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[Thomas Elliott Ogilvie of Chesters, Roxburghshire.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Thos. E. Ogilvie') to Charles Erskine of Melrose, regarding the arrangement of the roup [auction] of the furniture of Branseholm Park, Hawick.

Thomas Elliott Ogilvie (1751-1831) of Chesters, Roxburghshire, friend of Sir Walter Scott [Charles Erskine, Writer [solicitor], Melrose, Scotland]
Publication details: 
Chesters [Roxburghshire]. 2 November 1809.

Ogilvie is described by Lockhart as one of Sir Walter Scott's 'chief friends among his country neighbours'. 3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Charles Erskine Esqr | Melrose', and docketted by Erskine: 'About Branseholm Sale of Furniture &c'.

[Cornelius Elliot, Writer to the Signet.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Erskine, Writer, of Melrose, regarding a planned meeting in Edinburgh of the trustees of the estate of his brother-in-law Adam Ogilvie, Factor to the Duke of Buccleugh.

Cornelius Elliot (1732-1821) of Wollee, Writer to the Signet, brother-in-law of Adam Ogilvie, Factor of the Duke of Buccleugh
Publication details: 
Teviotbank [Roxburghshire]. 5 February 1810.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly aged and creased paper. The letter begins: 'For your letter of November you gave me to think that a Meeting of Adam Ogilvies Trustees would be after Martinmas. I now see that could not take place, but I want to see how his matters stand as your Rents and the Roup Bills will all be come in.

[John Orde.] Autograph Letter Signed to Messrs Erskine & Curle, Writers, Melrose, regarding his claim for drains against Messrs Scot & Turner.

John Orde [Messrs Erskine & Curle, Writers [solicitors], Melrose, Scotland; Scot & Turner]
Publication details: 
No place [Melrose, Scotland?]. 3 October 1824.

2pp., 4to. On bifolium. Addressed by Orde on reverse of second leaf, with docketting and faint postmark. Good, on lightly-aged paper.

[John Haig, whisky distiller at Cameron Bridge.] Autograph Letter Signed to Thomas Bywater of Wemyss Castle, Fife, apologising for being unable to pay the rent immediately, as he is 'going to Melrose fair'.

John Haig, whisky distiller, Cameron Bridge Distillery [Thomas Bywater, Wemyss Castle, Kirkaldy, Fife, Scotland; Melrose fair]
Publication details: 
Cameronbridge [i.e. Cameron Bridge Distillery]. 10 August 1840.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with Kirkaldy postmark, to 'Thos. Bywater Esq | Wemyss Castle | Kirkaldy'. Reads: 'I have your notice & meant to have sent you the Baln. of Rent tomorrow but the remittances I was counting on have not come forward today & I am going to Melrose fair tomorrow before Post time & wont be back till the end of the week but you may count upon it on Monday or Tuesday next week when I expect to be here again'.

[Alex Younie, for Andrew Lang, Sheriff-Clerk of Selkirkshire.] Autograph Letter Signed to Melrose writers [solicitors] Erskine & Curle, explaining why Lang will have to delay payment of the dividends from 'John Brydens funds'.

Andrew Lang, Sheriff Clerk of Selkirkshire, grandfather of the writer of the same name, and friend of Sir Walter Scott; Alex Younie; Messrs Erskine & Curle, Writers [solicitors], Melrose
Publication details: 
Selkirk. 17 April 1818.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmark, on reverse of second leaf, which is docketed 'Mr A. Lang | About dividend from John Brydens funds'. In good condition, on aged and lightly creased paper. The letter reads: 'Gentlemen, | Mr. Lang has just now received your letter of yesterday's date. - Bryden's funds are not yet drawn from the Bank, and the dividends cannot be paid sooner than the latter end of next week, as Mr. L. goes from home on Sunday and will not return till that time. - You will get notice what time to send for Mr. James Brydons [sic] dividd.'

[Mrs M. A. Cranstoun of Friars Haugh.] Autograph Letter Signed to Charles Erskine of Erskine & Curle, Writers, Melrose, regarding a dispute with neighbour Mr Usher regarding right of way and 'the taking of Gravel'.

[Mrs M. A. Cranstoun of Friars Haugh, Borders, Scotland; Charles Erskine of Erskine & Curle, Writers [solicitors], Melrose]
Publication details: 
Friars Haugh [Borders, Scotland]; 9 May 1821.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with red wax seal, on reverse of second leaf, to 'Charles Erskine Esqre. | Melrose'. Docketted: '7 May 1821 | Mrs Cranstown [sic] | About Mr Usher preventing the taking of Gravel'. A well-written letter, and a nice piece of social history. She lays out her case extremely clearly: 'I trouble you with this letter on the following account. Having occasion for some Gravel to beautify our Court, I employed a man to bring it from the river on Friday last. Mr Usher objected to his doing so, the man answered, "have not they a right?

Autograph Card Signed from Frederic Harrison to Elbridge H. Goss of Melrose County, Massachusetts, regarding 'the President's fine message'. With two neatly-mounted photographs of Harrison, from magazines.

Frederic Harrison (1831-1923), jurist, positivist and author [Elbridge H. Goss of Melrose County, Massachusetts]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Elm Hill, Hawkhurst. 18 October 1831.

The card is in fair condition, on lightly-aged paper, neatly and attractively tipped-in onto a 4to leaf which also carries a photograph of 'FREDERIC HARRISON' cut from a magazine, with both items placed within ruled borders. Laid down on a second 4to leaf, and also within a ruled border, is a second photograph of Harrison, captioned 'FREDERIC HARRISON | Author of "The Creed fo a Layman." (Apologia Pro Fide Mea).' Both photographs and mounts are in very good condition. The card is addressed to Goss at the Melrose Savings Bank, Melrose, Massachusetts.

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