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[ Richard St John Tyrwhitt, art critic. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R St John Tyrwhitt') to 'Miss Bosworth', presenting a copy of his 'A Handbook of Pictorial Art' to her. With inscribed copy of the book.

Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A. [ Richard St John Tyrwhitt (1827-1895), English art critic, cleric and supporter of John Ruskin ]
Publication details: 
Lettter dated 29 March 1869, no place. Book published at the Clarendon Press, Oxford. 1868.

Letter: 1p., 12mo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased. Attached by the blank second leaf of the bifolium to the reverse of the front free endpaper of the book. Envelope addressed by Tyrwhitt to 'Miss Bosworth | Parks Town' tipped-in beside the letter. He is not sure whether she has a copy of 'my art-book', which she mentioned 'the other day'. 'If not, will you kindly accept of this one, tho I fear it is not a very good one in the illustrations?' Book: [xv] + 480pp., 8vo. Sixteen-page November 1868 publisher's catalogue at rear.

[ Richard St John Tyrwhitt, art critic. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('R St John Tyrwhitt') to 'Mrs Paul', regarding his book 'Our Sketching Club. Letters and Studies on Landscape Art.' With a copy of the book.

Rev. R. St. John Tyrwhitt, M.A. [ Richard St John Tyrwhitt (1827-1895), English art critic, cleric and supporter of John Ruskin ]
Publication details: 
Letter from Ketilley, Oxford, on cancelled letterhead of Christ Church. 25 September 1875. Book published by Macmillan and Co., London, 1874.

Letter: 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Laid down on the book's flyleaf. In very good condition, lightly-aged. He hears about his book 'every now & then & I suppose it goes off all right'. He advises Mrs Paul to tell her correspondent that 'she has only to go on with its lessons & exercises', and that 'The woodcuts are all meant to be copied, & a fair amount of directions is given.

[ William Reade, junior. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('W Reade jun.') to 'The Editor', agreeing to act as dramatic critic to London 'a literary periodical'.

William Reade, junior, of Ringwood, Hampshire, Victorian poet, lawyer, playwright and dramatic critic
Publication details: 
14 Upper Porchester Street, Cambridge Square [ London ]. 16 February 1861.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium with mourning border. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He is 'willing to undertake the office' under the rules mentioned: 'the two theatres you mention shall invariably be noticed - also the Panorama'.

[Lionel Trilling, American literary critic.] Typed Letter Signed ('Lionel Trilling') to 'Miss Last', discussing the critical response to his novel ('The Middle of the Journey') and 'the choice' between two books on Oscar Wilde'.

Lionel Trilling (1905-1975), American literary critic
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 620 West 116 Street, New York, 27, N.Y. Undated [circa 1947?].

2pp., 12mo. 33 lines of text. The first paragraph reads: 'Dear Miss Last: | I'm afraid I can't give you first-hand help on the choice between [Frank] Harris and [Hesketh] Pearson on Wilde - ignorance, madam, sheer ignorance. But I consulted a friend who is interested in Wilde and knows the literature well and he says that you should not accept either without the other, that they each offer views that are necessary for an attempt to get the figure of Wilde in reasonable view.

[Morton Luce, Shakespeare scholar.] 29 ALsS, 1 ANS and 1 ACS, to R. N. Green-Armytage of Bath, on literary and personal affairs, with reference to individuals including Edmund Gosse and Sir Israel Gollancz.

Morton Luce (1849-1943), Shakespearian scholar, author of 'A Handbook to the Works of William Shakespeare' and 'Shakespeare, the Man and His Work' [Robert North Green-Armytage (d.1966) of Bath]
Publication details: 
All from 6 Walliscote Road, South, Weston-super-Mare. Between 18 August 1921 and 29 October 1929.

The letters total 36pp., 12mo; 12pp., 8vo. The collection is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Seventeen of the envelopes are present, all addressed to Green-Armytage at Bath (fourteen to 22 Bathwick Hill, two to 5 Queen's Parade, and one to 'Bath').

[Printed item.] [The Study of Arts in a Modern University.] University College Liverpool Faculty of Arts. Arts Students' Association. Session 1899-1900. First Annual Academic Address by Walter Raleigh the King Alfred Professor of Modern Literature.

Walter Raleigh, the King Alfred Professor of Modern Literature [University College Liverpool Faculty of Arts, Arts Students' Association]
Publication details: 
At the University Press of Liverpool. 1899. ['No. 1. 500 Copies, Nov., 1899.']

20pp., 4to. Stitched, in grey printed wraps. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. With stamps, shelfmark and label of the Education Department Reference Library. The title 'The Study of Arts in a Modern University' is present, printed in red, on the front cover. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Oxford and Liverpool.

[Francis Jeffrey, Lord Jeffrey.] Autograph Letter Signed ('F. Jeffrey') to his nephew by marriage John Hunter, describing his anxiety on losing Hunter as his 'agent and adviser', on his appointment as Auditor of the Court of Sessions.

Francis Jeffrey (1773-1850), Lord Jeffrey, editor of the 'Edinburgh Review' [John Hunter (1801-1869) of Craigcrook, son of Professor James Hunter (1745-1837), and nephew by marriage of Jeffrey]
Publication details: 
Craigcrook. 25 October 1849.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with closed tears unobtrusively repaired with archival tape. Addressed to 'John Hunter Esqre | Auditor of Court of Sn.' Written three months before Jeffrey's death, the letter begins: 'My dear Hunter - I hope you do not think that I have been forgetful of you - or indifferent to your fortunes - or ungrateful for your very kind expressions - and I firmly believe feelings - towards me - because I may appear to have been slow in offering you my congratulations on your late appointment [as Auditor of the Court of Sessions]'.

[David Mather Masson, Scottish biographer and literary critic.] Autograph Letter Signed ('David Masson') to an unnamed correspondent, granting permission to make use of one of his articles.

David Masson [David Mather Masson] (1822-1907), Scottish biographer, literary critic and editor
Publication details: 
58 Great King Street, Edinburgh. 17 April 1888.

1p., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. He assumes his correspondent refers to an article which 'appeared long ago in the North British Review'. He has only 'a slight recollection of its nature or contents', but the correspondent is 'welcome, so far as I am concerned, to any use of quotations from it that may suit your purpose'.

[Two printed works bound together.] Hamilton's 'An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Annotated Shakspere' and 'Mr. J. Payne Collier's reply to Mr. N. E. S. Hamilton's "Inquiry"'.

N. E. S. A. Hamilton [Nicholas Esterhazy Stephen Armytage Hamilton (d.1915)] of the Manuscript Department of the British Museum; John Payne Collier (1789-1883), Shakespearian critic and forger
Publication details: 
Hamilton: London: Richard Bentley, New Burlington Street, Publisher in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 1860. Payne Collier: London: Bell and Daldy, 186 Fleet Street. 1860.

Both works first editions, and both in good condition, on aged paper. Bound together in late nineteenth-century red cloth half-binding, with marbled boards. Title on spine: 'COLLIER CONTROVERSY | H.R.H. | 1919'. Hamilton title in full: 'An Inquiry into the Genuineness of the Manuscript Corrections in Mr. J. Payne Collier's Annotated Shakspere, Folio, 1632; and of certain Shaksperian Documents likewise published by Mr. Collier'. [4] + 155pp., 4to. With frontispiece and two plates, one of them double-page. Collier title in full: 'Mr. J. Payne Collier's reply to Mr. N. E. S.

[Printed Book; authorial inscription etc] Discourses in America

Matthew Arnold [ Lady Dorothy Neville, 'writer, hostess, horticulturist and plant collector']
Publication details: 
First edition. London, Macmillan and Co., 1885

[xiv], 207pp., dark green cloth, corners bumped, mainly good to very good. A copy inscribed by Matthew Arnold to Lady Dorothy Neville, 'writer, hostess, horticulturist and plant collector', with a letter by Arnold concerning his gift of the book tipped in. Also with prined "From the Author" note enclosed (loose), a printed bookplate alleging "Stolen from Lady Dorothy Neville", and a newspaper clipping concerning Matthew Arnold's burial place tipped in. The letter from Arnold reads as follows: "Dear Lady Dorothy | The Fourth Party are excellent company, but Sunday is impossible for me.

[Ivor Brown, journalist and Shakespeare scholar.] Typed Letter Signed to L. F. Salzman, agreeing with the opinions expressed in his 'Random Scrap Book' regarding modern art and literature ('one has the frequent sensation of standing on a cow-pat').

Ivor Brown [Ivor John Carnegie Brown] (1891-1974), English journalist, literary critic and Shakespeare scholar [L. Z. Salzman; John Arden]
Publication details: 
20 Christchurch Hill, London NW3. 3 October 1958.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. Salzman's book had been published by Heffers of Cambridge in the previous year, and Brown finds that its 'scraps make such excellent feeding'.

Part of Autograph Letter Signed by the novelist Charles Reade [to Manton Marble, proprietor of the New York World?], asking that a 'gentleman' should not be 'my public critic in the World', and that the recipient should himself review his play.

Charles Reade (1814-1884), English novelist and playwright [Manton Marble (1834-1917), editor and proprietor of the New York World]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Post 1860.]

2pp., on both sides of the lower half of a 4to leaf. The recto is numbered by Reade '2', indicating that the two pages constitute the second leaf of a letter. The text reads: '[...] therefore you will consent to do me a bare act of justice viz not to let that gentleman be my public critic in "the World." Of course I should be still more pleased if you would do me the honor to see the play yourself and pronounce upon it. However half a loaf is better than no bread.

Autograph Letter Signed from William Archer to an unnamed correspondent, giving conditions for the republication of his poem 'In Praise of Puns', originally published in Henry James Byron's 'Mirth'.

William Archer (1856-1924), Scottish literary critic and journalist, friend of George Bernard Shaw and supporter of Ibsen [Henry James Byron (1835-1884), English playwright]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the National Liberal Club, Whitehall Place, SW [London]. 14 March 1908.

2pp., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. A pencil footnote states that the poem referred to is 'In Praise of Puns' (subtitled on that occasion 'Paronomasiarum Laudatio'), published in the magazine 'Mirth', edited by H. J. Byron, 1878, p.115. Archer has no objection to the poem being reprinted, 'on one or other of two conditions: that you either omit my name (and any description pointing to me), or give the date of their original publication, and the name of the magazine (Mirth was it not?) in which they appeared. In either case, please omit the Latin sub-title.'

Autograph Letter Signed from the Scottish literary biographer David Masson to John T. Baron of Blackburn, discussing some of his publications.

David Masson (1822-1907) [David Mather Masson], Scottish biographer, literary scholar and editor, biographer of Milton and editor of De Quincey [John T. Baron of Blackburn, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
6 Minto Street, Edinburgh. 20 March 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In worn envelope, stamped and postmarked, and addressed by Masson to J. T. Baron, Esq., | 18 Griffin Street, | Wilton, | Blackburn.' He discusses 'British Novelists and their Styles' and 'Essays, Biographical and Critical', before turning to a third work. 'The sketches in Macmillan about which you enquire have not been reprinted in a collected form, & are accessible only in the old numbers of the magazine.' He gives Professor J. S. Blackie's address, and concludes: 'Accept my best thanks for the courteous expressions of your note.'

Autograph Letter Signed from the English playwright and comic author Tom Taylor to 'Col: Cunningham' [later Sir Alexander Cunningham], regarding a painting of the Countess of Pembroke, and Cunningham's collection of pictures.

Tom Taylor (1817-1880), English playwright and art critic at The Times, whose play 'Our American Cousin' was being performed when Lincoln was assassinated [Sir Alexander Cunningham (1814-1893)]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Local Government Act Office, 8 Richmond Terrace, Whitehall. 24 November [no year].

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Untidily-written by Taylor, with several ink smudges. The letter begins: 'Dear Col: Cunningham | I find recorded, in my catalogues, no other portrait of Eliz: Countess of Pembroke & her son, except the one in the Earl of Pembroke's possession at Wilton House. There is a repetition of the group of mother & son in that picture, with the Earl in it, in Wilton House. Lord Normanton has a head of the Lady, painted at the same time, apparently'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Anna Jameson') from the Irish writer and art historian Anna Brownell Jameson to 'Mr Colnaghi' [the printseller Dominic Colnaghi], listing prints she wishes him to procure for her 'Sacred and Legendary Art' (1848).

Anna Jameson [Anna Brownell Jameson, née Murphy] (1794-1860), Irish writer and art historian [Dominic Colnaghi (1790-1879), London printseller and art dealer]
Publication details: 
'Ealing Monday. [c.1848]'

2pp., 12mo. 21 lines of text. Good, on aged paper. She lists four 'figures of St Alexis' which she has found among her memoranda (the first: 'By B. Lutti - much praised by Lanzi - but I know not whether engraved'). Following the four is 'St Adrian. Domenichius Engraved by Gregori'. She asks: Have you any of these or could you procure them for me?' She will be in town the following day, and is 'in desperation about the St Alexis because the press is stopped for want of him - pray help me if you can!'

Signed copies of two long Typed Letters from James Agate to Montague Shearman, regarding the 'Controversy' surrounding Noel Coward's 1931 play 'Cavalcade', forwarded with two covering notes by Agate's secretary Alan 'Jock' Dent to E. F. Gye.

James Agate (1877-1947), critic [Alan Dent [Alan 'Jock' Dent; Jock Dent] (1905-1978), journalist; Montague Shearman (1886-1940), art collector; Ernest Frederick Gye (1879-1955), diplomat; Noel Coward]
Publication details: 
The copies of Agate's letters to Shearman, 5 and 6 November 1931; Dent's notes to Gye of the same dates; all four items on letterheads of 25 Palace Court, London, W2.
Signed copies of two long Typed Letters from James Agate

A total of 8 pp, 4to, all on Palace Court letterheads. Dent's notes both signed 'Jock Dent.', and the copies both signed 'James Agate'. Two important, energetic and vivid letters by Agate, totalling 6 pp, 4to, defending Coward's play and his position on 'the intellectual and the popular', against the 'pseudo-intelligentsia' of the barristers Shearman and 'Jack' St John Hutchinson (1884-1942).

Substantial Autograph Letter Signed from Herbert Palmer to Amy Cruse, discussing in detail the relative merits of his book 'Post-Victorian Poetry' and her 'After the Victorians', with unsigned autograph draft of Cruse's reply.

Herbert Palmer [Herbert Edward Palmer] (1880-1961), English poet [Amy Cruse, English author]
Publication details: 
Both Palmer's letter and the copy of Cruse's reply undated [both circa 1938]. Palmer's letter from 22 Batchwood View, St Albans, Herts.
Substantial Autograph Letter Signed from Herbert Palmer to Amy Cruse

Both items good, on lightly-aged paper. Palmer's letter: 4to, 6 pp. Text clear and complete. He begins by apologising if his letter to her 'sounded very ungracious': 'I was unaware at the time that you had made any acknowledgement to me, and as I have had my brains picked so frequently without acknowledgment (including, of course, plagiarisms from my poems) I was again feeling rather depressed & exasperated'. While describing her book as 'really [...] very good' and 'reliable', he suggests a number of changes, giving examples of 'where we clash'.

Autograph Note Signed ('M. Willson Disher') to the Secretary's Office, Clarendon Press, accompanying a statement of his 'qualifications'.

Maurice Willson Disher (1893-1969), British theatre critic and playwright
Publication details: 
16 December 1948. 24 Bradstock Road, Ewell, Surrey.
Autograph Note Signed ('M. Willson Disher') to the Clarendon Press

4to, 1 p. Trimming at head has resulted in loss to the first line of Disher's address; otherwise text clear and complete. On lightly-aged and creased paper, with jagged trimming at head and in bottom right-hand corner, and three punch holes to margin. Bearing the stamp of the Secretary's Office, Clarendon Press, Oxford. He is returning the 'corrected typescript' and is setting out his qualfications. The bottom section to the letter contain eight lines of these. Disher describes himself as 'contributor to leading journals on the subject of public entertainments in general'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Walter'), in German, to 'Mein lieber Bert!'

Walter Koschatzky (1921-2003), German art critic
Publication details: 
28 March 1939; on his letterhead as 'Direktor der Cöpenicker Boden Akt. Ges. Wolfsgarten u. der Erkner Berliner Vorort-Terrainges. mbH.'

4to, 4 pp. Bifolium. 59 lines of text. Clear and complete. On lightly-aged paper, with 4.5 cm closed tears to the outer edge of central horizontal fold to both leaves. A large part of the letter would appear to concern washing machines, including a reference to a new one on the American market, called the 'Waterflex'. A few lines in English at end: 'Many thanks for your Birthday-carte. Sorry year it arrived 1 month to [sic] late.' Sends love to 'Dorothy', and reference in text to 'Kajitan': 'Das wird Dir bestimmt Freude machen. Das ist alles viel besser als die Politik.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir H[enry]. Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir James Lewis Caw
Publication details: 
22 December 1916; on National Gallery [of Scotland], Edinburgh, letterhead.

Scottish art critic and engineer (1864-1950). One page, octavo. Very good. Bearing the Society's stamp. 'It is very good of the Council of the Royal Society of Arts to ask me to become a member, but, while thanking them, I regret that I do not see my [^ way,] at present, to join any more societies.' Signed 'James L. Caw'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed to Messrs George Routledge & Sons.

Allan Menzies (1845-1916), Professor of Biblical Criticism, St Andrews University
Publication details: 
4 and 6 February 1906; both on letterheads of 58 South Street, St. Andrews, Fifeshire.

Both items good on lightly-aged paper. Letter One (12mo, 2 pp): Having considered the question of the fee for a piece of writing, he does 'not know very well what to say. Perhaps you might give me what the Hibbert Journal pays its contributors.' (Docketed in pencil in the margin: 'What is that?') He 'could do the work when the College Session is over - at the end of March'. Asks to be informed 'what is necessary of the arrangements', and to be sent 'the sheets of the book.

A large collection of unpublished material, mostly typewritten, towards a thesis entitled 'William Hazlitt, A Study of his Character & Works'. With a large collection of newspaper and magazine extracts and other printed matter relating to Hazlitt.

John Cuming Walters (1863-1933), Editor of the Manchester City News and Manchester Evening Chronicle [William Hazlitt; C. H. Herford]
Publication details: 
Circa 1914.

A specialist on Dickens and Tennyson, Cuming Walters was for many years a central figure in the literary life of the north-west of England. Shortly before his death (and as reported in The Times, 28 April 1932) he boasted of having written 'between 15,000 and 20,000 leading articles, nearly 20,000 reviews of books, 8,000 dramatic notices, and 15,000 special articles. He had published about 20 books and had written 250 lectures.' The present collection is divided into two parts. A.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Ernest Havet'), in French [to someone living in Sainte-Beuve's old house].

Eugène Auguste Ernest Havet (1813-1889), French scholar.
Publication details: 
21 February 1872; Vitry.

16mo: 1 p. 14 lines of text. Close hand. He is touched that Sainte-Beuve has found time, in the midst of his labours, to write a letter expressing his 'adhésion'. 'Je suis heureux de penser, en vous écrivant rue Montparnasse [Sainte-Beuve lived at no. 11], que la philosophie et l'esprit d'indépendence ont toujours un ami dans la maison de Sainte-Beuve'.

Papers on Literature and Art.

S. Margaret Fuller [Sarah Margaret Fuller Ossoli]
Publication details: 
Two volumes. London: Wiley & Putnam, 6, Waterloo Place. 1846.

8vo: [viii] + 164 pp; [iv] + 183 pp. Bound together in contemporary half calf binding, gilt, marbled boards and endpapers. A tight copy, printed on aged, spotted paper, with occasional light damp-spotting, in worn binding. Bookplate of Aemiliani Reich, on spotted, aged paper, by Gordon Browne, on front pastedown. The first volume has a four-page preface by 'S.M.F.', dated 'New York, July, 1846.' Both volumes contain eight essays.

Offprint of article entitled 'Thomas Randolph. A Neglected Poet. 1605-1634.'

Mrs Reginald Brown [Thomas Randolph (1605-1635); Northampton Natural History Society and Field Club]
Publication details: 
[Journal of the Northampton Natural History Society and Field Club, 1932.]

8vo: 11 pp (on 6 leaves) paginated 127-137. Plate carrying portrait of Randolph facing p.132. Stitched and unbound. Heavily foxed, and with a central vertical fold. PRESENTATION COPY, with the words 'With the writer's Compliments.' at head of p.127. The source of the article is deduced from the information contained on the verso of final leaf, which is headed '56th Annual Report, 1932.' No copy of this offprint listed on COPAC.

Offprint entitled 'Notice sur Mr. F.-G. Maurice, l'un des Rédacteurs de la Bibliothèque Britannique et Universelle.'

[Fréderic-Guillaume Maurice (1750-1826), French-Swiss savant, one of the founders in 1796 of the Bibliothèque Britannique [Bibliothèque Universelle]
Publication details: 
Tiree de la Division Litterature de la Bibl. Univ. [Bibliothèque Universelle] Nov. 1826'.

8vo, 13 pp. Paginated I-XV. Eight-leaf unbound bifolium. Unbound and unstitched, the whole held together by a pin in the gutter. Good, on wove paper, but with title-page somewhat discoloured with damp. Separate printed title, 'NOTICE SUR Mr. F. G. MAURICE.' Inscribed [to?] at head of title-page, 'Msr Marshall Newton-Kyme, Tadcaster, Yorkshire'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Robert Cust') to Horace Bleackley (1868-1931).

Robert Cust [Robert Henry Hobart Cust] (1861-1940), English art critic, an authority on the renaissance [Horace Bleackley; John Wilkes]
Publication details: 
12 October [no year]; on letterhead of Vernon House, Lyndhouse Road, Hampstead.

12mo, 4 pp. Good, on lightly aged paper, but with a thin strip along the outer edge of the second leaf of the bifolium with glue staining from previous mounting, and a 3.5 x 0.5 piece missing at head causing damage to one word ('hers'). Otherwise text clear and entire. Cust's aunt has informed him 'that she has at present in her possession in London all the papers belonging to Sir John Cust that remain'. She does not however think that they contain much about Wilkes.

Typed Note Signed ('W L Courtney') to Miss E. F. Davies.

William Leonard Courtney (1850-1928), British critic and editor of the 'Fortnightly Review'
Publication details: 
19 November 1907; on letterhead 53 Gordon Square, W.C. [London].

One page, on piece of paper roughly seven inches by eight wide. On aged paper laid down on a piece of card, and with some wear and paper and glue stains. 'My dear Madam, | In reply to your letter of Novr. 18th, I have pleasure in sending you my autograph, as you desire.' Four-line printed biographical cutting in bottom right-hand corner.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. C. Colles') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Henry Cope Colles (1879-1943), music historian and critic of The Times of London [the British Red Cross; Royal Horse Artillery]
Publication details: 
11 November 1916; on letterhead of the R.A. Cadet School, Ordnance Road, St John's Wood, London N.W.

12mo: 4 pp. On grey paper. Very good, with a small strip of discolouration over the Royal Artillery crest. Bearing the Society's stamp. He is glad that his 'article on the Red Cross' interested Wood: 'in other circumstances it would have given me much pleasure to follow up the article with an address to your Society on the subject', but 'the work of the Cadet school, which I entered a couple of months ago, takes up my entire time'.

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