J. L. Sachs [ illustrator for the Illustrated London News and theatre manager ] [ Isambard Kingdom Brunel; Clifton Suspension Bridge; Avon Gorge; Bristol ]
Publication details:
'from J Sachs, 203, Strand' [ Abbott, Barton & Co., London Advertising Agents ]. Undated [ circa 1860 ].
17.5 x 25 cm. In good condition, on lightly-aged and worn paper. In the bottom left-hand corner, in a close contemporary hand, in ink: 'The site for Hungerford Suspension Bridge. | from J Sachs, 203, Strand'. (203 Strand was the address of Abbott, Barton & Co., advertising agents.) In pencil at bottom left: 'Clifton -', with the word 'River' in lighter pencil towards the centre. The view, in grey pencil wash, shows a pleasing view down the Avon Gorge, with the Bridge's two towers the only part of the structure completed.