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Autograph Letter Signed ('N: Vansittart') from Chancellor of the Exchequer Nicholas Vansittart to Whig MP William Smith, discussing James Walker's 'Letters on the West Indies', and voicing approval for the spread of Walker's 'mild system' of slavery.

Nicholas Vansittart, 1st Baron Bexley (1766-1851), Tory Chancellor of the Exchequer [William Smith (1730-1819), Whig abolitionist; James Walker, Commissioner for Crown Estates in Berbice, Guyana]
Publication details: 
Downing Street [London]; 16 February 1818.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. An important letter, in which the serving Chancellor of the Exchequer puts his position concerning slavery (a subject of extreme importance to the British Treasury), siding with a prominent apologist for the practice, James Walker, one of the commissioners managing the Crown Estates at Berbice.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. O. Sargent') from the Whig politician and editor John Osborne Sargent to the Boston abolitionist poltiician Charles Sumner, on his moving to New York to work as assistant editor on the New York Courier and Examiner.

John Osborne Sargent (1811-1891), American Whig politician, lawyer, journalist and author [Charles Sumner (1811-1874), abolitionist Massachusetts senator]
Publication details: 
New York. 16 August [1837].

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. 65 lines of text. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed, on reverse of second leaf, 'To | Charles Sumner Esq. | Boston', with docketed date giving year. He writes that he had hoped to see Sumner before leaving Boston. 'Will you give my best regards to your friend Dr. Lieber, and assure him of my sincere obligations for his unsolicited & therefore more acceptable kindness.' He is 'in all respects' pleased with his 'situation' in New York: 'It is every wise more independent - & more "uninterfered-with" than ever; besides opening a large field and better prospects'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('T: Gisborne.') to Messrs Cadell & Davies.

Thomas Gisborne (1758-1846), Prebendary of Durham, theologian and poet, member of the Clapham Sect [Cadell & Davies, booksellers, Strand, London]
Publication details: 
24 December 1817; Yoxall Lodge.

8vo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Thirty-four lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on aged and lightly-stained paper. An informative letter, casting light on the relation between publisher and author in Georgian England. Gisborne's aim is to give 'information respecting some employment which, if it please God, I shall have for one of your Presses'. He has in mind 'a little Volume [...] in large 8vo. like my works in general [...] such a book as Mr. Coopers letters [...] Its Title is, "The testimony of natural Theology to Christianity'.

Statement of Facts, illustrating the Administration of the Abolition Law, and the Sufferings of the Negro Apprentices in the Island of Jamaica.

[Dr. A. L. Palmer, late Special Justice in Jamaica] [the abolition of the slave trade; West Indies; slavery]
Publication details: 
London: Printed by John Haddon, Castle Street, Finsbury. Sold by William Ball, Aldine Chambers, Paternoster Row. 1837.

12mo: 36 pp. Stitched. In twentieth-century card wraps. Good, with a little light spotting, on aged paper. Note, dated 'December 30th, 1837.', on last page, attributes the work to Palmer. Scarce: half of the ten copies listed on COPAC are facsimile or microfilm editions.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George William Frederick Howard, Seventh Earl of Carlisle [AS VISCOUNT MORPETH]
Publication details: 
25 April [no year, but prior to 1833]; London.

English aristocrat and liberal politician (1802-64). One page, 12mo. Good, but lightly creased, with traces of previous blue-paper mount adhering to verso of blank second leaf of bifoliate. Read 'Sir, | I shall have much pleasure in presenting the Petition for the Abolition of Slavery from Gomersal which has been kindly placed in my hands. | I have the honor to be, | Sir, | Your very obedt Servt | [signed] Morpeth.' The Abolition of Slavery Act was passed in 1833.

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