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[ John G. MacWalter, novelist. ] Two Autograph Letters Signed ('J. G. MacWalter') to Archbishop of Westminster Nicholas Wiseman, regarding a new newspaper, and a 'petty war waged against you' by 'Grant of the "Advertiser" and Seeley of the "Herald"'.

John G. MacWalter [ J. G. Mac Walter ] of Dorchester, novellist and writer on Ireland [ Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Archbishop of Westminster ]
Publication details: 
Dorchester [Dorset]. 10 and 18 August 1854.

The two items each 4pp., 4to, and bifoliums. Both on the same grey paper. ONE: 10 August 1854. Signed 'J G MacWalter' and addressed to 'My Lord Archbishop'. He hopes that the Archbishop's 'health is quite restored and that the petty war waged against you will have no ill effect upon it. I received a long abusive letter on the subject which I boldly refused to insert.

[ Bruce Stewart, actor and scriptwriter.] Typescript of 'Afternoon Theatre' BBC Radio 4 play about John Henry Newman and Edward Bouverie Pusey. With covering BBC postcard and compliments slip, and copy of Radio Times entry.

Bruce Stewart (1925-2005), New Zealand-born actor and scriptwriter, based in England [ British Broadcasting Corporation; BBC Radio 4; the Oxford Movement; John Henry Newman; Edward Bouverie Pusey ]
Publication details: 
[ BBC Bristol. ] Broadcast on BBC Radio 4 on 5 May 1979.

The duplicated typescript of the play is 79pp., folio, on 79 leaves attached with a stud. Aged and worn, with slight staining to early leaves. Accompanied by a BBC compliments slip, with the typed name of the play's producer Shaun MacLoughlin. Also present is a BBC postcard, with short typed message dated 26 July 1979: 'We are sorry but there is nothing in print for the play "Shadowfall".' A carbon copy of the typed letter from Mrs. D. G.

[ Rev. Issac Williams, Oxford Movement cleric. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('Isaac Williams') to Rev. W. S. O. du Sautoy, regarding a memorial to Bishop Ken.

Rev. Isaac Williams (1802-1865), prominent member of the Oxford Movement [ Rev. William Stevens Oliver du Sautoy (1809-1865) ]
Publication details: 
No place. 11 September [circa 1845].

1p., 12mo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper with a couple of short closed tears at fore-edge. He states that he will derive 'much satisfaction in being allowed to join in any undertaking to do honor to the Memory of Bishop Ken' [ Thomas Ken (1637-1711) ], and subscribes for three guineas. The memorial would appear to have been a stained-glass window in Ken's church at Frome by 'Mr. O'Connor and his son', as reported in the Gentleman's Magazine, February 1845 and February 1849.

[Female suffrage; printed pamphlet.] Women's Wrongs.

F. W. Newman [Francis William Newman (1805-1897), younger brother of Cardinal John Henry Newman], Secretary, Bristol and Clifton Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage
Publication details: 
Published for the Bristol and Clifton Branch of the National Society for Women's Suffrage. ['L. Arrowsmith, Printer, Quay Street, Bristol.'] Undated [1870].

4pp., 8vo. Bifolium with drophead title. In fair condition, lightly-aged, disbound with slight damage to spine. Newman poses the question: 'Why has our law been so unjust to women? - Because woman never had a voice in the making of it, and men, as a class, have not realized the oppression of women as a class.

[Charles Dolman, Roman Catholic London publisher.] First part of Autograph Letter [from the publisher Charles Dolman] to Nicholas Wiseman in Rome, discussing his

Charles Dolman (1807-1863), Roman Catholic London publisher ('nephew and successor to the late Joseph Booker') [Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Roman Catholic Cardinal]
Publication details: 
London. 12 May 1839.

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. 135 lines of text. In fair condition, on lightly aged and worn paper. At the time of writing Dolman had just published 'Four Lectures on the Offices and Ceremonies of Holy Week, as performed in the Papal Chapels. Delivered in Rome, in the Lent of 1837, by Nicholas Wiseman'. Later in 1839 he would publish Wiseman's anonymous 'A reply to the Rev. Dr. Turton's "Roman Catholic Doctrine of the Eucharist considered"'. Written in a close neat hand.

[Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman.] Manuscript cross-interrogatories for Achille Fould, French Minister of Finance, witness in the cause Roux versus Wiseman, with ALS from Wiseman's solicitor James Vincent Harding to commissioner Monsignor Francis Searle.

James Vincent Harding, Roman Catholic solicitor and antiquary [Achille Fould (1800-1867), French Minister of Finance; Monsignor Francis Searle; Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865)]
Publication details: 
Cross-interrogatories dated 16 March 1857 by the plaintiff's attorney E. L. Levy of 61 Burton Crescent, London. Harding's letter to Searle from 24 Lincoln's Inn Fields [London], 17 March 1857.

Cross-interrogatories: 5pp., 4to. On two bifoliums of grey paper, stitched one inside the other. In very good condition, lightly-aged.

[Charles Daly, London bookseller.] Autograph Letter Signed to Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman, complaining of a fraud practised on him by the Birmingham bookbinder Thomas Male, by 'representing himself as patronized by' Wiseman.

Charles Daly, London bookseller (fl.1832-1855) [Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster; Thomas Male, bookbinder of Duke Street, Birmingham; Bickers & Darling]
Publication details: 
17 Greville Street, Hatton Garden, London. 2 March 1844.

1p., 8vo. On bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper with a few small closed tears to edges. Addressed on reverse of second leaf, with broken red wax seal, Penny Red stamp and postmarks, to: 'Revd. Dr. Wiseman, | St. Mary's College | Oscott | Nr. Birmingham'. 22 lines of text, closely and neatly written. Daly begins: 'I am sorry to trouble you by laying before you the Letters [not present] of a man of the name of Thomas Male - Bookseller & Bookbinder residing at St. Mary's, who has by representing himself as patronized by you got Credit from me to the Amount of £11 . 9 .

[Nicholas Maurus Hodgson.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Maurus Hodgson, Sec. Cap. Gen.'), on behalf of the 'First English Chapter of the English Benedictine Congregation', to Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman, expressing praise and support.

Nicholas Maurus Hodgson (1815-1862), English Benedictine monk [Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster]
Publication details: 
'J. M. B. | St Laurence's, Ampleforth'. 21 July 1854.

2pp., 4to. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Docketted by Wiseman on reverse of second leaf: 'Bened[icti]ne Chapter | 1854'.

[John Venn & Sons, London Public Notaries.] Request for Wiseman's help.

John Venn & Sons, Public Notaries, 2 Pope's Head Alley, London [Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Archbishop of Westminster; Dr Moore, St Patrick's, London; Ellen Antonia Teresa Ann Garbayo]
Publication details: 
With stamp of John Venn & Sons, Public Notaries, 2 Pope's Head Alley, London. 25 November 1856.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Addressed, with Penny Red stamp, postmark and seal in red wax, to Wiseman at 8 York Place, Portman Square. In fair condition, on aged and lightly-creased paper. The firm is writing at 'the special request of Miss Ellen Antonia Teresa Ann Garbayo, at present risiding abroad [...] It appears that the above Lady is desirous of contacting marriage, but cannot do so without the production of her Baptismal Certificate. She states that she was baptised about the year 1827, by a Doctr. Moore of St. Patrick's Church London'.

[Cardinal Manning.] Autograph copy of memorandum on 'the Reformatory School for Catholic Boys at Brook Green, Hammersmith', addressed to the Home Secretary Spencer Walpole, and docketted by Nicholas Wiseman.

Henry Edward Manning [Cardinal Manning] (1808-1892), Roman Catholic Cardinal-Archbishop of Westminster [Spencer Walpole (1806-1898), Conservative politician; Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865)]
Publication details: 
St Mary's, Bayswater [London]. 14 September 1858.

6pp., foolscap 8vo. On two grey-paper bifoliums. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper. Docketted by Wiseman on the reverse of the last leaf: 'Dr Manning's Mem[orandu]m to Walpole on Reform[ator]ies'. The document (presumably copied by Wiseman expressly for Manning) is addressed to 'The Right Hon. Spencer Walpole M.P.', and is complete to the valediction, but unsigned. It begins: 'Sir | I beg leave to lay before you a subject of much importance affecting the Reformatory School for Catholic Boys at Brook Green, Hammersmith which is under my direction.

[The Catholic Standard, London newspaper.] Manuscript document proposing thirteen terms by Richardson & Sons 'for carrying on the Catholic Standard Newspaper'. With covering note to Cardinal Wiseman by H. R. Bagshawe of Lincoln's Inn.

[The Catholic Standard, London newspaper; Thomas Richardson (1797-1875), publisher; Richardson & Sons; Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster]
Publication details: 
Terms: without date or place. Bagshawe's Note: 13 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn. 12 January 1853.

Terms and note: 3pp., foolscap 8vo. Bifolium. Docketted by Wiseman on reverse of second leaf 'Cath Standard', with 'Bagshawe Correspondence 1837-64' in another hand. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. The thirteen terms are headed: 'Mr Richardson on behalf of his firm of Richardson & Sons proposes as follows'. The first two terms read: '(1.) Mr. Richardson To supply (including what he has already paid) £1000. as part of the capital for carrying on the Catholic Standard Newspaper. | (2) £2000. Capital to be supplied in addition to his £1000.

[Henry Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon.] Manuscript [Autograph?] Letter, as Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, to Cardinal Wiseman, forwarding at the request of the Canadian government, via Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton, a collection of papers.

[Henry Herbert, 4th Earl of Carnarvon (1831-1890), Conservative politician; Cardinal Nicholas Wiseman (1802-1865), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster; Edward Bulwer Lytton; Lord Lytton]
Publication details: 
Colonial Office [London]. 12 May 1859.

1p., foolscap 8vo. On a bifolium, docketted by Wiseman on the reverse of the second leaf, 'Under Secy of State for Colonies'. On aged paper, with an unobtrusive closed tear neatly repaired with archival tape. The document reads: 'The Under Secretary of State presents his compliments to Cardinal Wiseman and, in compliance with the request of the Government of Canada, forwards herewith by direction of Sir Edward Bulwer Lytton a copy of a collection which has been made under the direction of that Government of the Reports of the early Jesuit Missionaries in North America.

[Broadside] To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty [Roman Catholics loyalty to Crown]

[Cardinal Manning]
Publication details: 

Broadside, one page, fold marks, sl. chipped and stained, mainly good. Affirming Roman Catholic loyalty to the Crown. No copy listed on COPAC/WorldCat but the text is reprinted in "The Roman Catholic question : a copious series of important documents, of permanent historical interest on the re-establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in England, 1850-1." (pubd. James Gilbert, 1851) where it is ascribed to "the pen of Cardinal Wiseman" and said to have been placed in churches for people to sign and testify their loyalty to the Queen.

Revised Autograph Manuscript draft of 'Cardinal Wiseman's reply to the Address of the Clergy of the Diocese of Beverley' (headed 'To the Clergy of the Diocese of Beverley').

Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman [Cardinal Wiseman] (1802-1865), Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
London. 10 February 1851.

3pp., foolscap 8vo. On three leaves, with the reverse of the first docketed 'Cardinal Wiseman's reply to the Address of the Clergy of the Diocese of Brierley | Feb: 10th. 1851'. In fair condition, on aged paper with wear to the heads of the leaves. The address was published in the Tablet, 22 February 1851. The first page is headed 'To the Clergy of the Diocese of Beverley' and the first paragraph reads: 'My Rev.

[Broadside] To the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty [Roman Catholics loyalty to Crown]

[Cardinal Manning]
Publication details: 

Broadside, one page, fold marks, sl. chipped and stained, mainly good. Affirming Roman Catholic loyalty to the Crown. No copy listed on COPAC/WorldCat but the text is reprinted in "The Roman Catholic question : a copious series of important documents, of permanent historical interest on the re-establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in England, 1850-1." (pubd. James Gilbert, 1851) where it is ascribed to "the pen of Cardinal Wiseman" and said to have been placed in churches for people to sign and testify their loyalty to the Queen.

Autograph Letter Signed in Italian from the future cardinal Giovanni Soglia Ceroni to the 'Sig. Dotte. Galeati', regarding the 'Causa già agitata fra il Sacerde. Francesco Gardi di Lugo, il Sig. Antonio Fornioni, e la Mensa Vescovile d'Imola'.

Giovanni Soglia Ceroni (1779-1856), Italian Roman Catholic cardinal [Francesco Gardi di Lugo; Antonio Fornioni; la Mensa Vescovile d'Imola]
Publication details: 
Rome. 1 January 1817.

2pp., 4to. 29 lines, in a neat calligraphic hand. In good condition, on lightly-aged laid paper. The document is signed 'Giovanni Soglia' and begins: 'Dal Sig. Dotte. Galeati ho ricevuto il fatto informativo della Causa già agitata fra il Sacerde. Francesco Gardi di Lugo, il Sig. Antonio Fornioni, e la Mensa Vescovile d'Imola; qual causa, atttesa la difformità delle due sentenze già pronunciate, si vorrebbe portare al Tribunale della Sac.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] Correspondence respecting Monseignor Ruffo Scilla's Mission. Presented to the House of Commons by Command of Her Majesty, in pursuance of their Address dated August 11, 1890.

[Cardinal Fulco Luigi Ruffo-Scilla; Cardinal Mariano Rampolla del Tindaro, Secretary of State of Pope Leo XIII; Robert Gascoyne-Cecil, Marquess of Salisbury; Cardinal Howard; Queen Victoria]
Publication details: 
London: Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office by Harrision and Sons, St. Martin's Lane, Printers in Ordinary to Her Majesty. 1890.

6pp., folio. Disbound. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper, with a few short closed tears to edges. Title leaf (with 'Price 1d.') carrying 'Table of Contents' on reverse; followed by three pages of transcripts of letters (paginated 1-3); with the reverse of the final leaf carrying the details of the pamphlet for display on its being folded into a packet. The correspondence relates to the Mission of Cardinal Rampolla, travelling from the Vatican to England to present the Pope's congratulations on the fiftieth anniversary of Queen Victoria's accession to the throne.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E B Pusey') from Pusey to the Rev. William Hale Hale of Charterhouse, discussing the controversy over the new Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford, Renn Dickson Hampden.

Edward Bouverie Pusey (1800-1882), Regius Professor of Hebrew at Christ Church, Oxford, and a leader of the Oxford Movement [Rev. William Hale Hale (1795-1870); Renn Dickson Hampden (1793-1868)]
Publication details: 
Postmarked 29 April 1836.

1p., 4to. 18 lines of text. Fair, on aged paper, with a few closed tears. Addressed on the reverse, with three postmarks and Pusey's seal in black wax broken in two, to 'Rev. Wm. H. Hale | Charter-house'. Writing in a tight, difficult hand, Pusey begins with a reference to an 'intended present' from Hale (from the context clearly a copy of Hale's edition of Jeremy Taylor's 'Doctrine and Practice of Repentence'). Pusey praises 'the earnest, energetic truth-speaking language of Bp. Taylor', which he considers 'a voice as from another world'.

Patience and Confidence the Strength of the Church. A Sermon preached on the Fifth of November, before the University of Oxford, at S. Mary's, And now published at the wish of many of its Members. [inscribed to Jenkyns, 'Rev. The Master of Balliol']

Rev. E. B. Pusey [Edward Bouverie Pusey], Regius Professor Hebrew, Canon of Christ Church, and Late Fellow of Oriel College [Richard Jenkyns (1782-1854), Master of Balliol College, Oxford University]
Publication details: 
Oxford: J. H. Parker; J. G. and F. Rivington, London. 1837. [Baxter, Printer, Oxford.]

8vo, xvi + 57 pp. Final blank leaf. Stitched as issued. Text clear and complete. Aged and worn, with damp bloom to prelims and final leaves. INSCRIPTION, in Pusey's hand, at head of title, 'Rev. The Master of Balliol | with the author's respects'. Sermon on Exod. xiv. 13'. Preface begins 'Non-resistance or passive obedience, in the sense to which they are generally limited, are but two sides of the same doctrine, and, together, are only a particular application of a general principle.'

Autograph Letter Signed ('N Card. Wiseman'), in French, to 'Mons Castermann, Editeur, Tournai'.

Cardinal Wiseman [Nicholas Patrick Stephen Wiseman] (1802-1865)
Publication details: 
16 August 1856; Brussells.

12mo: 1 p. On the recto of the first leaf of a bifolium, with the address, with postmark, on the reverse of the second. On brittle, aged paper. The letter has been neatly folded three times, and there are a few closed tears along the crease lines, including one through the initial 'N' of the signature. Wiseman thanks Castermann for the copy he has sent of 'votre nouvelle édition en Français de "Fabiola". Not only is the 'execution typographique de l'ouvrage' deserving of his praise, but also the translation, which leaves nothing to be desired.

Signed postal frank, addressed to his wife, with post mark and short autograph note.

William Manning (1763-1835), M.P. for Evesham, Lymington and Penryn; Governor of the Bank of England, 1812-1814; spokesman for the West Indian merchants; father of Cardinal Manning
Publication details: 
31 May 1822; London.

On one side of a piece of watermarked laid paper, 22.5 x 29 cm, folded to make an envelope, 9 x 21 cm. A thin strip of paper (not affecting text) has been torn away in the breaking open of the wafer, under which it still adheres. On aged, grubby paper, with a couple of pin holes and a few closed tears to extremities. Address reads 'London, May thirty first 1822. | Mrs: Manning, | West Cliff. | Brighton.' Signature, in bottom left-hand corner: 'Wm Manning.' Autograph note to one flap: 'I will take Measures about Mr: Mundy immediately | W: M/'.

Seven Autograph Letters Signed and the unsigned first part of an eighth letter, all to his second son Charles John Manning (1799-1880); also a manuscript transcription of a memorial tablet to him.

William Manning (1763-1835), Governor of the Bank of England, 1812-14; Deputy-Governor, 1810-12; Director, 1792-1831; West Indian merchant; father of Cardinal Henry Edward Manning [slavery]
Publication details: 
Five of the letters dated between 1827 and 1831.

The collection is lightly aged and in good condition. Letter One (12mo, 3 pp), Oxford, 1 November 1827, signed 'W: M.': Begins by saying that he will be pleased to join Charles 'in the Lodging you propose or any other more to your mind - I had not fixed upon any plan, but thought once of being at Ellis's Hotel - (the Colonial Club House, St. James St.) Your proposal, however, I like much better.' He will 'much prefer being in the Regent Street on late Nights in the Ho. of Commons [Manning was also a Member of Parliament], as I found Wimpole St.

The first four pages of a manuscript letter to C. J. Manning, by an unknown author, commenting on the death of his father William Manning.

The family of Cardinal Henry Edward Manning (1808-1892) [his father William Manning (1763-1835), Governor of the Bank of England, 1812-14; and his brother Charles James Manning (1799-1880)]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but written shortly after William Manning's death, 17 April 1835.

12mo bifolium, 4 pp. Good, on aged, laid paper. Good, on lightly aged paper. Addressed to 'My dear Charles', and from a collection of papers belonging to Charles James Manning. From the context may well be written by the wife of William Manning's eldest son Frederick (Charles's brother, as well as Cardinal Manning's). The author has 'been quite stunned with the sad & awfully sudden news' [of William Manning's death]. The author's uncle, 'Col ' agreed 'that it would alarm [Frederick] to see me [at 'Pangburn']'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W: Manning') to Sir Richard Downes Jackson (1777-1845).

William Manning (1763-1835), Governor of the Bank of England, 1812-14; Deputy-Governor, 1810-12; Director, 1792-1831; West Indian merchant; father of Cardinal Henry Edward Manning [slavery]
Publication details: 
29 January 1835; Upper Gower Street.

12mo, 1 p, 6 lines. Good. Inviting him 'to partake a family dinner on Monday next at 6 o'Clock'. He hopes his son Charles will dine there, '& Catherine proposes to come in the Evening'. Written on the verge of Manning's death.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed ('Herbert Card Vaughan').

Herbert Cardinal Vaughan (1832-1903), English Roman Catholic cardinal and Archbishop of Westminster
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

On piece of paper roughly 11 x 11 cm. Good, on lightly discoloured paper, with traces of tissue mounts adhering to blank reverse. With five lines of text: '<...> Thank you sincerely for your letters & the enclosure. I quite feel that you cannot be in sympathy with certain proceedings. | Yours faithfully | [signed] Herbert Card Vaughan'.

Autograph Signature ('N. Card. Wiseman') on fragment of letter.

Nicholas Patrick Stephen Cardinal Wiseman (1802-1865), first Roman Catholic Cardinal Archbishop of Westsminster
Publication details: 
Oscott. Jan. 1. 1857'.

On piece of paper roughly 4 x 11 cm. On discoloured paper with glue stains adhering to reverse. Reads 'Your affecte Brother | [signed] N. Card. Wiseman'. Lower part of flourish beneath signature cropped.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A. Cardinal Gasquet') to the publishers Messrs George Routledge & Sons, Ltd., together with typed copy of their reply.

Francis Aidan Cardinal Gasquet, English Benedictine monk and historical scholar (1846-1929) [George Routledge & Sons, Ltd.]
Publication details: 
21 June 1913 [for 1915]; on letterhead Palazzo San Calisto, (Trastevere) Roma'.

[Vatican Librarian; Archivist of the Vatican Secret Archive; subject of Shane Leslie's biography;Three pages, octavo. Good, on lightly aged and spotted paper, with crease to second leaf of bifolium. Regarding Rev. J. R. McKee's translation of Arnold Oskar Meyer's 'England and the Catholic Church under Queen Elizabeth'. He has received McKee's letter. 'When I promised this to the Professor more than two years ago I did not contemplate having to leave England altogether & still less had I any dream of the war, which has interrupted all relations with German friends'.

Autograph note signed, "N. Card. Wiseman", to an unnamed correspondent.

Nicholas Wiseman.
Publication details: 
8 York Place, 3 Oct. 1857.

Cardinal Wiseman (1802-1865). Two pages, 8vo, some foxing, good condition. "Ever since I saw you last, I have been from home, with little or no interruption; and at the present moment I am quite exhausted. A week or two will restore me & then I will forward to you a considerable amount of copy, so as to get forward with the press." For what it's worth, this letter derives from a collection including letters to publishers Hurst & Blackett. Wiseman published several books in 1857-8.

Autograph Letter Signed to Cardinal [Herbert] Vaughan.

Charles Booth
Publication details: 
25 January 1899; on letterhead 24, Cumberland Place, W.

Shipowner (1840-1916), philanthropist and writer on social affairs. The recipient Herbert Vaughan (1832-1903) was the third Roman Catholic Archbishop of Westminster. Two pages, 12mo. Good, but with recto of leaf slightly smudged. Reads 'Dear Cardinal Vaughan | If half past nine is not too early I could come on Friday at that hour. I am afraid I cannot make it any later in the morning as I have to reach the City before 10.30. I could come on Friday Evening between 5 & 6 if that hour should suit you better'. Signed 'Charles Booth'.

A letter to the Rev. E. B. Pusey, D.D., regius Professor of Hebrew, and Canon of Christ Church, on the publication of No. 90. of the Tracts for the Times.

Publication details: 
Oxford: John Henry Parker; J. G. F. and J. Rivington, London. 1841. 'BAXTER, PRINTER, OXFORD.'

Octavo. 13 pages. Disbound pamphlet from the Churchill Babington collection. Good, but foxed and with title grubby and stained. Cutting [from the Guardian, September, 1890] of correspondence relating to Cardinal Newman and the authors of 'Tracts for the times' loosely inserted.

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