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[Printed items.] Prospectus and application form for 1897 flotation of London United Laundries, Limited, with poster carrying fifteen photographs of 'Businesses to be acquired by the Company' and publicity flier headed 'A Great Laundry Amalgamation'.

The London United Laundries, Limited [Directors: The Hon. Reginald Brougham, A. C. Lyster, Murray Marshall, F. A. Baldwin, Ernest Honey]
Publication details: 
Prospectus 'Dated May 27th, 1897, London'; Roberts & Leete, Ltd., Printers, London. Other three items contemporaneous.
The London United Laundries, Limited

All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: Prospectus. Folio, 7 pp. To raise share capital of £230,000. Lists the '13 modern Steam Laundries', four 'Receiving Depots', 'Dyeing and Cleaning Works' and 'recently-established Laundry Supply Stores' the company was being 'formed to acquire as going concerns, and still further develop'. Includes section on 'Advantages of the Amalgamation', auditors' and valuers' reports and memorandum of association. TWO: Application form. Folio, 1 p. Perforated, with 'Bankers' Receipt'. THREE: Publicity flier. Folio, 2 pp.

Dana. An Irish Magazine of Independent Thought.

Jane Barlow, 'Irial', Stephen Gwynn, T. W. Lyster, F. M. Atkinson, contributors [Irish literature]
Publication details: 
No.8. December 1904. Publishers: Hodges, Figgis & Co., Ltd., Grafton Street, Dublin; David Nutt, 57-59 Long Acre, London, W.C.

12mo, 32 pp (paginated 225-256). Stapled. In original grey printed wraps. Contains the articles 'Where Time hangs heavy' by Jane Barlow, 'The Church and the Future' by 'Irial', 'In Praise of the Gaelic League' by Stephen Gwynn, 'Jane Austen' by T. W. Lyster and 'Literary Causerie' by F. M. Atkinson.

Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male publishers.

Harry Furniss [Punch, or the London Charivari]
Publication details: 
Thursday' [docketed 7 May 1885]; on Garrick Club letterhead.

Anglo-Irish journalist and caricaturist (1854-1925), best known for his work for Punch. Three pages, 12mo. Very good, but with slight wear and discoloration to recto of first leaf of bifoliate. Asks to 'know the fate of Miss Lyster's M.S.' 'You will recollect I called & saw you about it some months ago. She is anxious you should understand you can have the M.S. without the drawings as you did not seem <?> for the latter | An answer will much oblige | Yours very truly | [signed] Harry Furniss'.

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