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[ The Siberian 'Katorga' in Imperial Russia. ] English translation (by Peter Kropotkin?) from the French, of Émile Andreoli's account of his captivity following the January Uprising, titled ''Siberian Convicts' Life'. Containing unpublished material.

Émile Andreoli (1835-1900), Franco-Italian writer and inventor, sent to Siberia following his participant in the Polish 'January Uprising', 1863-1864 [ Peter Kropotkin, Russia; Russian Katorga ]
Publication details: 
Without details or date. [London, 1880s? Certainly after 1869.]

99pp., 8vo. Each page typed on a separate piece of paper ruled with red marginal borders. The manuscript housed in a contemporary thumb-indexed ledger, with each leaf tipped-in onto the recto of a leaf of the ledger. The manuscript in good condition, lightly-aged and worn; the ledger heavily worn and shaken, and lacking covers. Andreoli's name is not given anwhere in this item. Title-page with typed title 'Siberian Convicts' Life'. Above the title, in manuscript is '? Convict-Life', and typed beneath the title is a six-line epigram from Goethe.

[Printed handbill poem.] "La Belgique Martyre." Poème du maître belge Emile Verhaeren, dont la publication a été autorisée par l'auteur comme contribution a l'oeuvre "Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges."

Emile Verhaeren [Asiles des Soldats Invalides Belges; German war crimes in Belgium; the First World War]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [Circa 1918.]

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. The poem, of 60 irregular lines, is placed (with a facsimile of Verhaeren's signature at the foot) within a thick floral border, reminiscent of the Arts and Crafts movement. It begins: 'Ce n'est qu'un bout de sol dans l'infini du monde. | Le Nord | Y déchaîne le vent qui mord. | Ce n'est qu'un peu de terre avec sa mer au bord | Et le déroulement de sa dune inféconde.' Scarce: no copy in the Bibliotheque Nationale, on COPAC or in the Imperial War Museum.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. Taine'), in French, from the critic Hippolyte Taine to an unnamed firm of English-language publishers, thanking them for payment for a translation of his 'Histoire de la Littérature Anglaise', and discussing other works.

Hippolyte Taine (1828-1893), French critic and historian [Henri Van Laun (1820-1896); Edmonston & Douglas, Edinburgh publishers]
Publication details: 
30 March 1872; Chatenay par Antony, Seine.

3 pp, 16mo. 47 lines. Text clear and complete. In small tight and difficult hand. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by thanking them for the cheque for a thousand francs for the translation of the book by Henri Van Laun, before going on, in response to an enquiry from the recipients, to discuss other translations of his work into English, with reference to the London publishers Sampson Low & Co, and Reeves & Co.

Autograph Letter Signed C Bemont [Charles Bemont, French scholar and autograph-collector] to unnamed correspondent [M. Kirkaldy, ref. to Madame Kirkaldy within], with Alfred Dreyfus calling card and autograph message and his own card with message

Charles Bemont, French scholar and autograph-collector [Alfred Dreyfus message on calling card]
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] 9 Rue du Condé, 27 Oct. 1902.
ALS Charles Bemont, French scholar & Dreyfus calling card message

Four pages, 12mo (letter), all items in good condition. He will fulfil his promise of some autograph letters, le plus notable et vivid, which had been relegated to the country but retrieved the day before. He describes a Michelet manuscript, notes taken après la lecture d'un ouvrage de M. Dupanloup before he became bishop. He discusses Dupanloup's character and achievements at length. He continues J'ajoute une lettre . . . Saul Meyer [NOT present] et une carte de visite . . .

Autograph Note Signed to 'Miss Rowland Grey' [pseudonym of Lilian Kate Rowland-Brown, 1863-1959].

Emile Cammaerts
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Belgian writer (1878-1953), author of the fairy-tale 'The two hunchbacks', set to music by Frank Bridge. One page, quarto. Poor, on discoloured, creased paper with several closed tears. He thanks her for her letter and has 'written to Miss Sands to ask her if she could not possibly alter the date as I have another lecture on the same day, at night. But if impossible, I will come all the same.' Signed 'Em Cammaerts'. Docked in pencil, by 'HSJ', 'Dec: 4. 1915. I heard M.

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