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Six anaglypographic engravings, showing the two sides of three medals, depicting James Watt (by Chantrey), William Hogarth (Art Union of London) and Sir Christopher Wren (Art Union of London).

[ Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey; William Wyon (1795-1851) of the Royal Mint; William Bain; numismatic; coins and medals; anglyptography; the Art Union of London ]
Publication details: 
The Watt medal dating from London, 1843. The Wren medal (1846) and Hogarth medal (1848), both by the Art Union of London.

Each of the sets of two engravings on a separate strip of paper, each roughly 7 x 15.5 cm. Printed in black. In good condition, lightly aged and worn. The three strips laid down on the same side of a 35.5 x 26 cm leaf removed from an album. In pencil in a contemporary hand at head of page: 'Anaglyptographic Engravings', and beneath the second strip, 'William Hogarth 1697-1764', and beneath the third, 'Christopher Wren Born 1632. Died 1723'.

[The Melville Monument, Edinburgh.] Manuscript 'Minute of a Meeting of the Committee of Subscribers to the Monument recently erected by the Navy to the Memory of the late Lord Viscount Melville.' By 'D. M.' [Admiral Sir David Milne?]

'D. M.' [probably Admiral Sir David Milne (1762-1845)] [Henry Dundas (1742-1811), 1st Viscount Melville; Melville Monument, St Andrew Square, Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh. 24 January 1827.

4pp., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. With covering leaf docketted: 'Minute of a Meeting of the Committee of Subscribers to the Monument recently erected by the Navy to the Memory of the late Lord Viscount Melville - held 24 January | 1827'. The document begins with a list of those present: 'Admiral Sir David Milne K.C.B. | Captain Tait R.N. | Captain Stoddart R.N. | Captain Dalyell R.N. | and | Michael Linning Secretary | Admiral Sir David Milne in the Chair'. The minute ends '(signed) D. M.', and is presumably the work of Milne, and in his hand.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Allan Cunningham
Publication details: 
27 Lower Belgrave Place 3 Sep. 1828'.

Scottish poet and writer (1784-1842). One page, 8vo. In very good condition, if somewhat grubby. Folded three times. Reverse bears remains of glue from previous mounting along one edge. An interesting letter from an important literary figure of the period, contributor to 'Blackwood's' and the 'London', friend of James Hogg, Scott, Carlyle, Charles Lamb and many other writers, and for many years secretary to the sculptor Sir Francis Legatt Chantrey. He thanks his correspondent for his 'clever Book' and 'kind offer'.

Autograph Note Signed ('F Chantrey') to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir Francis Chantrey [Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey] (1781-1841), English sculptor [the Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
Tuesday morng' [no date].

Seven lines on one side of a piece of aged wove paper, roughly 12.5 x 10 cm. A hurried, smudged communication. Reads 'My Dear Sir | I have the ill luck to be obliged to attend a Council of the Royal Academy. We commence business punctually [last word underlined] at 8 oClock - Confound the R.A.!!! | Truly yrs | [signed] F Chantrey | Tuesday Morng'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Alfred Edward Chalon.

Sir Francis Leggatt Chantrey
Publication details: 
Belgrave place | Thursday Ev[eni]ng.' [no year].

English painter and sculptor (1781-1841). The recipient (1780-1860) was an English artist of Swiss descent. One page, quarto. Good, but with traces of previous brown-paper mount adhering to rear and minor damage to several corners. Reads 'My Dear Sir | When I asked you for an impression I had not seen the composition & had no idea that I was asking so much - believe me I feel very grateful for your kindness in putting me in possession of so very interesting a work - I do not mean to be understood as speaking of Lithography only.

Autograph Signatures on fragment of petition.

Sir Francis Legatt Chantrey, William Frederick Witherington, John Jackson, James Lonsdale, Thomas Christopher Hofland, Robert Balmanno
Publication details: 
Without place or date (but before 1831).

Four noted British artists of the earlier part of the nineteenth-century: Witherington (1785-1865), Jackson (1778-1831), Lonsdale (1777-1839), and Hofland (1777-1843), together with the sculptor Chantrey (1781-1841), and the art critic and connoisseur Balmanno (1780-1861), who left England for America in the early 1830s. Paper dimensions roughly three inches by four. Creased, and on paper discoloured with age, with show-through from remains of seal under Chantrey's signature. Reads 'J Chantrey | W. F. Witherington | John Jackson | James Lonsdale. | T. C. Hofland | Robert Balmanno'.

Autograph letter signed to Geo. R. Ward, engraver of portraits.

Allan Cunningham.
Publication details: 
Belgrave House, 7 June 1831.

Poet and man of letters (1784-1842). He reports that Chantrey (presumably the sculptor) left home and had "professional matters" to keep him away for some time. Asker[Asher?] might not be contactable, though he will"chance" a letter to him.

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