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[ Maggs Brothers, London booksellers. ] Typed Letter with cyclostyled signature 'Maggs Bros.', to Messrs. R. Riviere & Son of Regent Street, giving instructions for the binding of a plate.

Maggs Brothers, London booksellers [ Messrs. R. Riviere & Son of Regent Street, bookbinders ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Maggs Brothers, 109 Strand, London WC. 2 February 1918.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. The letterhead styles the firm: 'Maggs Bros., | Rare Books, Prints & Autographs. | Catalogues issued. | Publishers, Exporters & Shippers.' gives thhe address of the firm's warehouse, telegraphic and cable address, 'Code in Use', and telephone number. With reference to an order, the firm is sending 'a large plate of the "Mistaken Marriage" and another of "The Whiskers" of these latter kindly use the larger of the two but do not inlay'.

[ 'The Dirigible Balloon' game. ] Printed instructions, in French, for 'un nouveau jeu instructif' titled 'Le Ballon Dirigeable', with reference to 'le comte Zeppelin', 'Santos Dumont', the 'Freres Wright' and the 'major de Parseval'.

'Le Ballon Dirigeable', French game [ Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin; Alberto Santos-Dumont; Wright brothers; August von Parseval]
Publication details: 
French. Unattributed and undated (pre-First World War?).

1p., 8vo. On cheap paper stock. Aged, and with chipping and closed tears to extremities. Stamped on the reverse by the Paris bookseller C. F. Labarre (fl. 1970). Printed in the bottom left-hand corner: 'No. 6012.' 37 lines of text.

[Jane Austen's family: library section of printed auction catalogue, annotated by London booksellers Maggs Brothers.] A Catalogue of the Contents of the Masion, Capel Manor, Horsmonden, Kent.

'By Order of the Trustees of John Francis Austen, Decd.' [ John-Francis Austen (1817-1893); Maggs Brothers, London booksellers]
Publication details: 
To be sold by Auction by Messrs. Knight, Frank & Rutley [...] in conjunction with Messrs. Richardson & Pierce, Ltd. on the premises [...] 17 August 1931 and three following days.

J. F. Austen was the son of John Austen VII. For his relation to the novelist see 'Jane Austen's Letters', ed. Le Faye (OUP, 2011). The present item is excessively scarce, with no copies traced on either COPAC or OCLC WorldCat. 4to, 18pp. on ten leaves, paginated [1-2], 17-24, 57-63, 79. In original brown printed wraps. Aged and worn, with rusted staples.

[ Maggs Brothers.] Two Autograph Letters Signed by W. E. Lent, reporting on sale, with copy of ''Hallgate Auction Rooms, Doncaster. Catalogue of the Library of Rare and Valuable Books, The Property of G. E. Crouch Yarborough, Esq.'

[ W. E. Lent [William Lent] of Maggs Brothers, London booksellers; G. E. Cooke-Yarborough; J. H. Crouch & Son F.A.I., Hallgate Auction Rooms, Doncaster ]
Publication details: 
Letters both on letterhead of Danum Hotel, Doncaster. 11 and 12 February 1931. Auction catalogue: J. H. Crouch & Son F.A.I., Hallgate Auction Rooms, Doncaster. 11, 12 and 13 February 1931.

The two letters each 1p., 4to. Both on aged paper, with wear to left hand margin causing loss to text. In the first letter Lent gives details of 8 of his 17 purchases on that day, adding that 'The Lots sold quite well, a good many co are here, also Bowes, Blackwell, Mc Leis Taylor (Scheurer). Edwards, Pickering & E. Mathews, have marks.' In the second letter he gives details of 5 of his 10 purchases, one of them for 'Mr Butterwick'. He gives details of three commissions which Butterwick left with him, only one of which was successful. Catalogue: 31 + [1]pp., 4to.?>,>?>

[ North London Railway, City Branch. ] Two maps from engineer's office: first, signed by Baker and 'Waring Brothers', an original drawing of route from Westmoreland St to Dalston; second, 24-foot lithograph of route from Camden to Dalston Lane.

[ William Baker (1817-1878), civil engineer; North London Railway, City Branch; Waring Brothers, railway contractors ]
Publication details: 
[ North London Railway, London. ] The first map (original and signed by Baker) dated 1863: Waring Brothers, London. The second (lithographed) map by C. F. Cheffins, Lithographer, London, undated, with additions from a previous map by Waterlow & Sons.

Both maps rolled up. The first around 9 feet long and the second around 24 feet long. Both made up of panels, laid down on cloth backing. Both aged and worn, with light fraying to extremities. ONE: Original map, drawn in black ink, and coloured in red, cream, purple, pink and blue. Title on reverse: 'NORTH LONDON RAILWAY | CITY BRANCH | DRAWING NO 1', and, on labels also on reverse, 'PLAN | Westmoreland St. to Dalston | 50 ft. Scale', and '20'. Dimensions: 53 x 281 cm. Scale: 500 feet to 10 inches. Signed at bottom right: 'William Baker | March 16. 1863' and 'Waring Brothers | 16 March 1863'.

[George du Maurier's 'Trilby'.] The original version, as published in eight parts in Harper's New Monthly Magazine, containing the characterisation of 'Joe Sibley', revised on publication in book form following complaints from the artist Whistler.

George du Maurier [James Abbott McNeill Whistler; Harper & Brothers, New York and London]
Publication details: 
The eight parts extracted from Harper's New Monthly Magazine (Harper & Brothers, New York and London), January to August 1894.

[179]pp., 8vo, paginated 167-189 (and magazine frontispiece); 329-350; 567-[587]; 721-741; 825-[847] [the last five from vol.88]; 67-87; 261-284; 351-374 [the last three from vol.89]. In a contemporary binding, with ticket of Goulden & Curry, The Royal Library, Tunbridge Wells. Very good, lightly aged and worn, in black leather half-binding with black cloth boards and gilt tooling. Ownership inscription on front free endpaper: 'Weldon | Didmarton | Janry. 1900 -'.

[Printed item with chromolithograph by Leighton Brothers of Drury Lane.] Thorley's Illustrated Farmers' Almanack and Diary, 1887.

[Joseph Thorley, Steam Printing Works, Thornhill Bridge, King's Cross, London; Leighton Brothers, Drury Lane, London, chromolithographic printers; A. W. Holden]
Publication details: 
London: Joseph Thorley, Steam Printing Works, Thornhill Bridge, King's Cross, N. [Printed in 1886 for 1887.]

48pp., 12mo. In illustrated coloured printed wraps, with the front cover showing a farmyard scene, and the back cover carrying a portrait of 'H.R.H. the Prince of Wales | President of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, 1886. | President of Indian and Colonial Exhibition, 1886.' The double-page chromolithograph, between pp.16 and 17, is titled '"Since we were boys together." From a painting by A. W. Holden', and shows two eighteenth-century gentlemen, seated at a table, drinking and reminiscing.

[Sir Edward Malet, British diplomat.] Autograph Note Signed ('Edward B Malet') certifying the signature at the foot of a document in French, by 'Monsieur Persiani 1st. Secretary of the Russian Legation at Athens'.

Sir Edward Baldwin Malet (1837-1908), 4th Baronet, British diplomat [Monsieur Persiani, 1st Secretary of the Russian Legation at Athens]
Publication details: 
The Persiani document on the letterhead of the 'Légation Impériale de Russie', Athens, 25 January 1875. Malet's note without date or place.

The document is 1p., 4to. It is in fair condition, on thin aged paper, with the remains of two red wax seals, and backed with paper. With the receipt stamp of the London & County Bank. The letter is in French, and signed 'Persiani' and relates to a payment from the Russian exchequer, drawn on Baring Brothers of London, to Alexandre Mintshaki, son of 'Son Excellence Mme. Sophie Mintschaki, défunte'. Malet's note reads: 'I certify the above to be the signature of Monsieur Persiani 1st. Secretary of the Russian Legation at Athens.

[Mermaid Tavern bill] Typed Note Signed "A.S.W. Rosenbach" with autograph additions to Francis Berry, of wine merchants, Berry Bros, friend of Andre Simon.

A.S.W. Rosenbach, bookseller
Publication details: 
[Printed] The Rosenbach Company, Rare Books Paintings and Prints [...], Philadelphia-1320 Walnut Street | New York [...], 16 Dec. 1933.

One page, 4to, fold marks, good condition. "I take great pleasure in sending you herewith a photograph of the 'Mermaid Tavern' bill, the original of which is in my private collection in Philadelphia. I am also enclosing a transcription of it. I secured this remarkable document from the late Sir Israel Gollancz many years ago." Rosenbach addsa manuscript postscript, "As for your suggestion I am sending the Mermaid Tavern bill to [Comander Tuffill?] and Mr Andre L. SimonThe transcription and photograph are PRESENT, the former with a note on Rosenbach provenance in Berry's hand.

[Charles Sanderson, Sheffield steel manufacturer.] Autograph Letter Signed to John Purdie of Edinburgh, discussing the state of trade, his financial affairs, and the possible liquidation of his company and sale of machinery including a steam engine.

Charles Sanderson (1803-1873) of Sharrow Vale, Sheffield, steel manufacturer, son of John Sanderson of Sanderson Brothers [John Purdie, Heriot Row, Edinburgh]
Publication details: 
Sheffield. 21 April 1845.

5pp., 4to. Addressed, with postmarks, to 'John Purdie Esqre | Heriot Row | Edinburgh'. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. Neatly and closely written.

[Arthur Gilbert Bedell, printer of New York newspaper the Westchester Times.] Unpublished Autograph Memoir filled with reminiscences of prominent New Yorkers ('Boss' Dick Croker of Tammany Hall, Louis J. Heintz, Theodore Roosevelt) and local politics

Arthur Gilbert Bedell (b.c.1851), printer with his brothers Edwin Bedell and George Canfield Bedell of New York newspaper the Westchester Times ['Boss' Dick Croker; Tammany Hall; Louis J. Heintz]
Publication details: 
Without place or date, but Bedell is in his 81st year at the time of writing. [New York, 1930s.]

192pp., 8vo., on 188 letterheads of the Village of Scarsdale, Westchester County, New York. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Irregularly paginated to 179d. Six pages (6, 8, 9, 10, 13, 17) are lacking, but the missing text is supplied in an accompanying typescript, with two carbon copies, of the first 31pp. of the manuscript, each of the three copies being 11pp., 8vo. The author of this memoir, Arthur Gilbert Bedell (b.c.1851), was printer and proprietor, with his brothers Edwin Bedell and George Canfield Bedell, of the Westchester Times.

Printed colour halftone handbill advertisement for the Illustrated London News by publisher by Thomas Fox, Strand, London, within illustrated floral border by Sulman.

[Thomas Fox, 198, Strand, London, publisher of the Illustrated London News; Leighton, Brothers, Printers.]
Publication details: 
Published by Thomas Fox, 198, Strand, W.C. Leighton, Brothers, Printers. [1870s.]

On one side of a piece of 27 x 19.5 cm. paper. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to margins. Printed in red, green, yellow, brown and black. The text is crisply printed in red and black, with an engraving of the London skyline around St Paul's beneath the magazine's title. The text begins: 'This journal contains engravings of all the leading events of public interest, from original sketches and photographs.' Subscription details are followed by a short section on 'The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News'.

Notebook containing a manuscript account of a visit to North America by a cotton broker acting for the Liverpool branch of the Manchester firm Reiss Brothers, with details of mills and merchants, recorded while trying to establish a hedging business.

[Reiss Brothers, cotton merchants of Manchester and Liverpool, England; textiles industry in Canada and the United States of America; transatlantic trade]
Publication details: 
United States (New York and Boston) and Canada (Toronto and Montreal). 24 December 1938 to 10 February 1939.

70pp., 12mo, in ruled notebook, with the main text on 51 rectos, 17 facing pages carrying notes, mostly in pencil, and 2pp. of memoranda at the other end of the notebook. In very good condition, in attractive gilt-tooled red morocco red leather binding, with all edges gilt and marbled endpapers. The first page headed 'Visit to U.S. Canada Dec.

Autograph manuscript of Thomas Charles Baring's 'The Lyrics of Horace. Done into English Rhyme'. Neatly written out by him, and in original stamped binding, with his bookplate.

Thomas Charles Baring, banker, Chairman of Baring Brothers Ltd, Conservative Member of Parliament for South Essex, 1874-1885, and for the City of London, 1887-1891; Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxford
Publication details: 
[London: circa 1870.]

4to, 179pp. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In lightly-worn original binding in blue cloth, all edges gilt, with 'THE LYRICS | OF HORACE | IN | ENGLISH RHYME.' stamped in gilt on front board, and 'THE | LYRICS | OF | HORACE' on the spine. A fair copy by Baring of his complete translation, paginated by him 5-183, without title or preliminaries (these were presumably intended to be written out on the two blank leaves which precede the translation).

[Booklet] Honey and Gall (Studies in Mystic Materialism)

Llewellyn Powys, author
Publication details: 
Little Blue Book No.534, Haldeman-Julius Company, Girard, Kansas, [1924]
Honey and Gall (Studies in Mystic Materialism)

64pp., c.8.5 x 12.5cm, fair condition, covers faded to beige rather than blue. Inscribed (slightly faded) on front cover Gertrude M. Powys | Easter 1945 | from Alyse. Alyse Gregory, American suffragist and writer, wife of Llewellyn Powys. Gertrude Powys, artist sister of the Powys brothers. The title-page has been inscribed by the husband of a member of the Powys Society who was giving the booklet to Margaret Eaton, bookseller (Peter Eaton), also a member of the Powys Society. Enclosed: Photograph, 15 x 8cm, probably of aged Llewellyn Powys reading a book

The Entermores. A Play by John Cowper Powys.

John Cowper Powys [Paul Roberts]
Publication details: 
Written by Powys circa 1905. Roberts' transcript 'for a public reading of the play at the Powys Society's Annual Conference', 28 August 1994.

8vo, [iii] + 66 pp. Computer printout in plastic binder. Text clear and complete. Creasing to first four leaves, otherwise in very good condition. On title-page: 'ACTING COPY ONLY'. Note by 'C. W.' on next page: 'This version of the script is taken from Paul Roberts' unedited first draft transcription for a public reading of the play at the Powys Society's Annual Conference, at the Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester, at 7.30pm on Sunday, 28th August, 1994. | Where words have still not been deciphered in the transcript, temporary ones have been inserted.

Baxter Colour Prints Pictorially Presented.

H. G. Clarke [George Baxter (1804-1867), Victorian engraver; Baxter prints; Maggs Brothers, booksellers, Conduit Street and Berkeley Square]
Publication details: 
London: Maggs Bros., 34 & 35 Conduit Street, W. 1920-1. [Printed by Courier Press, Leamington Spa. 1921.]

4to. [iv] + 142 pp. Frontispiece and 136 plates, one in colour and the rest in black and white, with a further six illustrations at end in section entitled 'Tit-Bits of George Baxter'. A tight copy, in original worn quarter-binding, with black calf spine (with 6 cm split at head of rear hinge) and grey cloth bevelled-edged covers. Marbled endpapers split at hinges. The first and last few leaves have slight damp staining to the extremities. Text and plates printed on the same art paper, and consequently a heavy volume.

Manuscript indenture: 'Deed of Trust in relation to the foundation of a Chair of Physical Chemistry in the University'. Signed by Badock, Cook and Rafter, and bearing the University of Bristol seal.

William Hesketh Lever (1851-1925), 1st Viscount Leverhulme; the University of Bristol [Sir Stanley H. Badock, Pro-Chancellor; Ernest H. Cook, Lecturer; James Rafter, Registrar]
Publication details: 

2 pp, on first leaf of bifolium of thick cream paper, dimensions roughly 40.5 x 26.5 cm. Ruled with red lines. Docketed on reverse of second leaf. Text clear and complete. In good condition, though grubby. Leverhulme ('the Settlor') is 'desirous of assisting in the foundation of a Chair of Physical Chemistry in the University', and has ('with the approbation of the Council of the University') 'transferred Five Thousand "B" Twenty per centum Cumulative Preferred Ordinary Shares of One pound each fully paid in Lever Brothers Limited into the name of the University'.

Twelve Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Letter Signed to George Kenneth Menzies, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts; two Typed Letters Signed by Menzies with manuscript reply by Denny; one initialed Autograph Note by Denny; one R.S.A. circular.

Sir Archibald Denny
Publication details: 
1917 to 1926; the first three letters on William Denny & Brothers, Dumbarton, letterhead; the last ten letters on letterheads of Spencer House, Park Side, Wimbledon, S.W.19.

Scottish naval architect (1860-1936) and shipbuilder, President of the Institute of Marine Engineers. Seventeen items, various formats. In good condition though dusty and creased. Several items docketed and bearing the R.S.A. stamp. Correspondence indicates Denny's involvement in the R.S.A. matters (lecturing, serving on council, etc). LETTER ONE (30 January 1917): Asks for a dozen copies of the R.S.A. Journal. 'We have in our Works here Committees of Workmen collecting money for war charities and I am anxious to let them read Mr.

Some Correspondence on the Subject of the Grant of £1,800, made to the National School of the Hamlet of Highgate, by the Committee of Privy Council for Education.

[Highgate National School] [John Holmes, of the British Museum; Nathaniel Basevi; Robert Lingen; Harry Chester; Lewis Vulliamy; William Ford]
Publication details: 
Privately printed [1853?]. [Printed by Cox (Brothers) and Wyman, Great Queen Street, Lincoln's-Inn Fields.]

8vo: 30 pp. on sixteen leaves (including final blank). Unbound and stitched as issued. Text clear and complete. A scarce item (the only copies on COPAC at the British Library, Lambeth Palace and the Guildhall). On aged, worn and damp-stained paper, with chipping to extremities. Regarding the ' "rumours" alleged against' Ford and Chester ('in reality a definite statement made by a gentleman on the authority of Mr.

Two Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles B. Tayler') to 'J L Williams Esqr' [the wood engraver Joseph Lionel Williams, c.1815-1877].

Charles Benjamin Tayler (1797-1875), curate of Otley Rectory, Ipswich, Suffolk, and author of a number of religious works
Publication details: 
21 May 1852 & 23 June 1852; Otley Rectory, Ipswich.

Both 12mo: 4 pp. Item 1 (21 May) Text clear and entire. On aged paper with small unobtrusive spike holes through both leaves. Slightly manic letter, casting light on the relationship between author, printer and engraver in the Victorian period. Tayler lists four 'plates for a chapter on the Essex Martyrs' which Leonard Seeley of Thames Ditton, who is printing and publishing Tayler's book 'Memorials of the English Martyrs' (Seeleys, 1853), has not yet received from Williams. Suggests other engravings for the 'last chapter'. 'It has occurred to me that the plate in Foxe 7th.

Numbers One and Two in 'The Kingsway Series of Work and Time Tables'; number one titled 'Scheme of Work for a Rural School' and number two 'Time-tables for a Rural School. (Complementary to "Scheme of Work for Rural School." '

Kingsway Series, Evans Brothers, Sardinia House [rural schools; twentieth-century British education]
Publication details: 
[1916.] Evans Bros., Ltd., Sardinia House, Kingsway, London. [Number Two printed by 'St. Clements Press, Ltd., Portugal Street, Kingsway, W.C.']

Both items 4to, 4 pp. Each a bifolium. Text clear and complete on aged, foxed and lightly-creased paper. Both items in small print, the first covering topics from Clay-Modelling to Needlework. Of interest is the section on 'Hygiene (Bare Outline)' which warns against ' "Chewing," harm of "bolting" food, over-eating, dangers of alcoholic liquors'. Number Two contains four time-tables divided into two groups: 'I. - Mixed Department' and 'II. - Infants'; and 'For a Rural School of 40 Scholars.', 'I. - Upper Division' and 'II. - Lower Division'. Scarce.

Autograph Letter Signed by Gregory to W. Disspain. Also a first edition of Gregory's book 'Wheels on Gravel', bearing an Signed Autograph Inscription to Disspain by Powys, who wrote the book's introduction.

Alyse Gregory (1884-1967), American feminist and writer; her brother-in-law John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), Anglo-Welsh writer
Publication details: 
Gregory's letter: 22 November 1958. On embossed letterhead of Velthams Cottage, Morebath, nr. Tiverton, Devon. The book: London, John Lane The Bodley Head, 1938. Powys's inscription dated November 1958.

Gregory's letter: 8vo, 1 p. Thirteen lines of text. Very good on lightly-creased paper. A telling comment on the craze for inscribed copies of books. She is 'sorry to seem disobliging', but considers that 'an author's inscription seems [...] to have significance only when the book in question has been presented to a friend or when it is likely to become profitable to a dealer'. Her book 'qualifies in neither category'. She is 'puzzled to know' how Disspain 'came upon' her address. Gregory's book: 8vo, 208 pp. No dust wrapper. Grubby copy in worn original red cloth binding.

Autograph address and short note.

John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), Anglo-Welsh writer
Publication details: 
Date and place not stated.

On one side of a piece of wove paper, cut into a rectangle approximately 4.5 x 9 cm. Good, on lightly-creased paper with one vertical fold. Cut from an envelope, with traces of the postmark over the autograph, and a section of the gummed strip on the reverse. Reads 'From | John Cowper Powys | Waterloo | Blaenau - F Festiniog | Merionethshire | North Wales | I enjoyed thinking of you in Italy'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr Disspain'.

John Cowper Powys (1872-1963), Anglo-Welsh writer [William Blake; Denis Saurat]
Publication details: 
8 November 1958. 1 Waterloo, Blaenau-FFestiniog, Merionethshire, North Wales.

8vo, 4 pp. Bifolium. Very good on lightly aged paper. Written in Powys's distinctive, sprawling hand. Concerns William Blake and the monograph on him (1954) by Denis Saurat, who 'must indeed be a wonder considering the scope of his interests.' 'Yes I was brought up by my mother on the Poems of Blake; so I am always interested by any reference to them or any reproduction of them. Indeed and indeed I can fully understand your being so hypnotized by the pictures of Blake that you find yourself going to see them when you had decided to go somewhere else'. Powys is 'in excellent health'.

DICTIONARIES and GRAMMARS Catalogue 891 [500 Books on Linguistics and the Diversity of Tongues].

[DICTIONARIES AND GRAMMARS, LEXICOGRAPHY] Maggs Brothers booksellers' catalogue
Publication details: 
April 1964; London: Maggs Bros. Ltd. 50 Berkeley Square, London, W.1.

8vo. Pages: [2 +] 142. Frontispiece and fourteen full-page plates on art paper at rear. In good condition, in original green printed wraps, worn and torn and with closed tear at head of spine. A few marks in soft pencil. An invaluable scholarly production.

Autograph Note Signed to E.W. Cooke, marine painter.

F.W.Hulme, landscape painter (DNB).
Publication details: 
4 Hereford Square, Old Bromprton, [London], no date.

One page, 8vo, good condition. "Allow me to introduce to you Mr John Dalziel, an excellent engraver in wood. | If your drawings for the Art Union are not already engaged & you should be disposed to place them in his hands I have no doubt of his giving you full satisfaction."

[Catalogue 555] A Selection of Books, Manuscripts, Bindings and Autograph Letters remarkable for their Interest & Rarity, being the five hundred and fiftyfifth catalogue issued by Maggs Bros [...].

Maggs Brothers [booksellers' catalogues]
Publication details: 
London: Maggs Bros, 34 & 35 Conduit Street, W. 1931.

Folio: iv + 237 pp. In original grey and red printed wraps. Numerous plates and illustrations in text. Grubby and spotted, in heavily-worn wraps. One plate slit along fold and repaired with tape. Presentation copy, inscribed 'With Compliments from E U Maggs'. Covetable items, accurately described, from a complete set of Addison and Steele's 'Spectator' (£105) to the first edition of both volumes of Wordsworth's 'Lyrical Ballads' (£185). Contains 'twenty-four autograph letters signed [by Charles Dickens] on "The Village Coquettes" to John P. Hullah, the musical composer' (£650).

[Catalogue 550] A Selection of Books, Manuscripts, Engravings and Autograph Letters remarkable for their Interest & Rarity, being the five hundredth catalogue issued by Maggs Bros [...].

Maggs Brothers [booksellers' catalogues]
Publication details: 
London: Maggs Bros, 34 & 35 Conduit Street, W. 1928.

[viii] 237 pp., fol.m, original grey and red printed wraps, numerous plates and illustrations in text, some staining of cover around spine, a few pencil markings, top of spine damaged, mainly good condition. It includes Cortes, "Carta de Relacion" (1522), other important Americana, and the first edition of "Don Quixote".

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Henry Truman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts, together with a cancelled printed application form for membership of the Society.

Edward Unwin Junior [Unwin Brothers Ltd; The Gresham Press]
Publication details: 
23 January 1917; on ornate letterhead of Unwin Brothers Ltd, 27 Pilgrim St, Ludgate Hill.

Chairman of Unwin Brothers (born 1870). One page, quarto. Good, but discoloured and lightly creased, and with staple stain at head. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. He is sorry not to have answered sooner, but 'some very important business has engaged my attention during the last few days with the result that I put your letter into my private drawer without acknowledging it.

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