Travel and Topography

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Autograph Letters Signed (x 3) to “Smith”.

Albert Way.
Publication details: 
No date.

Antiquary (1805-1874). 2pp. ea., 8vo, damp-staining and other marksbut text still legible. He is returning some “cuts” lent by the Sussex Society and enclosing “eight blocks for the Catalogue of the Chichester Museum”. He wants his correspondent to follow up on a “cut”. In another letter, he makes suggestions for the improvement of a “proof of the Ark” and requests a book. In the other letter, he says that he is sending “the continuation ofChichester Catalogue” and someone else will send “the greater part of thewoodcut blocks”. He asks for a “cut” to be sent to the printer. 3 items,

Autograph Letter Signed to Lord Sheffield, statesman and friend of Gibbon,

Andrew Stuart.
Publication details: 

Scottish lawyer and politician (-1801)(DNB). 2pp., 4to, good. He is forwarding for Sheffield’s attention a copy of a memorial prepared by him in 1780 when at the Board of Trade concerning disputes between England and Ireland “on the subject of the equalising duty on sugar”. His recommendations were adopted.

Autograph Letters Signed (x 2) to an unknown correspondent and A.B. Bagley.

Edward Law, Earl of Ellenborough.
Publication details: 
19 Sept. 1830 and (30 Oct. 1841).

Governor-General of India. 5 & 2pp., 8vo. Some illegible. (1830) he asks himself whether the "Board" should reply to "the Statements and Assumptions of the . . . Secret Committee in the subject of the Secret Letters relating to the Treaty with . . .(?)". He continues on the theme, concluding that ther documents in question had been perused by Lord Clare, the intended successor of Sir John Malcolm" (Governor of Bombay). (1841) he is trying to arrange a meeting.

Signature only.

Alfred Barry.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Primate of Australia, miscellaneous writer (DNB). Clipped signature, , on paper, c.3.5 x 1.5", laid down on similar sized card. Text as follows: "Yours truly / Alfred Barry / W.H. Dynham Esq", the latter being the correspondent.

Glimpses of our ancestors in Sussex; with Sketches of Sussex Characters, Remarkable Incidents &c.

Charles Fleet.
Publication details: 
Brighton, 1878.

298pp., 8vo, maroon cloth decorated, title on spine gilt, good condition with minor defects. INSCRIBED by the author "Alderman Henry Martin, J.P., From his old Friend and Relation Chas. Fleet, Nov 11 1878".

Autograph letter signed to John Burke, Irish genealogist.

Henry Gally Knight.
Publication details: 
Lower Grosvenor St., 13 July 1841.

Traveller, antiquary, writer on architecture (1786-1846). One page, 8vo with added page of verse, nick not affecting text, good. He responds to a request by sending an impression of a seal [not present] "which bears the armorial ensigns of the two families which I represent" - which he expands on.

Typed Letter Signed to Prof. S. Langdon (Oxford), with seven related items.

Arthur Probsthain.
Publication details: 
41 Great Russell Street, London, WC1, 7 May 1931 [-1932].

Bookseller (Oriental and India). All eight items with fold marks, but good condition. They relate to the publication of Sir John Marshall's (ed.) "Mohenjodaro and the Indus Civilisation" (3 vols., 1931), described by Probsthain himself in Andrew Block's "A Short History of the Principal London Antiquarian Booksellers" (1933): "[My] largest work . . . has for its subject the discovery of most ancient India . . . edited by Sir John Marshall, Director-General of Archaeology in India.

Autograph Letter Signed to "Miss Iwar Muller"

Alfred Milner, Viscount,
Publication details: 

Imperialist. 2pp., 8vo. He regrets that he cannot accept her invitation and that he will not be able to meet the "Glazebrooks".

Autograph postcard signed, to Kathleen Shackleton, dau. of the explorer, and autograph letter signed to Douglas Sladen.

Ruby M. Ayres
Publication details: 
[1923] and 13 May 1931

Popular novelist. She announces to Kathleen Shackleton that they "go on to Cairo tomorrow. ALS, 2pp., 8vo to Sladen, regretting not being able to accept an invitation but inviting the Sladens to the "Authors Dinner" where she is to be a hostess. Two items,

Autograph letter from the Secretaries of the (self-styled) Gambia Committee to Gisborne Molineux

The Gambia
Publication details: 

2pp, 8vo, remains of tape indicating from album, headed "Gambia Committee, 3 King Street, Westminster, "We beg respectfully to inform you that a Deputation to protest against the proposal to cede the River Gambia to France, will wait upon Earl Carnarvon ........" Thjey request Molineux's presence. {In fact, GB retained possession.]

Signature only

W.H. Murray Walton
Publication details: 
no date

Explorer in Japan. Good signature on pasaper, 3 x 1" approc. With: additional pencil note "Distinguished explorer in Japan made first ascents of many mountains" ascribed on the paper on which the signature is laid sown to "Dr [Howard] Somervell of Mt Everest Expedition" (1953 expedition, Somervelld.1975).

Autograph letter signed.

Alexander Slidell Mackenzie
Publication details: 
Tarr[y]town, 2 June 1843

Commander, US Navy, Mexican War veteran, author (1803-1948). One page, 4to, severe staining (perhaps the glue from its laying down), and some damage causing some obscuring of text (difficult enough without a further problem), which is as follows: I am greatly indebted to you for you[r] obliging poem of the 29 ultimo and for the favourable [se]ntiments towards me which it expresses. Such [s]entiments proceeding from [an ... ...?] are doubly valuable, and I thank you most cordially for the kind feeling which prompted you to express them ........

Autograph letter signed to A. Byham,

Captain William Scarfe Moorsom
Publication details: 
23 Sept [?], 17½ Great George Street, Westminster.

Civil engineer (1804-63). 2 pp, 12mo. "Dear Sir / Will you excuse the Son of your old Surveyor General so far as to send me a printed copy of the regulations under which Boys come for examination at Woolwich Academy: My Boy will probably be finding his way there & I want to prepare him to meet the Points of examination: - If you have not any of the printed copies perhaps by passing this not into an adjoining room you will be able to send one by my messenger who will wait, & you will much oblige yours faithfull / W. S. Moorsom".

Autograph letter signed to "Mr Tupper" (presumably Charles Lewis Tupper, Anglo-Indian administrator, see DNB)

Colin Scott-Moncrieff
Publication details: 
Lahore, 7 Nov. (n.y.)

Engineer and administrator (1836-1916). He thanks Tupper effusively for his hospitality ("Traditional old Indian hospitality").

The Origin of the Dutch: with a Sketch of their language and literature, and short examples

Rev. J. Bosworth
Publication details: 
London, 1836

32pp., cr.8vo, ltd ed (100), dark green cl. sl. sunned and dusted, sl. hinge str., mainly g+

One Autograph Letter, third person and one Autograph Letter Signed, to Dr Mahon and T. Phillips (portrait painter)

Charles, Earl Whitworth
Publication details: 
6 May 1820 and 18 Nov. 1822.

Diplomat and Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland (1752-1825). 2 & 4pp., 8vo. (1820) He expresses gratitude for Mahon's part in getting him membership of the Society of Antiquaries, and discusses his future resolves in its regard. (1822) He renews a request for a portrait of Sir Walter Scott to hang at Knole, and goes into some detail. 2 items,

Autograph Letter Signed, 4pp., 8vo, to E.A. Carr

E. Onslow Ford
Publication details: 

Sculptor (1852-1901). He gives details concerning his statue of General Gordon, and is sending photographs of the model for it exhibited at Crystal Palace and others, illustrating how it was planned.

Signature on address panel to "Monsieur / Professeur le Lieut Colonel / Edward Sabine / a / Woolwich".

Baron Humboldt.
Publication details: 
No date

Baron Friedrich Heinrich Alexander von Humboldt , German naturalist and traveller (1769-1859). Sabine, soldier (American War), scientist and arctic explorer (1788-1883)(DNB). Humboldt's "Cosmos" was translated by Sabine's wife. An address panel, trimmed, removed rom an album, c.5 x 3.5", fold marks but text clear: "a Monsieur / Professeur le Lieut Colonel / Edward Sabine / a / Woolwich. / [bottom left] Bn Humboldt." A piquant combination.This derives from an album of autograph letters and signatures created by "Annie" (Mrs Henry Craigie Brewster), daughter-in-law of Sir David Brewster.

Autograph note signed to unknown correspondent (name removed).

Robert Curzon.
Publication details: 
24 Arlington St, 28 May 1867.

Traveller, discoverer of manuscripts, diplomat and author, fourteenth Baron Zouche (or de la Zouche) of Harringworth (1810-1873). One page, 12mo, good condition though name of correspondent removed. "I shall have great pleasure in accepting your kind invitation to dinner on the 6th of June. If I am not at Paris at that time. I do not expect to be there, but am not quite certain. I will write again in case I should go."

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