Travel and Topography

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Autograph Letters Signed (x 4) to (Charles) Buxton

William E. Baxter.
Publication details: 
11 July-29 Aug. 1885

Traveller in Spain and elsewhere, and author. 2-4pp., 8vo. He discusses extensively his work on "a Handbook on Russia & Great Britain in Central Asia", giving a resume of chapters and asking for copies to be sent to various places. "No question is more important at present". FOUR ITEMS,

Autograph letter signed to John Wilson Croker, Secretary to the Admiralty

Edward Sabine
Publication details: 

(1788-1883) Arctic explorer, soldier, astronomer and magnetic surveyor. Three pages, 8vo, good condition, date "1825" written in pencil. Text as follows: "Copies of my book have been ordered by the Board of Longitude to be sent to Members of the Board, and to Institutions, in different parts of the United Kingdom. Perhaps if the eleven copies, addressed as on the following page, are sent to you, you will have teh kindness to frank them to their several destinations. I shall call at the Admiralty myself with this note to spare you the trouble of writing an answer.

Manuscript Indenture (counterpart of Lease of Brown's premises at no. 342 Strand), on parchment, signed by Brown.

Alexander Brown, nineteenth-century bookseller in the Strand, London [Smith and Guscotte, Solicitors, 19 Essex Street, Strand]
Publication details: 
26 July 1865, London.

Fifty-two long lines of text, on one side of a single piece of parchment, roughly inches by. '[...] Between John Guscotte of No. 19 Essex Street Strand [...] and Alexander Brown of No. 342 Strand in the County of Middlesex aforesaid Book Seller'. A ten-year lease for a consideration of sixty pounds and yearly rent of one hundred and four pounds. Includes conditions relating to the upkeep of the premises, whitewashing of the walls, display of advertisements, etc.

Autograph Letter Signed, 3pp., 12mo, to "Col[one]l" [Stanhope?]

Alexander Johnston
Publication details: 
n.d. [1831?]

Vice-President of the Royal Asiatic Society, etc. (significant in Ceylon) (1775-1849). "Mr Vigne {traveller, incl. Tibet] who has just returned from a seven year tour which he has made through Thibet Cachmere (sic) Cabul & Candahar . . ." has given Lady Johnston (his wife) permission to see his drawings at the Asiatic Society. He also is going and invites his correspondent and Mrs Stanhope to join them.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mrs Matthews'.

Daniel Wilson, Bishop of Calcutta
Publication details: 
25 September 1848; 'Bp's Palace | Calcutta'.

English ecclesiastic (1778-1858). Two pages, octavo. Creased, and with one edge of verso adhering to leaf from autograph album. 'I hope you will excuse the great liberty I take in asking you to help me a little in finishing the Marbling, Enclosing, Ventilating &c of the Cathedral | I have been robbed of 20,000 by the Union Bank, so that I am compelled to solicit aid from the Congregation & kind friends in my extremity'. Signed 'D Calcutta'.

Autograph Note Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

Sir John Bowring
Publication details: 
2 Wellington Street; 4 December 1830.

Linguist, writer and traveller (1792-1872). One page, octavo. Lightly creased and with a few closed tears. Reverse adhering to page from autograph album. Reads 'My dear Sir | Herewith the promised letters - | Yours most truly | John Bowring'. Docketed on reverse.

Autograph Postcard signed (surname difficult) to [Marin?]

Charles [Robert? Robel? etc] [ AMUNDSEN ]
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] Societe de Geographie . . . ., no date [1913]

Two sides of postcard, in French, in a difficult hand, probably sent in 1913, the year in which this French Societe awarded a medal to Amundsen (GRADE MÉDAILLE D'OR DES EXPLORATIONS - of the south), text clear and complete. He is discussing the arrangements for the visit of Amundsen, saying initially that they cannot be changed (date, hour, "sejour"). He refers to the receptions involving "les membres du gouvernement" ("sont ]prevues?] du 22 [jour?] de son arrivee . . . Peut-etre le 29 deviendra-t-il libre, maiscela depend ni de la Societe de Geo.

Autograph Card Signed to [Sir Clarmont Percival] Skrine.

Sir Douglas Straight
Publication details: 
7 December 1905; on letterhead of the Pall Mall Gazette, 18 Charing Cross Road, London.

Journalist (1844-1914) and editor of the Pall Mall Gazette. The recipient was a British diplomat in Asia and travel writer. Good, but a tad grubby with rust marks from paperclip. 'You may do us 1600 words on Tibet and in preparing the mss put it in a form that will bear reduction'. Signature 'Douglas Straight' slightly smudged (with Straight's fingerprint?)

Autograph Letter Signed to [Sir William Henry] Maule.

Charles Bathurst [Lidney; Lydney Park, Gloucestershire]
Publication details: 
Lidney | 7 April 1847'.

Bathurst (1790-1863), an alumnus of Christ Church, Oxford, was Lord of the Manor of Lidney. One page, 12mo. Good, on creased, grubby and discoloured paper, with traces of mount adhering to reverse. Begins 'I send you a Pamphlet, which I dare say began in my brain in the cotyledonous or radicle state as early as when we bothered at Usk Sessions, one day or other you will perhaps read it'. Ends 'I am glad to find you are better than at the beginning of the Circuit'. There is no record of Bathurst's pamphlet in the BL.

Typed Letter Signed to Sir Hilary Blood of the Royal Society of Arts.

Edward Arthur Alexander Shackleton, Baron Shackleton
Publication details: 
31 December 1964; on his letterhead as 'MINISTER OF DEFENCE FOR THE ROYAL AIR FORCE'.

British geographer and Labour politician (1911-94), son of the antarctic explorer Sir Ernest Shackleton. One page, quarto. Very good. Folded three times. Docketed in red ink. He must decline the invitation to become a Fellow of the Society. 'It is certainly an honour and I would have liked to accept this invitation, but I have lately had to cut down on the membership of various societies since, as you can imagine, the subscriptions do mount up. This is frankly the reason, for I have become very well aware of the importance of the work of the Royal Society of Arts.'

Typed Letter Signed ('For the President') to 'A. Francis Stenart [sic], 79, Great King Street, Edinburgh'.

The State Office of Statistics, Czechoslovakia
Publication details: 
10 October 1922; Prague. On the Office's letterhead.

Two pages, folio. Good, but on discoloured and lightly creased paper, with remains of stub adhering to one edge of verso. In English, with illegible signature. Begins 'The State Office of Statistics appreciating fully the great importance of an exact information of the British publicity of the conditions in the Czechoslovakia has the honour to send you simultaneously her following publications.' Five items listed.

Three nineteenth-century newspaper accounts, one eighteenth-century engraving and two nineteenth-century engravings.

The Channel Islands (Guernsey and Jersey)
Publication details: 
1777, 1834. 1846, 1855; London.

ITEM ONE: engraving of 'CASTLE CORNET, GUERNSEY. | Prinnted for S. Hooper 25 June 1777. | Sparrow Sculpt.' Landscape octavo. Dimensions of print roughly nine and a half inches by six and a half. Very good. Mounted on leaf of ruled paper. ITEM TWO: copy of the first two octavo leaves of the Saturday Magazine for 21 June 1834. Large engraving of 'HIGH-STREET, GUERNSEY' (dimensions of print roughly six inches by eight). Two pages of accompanying text describe 'THE ISLAND OF GUERNSEY'. Very good.

Two autograph letters signed, both one page, 4to, to an unnamed correspondent.

John Hawkins.
Publication details: 
Berkeley House, Little Hampton, 7 March (no year) and Bignor Park, near Petworth, 18 Oct. (no year).

Miscellaneous writer and traveller in Greece and the Far East (1758?-1841), DNB. Two autograph letters signed, edges discoloured, texts clear and complete. (7 March) "Sir/ I yesterday received your new Catalogue in which I find two articles which I am desirous of having No 2634. Belon (Pierre) & 3440 Ranwolfs Travels. provided they are in pefectly good condition [underlined from "as"] [.] I possess a copy of the same edition of Belon, but it [superscript] being very much stained I should be glad to get another that is perfectly well preserved.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed correspondent.

John Britton
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

English antiquary and topographer (1771-1857). Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two and a half. Folded once. Good, on slightly discoloured paper. Good clean signature. Reads 'Yrs very truly | John Britton | 17 Burton Street'. Lines above and below signature perhaps in another hand. Top line slightly cropped.

Autograph Letter Signed to E[dward]. J[ohn]. Broadfield.

Publication details: 
The Warren, New Brighton, Cheshire, 4th Feb., 1884.'

Poet and miscellaneous writer (1817-90), called 'the Lancashire Burns'. The recipient Broadfield (1831-1913) was a Mancunian worthy. Two pages, 12mo. Very good, with four stubs from previous mounting adhering to blank verso of second leaf of bifoliate. He thanks Broadfield for his letter 'anent that quaint invader of the House of Lords. I will call at the office when I come to Manchester, and get the particulars of the story from Mr. Lang. | You mention our old friend, S. P. Robinson. I am glad to hear that he is still "to the fore." I had an impression, somehow, that he was laid up.

Autograph Note, Third Person, to Sir William Curtis, Lord Mayor of London.

Edward Law, Lord Ellenborough
Publication details: 
St James's Square, 29 May 1815.

Trimmed note laid down on card with added margin with Ellenborough's details (name and rand as Lord Chief Justice). "Lord Ellenborough presents his Comps. to Sir Wm Curtis & the Gentlemen of the Committee of the Corporation of London, & shall be very happy to have the honor of attending them at the opening of His Majesty's Statue at Guildhall on Saturday the 3d of June & afterwards at dinner, if his engagements of public business shall allow of his doing so." Text followed by place and date as above.

Autograph Postcard Signed to [George Kenneth] Menzies, [Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Edward Alexander Cazalet [Anglo-Russian Literary Society]
Publication details: 
"Neva", Westgate-on-Sea, Thanet. | 21 Novr 1918.'

English linguist and traveller (died 1923), founder (in 1893) and president of the Anglo-Russian Literary Society. One page, 16mo. Very good. Bearing the Society's stamp. 'I thank you for your kind invitation for the 28th Inst, of which I will be pleased to avail myself, if able to go to London. Has our old friend, your predecessor, resigned the Secretaryship, & is his address the Liberal Club as before? If you and any friends care for music, I enclose a Card.' Signed 'Ed. A. Cazalet'.

Autograph Letter Signed to 'Watkins'.

Alfred Milner, Viscount Milner
Publication details: 
17 April 1897; on letterhead '47, Duke Street, | St. James's. S.W.'

English politician and colonial administrator (1854-1925), made a viscount for his services during the Boer War, and Secretary of War in Lloyd George's World War I coalition government. One page, 12mo. Folded twice. Very good. Presumably written on Milner's appointment as Chairman of the Inland Revenue. Reads 'My dear Watkins | I am just off. Many thanks for you kind leter. Among the many letters of congratulation & good wishes, wh. have come to me, none are more welcome than those of old College friends.' Signed 'A. Milner'.

Three Autograph Letters Signed, Three Typed Letters Signed, to Sir Harry Lindsay and C. Buchanan-Dunlop of the Royal Society of Arts, together with three carbons of replies and a newspaper cutting.

William Ernest Frank Ward [GHANA]
Publication details: 
1948-9; Ward's six letters on Colonial Office letterheads.

English educationalist (born 1900) and authority on West Africa. Various formats from 12mo to quarto. Very good. Some items stamped or docketed. Mainly relates to a lecture to the Society by Ward, provisionally entitled 'Mass education in the colonies'. Letter of 1 November 1948: 'I am leaving for Beirut in a fortnight to attend the UNESCO conference, and am straining to get the next issue of 'Overseas Education' off to the press before I go.

Autograph Letter Signed to Colonel Alexander Ross, Aide-de-camp to the Earl of Cornwallis.

Patrick MacDowall-Crichton, 6th Earl of Dumfries
Publication details: 
31 March 1786; Edinburgh.

Scottish nobleman (1726-1803). Ross (1742-1827; DNB), with Dundas, negotiated the surrender of Yorktown on Cornwallis's behalf. Two pages, quarto. Text entirely legible, but in poor condition, on stained, discoloured paper frayed at edges. Competently repaired with archival tape. Some loss to second leaf of bifoliate caused by breaking of seal. Unusually entertaining request in favour of his nephew, Lieut McCulloch of Bengal.

Typed Letter Signed to 'Miss J. Scott Rogers, | Acting Secretary, | Royal Society of Arts'.

Julian Mockford [SOUTH AFRICA]
Publication details: 
11 September 1943; on letterhead of the 'OFFICE OF THE HIGH COMMISSIONER FOR THE UNION OF SOUTH AFRICA, | Trafalgar Square, | LONDON, W.C.2.'

South African author and journalist (1898-1950), Public Relations Officer at the South African High Commission. One page, octavo. Very good if somewhat grubby. Docketed and stamped. 'Herewith the translation by a colleague, as asked for in your letter dated September 9. I hope "Here are South Africans" does not bore you too much!'

Early Kent Maps. (Sixteenth century).

Grevile M. Livett, B.A., F.S.A., Honorary Canon of Rochester
Publication details: 
[1937;] 'Reprinted from "Archaeologia Cantiana," Vol. XLIX. Printed by Headley Brothers, Ashford, Kent.

Offprint of pp.247-77. Small 8vo. 4 plates, 3 of them folding. Foxed, loose copy with closed tear and crease to first leaf. In original light-brown printed wraps, which have become detached.. Presentation copy, with inscription to 'Mr. Edward Lynam from the writer' on front wrap. Manuscript annotation in pencil, presumably by Lynam.

Two Typed Letters Signed and one Autograph Card Signed to the Secretary, 'Dominions & Colonies Section', Royal Society of Arts.

Captain Sir Cecil Hamilton Armitage [the Ashanti Campaign; the Gambia]
Publication details: 
The letters 31 August 1927 and 22 March 1928; the card, 2 July 1928; all three items 76 Jermyn St, St. James's (one letter on letterhead).

British soldier and colonial official (1869-1933), Governor and Commander-in-Chief of the Gambia Colony and Protectorate, 1920-7. All three items very good. Both letters one page, quarto; both bearing the R.S.A. stamp, and one docketed. All three items signed 'C. A. Armitage'. LETTER ONE: Thanks the R.S.A.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Anna Brownell Jameson
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Anglo-Irish author (1794-1860) and art critic. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two inches. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger sheet of paper. Reads '[...] Oxford Street London for the next 3 weeks - Ever yours truly & affecly - | Anna Jameson'. Docketed in pencil at foot '(Legendary Art etc) | Written to my Mother - S[arah]. E[lizabeth]. S[iddons]. M[air].'

Autograph Card Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Colonel Sir Charles Edward Yate
Publication details: 
Postmarked 19 January [1918]; on letterhead '17, PRINCE OF WALES' TERRACE, | KENSINGTON, W.'

British colonial administrator and politician (1849-1940). Dimensions of card four and a half inches by three and a half inches. Bearing postmark and stamp. Docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Good, but with creasing and closed tears along foot of card, affecting signature. Reads 'May I ask you kindly to send me a spare copy of the Journal for September. 21st. 1917 no. 3383 - giving the concluding portion of Professor lecture on Architecture - also the next number if not concluded in that.' Signed 'Chas. E. Yate'.

Catalogue of the Valuable Collection of Illuminated Manuscripts, Printed Books and Americana formed by the Late Apsley Cherry-Garrard, Esq. The property of Mrs Gordon Mathias"


Wraps, illustrated, 5 June 1961, inscribed by the scholar C.E. Wright who has noted prices and purchasers beside 9 items which interested him. He also notes that Cherry-Garrard originally paid £5000 for a missal. A flick through the pages throws up Back, Bligh, Dalrymple, Scoresby for polar exploration.

Part of an autograph letters signed to an unnamed correspondent.

R.W. Seton-Watson.
Publication details: 
No place or date.

Authority on the Balks, etc. (DNB). Fragment of a letter, c.6" x 2", laid down on slightly larger card from album, good condition. Text: By the time I leave, I hope we shall have our Serbian expedition virtually ready. The great trouble is to find a means of transit: it is hoped to get out all the way by ship. I will write agin: this has to catch the post."

Autograph Letter Signed "Milner" to "Russell".

Alfred Milner (later Viscount)
Publication details: 
Hotel Bristol-Naples, Palermo, 4 March 1908.

Three pages, 8vo, conjoint leaves, wear at spine, not affecting text. "After many wanderings your letter of Feb 13th. has caught me here. I have been out of England since the middle of January,/ Your letter refers to a previous one wh. I have never received. / I am afraid that I cannot throw much light on the subject wch you refer. There is a big monument on the tope of Spion Kop, a column, wh. may be in the form of an obelisk but it is to the memory of the men who fell then generally, though I think, if I remember rightly, there are a number of individual inscriptions.

Draught copy of Order in Council, with covering copy of minute signed by Greville.

Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville [Tobago, the West Indies]
Publication details: 
At the Court at Windsor | the 18th March 1829'.

Clerk to the Privy Council (1794–1865) and noted diarist. Items clearly disbound from volume, with minute foliated '84'. The Order in Council is three pages, folio, on two leaves of gilt-edged laid paper. Good, though slightly discoloured, dusty at head, and with several closed tears and stab marks along one edge. Small square cut away from corner of second leaf (not affecting text). Entirely legible in a clear neat hand.

Autograph Letter in the third person to [John Atkins,] 'the Lord Mayor [of London] elect'.

Dudley Ryder, 1st Earl of Harrowby and Viscount Sandon, and second Baron Harrowby
Publication details: 
London. 7. Nov[embe]r. 1818'.

English politician (1762-1847). One page, 4to. Stained, and with several closed tears and one small hole at foot; traces of previous mount adhering to blank reverse. Formal letter in the third person. 'Lord Harrowby presents his Compliments to the Lord Mayor Elect and the Sheriffs and is sorry that his absence from London will prevent his having the honour of attending the dinner at Guildhall on Monday the 9th of November.'

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