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[Printed notice (with 'Address') of the formation of 'The Bible Association of St Peter's Church, in Ipswich'.] At a Meeting of Several Friends to the British and Foreign Bible Society, Held at St. Peter's Parsonage, Ipswich, October 5th, 1812.

[The Bible Association of St. Peter's Church, in Ipswich; Suffolk Auxiliary Bible Society; The British and Foreign Bible Society, London; Rev. Edward Griffin]
Publication details: 
Printed by John King, County Press, Ipswich. 1812.

3pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on worn and lightly-aged paper. The first page is headed: 'At a Meeting of Several Friends | to the | British and Foreign Bible Society, | Held at St. Peter's Parsonage, Ipswich, | October 5th, 1812, | The Rev. Edward Griffin, in the Chair, | It was resolved, | [...]'. Eight resolutions in small print follow, covering the whole of the first page.

[Lawyer's letter] Autograph Letter Signed "Richard Curelys", lawyer or Chancery official, to "the worshipful John Sothwell [Southwell], esquyr".

Richard Curlys, lawyer or Chancery official
Publication details: 
No place, 16 Jan. [ny; First half of C16th?]. See below.

One page, sm. Folio, bifolium, staining but text clear and complete. It is a letter from a lawyer or Chancery official by the name of Richard Curelys, addressed to 'the worshipful John Sothwell, esquyr'. Richard informs John that he has sought writs of Supersedeas and Dedimus potestatem from the Lord Chancellor, but that these will not be granted unless John's attorney and the plaintiff's attorney both make declaration of the truth of the (unspecified) matter. Richard provides legal advice. He tells John to cause Mr.

[W. S. Cowell Limited, Ipswich printers.] The firm's 'Address Book', containing thousands of signatures of British printers, publishers, artists and book illustrators over a forty-year period, sumptuously-bound with unique printed prelims.

W. S. Cowell Limited, Ipswich printers [Beatrice Warde; Ruari McLean; Francis Meynell; Sebastian Carter (Rampant Lions Press); Charles Batey; Brooke Crutchley; Hans Schmoller; Ralph Steadman]
Publication details: 
W. S. Cowell Limited, 8 Butter Market, Ipswich, Suffolk, England; 23 Percy Street, London, W.1. Dating from between 7 June 1952 to 20 March 1991.

Founded in 1818, the Ipswich firm of W. S. Cowell Ltd ('The Press in the Butter Market') grew into one of the leading British printers, known for its high-quality catalogue work. The firm's papers are in the Suffolk Record Office at Ipswich, whose catalogue entry provides a good summary of its history.

Autograph Letter Signed ('FitzRoy Kelly') from Sir FitzRoy Edward Kelly to J. T. Barry, declining to join his 'excellent association' [the Metropolitan Association?] on the grounds that it is incompatible with 'the office which I now hold'.

Sir Fitzroy Edward Kelly [Fitzroy Kelly] (1796-1880), English judge and Tory politician [J. T. Barry; the Metropolitan Association]
Publication details: 
New Street. 9 August 1845.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged paper. It is not 'from inattention or indifference' that Kelly has left Barry's letter unanswered. 'I think it would be inconsistent with my duty in the office which I now hold to become a member of your very excellent association'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F Barham Zincke') from the antiquary and radical Foster Barham Zincke to 'My dear Mr Flower' [Sir William Henry Flower], regarding the latter's five-month stay in Egypt.

Rev. Foster Barham Zincke (1817-1893), English antiquary and radical pamphleteer, educated at Wadham College, Oxford [Sir William Henry Flower (1831-1899), Director of the Natural History Museum]
Publication details: 
Wherstead Vicarage, Ipswich. 28 May <1874?>.

4pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper, with minor traces of stub adhering to margin. He has received Flower's 'catalogue'. 'I was sure you wd. be delighted with Egypt. It has so much to tell us about man & nature. The early stages of mans progress, & the variety of nature.' Zincke would like 'time to look into things & to think about them': he was in Egypt 'only as many weeks as you were months'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. J. Taylor') from the medallist and die-sinker William Joseph Taylor to the Ipswich antiquary William Stevenson Fitch, acknowledging a gift of Fitch's, presenting his own. With Autograph Note Signed by Fitch re. Taylo.r

William Joseph Taylor (1802-1885), medallist, die-sinker, engraver [William Stevenson Fitch (1793-1859), postmaster of Ipswich, antiquary and thief]
Publication details: 
29 August 1842; London.
William Joseph Taylor (1802-1885), medallist, die-sinker, engraver

12mo, 3 pp. Forty lines. Text clear and complete. With: Seven-line Autograph Note Signed by 'W S Fitch' in a close hand at foot of third page. He is ashamed for not replying sooner to Fitch's letter, and his gift of 'a couple of Ducks': 'the only way I can reconcile such a case is to believe one of the great Authors, I forget which, perhaps Montaigne that the receiver is the one who confers the greatest compliment so if you please we will set it down so in this instance, and say no more about it'. He thanks Fitch for 'the Impressions' of seals, which 'add very much to my collection'.

Two Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles B. Tayler') to 'J L Williams Esqr' [the wood engraver Joseph Lionel Williams, c.1815-1877].

Charles Benjamin Tayler (1797-1875), curate of Otley Rectory, Ipswich, Suffolk, and author of a number of religious works
Publication details: 
21 May 1852 & 23 June 1852; Otley Rectory, Ipswich.

Both 12mo: 4 pp. Item 1 (21 May) Text clear and entire. On aged paper with small unobtrusive spike holes through both leaves. Slightly manic letter, casting light on the relationship between author, printer and engraver in the Victorian period. Tayler lists four 'plates for a chapter on the Essex Martyrs' which Leonard Seeley of Thames Ditton, who is printing and publishing Tayler's book 'Memorials of the English Martyrs' (Seeleys, 1853), has not yet received from Williams. Suggests other engravings for the 'last chapter'. 'It has occurred to me that the plate in Foxe 7th.

Handbill carrying two satirical political poems, 'A New W[h]ig Song, To a Barbarous OLD Tune.' and 'The Ballad of the Burgesses, To BOBBING ADAIR. | Tune - "ROBIN ADAIR." '

[Victorian political satire; Liberal Party; John Bright; Robert Alexander Shafto Adair, MP for Cambridge 1847-1852, 1854-1857; Sir Hugh Edward Adair of Flixton Hall, MP for Ipswich 1847-74]
Publication details: 
Date, place and printer not stated. [1850s?]

Two pages, printed on the recto of the first leaf and verso of the second of a yellow wove-paper bifolium. Leaf dimensions 22.5 x 14.5 cm. Grubby and creased, but with text clear and complete. The first poem, 'A New W[h]ig Song', begins 'In our town there's a street, with a chapel and shop, | Where a gay pole once hoisted of late is let drop, | There a fam'd Barber deals with his w(h)ig as he wills, | From full bottom'd P----r to little scratch M--ls.' References to 'shot-yellow A---r [Adair]' and 'M----y, the close button'd Barber'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J Britton') to Wodderspoon

John Britton (1771-1857), antiquary and topographer [John Wodderspoon, Suffolk antiquary]
Publication details: 
Undated [postmarked Richmond, 2 May 1840].

8vo, 1 p. Address, with broken wax seal and two postmarks, on verso of second leaf of bifolium. He has ('with much satisfaction') read in the Gentleman's Magazine an account of Wodderspoon's 'new work on Suffolk' ('Historic sites, and other remarkable and interesting places, in the county of Suffolk'), and 'it occurs to me that you may be pleased with a few points illustrative of the Antiquities'. Offers 'prints that I have published in the Architectural Antiqs of Oxburgh Hall' as 'tokens of a veteran topographer to the aspiring emulation of a young one'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('George R Rushton'), to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

George Robert Rushton (1868-1948), English artist and Principal of the School of Arts & Crafts, Ipswich
Publication details: 
7 April 1925; on letterhead of the School of Arts & Crafts, Ipswich

4to: 1 p. 21 lines. Very good, with a little wear to extremities. Headed 'Re Competition of Industrial Design'. The School have been 'working to' the 'Copy' they were sent 'giving full details of the Book Production competition' and dated 1924. 'Yesterday I discovered that the details, as regards sizes did not correspond to the first circular I received previously, announcing the Competitions, and dated 1925. [...] We have worked to Demy octavo as it was in the Copy. Our printing classes have now finished for the season, therefore no alteration can be made with their designs.

8 Autograph Letters Signed by [two different?] J. B. Fraser[s?] to the artist Shirley Slocombe.

R. D. & J. B. Fraser, of Ipswich, Felixstowe & Dieppe. [ANTIQUES, FURNITURE]
Publication details: 

The firm, apparently antique dealers (although it also bought and sold false teeth), was established in 1833. All items are addressed to Slocombe, with whom the family (to whom he was perhaps related by marriage?) were clearly on intimate terms. Grubby, dusty, creased, dogeared and with several closed tears. The first six letters are from J. B. Fraser, the first four being on the letterhead of 'R. D. & J. B. FRASER, LIMITED.' ('ESTABLISHED IN THE REIGN OF WILLIAM IV.') Letter 1 (Ipswich, 4 Jan 1899, 4 pages, 8vo), from J. B. Fraser, concerns 'Edith', who is recovering from illness.

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