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[James Whatman Bosanquet, banker and biblical scholar.] Autograph Letter Signed to Achille Vogue, informing him that he is sending 'a copy of a Chronological Chart just published'.

James Whatman Bosanquet (1804-1877), banker and biblical scholar [Achille Vogue, French autograph collector]
Publication details: 
Claysmore, Enfield. 1 May 1867.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Reads: 'As you express in your letter of the 26th that you take some interest in my publications, I have the pleasure of forwarding a copy of a Chronological Chart just published'.

[Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman.] Manuscript cross-interrogatories for Achille Fould, French Minister of Finance, witness in the cause Roux versus Wiseman, with ALS from Wiseman's solicitor James Vincent Harding to commissioner Monsignor Francis Searle.

James Vincent Harding, Roman Catholic solicitor and antiquary [Achille Fould (1800-1867), French Minister of Finance; Monsignor Francis Searle; Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865)]
Publication details: 
Cross-interrogatories dated 16 March 1857 by the plaintiff's attorney E. L. Levy of 61 Burton Crescent, London. Harding's letter to Searle from 24 Lincoln's Inn Fields [London], 17 March 1857.

Cross-interrogatories: 5pp., 4to. On two bifoliums of grey paper, stitched one inside the other. In very good condition, lightly-aged.

Corrected Typescript of lecture on 'Bygone Tortures and Punishments' by Claude Hurst Peter, Town Clerk of Launceston, Cornwall, with letters in response to request for assistance from Peter from 11 individuals including Achille Bazire and H. G. Conor

Claude Hurst Peter (1852-1927), solicitor and Town Clerk of Launceston, Cornwall [Achille Bazire; Alfred F. Robbins; Robert Barnard; John William Gordon; George Penrose; Christopher L. Coulard]
Publication details: 
From London, Oxford and Launceston, Cornwall. 1906 and 1907.

The twelve items (typescript of lecture and eleven letters) are in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Peter's lecture was given in aid of the Dunheved Standard Fund at Launceston Town Hall on 11 February 1907, 'Fully Illustrated by numerous Limelight Pictures'. The typescript, tied with pink ribbon, is 43pp., foolscap 8vo. With numerous emendations, deletions and additions in manuscript. The first page carries a 'Syllabus' of the two topics.

[Printed pamphlet in French.] Lucien Achille Mauzan / 1883-1952 / affichiste . peintre . sculpteur / graveur . modéliste . décorateur . humoriste'.

[Lucien Achille Mauzan (1883-1952), French Art Deco poster designer and decorative illustrator]
Publication details: 
[Imprimerie Dardelet, Grenoble.] No date [1980s?].
Lucien Achille Mauzan

8pp., 4to. In stiff printed wraps. Printed in black and white. Photographic portrait of the artist tipped-in as frontispiece, twenty illustrations in text, and loosely inserted in a wallet at the rear a facsimile (2pp., 8vo) of an article from the Argentine Magazine, Christmas 1929: 'How MAUZAN makes lively posters' by A. Lancelotti. Cover carries image of smiling fat black man shining his foot with a shoebrush, above facsimile of Mauzan's signature. Scarce: does not appear to be present in the Bibliotheque Nationale.

[Printed handbill poem.] A la Garde Nationale de Honfleur. Choeur des Républicains. Air du Chœur des Girondins.

'Achille de Naguet Desportes, Propriétaire à Equemauville, près Honfleur' (d.1879) [La Garde Nationale de Honfleur; E. Dupray, printer]
Publication details: 
'Honfleur. Typographie ve E. Dupray.' Undated [1840s].

1p., 8vo. On wove paper. Lightly worn and aged. Text in two columns within ornate decorative border. Author's details at foot, above printer's slug. Thirty-five line poem, in five seven-line stanzas. First stanza: 'O! toi, ma France bien-aimée, | Pour toi, nous faison tous des voeux, | Oh! sois à jamais vénérée, | Élevons nos voix vers les cieux. | Oh! France, ma patrie!

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