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[ Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne. ] Secretarial Letter, signed 'Lansdowne | &ct. &ct.', to 'Sec[retar]y. of Commission', containing a list of 'the names of [Wiltshire] Gentlemen to be added to the Magistracy'.

Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice (1780-1863), 3rd Marquess of Lansdowne [ Lord Lansdowne], Whig statesman
Publication details: 
Bowood [ Bowood House, Derry Hill, Wiltshire ]. 20 December 1861.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged and lightly-worn paper, with a few minor rust stains. Addressed on reverse of second leaf to the Secretary of the Commission of the Peace. In the hand of a secretary, and signed by Lansdowne. Addressed by Lansdowne on reverse of second leaf 'Sec[retar]y. of Commission'. Docketed: 'Decber. 20th 1861 | Wilts | Ld. Lansdowne recd several | <?> all but the 2 parsons'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Raleigh Trevelyan ('R. Trevelyan') to Robert Thorp of Alnwick, agent to the Duke of Northumberland, with signed autograph draft of letter by Thorp, and manuscript copies of four Trevelyan letters, and of a cheque.

Raleigh Trevelyan (1781-1865) of Netherwitton Hall [Robert Thorp of Alnwick; the Duke of Northumberland; John Abernethy; Sir John Richardson]
Publication details: 
October and November 1832.

Seven items, all in very good condition on lightly-aged paper. Trevelyan's idiosyncratic and hypochondriacal character comes through strongly in this correspondence, ostensibly concerned with his application to become a magistrate, but largely devoted to the state of his health. ONE and TWO. Manuscript copies of short letters from Trevelyan to Thorp and the Duke of Northumberland. Both dated 22 October 1832, and both 4to, 1 p. Requesting 'a Dedimus, as a commencing Magistrate'. THREE. Manuscript copy of letter from Trevelyan to Thorp. 23 October 1832; Netherwitton, Morpeth. 4to, 1 p.

Four mid-eighteenth-century printed forms relating to English county militia: 'A Protection', 'Summons for Absentees or other Offenders', 'Mittimus on Refusal to Pay the Penalties', 'A Certificate of a Militia Man changing his Place of Abode'.

[the county militia in eighteenth-century England; Hanoverian English magistracy; warrant; Justice of the Peace]
Publication details: 
The 'Summons' dated '175[ ]' and therefore from the 1750s, the other three items dated '17[ ]' and so eighteenth century. Three of the four 'Printed by J. TOWERS, near Air-Street, Piccadilly.'

All four items well printed on one side of a piece of watermarked laid paper. All four lightly-aged but good. None of them filled in. The third item more dusty than the rest. Item One (15.5 x 20.5 cm): Headed 'No. VII. A PROTECTION.' To be signed by one of the 'Deputy Lieutenant, | Captain, | Commanding Officer.' Exempting the bearer, as a militia man, 'from doing any Highway Duty, commonly called Statute Work'.

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