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[ Guillaume Lejean, French ethnographer and African explorer. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G. Lejean') to unnamed correspondent, regarding his writing for various publications, and a spat in Le Pays between Lamartine and the Vicomte de La Guéronnière.

Guillaume Lejean (1828-1871), French ethnographer and African explorer. [ Alphonse de Lamartine; Louis Étienne Arthur Dubreuil, Vicomte de La Guéronnière (1816-1875) ]
Publication details: 
Orléans. 23 July 1851.

2pp., 8vo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper. 52 lines of text, written in a close and difficult hand. He begins by explaining his silence 'depuis deux grands mois'. He refers to 'notre ennuyeux papier, comme Guilmer continue à appeler les journaux', and states that he has been doing 'un peu de redaction dans le Pays, soit la Revue de la Presse, soit les comptes rendus des Académies'. He begins by explaining his silence 'depuis deux grands mois'.

Large ornate original engraving by Ignatius Sebastian Klauber, from a design by Guillaume-Jacques Herreyns, showing a huge grand regal triumphal car, on four wheels, pulled by six plumed horses, and filled with monarchs, courtiers, classical figures

Guillaume-Jacques Herreyns (1743-1827), Flemish artist and engraver, Professor at the Antwerp Academy; Ignatius Sebastian Klauber (c.1753-1817)
Publication details: 
'G. Herreijns invent. Ao. 1773.'
Large ornate original engraving by Ignatius Sebastian Klauber

Printed in black on two sheets of watermarked laid paper, attached to make a long panel, 84 x 39 cm. Image clear, on worn and aged paper, with minor staining at head (not affecting image), and slight repair to reverse. In bottom left-hand corner: 'G. Herreijns invent. Ao. 1773.' Above this is printed a 19.7 cm rule, marked 1 to 11, to give an idea of scale. In centre at foot: 'Klauberi, Cath., Sermi. et Revdmi. Archiep. et Elect. Trevir: et Episc. Aug.uti et Sermi. Elect. et Com. Pal nec non Cels Princ. Kampidun. Chalc. Aulici, Sculp. Aug.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Depping') to Mathieu Guillaume Therese de Villenave (1762-1846).

Georges Bernard Depping [Georg Bernhard Depping] (1784-1853), Franco-German historian and geographer
Publication details: 

12mo: 4 pp. 78 lines. Very good. A highly interesting letter, addressed by Depping to his collaborator on an edition of the works of Jean-Jacques Rousseau (8 vols, 1817) praised by Brunet as the most complete that had yet appeared. Written in French. Such is the strength of Depping's feeling that he cannot bring himself to address Villenave directly. He begins by stating that he hopes that evening to end an arrangement with Villenave which fills him with disgust (qui m'accable de degout).

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