R. Clay and Sons, Ltd., Bread St. Hill, E.C., and Bungay, Suffolk.]

16pp., 12mo. Printed in green, with 15 illustrations (one on each page except p.2). Stitched. In fair condition, on aged paper. Separate 'NOTICE' (1p., 12mo) on blue paper loosely inserted, informing the public that the firm 'do no retail business whatever', and hoping 'that all orders will be given direct to the local booksellers'. Scarce: no copy on OCLC WorldCat or on COPAC.

[Small printed booklet.] Some Account of Mrs. Henry Ware, Jun. of America. Derived from Dr. Hall's Memoir. By R. L. Carpenter, B.A.

R. L. Carpenter, B.A. [Mary Lovell Ware [née Pickard] (1798-1849), wife of Henry Ware, Jun. (1794-1843), Unitarian Minister and mentor of Ralph Waldo Emerson; Edward B. Hall]
Publication details: 
Published by The Christian Tract Society. London: E. T. Whitfield, 178, Strand. [No year: 1850s?] [Letts, Son & Steer, Printers, 8, Royal Exchange, London.]

24pp., 12mo. Stitched into brown card wraps. Near fine on lightly-aged paper. Title-page on front cover, and drop-head title on p.1. An excessively scarce item, with no copy listed on COPAC or OCLC.

Autograph Note Signed by Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch, sent to L. S. Porter in response for a request for a signature.

Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch (1862-1944), poet and essayist, best-known for his anthology 'The Oxford Book of English Verse'
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Haven, Fowey, Cornwall. 17 September 1928.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The note reads: 'Sept. 17th. 1928 | Dear Sir | I send you my signature with pleasure, and I am | Yours very faithfully | [signed] Arthur Quiller-Couch | L. S. Porter Esq.'

Signed Typescript of the unpublished Second World War memoir of Commander Geoffrey Scott Stavert, Royal Artillery, 'Goodbye Campo 49. (A Slow March through Occupied Italy)', regarding his imprisonment and escape from a POW camp. With autograph note.

Commander Geoffrey Scott Stavert (d.2002), of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery [J. L. H. Batt [Jack Lynden Batt] (b.1922],
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [Southsea, 1970s?]

298pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper in blue ring binder. From the collection of J. L. H. Batt, who writes the following autograph note: 'Lt. Geoff. Stavert was E. Troop Commander of 155 Battery at Sidi Nsir Feb. 1943, & was my Troop Commander. On 26. 2. 43 I was up at the O.P as a Signaller on Hill 609.

Typescript of the unpublished war memoirs of J. L. H. Batt [Jack Lynden Batt], of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, entitled 'Nothing Spectacular 41-45', and describing incidents in North Africa and as a POW in Italy and Germany.

J. L. H. Batt [Jack Lynden Batt] (b.1922), of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery [POWs; Prisoners of War; Second World War]
Publication details: 
Undated [written in the 1960s?]. Covering events from June 1941 to April 1945.

i + 207pp., 8vo. Perfect bound in green card wraps, with green cloth spine. In good condition: lightly-aged and a little dogeared, in lightly-creased wraps with slight wear to spine. Tipped in onto the last page is an original 'Army Form B. 104-83', signed and stamped with date 16 March 1943, informing Batt's father that he was posted as missing on 27 February 1943 in North Africa. Nine chapters: 'The Western Desert'; 'Italy'; 'Gaschwyz'; 'Leipzig', 'Gaschwyz Again'; 'Boehlen, Leuna, Wiederitsch'; 'Lager Waldfrieden'; 'Russians'; 'Latvians'.

Typed transcript by J. L. H. Batt of the unpublished diaries of John Heath of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, describing Second World War 'happenings' in North Africa and in POW camps in Italy and Germany, With preface by Batt.

John Heath and J. L. H. Batt [Jack Lynden Batt], both of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery [Lager 31, Stalag IV-G; POWs; Prisoners of War; Second World War]
Publication details: 
Modern transcript. Account of events between 5 January 1943 and 12 May 1945.

ii + 177pp., 8vo. Each page on a separate leaf. Original typescript, not a carbon. In very good condition, in green card folder. The first paragraph of Batt's two-page preface reads: 'This transcript has been copied from original personal diaries of JOHN HEATH with whom I served in 155 Battery, 172 Field Regiment R.A.; an artillery unit of 25 pounder guns stationed at Mersham, Nr. Ashford in Kent. John and I were together through most of the happenings in North Africa, Italy and Germany described in these diaries until May 1945 when we got split up as the war in Europe was coming to an end.

Printed 'Property Plot' for a production of Ralph Lumley's 'Throrough-Bred' by 'Mr. J. L. Toole's Company', with stage manager's 'Call' sheet for 'Thoroughbred' by 'Mr. Edward A. Coventry & Mr. John R. Collins' Company'.

Publication details: 
Neither item with date or place. [First item: London: Toole's Theatre, 1893.]

The production to which the first item relates was Toole's last before being forced by gout to retire from the London stage. Both items in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper; the first with short closed tear at head. Both printed on one side only. Item One: 33 x 21 cm. Headed 'Mr. J. L. Toole's Company. | THOROUGH-BRED. | PROPERTY PLOT.' Listing, under 'Stage' and 'Hand', all the props needed for the three acts, the last (and shortest) entry reading '[ACT III.] HAND. | Field glasses, cases. Race cards for all. Letter (WILHELMINA). Set of bones (TOSH). Coins (all). 2 tambourines.

[Printed pamphlet.] A Sociological Experiment among Factory Girls. A Report of the Matsuyama Factory Girls' Home.

Sidney L. Gulick [Sidney Lewis Gulick (1860-1945); Matsuyama Factory Girls' Home, Japan]
Publication details: 
Dated 1 August 1907.

12pp., 4to, plus three leaves of plates on art paper. Stapled, in original buff printed wraps. A fragile item. Fair, on aged high-acidity paper, in chipped and worn wraps. Images captioned 'The First Photograph of the Sympathy Society', 'At School', 'At Play' and 'The Home'. Sections on the conversion of Shinjiro Omoto, and the 'Sympathy Home' ('Dojokwan'). Final 'Financial Statement' and 'Plans for Enlargement'. No copy on COPAC.

Printed programme of a concert by Albert Sammons, 'Assisted by Olive Goff (Soprano) | Gerald Moore (Pianist)', with cover photograph of Sammons signed by him, and containing an advertisement for Columbia New Process Records.

Albert Sammons [Albert Edward Sammons] (1886-1957), English violinist and composer [L. G. Sharpe, Haymarket; Olive Goff, soprano; Gerald Moore, pianist; Columbia New Process Records]
Publication details: 
'Programme and Book of Words SIXPENCE. L. G. SHARPE, 25, Haymarket, S.W.1.' Undated.

8pp., 12mo. On shiny art paper. On aged paper, with the two staples rusted. Sammons has signed over the cover portrait of him by 'Haile, Bognor', 'Sincerely Yrs | Albert Sammons'. Including texts by Mary E. Coleridge, Lord Lytton and Sir Rabindranath Tagore. Central opening carries an advertisement stating that 'ALBERT SAMMONS Records ONLY for COLUMBIA Records', with list of eight 'Recent ALBERT SAMMONS Records'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E. L. Blanchard') from the dramatist Edward Litt Laman Blanchard to Frederick Burgess.

E. L. Blanchard [Edward Litt Laman Blanchard] (1820-1889), English dramatist [Drury Lane; pantomime]
Publication details: 
6 Adelphi Terrace, Strand, WC [London]; 26 July 1878.

3pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Blanchard and his wife 'very seldom go out of a Sunday but should the weather be at all favourable' they will 'make a vigorous effort to avail ourselves of the strong temptation you have so kindly thrown in our way'. They will be 'quite content with an afternoon ramble in your beautiful garden and a chat with dear Mrs. Keeley'. He is sending 'impromptu lines written by my father nearly a Century ago' (not present) that he believes ought to be in Burgess's possession 'as a double ancestral inheritance'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Laman Blanchard') from the dramatist E. L. Blanchard [Edward Litt Laman Blanchard] to 'Carpenter'.

E. L. Blanchard [Edward Litt Laman Blanchard] (1820-1889), English dramatist, writer of numerous pantomimes for the Theatre Royal, Drury Lane
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on aged paper. He writes to decline Carpenter's 'flattering' offer: 'I now find my acceptance of an office in your Society though purely honorary, would be apt to be misinterpreted [...] I have another reason - that I am taking some part in endeavouring to form a great Author's Society of another kind, and it would look rather <?> and impudent to be playing the fiddle in all parts of the orchestra.'

French nineteenth-century handbill poem by 'L. N.' on the game of whist, titled 'Le Whist.'

'L. N.' [French nineteenth-century handbill poem on the game of whist]
Publication details: 
Date of publication and name of printer not stated [1840s Paris?].
Handbill poem by 'L. N.' on the game of whist

2 pp, 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium of wove paper. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. Signed 'L. N.' in type at end. A 114-line poem, in rhyming alexandrine couplets, beginning 'Messieurs, au jeu du whist adoptez constamment | L'air grave britannique et le flegme allemand.

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