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[ George Ormerod, Cheshire antiquary. ] Autograph Letter, in the third person, to 'Mr Cornish' [ the Manchester bookseller James Edward Cornish ], giving his reasons for asking £100 for a copy of his History of Cheshire.

George Ormerod (1785-1873), Cheshire antiquary [ James Edward Cornish (1831-1903), Manchester bookseller ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Sedbury Park, Chepstow. 9 March 1867.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, lightly-aged. Addressed to 'Mr Cornish | 33, Piccadilly | Manchester'. The letter begins: 'Mr. Ormerod has received Mr Cornish's enquiry whether Mr O. has "any Io [i.e. folio] Paper Hist: of Cheshire for sale.' He replies that he 'has now only two Io Paper copies of Hist: Cheshire One is extensively illustrated and bound in ten Volumes in Morocco - This, of course, cannot be parted with.' Ormerod would part with the other set 'for £100, (one Hundred pounds) Cash - not less'.

[ John Stuart, 1st Marquess of Bute. ] Manuscript indenture, signed by 'Cardiff' (with his seal), Dutens and Jacmar: 'Escoffment of a Cottage at Collierly in the County of Durham | The Right Honourable John Lord Cardiff to Mr. John Smith.'

John Stuart (1744-1814), 1st Marquess of Bute (as John, Lord Cardiff) [ Louis Dutens (1730-1812), French author; David George Jacmar (d.1896) of the Auditor's Office; Thomas Shafto of Witton Gilbert ]
Publication details: 
[ Regarding Collierley, County Durham. ] 1 July 1780.

3pp., folio. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Laid out in the customary fashion, with two tax stamps, one embossed and the other in black ink. Signed 'Cardiff' beside a good impression of his seal in red wax. Witnessed by 'L. Dutens' and 'D G Jacmar'. The indenture is 'Between The Right Honourable John Lord Cardiff of Cardiff Castle in the County of Glamorgan of the first Part John Smith of Wilton Gilbert in the County of Durham Gentleman of the second Part and Thomas Shafto of Dunston in the said County of Durham Esquire off the third Part'.

[ Sir Edward Stanley of Bickerstaffe, later 11th Earl of Derby. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd Stanley') to Sir John Chetwood, regarding a commission for the levying of 3000 for the Earl of Cheshire (i.e. George Augustus, Prince of Wales).

Sir Edward Stanley (1689-1776) of Bickerstaffe, later 11th Earl of Derby [ Sir John Chetwood; George Augustus, Prince of Wales (as Earl of Chester), future King George I ]
Publication details: 
'Moesley' [ Mosley, Lancashire ]. 9 September 1717.

1p., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed on second leaf 'To | Sr John Chetwood Barrtt'. On aged and worn paper. Neatly and attractively written out. Reads: 'Sr | I brought down from London the Prince's Patent for ye levyeing 3000 Markes in Cheshire due to his Royall Highness, as Earle of Chester on whic a Comis[si]on is issued out directed to you and Others for ye levyeing the Same which Comis[si]on I am oblig'd to acquaint you will be at Chester on Tuesday the first day of October next'.?>

Manuscript Fee Book of E. G. M. Carmichael, Worcestershire barrister and 29th Chief of the Clan Carmichael, covering over fifty years [1895-1947].

Evelyn George Massey Carmichael (1871-1959), 29th Chief of the Clan Carmichael, barrister at law of the Inner Temple and Worcestershire cricketer [Harrow; Oriel College, Oxford]
Publication details: 
In 'Partridge & Cooper's Improved Fee Book.' Entries dated from 1 January 1895 to June 1947.

4to, 168 pp. Text clear and complete, in a number of different hands. Internally tight, on lightly-aged paper. In loose buff calf half-binding, with the front of the green cloth boards stamped in gilt with 'FEE BOOK [in scroll] | E. G. M. CARMICHAEL'. Every opening in a spread of seven columns across the two pages: Date, Solicitor, Name of Cause or Matter, Description, Fee, When paid, Remarks. Giving a rounded picture of the activities of a well-connected provincial solicitor. (Represented Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin - another Worcestershire man, M.P.

[ Sir David William Smith, land agent of the Duke of Northumberland. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('D W Smith') to Alnwick solicitor Robert Thorp, regarding possible candidates for the post of Deputy Lieutenant.

Sir David William Smith (1764-1837) of Pickering in Upper Canada, and of Preston, County Northumberland
Publication details: 
[ Alnwick, Northumberland. ] 21 March 1831.

1p., 12mo. On bifolium. In very good condition. Having asked Thorp's son to ask him to 'turn this' in his mind, he writes again on behalf of the Duke, who would like 'the names of such gentry, as might be made Depy. Lieuts. Mr. Adamson complaining of their want at Hexcham - Avonlea - & some other places'. The only name that Smith can recollect is that of 'Mr. Mitford, of Mitford Castle, who is desirous of acting'.

[ George Webb, Kent cricketer. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Geo. Webb.') to Ramsay Hunter, 'Golf Club and Ball Maker' of St. George's Golf Club, Sandwich, Kent, disputing the payment of an invoice.

George Webb [ George William Webb ] (1857-1931), Kent cricketer, 'Professional to Tonbridge School' and sports shop proprietor [ Ramsay Hunter, greenkeeper of St George's Golf Club, Sandwich, Kent ]
Publication details: 
On 'Memorandum' letterheads of 'George Webb, | Professional to Tonbridge School, | Cricket, Football, Lawn Tennis, | Golf, and other Athletic Goods. | 196, High Street, Tonbridge.' 30 June and 22 July 1898.

Each 1p., 12mo. Both in fair condition, aged and worn. ONE (30 June 1898): 'Received an acct from you. The only error in it is that I dont owe you anything. I sent a cheque to settle up with you some months ago also an order for goods which you never sent so have not troubled you since'. He is returning the invoice. TWO (22 July 1898): 'In reply to yours yesterday I may tell you the goods for which you sent invoice were never supplied. So I cannot owe for them.' He will go through his accounts for the date of his last payment. B. J. W. Hill and Peter Hill, in their 'History of Royal St.

[Printed pamphlet.] Extracts from The Registers of The Nonconformist Chapel at Dukinfield, co. Chester, kept by The Rev. Samuel Angier, 1677 to 1713. A Paper read before the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, 24th February, 1881.

J. P. Earwaker [Rev. Samuel Angier; the Nonconformist Chapel, Dukinfield, County Chester]
Publication details: 
For Private Circulation. Liverpool: T. Brakell, Printer, 58, Dale Street. 1882.

28pp., 8vo. Disbound pamphlet. In good condition, on aged paper, with manuscript shelfmark at foot of title-page. Uncommon. No copies at the British Library or at Doctor Williams's Library, and only four copies traced on COPAC.

[Sales of farm stock, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, 1844 and 1845.] Three manuscript lists of 'the goods and chattels of David Kauffman sold at public sale', describing articles sold, with prices and purchasers' names.

[David Kauffman of East Hempfield township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Dutch; Mennonites of America]
Publication details: 
[East Hempfield township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.] Sales on 12 November 1844 and 25 February and 10 March 1845.

For more information on the Kauffman family, see Alexander Harris's 'Biographical History of Lancaster County' (1872), pp.332-335. The family were Mennonites, and originated in Hesse. The most notable member was affluent farmer and bank president Abraham Cassel Kauffman (1799-1886), a member of the Pennsylvania legislature for the 1835, 1837 and 1843 sessions. 18pp., 8vo. Unbound. On five loose bifoliums (with remains of stitching still present). The leaves of one bifolium are separated from one another, and the order of the pages is probably disturbed.

Irish Orange Order political handbill poem, ostensibly by 'Robert Todd, Comber', ridiculing Liberal candidate in North Down John Shaw Brown on his defeat in the General Election of 1885, titled 'The Burial of the Radical Cause in the Glassmoss'.

'Robert Todd, Comber' and 'M'Cullough's Mule, Coroner, Glassmoss' [John Shaw Brown of Edenderry and Tordeevra, linen manufacturer; County Down, Northern Ireland]
Publication details: 
[Glassmoss, County Down, Ireland. 1885.]

1p., 12mo. Cheaply printed in small print. A frail survival: aged and worn. In the 1885 General Election Brown was soundly defeated in the North Down constituency by the Conservative candidate Thomas Waring. The present item is headed 'The Burial of the Radical Cause in the Glassmoss. (By Robert Todd, Comber.)' The poem is 32 lines long, divided into eight four-line stanzas.

Seventeenth-century Vellum Manuscript Indenture, a copyhold lease from Sir Arthur Haselrig to John Atkinson of half an acre of land in Bedburne, County Durham.

[Sir Arthur Haselrig (1601-1661), parliamentarian soldier [Sir Arthur Hasilrige; Sir Arthur Hesilrige]; John Atkinson; Bedburne, County Durham]
Publication details: 
[Bedburne, County Durham.] 19 October 1653.

On one side of a piece of vellum (roughly 7.5 x 32.5 cm). In fair condition, aged and worn. In English. Scan on application.

[Printed handbill reproducing article by Paul Harvey from the 'FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin'.] What Are Policemen Made Of?

[Paul Harvey [Paul Harvey Aurandt] (1918-2009), American broadcaster] The Hartford County Sheriff's Department; the FBI]
Publication details: 
'Distributed as a Public Service by the Hartford County Sheriff's Dept. 838 - 6600'.

1p., 8vo. Photocopied in black on light-green paper. In fair condition, creased and lightly-aged. Small photograph of Paul Harvey beside the title, above the following introduction: 'In a recent column Mr. Harvey, a noted commentator and journalist, strongly defended the law enforcement officer. With his permission the Bulletin reprints this message which we think will be of interest to our readers.' Harvey's piece, reproduced over three columns, begins: 'Don't credit me with this mongrel prose; it has many parents; at least 420,000 of them: Policemen.

[Tonbridge Cricket Week, 1894-1909.] Manuscript 'Minute Book' of the Committee of Subscribers to the Tonbridge Cricket Week, with entries signed by Tom Pawley, H. A. L. Rudd, and others, and numerous newspaper cuttings inserted.

Tonbridge Cricket Week, 1894-1909 [Tom Pawley (1859-1923), Kent cricketer; G. A. Floyd; H. A. L. Rudd [Henry Aytone Lindesay Rudd] (1867-1935); W. G. Grace; Ben Greet]
Publication details: 
[Tonbridge, Kent.] 14 February 1894 to 29 January 1909.

285pp., 8vo, including newspaper cuttings laid down on 24pp., and one loose cutting. In contemporary black leather half-binding, with brown cloth covers, and 'MINUTE BOOK' in gilt on front. Marbled endpapers. Ticket on rear pastedown of 'W. BLAIR, | Stationer, | Post Office Buildings | TONBRIDGE'. Internally in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn binding with front hinge split. Manuscript title: 'Tonbridge Cricket Week. | 1894. | First Held 1890'.

[Sir Robert Bateson-Harvey of Killoquin, County Antrim, Ireland.] Autograph double-entry year's accounts (as 'Robt. Bateson'), headed 'Mr. James Henry his acco[un]t. Curr[en]t. for the Ren<t> of the Killoquin Estate'. Signed by Henry.

Sir Robert Bateson-Harvey (c.1747-1825) of Killoquin. County Antrim, Ireland; James Henry
Publication details: 
Culmore [County Londonderry, Ireland]. 31 December 1787.

7pp., folio, paginated 338-344. A complete set of accounts for the period from 11 October 1786 to 31 December 1787, on four loose leaves, with the recto of the first leaf blank apart from pagination to 337. Signed at end: 'Errors excepted | Culmore 31st Decr 1787 | Robt. Bateson', and signed 'Jas Henry'. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. An interesting document, revealing some distress among the tenants. The first entry relates to 'arrears due by Insolvent Tenants at Novr.

[The Coronation, 1953.] Plans, sections and elevations, with letters and memoranda, by the Scottish architect Joseph Wilson, ARIBA, for the 'Proposed Coronation Stand' and 'Accommodation' at London booksellers J. & E. Bumpus Ltd., 477 Oxford Street.

[The Coronation, 1953.] [Joseph Wilson (b.c.1888), Glasgow architect; J. & E. Bumpus Ltd., 477 Oxford Street, prestigious London bookshop owned by J. G. Wilson [John Gideon Wilson] (1876-1963)]
Publication details: 
Joseph Wilson, 200 St Vincent Street, Glasgow, C2. [J. & E. Bumpus Ltd., 477 Oxford Street, London.] Eleven items, all dating from 1952.

For more about Joseph Wilson, ARIBA, FRIAS, see his entry in the Dictionary of Scottish Architects. From the familiar tone of his letters (Items Seven, Ten and Eleven below), there is every indication that he was closely related to his client, J. G. Wilson, proprietor of the prestigious firm of J. & E. Bumpus Ltd, and a man described by Sir Basil Blackwell (in his DNB entry on Wilson) as 'the most famous English [sic] bookseller of his time'. Eleven items, in good condition, lightly aged and worn.

[The first two printed parts, the first with inscription by author.] History and Antiquities of Brentford by Fred Turner, F. R. Hist. Soc., Author of "Brentford Literary and Historical Sketches," etc.

Fred Turner, F. R. Hist. Soc., Author of "Brentford Literary and Historical Sketches," etc.
Publication details: 
Both parts: Printed for the author by Henry R. Bohee, 58 & 59, High Street, Brentford. 1921.

Both parts in fair condition, with light signs of age; the second part with creased corner causing damage to the last couple of leaves and back cover. Two stapled pamphlets, uniform in grey printed wraps. PART I. 'Stone Age to 8th Century A.D. | Illustrated.' [4] + 13pp., 4to. Frontispiece and two full-page illustrations, with two more illustrations in text. Inscribed on front cover 'With the author's best wishes | Xmas 1921'. PART II. '10th to 14th Centuries A.D., etc. | Illustrated with Photographs by the Author.' 19pp., 4to (paginated to 32).

[Sir James Caird and George Ridley, MPs.] Indenture on vellum ('A Memorial [...] of An Absolute Order' re land in Durham owned by John Bowes), Signed by Caird and Ridley, with the seal in red wax of the Enclosure Commissioners for England and Wales.

Sir James Caird (1816-1892), MP, Dartmouth and Stirling Burghs; George Ridley (1818-1887), MP, Newcastle-upon-Tyne [John Bowes (1811-1885), of Streatland Castle, Darlington, County Durham]
Publication details: 
Ashurst Morris & Co, 6 Old Jewry [London], [for The Enclosure Commission for England and Wales, Whitehall, London.] 23 May 1872.

On one vellum skin. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Docketed 'No. 1 | Order left 22 May 1872. | Meml. regd. 23d. May 1872. | Order reld. 27th. May 1872' and 'Ashurst Morris & Co | 6 Old Jewry | E.C.' Arranged in the customary fashion, with tax stamps, and the signatures ('G: Ridley' and 'James Caird') on either side of the seal, on folded up strip at foot. The seal, in red wax on a green ribbon is 4.5 cm in diameter and in fair condition, with a few small fragments chipped away.

[Henry Arthur Cole, Ulster politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Cole') to James Jephson, Secretary of the Carlton Club, regarding recent elections in County Fermanagh and the poll book.

Henry Arthur Cole (1809-1890), successively Conservative MP for Enniskillen (1844-1851) and Fermanagh (1854-1880)
Publication details: 
Florence Court, County Fermanagh. 24 January [1854?].

2pp., 8vo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Cole has received a request from Jephson, asking him 'to send the Poll-book of the County Fermanagh to the Library of the Carleton [sic] Club'. He explains that 'for the last two Elections for that County there has been no Contest.

[Lord Edwin Hill-Trevor, MP for County Down.] Autograph Letter Signed ('AEHT') to his son George Edwyn Hill-Trevor, writing from the House of Commons on the day the British Fleet sailed for Turkish waters during the Anglo-Russian crisis.

Lord Edwin Hill-Trevor [Lord Arthur Edwin Hill-Trevor] (1819-1894) of Brynkinallt, Denbighshire, MP for County Down, 1845-1880 [his second son George Edwyn Hill-Trevor (b.1859); Russo-Turkish War]
Publication details: 
On embossed House of Commons letterhead. 8 February 1878.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. An interesting letter from a senior Conservative politician during Disraeli's second government, written on the day the British fleet set sail for Turkish waters, with war between Great Britain and Russia appearing imminent. (Tensions between the two countries had been increasing during the course of the Russo-Turkish War of 1877-1878, and the fleet would anchor off Constantinople, which the Russians threatened to occupy.) The letter begins: 'My dear George | We divided last night contrary to all Expectation.

[Printed 'University of London Institute of Education' pamphlet.] Thomas George Tibbey. A Lecture in his Memory. Being the First Tibbey Memorial Lecture given in the Institute.

P. B. Ballard, M.A., D.Litt., Formerly Divisional Inspector under the London County Council [University of London Institute of Education; Thomas George Tibbey Lecture]
Publication details: 
[University of London Institute of Education.] Published for the Insitute of Education by Oxford University Press. London: Humphrey Milford. 1936.

19 + [1]pp., 4to. In grey printed wraps. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, in worn wraps. Stamps, shelfmarks and label of the Ministry of Education Reference Library, London. Seven copies on COPAC.

[Printed handbill.] Annual Report for 1918 of the Representative Managers of London County Council Elementary Schools.

[Alfred Perceval Graves, Chairman, Representative Managers of London County Council Elementary Schools]
Publication details: 
Representative Managers of London County Council Elementary Schools.] 'To be presented at the Annual General Meeting on Monday, February 24th, 1919, at five p.m. [...]'.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. With stamps, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library. No copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[HMS Berwick, Royal Navy cruiser.] Duplicated 'List of Urgent Defects', ninety-two in number, with the priority of the necessary work indicated in manuscript, compiled on the verge of the ship's decommissioning in 1946.

[HMS Berwick, Royal Navy County class heavy cruiser, of the Kent subclass, launched 1926 and decommissioned 1946; Second World War; North Sea convoys; Norwegian campaign]
Publication details: 
No place. [Admiralty, Whitehall.] Latest reference to December 1944.

9pp., foolscap 8vo. Duplicated carbon, printed in purple (except for Item 27, added in black), with the type breaking up heavily at points. Listing 92 numbered items, with columns for 'Departmental Serial No.' and 'Priority', the latter marked up in red pencil with 'A' (top priority), 'B' and 'C'. The list is divided into the following subsections: 'Hull & Miscellaneous', 'Auxiliary Machinery & Gunmountings', 'Electrical', 'First Fitting Stores'. The document was presumably produced as part of an assessment of whether the ship should be saved or scrapped.

[Printed pamphlet.] Report on the Census of Young Employees, between 14 and 18 years of age, in the County of London, on June 30th, 1920.

R. Blair, Education Officer, London County Council, Education Committee
Publication details: 
[London County Council, Education Committee; I.C.C. Education Offices, Victoria Embankment, W.C. 19 November 1920.] Printed on '18-3-21 [i.e. 18 March 1921]'.

16pp., foolscap 8vo. With four plates, each carrying a map of the County of London (two of them preceding the title) and 2pp of tables on a fold-out leaf. In poor condition, on aged and worn paper, with closed tears, and lacking orange wraps (which presumably carry the full title-page), traces of which are still present. Stamp and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library, London. No copy traced on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed pamphlet.] The Work of the Council in connection with Juvenile Delinquency in London. [Evidence given on behalf of the Council before the Home Office Departmental Committee on the Treatment of Young Offenders.]

G. H. Gater, Education Officer, London County Council, Education Committee; Sir Cyril Lodowic Burt (1883-1971; ODNB) [Juvenile Delinquency]
Publication details: 
The County Hall, Westminster Bridge, S.E.1. Published by the London County Council [P. S. King & Son, Limited, 14, Great Smith Street, Victoria Street, Westminster, SW1]. 1926.

40pp., foolscap 8vo. In orange printed wraps. Stamps, shelfmark and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Stitched. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Includes 26pp. of tables. Preface (p.2) by Gater and 'Appendix II' (pp.19-20) by Sir Cyril Burt ('Memorandum by Dr. Cyril Burt, Psychologist in the Education Officer's Department of the London County Council.') The only copy on COPAC at the Guildhall Library, City of London, and the only two copies on OCLC WorldCat both in the United States.

[Printed item.] London County Council. Report by G. Topham Forrest, F.R.I.B.A., F.R.S.E., F.G.S., The Architect to the Council, on The Construction and Control of Buildings and the Development of Urban Areas in the United States of America.

G. Topham Forrest, F.R.I.B.A., F.R.S.E., F.G.S., The Architect to the Council [London County Council]
Publication details: 
Printed in accordance with an order of the General Purpose Committee, dated 16th February, 1925. The County Hall, Westminster Bridge, S.E.1. May, 1925. Published by the London County Council. [P. S. King & Son, Limited.]

109pp., 4to. With frontispiece ('LCC: Ossulston Street Area, Saint Pancras') and 35 plates ('Drawings'), including five fold-outs, two of which are coloured maps of parts of London (one begin 'Suggestion for Re-development of part of Chelsea'). Also included are two maps of the Brady Street Area of Bethnal Green. In fair condition, on aged paper, in worn and aged wraps. Stamps and label of the Board of Education Reference Library.

[Printed item.] London County Council: Home Circumstances of "Necessitous" Children in Twelve Selected Schools. Reports by the chairmen of the Sub-Committee on Underfed Children and the Education officer, submitting report by the organisers.

[E. A. H. Jay, Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Underfed Children, London County Council; Miss T. M. Morton and Mr. H. D. C. Pepler]
Publication details: 
Jas. Truscott & Son, Ltd., Printers, London, E.C. ['Covering Report' by Jay dated 20 July 1908.]

47pp, 4to. On aged and brittle paper, archivally repaired and bound in sturdy modern blue buckram binding by the Ministry of Education Reference Library (whose stamps and labels the volume carries), with white typed label on front board. Binding in very good condition. A detailed report, with numerous tables, and eighteen case studies including financial and other information including 'Teacher's report' and 'Investigator's report'. Scarce: no copies on COPAC or (other than eBooks) on OCLC WorldCat.

[G. Anthony Beales, 'The Celebrated Photographer'.] Eight display and advertising items, printed by Cheney & Sons of Banbury, including one large and one small display board, a booklet ('Anthony Beales & Co., Artists in Photography'), handbills.

G. Anthony Beales, 'The Celebrated Photographer', 5, South Bar, Banbury ['Private Studio'] or County Studio, George Row, Northampton; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury]
Publication details: 
G. Anthony Beales, ['Private Studio'] 5, South Bar, Banbury, or County Studio, George Row, Northampton. [Three items with printers' details of 'Cheney & Sons, Printers, Banbury', but the five others also printed by the firm.] None dated [circa 1890].

Beales, also a sign painter and picture framer, was a successful and prolific photographer (he boasts on two of the items below of '3,400 Testimonials'), whose Parade Studio was at 5 South Bar, Banbury, from 1888 to 1911, with a secondary business at the County Studio, George Row, Northampton at around the same time. Beales claimed the Royal patronage of both Queen Victoria and the Prince of Wales, and aimed at the upper end of the market. Seven of the eight items in good condition, lightly-aged, but Item Four with minor damage (see description).

[Feargus Edward O'Connor, Chartist leader.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Feargus O'Connor') to

Feargus O'Connor [Feargus Edward O'Connor] (1796?-1855), Irish radical politician and Chartist leader
Publication details: 
L<?>. 23 August 1847.

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, folded and on lightly-aged paper. O'Connor's hand is quite difficult. As far as can be deciphered, the letter reads: 'My dear Ch<?> | I was from home when yours came. I your cheque for £200 acknowledge receipt addressed to "<?>". Keep going at "<?>" I shall be in town, all next week to arrange about Bank and other things.' Postscript: 'The <?> are asking what became of you.'?>

[Priced auctioneers' copy of catalogue.] By direction of the Executors of Mrs. Eliza Jane Moore. Lawneswood House, near Stourbridge. Catalogue of the Valuable and Extensive Library Formed by the late Colonel Fletcher, M.A., F.R.S., F.S.A., F.G.S.

[Colonel Thomas William Fletcher (1808-1893), FRS, FSA, of Lawneswood House, near Stourbridge; Edwards, Son & Bigwood, auctioneers]
Publication details: 
Edwards, Son & Bigwood, F.A.I. At the residence [Lawneswood House, near Stourbridge] on 9 October 1923. [Hudson & Son, Printers, Birmingham.]

18pp., 8vo. Stapled and unbound. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with rusted staples. According to the title-page the library comprises 'Topographical and Genealogical Books, County Histories, including Nash's Worcestershire. Plot's Staffordshire. Dugdale's Warwickshire. Hutchins's Dorset. Whitelaw's Dublin. Berry's Genealogies. Publications of learned societies, etc.' In manuscript at head of title: 'MARKED CATALOGUE - PRICES REALISED'.

[Hanwell Lunatic Asylum.] Sixteen documents, including corrected manuscript minutes of a committee meeting in 1850, a death certificate, and ten manuscript cards and four forms from various workhouses enquiring about vacancies.

Hanwell Lunatic Asylum [The Middlesex County Asylum; Hanwell Insane Asylum], the first purpose-built asylum in England and Wales, built for the pauper insane, and opened in 1831 [J. W. Palmer]
Publication details: 
The minutes (8 August 1850) and death certificate (6 December 1884) from Hanwell Lunatic Asylum. The other fourteen items dated from various locations in Middlesex and London, between 1880 and 1884.

The fifteen items are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The minutes are 5pp., foolscap 8vo, and are docketted: '8. Augt 1850 | Lunatic Asylum | Minutes of Comee | To be entd. in Minute Book inserting in their places Papers 1. 2. & 3.' The document is headed: 'At a Meeting held pursuant to adjournmt at the Asylum on Thursday the 8th. of August 1850. | Present, John Wilks Esqre, in the Chair | George Baillie Esqre | Marlbrorough Pryor Esqre | Thomas Russell Esqre | John Townend Esqre | Walter Buchanan Esqre | Valentine Knight Esqre | Henry Warner Esqre | Benjn. Mo.

[Fayette County, Commonwealth of Virginia.] Manuscript attested copy of a grant of land from Beverley Randolph, Governor, to Richard Lee.

[Beverley Randolph, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia; Richard Lee; Licking, Fayette County]
Publication details: 
[The Commonwealth of Virginia.] Original document dated 10 December 1790. Copy made in late nineteenth century.

On one side of a piece of 40 x 32 cm paper. A printed form, completed in manuscript. Docketted on reverse: 'Richard Lee | 9240 acres | Copy Grant | Examd | fee 43 cents'. On aged high-acidity paper, with tears along crease lines repaired with archival tape. At foot, in manuscript: 'A Copy | attest | M M Foster RLO | By E. A. Macurdy D.R.' The grant is described over seventeen lines, the land referred to in the document being in the 'County of Fayette on the Main fork at Licking'.

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