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[Colonel Edward Corbett, Conservative Member of Parliament.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Edwd Corbett') [to his publisher Richard Bentley?], discussing tables on mail coaches in his book 'An Old Coachman's Chatter'. With proofs of the tables.

Colonel Edward Corbett (1817-1895) of Longnor Hall, Shropshire, Conservative Member of Parliament [Richard Bentley]
Publication details: 
'Longnor' [Longnor Hall, Shropshire]. 4 June 1890.

The two items relate to the book 'An Old Coachman's Chatter with Some Practical Remarks on Driving. By a Semi-Professional. Edward Corbett, Colonel late Shropshire Militia.'(London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1890). Both the letter and the proofs are in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. LETTER: 3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 34 lines of text in a particularly difficult hand. He will endeavour to 'throw all the light' he can on the subjects mentioned in his correspondent's letter, beginning:: 'I think the time between Cape Curig & Holyhead must be correct.

[W. James Rae & Co., Coach Builders, MIdland Works, Banbury.] Attractive handbill notice [by Banbury printers Cheney & Son], with engraving of factory, within a gold border, announcing 'alterations' made to meet 'the increase in our Carriage Trade'.

[W. James Rae & Co., Coach Builders, Midland Works, Banbury; John Cheney, 'Printer in Gold, Silver, and Colours'; Cheney & Sons, General, Commercial & Artistic Printers, Banbury]
Publication details: 
W. James Rae & Co., Coach Builders, Midland Works, Middleton Road, Banbury. July 1890.

Printed in brown within a decorative gold border, on one side of a piece of 25.5 x 20.5 cm light-blue paper. Nearly fine. Heading in fancy type reading 'W. JAMES RAE & CO., | Coach Builders.', with 5.5 x 11 cm engraving of the Midland Works beneath it.

[John Campbell, 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane.] Autograph Letter to him from John Wilson, on behalf of the estate of the London coachbuilder William Honeywell, offering terms for the settlement of the bill for the 'Job Chariot'.

[John Campbell (1796-1862), 2nd Marquess of Breadalbane, Lord Chamberlain, 1848-1852); William Honeywill of Berners Street and Oxford Street, London coachbuilder; John Wilson of 29 Oxford Street]
Publication details: 
London. 24 April 1841.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Addressed, with postmarks and red wax seal, to 'The Most Honble | The Marqss. of Breadalbane | Taymouth Castle | Perthshire'. Docketted: 'Honeywell coach | to be attended the beginning of May - 1846'. He writes that the trustees and executors of Honeywell's estate are handing in 'the remainder of their account for work done since the delivery of the last account to May 20th 1840, in which they have not included the amount of Interest due on purchase of the Job Chariot'.?>

[William Silk, of London coachmakers Silk & Sons.] Eleven items relating to carriages commissioned by Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy, including five Design Drawings (two with notes), two drawings of details, two coloured engravings and a press cutting.

William Silk (b.1824), coachbuilder of the firm Silk & Sons, Long Acre, London [Sir Jamsetjee Jejeebhoy [Jeejeebhoy; Jeejebhoy] (1783-1859), Parsee merchant]
Publication details: 
Cutting from the Carriage Builders' and Harness Makers' Art Journal, vol.III (London, 1861-1862). Other eight items by Silk & Sons, Long Acre, London; undated, but after the award of Jejeebhoy's knighthood in 1857.

Silk & Sons of Long Acre were one of the leading Victorian coach builders, Robert Silk (born c.1797, fl.1871) already being established in Long Acre by 1851. In due course Robert was succeeded by his son William (born 1824), who in his turn took his sons William junior (1853-1911) and Robert John (1858-1934) into the business. The firm continued to trade at least until 1907, when the Long Acre premises were sold. The present collection of eleven items derives from the firm's archive.

[Robert Peake, London coach builder, father of Archibald Henry Peake, Premier of South Australia.] Printed handbill with anecdotes, a poem ('The Troubles of Lord Alphonsius Fitz Noodle'), and two jeux d'esprit.

Robert Peake, coach maker, Bloomsbury, London, born in Yorkshire in 1815, died in Australia in 1889, father of Archibald Henry Peake (1859-1920), Premier of South Australia
Publication details: 
[London. 1840s or 1850s.]

2pp., 12mo. Printed on facing pages on one side of a landscape 8vo leaf, with blank reverse. In fair condition, on aged paper, laid down on part of a leaf removed from an album. The left-hand page carries three items: 'The Confidence Trick. A scene in Oxford Street.' (a series of puns with a purpose now lost, beginning 'A stout "Nave," | Met a green "Felloe"'), 'Anecdotes of the old Coaching Days' (beginning 'Talleyrand bought a new coach, but did not pay for it.') and 'Lord Lyndhurst'. The last reads in full: 'Ordered Robert Peake to build him a Chariot. It was finished and approved of.

Large collection of items relating to carriages, coaches, coaching and coach building

Silk & Sons of Long Acre, London, Victorian Coach Builders
Publication details: 

Silk & Sons were one of the leading coach builders of Victorian London, Robert Silk (born c.1797, fl.1871) already being established in Long Acre by 1851. Robert Silk was succeeded by his son William (born 1824), who in his turn took his sons William junior (1853-1911) and Robert John (1858-1934) into the business. The firm continued to trade at least until 1907, when the Long Acre premises were sold.The present collection, mainly compiled by the elder William Silk, contains around 350 items relating to carriages, coaches, coaching and coach building, dating from between 1750 and 1893.

[Nineteenth-century coach building.] Lithographed handbill advertisement for 'Wright's Patent Drag' (i.e. brake for a horse-drawn coach), with two illustrations by Baddeley, and four testimonials. With accompanying engraving.

[Wright's Patent Drag (the Proprietor, No. 22 Church Street, Soho [subsequently 138 Holborn Bars]), London [Baddeley, engraver; nineteenth-century coach building; Victorian carriages; transport]
Publication details: 
'Royal Pier Hotel, Ryde, | July 25th, 1842.' ['Office of the Proprietor, No. 22 Church Street, Soho, London' , amended in manuscript to '138 Holborn Bars']

Text: 2pp., foolscap 8vo (35 x 20.5cm.). Engraving: 12 x 16cm with corners clipped. Both items in fair condition, on aged paper. The text is cropped at the head, through a royal crest, and has rounded corners at the head and trimmed corners at the foot. The engraving has traces of grey paper mount on reverse. The text has lithograph illustrations of two side-views of four-wheel carriages with the drag applied, beneath the cropped crest and above the title 'WRIGHT'S PATENT DRAG.' Text consists of around 60 lines in copperplate.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John Randall') from the London coachmaker John Randall to 'monsieur le Doctor Brown' [i.e. Sir Charles Brown], physician to the Queen of Prussia, acknowledging receipt of a payment and complaining of ill health.

John Randall, 80 Long Acre, London, coachmaker and freemason [Sir Charles Brown (c.1747-1827) of Potsdam, 'First Physician to the King of Prussia, his Court and Army']
Publication details: 
London; 30 June 1789.

1p., 4to. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed in another hand on reverse of second leaf to 'Monsieur le Doctor Brown | Medicin de la Majesté la Reine | regnante de Prusse | Berlin', and docketed (presumably by Brown) 'J. Randall Coachmaker | 1789 | London June 30 | recd. July 13 - | with a Receipt in full inclosed -' (the receipt is not present). Brown begins: 'I have sent you enclos'd a receipt in full for what you was Indebted to me'. He would have answered Brown's letter before, but has been 'very Ill for these six weeks past & oblig'd to be by the Sea side'.

Printed paper serviette, illustrated in colour, headed 'Official Programme and Route of the Lord Mayor's Show'.

William Burgess & Co., printers, Aldgate, London [Sir James Thompson Ritchie, Lord Mayor of London, 1903]
Publication details: 
Burgess William & Co. Printers 12, Mansell St. Aldgate, E. London'. [1903]

Printed in blue, pink, green, gold, white, yellow, brown and purple on one side of a piece of tissue paper roughly 34.5 cm square. Good, on lightly creased paper with a little wear to extremities and slight loss to the top left-hand and bottom right-hand corners (not affecting the design). The text, with an engraved portrait (5.5 x 4.5 cm) of Lord Mayor Ritchie, is printed in blue in two columns of around 32 lines each, and surrounded by coloured decorative border of flowers, around 6 cm thick. It lists the order and route of the procession. An attractive piece of ephemera.

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