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[ Frederick Tayler, watercolour artist. ] Original 'design' for a painting of 'a Girl carrying a Basket of Puppies', in an Autograph Letter Signed ('Fredk. Tayler') [to Scottish artist Thomas Faed], with request for a 'Cottage Door' to work from.

Frederick Tayler [ John Frederick Tayler ], English watercolour artist, president of the Royal Watercolour Society [ Thomas Faed (1826-1900), Scottish artist ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 38 Avenue Road, Regents Park, NW [ London ]. 12 December [ year lacking ].

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, but with a corner of the first leaf torn away, resulting in some loss of text, including the year. The reverse of the second leaf laid down on a leaf removed from an album. The image of the 'design', 8 x 6.5 cm, is on the second leaf, which also carries Tayler's signature. It is a crude but pleasing sketch of an intended painting, done with the sureness of a watercolour artist.

Two Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles B. Tayler') to 'J L Williams Esqr' [the wood engraver Joseph Lionel Williams, c.1815-1877].

Charles Benjamin Tayler (1797-1875), curate of Otley Rectory, Ipswich, Suffolk, and author of a number of religious works
Publication details: 
21 May 1852 & 23 June 1852; Otley Rectory, Ipswich.

Both 12mo: 4 pp. Item 1 (21 May) Text clear and entire. On aged paper with small unobtrusive spike holes through both leaves. Slightly manic letter, casting light on the relationship between author, printer and engraver in the Victorian period. Tayler lists four 'plates for a chapter on the Essex Martyrs' which Leonard Seeley of Thames Ditton, who is printing and publishing Tayler's book 'Memorials of the English Martyrs' (Seeleys, 1853), has not yet received from Williams. Suggests other engravings for the 'last chapter'. 'It has occurred to me that the plate in Foxe 7th.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Peter Clare, Secretary.') to unnamed male correspondent.

Peter Clare, Secretary, The Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester [John Dalton; John James Tayler; Eaton Hodgkinson; John Eddowes Bowman]
Publication details: 
18 September 1839; 'Society's Rooms George Street Manchester'.

12mo, 1 p, 10 lines. Forwarding a copy of a resolution passed by a meeting of the Society's Council on 17 September. The five line transcription of the resolution reads: 'Resolved That the following Gentlemen form the Printing Committee for the present year. Dr. Dalton [John Dalton (1766-1844), chemist], Rev. John James Tayler, Peter Clare, Eaton Hodgkinson [(1789-1861), engineer], John Davies & John Eddowes Bowman [botanist].'

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