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[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet containing a speech by John Stuart Mill.] Report of a Meeting of the London National Society for Women's Suffrage, Held at the Gallery of the Architectural Society in Conduit Street, Saturday, July 17th, 1869.

[London National Society for Women's Suffrage] [John Stuart Mill; Rev. Charles Kinglsey; Professor Henry Fawcett; Lord Houghton (Richard Monckton Milnes); John Morley; Professor David Masson]
Publication details: 
[London National Society for Women's Suffrage.] ['London: Printed by Spottiswoode and Co., New-street Square and Parliament Street'] [1869.]

34pp., 8vo. Drophead title. Disbound, with front leaf loose, otherwise in good condition, lightly-aged, without wraps. Including a seven-page speech by John Stuart Mill (pp.7-13); a speech of three and a half pages by the Rev. Charles Kingsley (pp.14-17); and others by Mrs Taylor; Thomas Hare; Boyd Kinnear; Lord Houghton; John Morley; Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke, P. A. Taylor; Professor Masson; Mr Stansfield. Three copies on COPAC, and none (other than surrogates) on OCLC WorldCat. No other copy curently on the market.

[Samuel Kerkham Ratcliffe (1868-1958), journalist.] Two Typed Letters Signed and an Autograph Letter Signed (two 'S. K.' and one 'S. K. Ratcliffe') to Anglo-Irish poet Sylvia Lynd, on the London world and the death of her husband.

S.K. Ratcliffe [ Samuel Kerkham Ratcliffe ] (1868-1958), journalist [Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, wife of essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949)]
Publication details: 
From Forge Wood, Pound Hill, Sussex; and Whiteleaf, Princes Risborough (two, the second on a letterhead). 1927, 1931 and 1949.

The three items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Totalling 8pp., in 8vo and 12mo. ONE: TLS. Forge Wood, Pound Hill, Sussex; 22 May 1927. Written on his return from America. 'Save for old Nevvy [H. M. Nevinson], not a soul acknowledged any of the various amusing or informative scraps that I sent over during my arduous journeyings. […] I crossed the tracks of Philip G., Frank Swinnerton, Francis Brett-Young, Hugh Walpole, and various others. Tales mostly fit only for private hearing were heard in the wake of several of them.

[Three coloured plates, tipped in onto three leaves in an illustrated portfolio.] The Bookman Portfolio. Containing Plates in Colour by Jessie Willcox Smith. Illustrating The Water Babies, by Charles Kingsley.

Jessie Willcox Smith (1863-1935), American children's illustrator [Hodder & Stoughton Limited, London publishers; Charles Kingsley]
Publication details: 
Hodder & Stoughton Limited, Warwick Square, London, E.C.4. Christmas 1920.

Each of the three coloured plates is 19 x 14 cm, and each is laid down on a piece of 31.5 x 20.5 cm cream textured paper, each mount with caption and vignette printed in green. The three are placed in a portfolio, made of the same textured paper as the mount, with the front carrying the title, publishers' details, and an illustration (of underwater baby balancing on a fish). In fair condition, aged and with wear to extremities.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Rose Kingsley') to unnamed male correspondent.

Rose Kingsley [Rose Georgina Kingsley], author and daughter of Rev. Charles Kingsley (1819-1875) ['Lucas Malet', pen name of her sister the novelist Mary St Leger Kingsley (1852-1931)]
Publication details: 
16 November [no year]; on letterhead of 40 Sloane Street, [London] S.W.

16mo, 2 pp. On first leaf of bifolium. Mourning border. She has just received his letter, 'forwarded through Mr Fisher Unwin'. 'I am not "Lucas Malet" - but I am forwarding the letter to her. She is my sister - | Mrs. William Harrison | Clovelly Rectory | Bideford | North Devon'.

Autograph Letter Signed to A. H. Terry.

J. Pettit Griffith [autograph dealer?]
Publication details: 
18 July 1910; 42 Glenelg Road, Acre Lane, Brixton, SW. [London]

One page, octavo. Good, on lightly creased and aged paper, with a little wear at foot. Purple ink. He thanks him 'for Cheque safely to hand for the Autograph Album. There is no question abot the Collection being a genuine one.' Details the provenance from the artist H. W. Pickersgill, to Charles Kingsley, to Kingsley's brother. 'I bought the Vol at the latters sale -'. He will send the two letters 'and the Kingslake in the morning'. He has been 'laid up ill for some days'.

Autograph ('A Helps') on order for copies of his 'Life of Las Casas' (1868).

Sir Arthur Helps (1813-1875), English civil servant and author
Publication details: 
Undated (but post 1868); on Privy Council Office letterhead.

12mo: 1 p. Good, with four fold lines. Helps held the post of Clerk of the Privy Council from 1860 until his death. In large letters beneath the oval blue Privy Council crest reads 'Life of | Las Casas | 2 copies for | [signature] A Helps'. The handwriting is bold and the signature is underlined with a flourish.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Wm. L. Kingsley') to 'Mr. <Dekler?>'.

William Lathrop Kingsley (1824-1896), proprietor and editor of the 'New Englander and Yale Review'
Publication details: 
21 July 18<91?>; New Haven.

8vo: 4 pp. Good. Difficult handwriting. He wants him to keep the cheque, which he considers 'only a compromise between our different expectations'. 'I know that you deserve the larger sum that you spoke of - but it is a tight squeeze to make the & expenses for the year of the New Englander come out even, and I do the best I can.' With seven-line postscript.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F E Kingsley') on behalf of her husband [to Rev. Frederick Gard Fleay, 1831-1909].

Mrs Frances Eliza ('Fanny') Kingsley (nee Grenfell) (1814-1891), wife of the English novelist Charles Kingsley (1819-1875)
Publication details: 
11 August 1864; place not stated.

Three pages, 12mo. Good, on aged and lightly stained paper. She is writing because her husband, who is 'on the eve of starting for Scotland', 'is very far from well today'. He asks her to thank her correspondent 'for the Translations & the Pamphlet on the Revelation' [Fleay's 'The Book of Revelation symbolic not special, being the substance of Sermons [...]', 1864]. 'The latter he feels is written on the only rational method & he likes it very much, as he does the Catullus' [Fleay's 'The poetry of Catullus, to which is added The vigil of Venus', 1864].

Substantial part of autograph letter signed to [Hunt]..

Mary St Leger Harrison ( Lucas Malet ).
Publication details: 
No place of date.

Novelist, Daughter of Charles Kingsley (see DNB). Two surviving pages from a letter, 8vo, attached to card (ultimately from album leaf), tear at fold but complete and clear. Text: " He is a very clever little boy - He used to possess - and probably possess still - a power of committing small sins & contriving that other persons should bear the punishment of them, which almost amounted to genius. We used to call him Jacob - for there was an element of saintliness in his character too. / I hope you and Mrs Hunt may still cxome to Clovelly.

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