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['Violet Fane', novelist and poet.] Phototyped copy of pastel portrait by Frank Miles, with autograph presentation inscription to 'Mrs. Rolland'.

'Violet Fane' [Mary, Baroness Currie, née Mary Montgomerie Lamb] (1843-1905), English novelist [Frank Miles [George Francis Miles] (1852-1901), artist]
Publication details: 
From 'Life'. Dated 18 October 1879. 'Phototypie, 15, Quai Voltaire, Paris'.

Printed on one side of a 25.5 x 16 cm piece of cream paper. The portrait itself is 17 x 12 cm. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn. Printed above it is 'LIFE | FRANK MILES | October 18, 1879.' And below: '"VIOLET FANE" | Phototypie, 15, Quai Voltaire, Paris'. Inscribed at foot in pencil: 'To Mrs. Rolland from her affte. | "Violet Fane"'.

[James Shergold Boone, cleric and author.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. S. Boone') to John Silk Buckingham, praising him and his 'undertakings', with reference to his own 'letter to Mr Raikes Currie'.

J. S. Boone [James Shergold Boone] (1799-1859), English cleric and author [James Silk Buckingham (1786-1855), Cornish author, orientalist, and Member of Parliament; Raikes Currie (1801-1881), MP]
Publication details: 
2 Stanhope Street, Hyde Park Garden [London]. 31 March 1849.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. Having just received Buckingham's letter, he writes that he 'cannot but feel much gratified that my letter to Mr Raikes Currie should have in any way attracted the notice of a Gentleman like yourself whose name is so well known in connexion with our literature and our social progress.' He concludes by expressing an interest in the 'undertakings which have engaged, and now engage' Buckingham's attention, and by wishing him every success.

[George Charles Williamson, art editor to George Bell & Sons.] Autograph Letter Signed ('Geo C Williamson') to H. C. Marillier, reporting the high opinion of the Pre-Raphaelite patron George Rae of Birkenhead of his book 'Dante Gabriel Rossetti'.

George Charles Williamson (1858-1942), art editor to George Bell & Sons [Henry Currie Marillier (1865-1951), textiles expert; George Rae (1817-1902) of Birkenhead, Pre-Raphaelite patron; Rossetti]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of G. Bell & Sons, York Street, Covent Garden, London. 24 August 1900.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. For further information about Williamson and his publications, see his entry in 'Who Was Who'; see also Marillier's entry in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.

Ten manuscript business letters, seven in English and two in French, from six different British wine merchants, to the French cognac house Messrs. Otard Dupuy & Co., placing orders, reporting news of the Brandy trade in Britain and shipping.

[Messrs. Otard Dupuy & Co, French cognac house founded in 1795 by Jean-Baptiste Antoine Otard [later with Léon and Jean Dupuy], based in the Château des Valois (Château de Cognac), Cognac, Charente]
Publication details: 
From Aberdeen, Exeter, London, Liverpool , Stockton, Sunderland. Between 1828 and 1859.

The ten items total 19pp., 4to. Each is a bifolium, with the address and postmarks on the reverse of the second leaf. Each is docketed by Otard Dupuy. All ten are in excellent condition, on lightly-aged paper. The six firms are: Bevan & Smith, Liverpool, two letters (both 1850); Christopher Bushell & Co., Liverpool (1859); John Currie, two letters, both in French: London (1828) and Stockton (1828); A. Leveau, three letters: Aberdeen (1849), Exeter (1850) and Sunderland (1850); William Strachan & Co, London (1828); George Wildes & Co., London (1828).

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Camperdown') to Currie on the subject of Liberal Unionist politics.

Robert Adam Philips Haldane Haldane-Duncan (1841-1918), 3rd Earl of Camperdown, British Liberal politician [Sir Donald Currie (1825-1909), Scottish shipowner and Unionist M.P.; Home Rule; Ireland]
Publication details: 
12 and 16 September 1887; both on letterheads of Camperdown, Dundee.

Letter One (12 September 1887): 12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. On aged paper with a little wear to extremities. He has read in the paper that 'Aberdeen & some Gladstonian M.P's are going to deliver Home Rule Addresses in Crieff on 27th. Sept.' and thinks that 'the Liberal Unionists ought to be very active in Scotland' during the autumn. If it is 'of any service' to Currie or 'to the cause' Camperdown is 'ready to make a speech in Crieff on any night you like'.

Autograph Letter Signed to the British shipowner Sir Donald Currie (1825-1909).

Baron Heinrich von Ohlendorff
Publication details: 
Hamburg; 11 September 1895.

Three pages, small octavo. With embossed crest. Aged, and with some wear to extremities, but text clear and complete. In English. He sends two walking sticks. 'Might I ask you to send one to the honored Mr. Gladstone and beg him to accept it from me as one of his Hamburg admirers, who knows how fond he is of working with the saw.' The other stick is for Currie, 'as a small remembrance of the pleasant time I spent with you at Hamburg and Kiel.' 'Inside the sticks you will find a saw, which can be taken out and fastened on to the hook.

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