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'The Encyclopaedia Britannica Dinner given by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace': 'Plan of Tables' and menu., attended by A.J. Balfour and all the great and the good. (up to 300 of them).

[ Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace (1841-1919), Foreign Correspondent of The Times of London; Encyclopaedia Britannica
Publication details: 
Dinner held at the Hotel Cecil, London, 21 November 1902.

Both items nicely printed and in good condition, with light signs of age and wear. ONE: 'The Encyclopaedia Britannica Dinner given by Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace. Hotel Cecil, Friday Evening, November 21st, 1902. Plan of Tables.' 28.5 x 80 cm, folding up into a 28.5 x 13.5 cm packet. Printed in black and red on the whole of one side, with the other side carrying a 'Programme of Music' ('M. G. Fericescu, Musical Director'), an alphabetical table, and a cover with engraved illustration. Made out in pencil to 'Mr. A. Williams | K24' (i.e. the Liberal MP Aneurin Williams).

[ Walt Disney, animator. ] Full-page colour cartoon strips from the English edition of 'Mickey Mouse Weekly', including 'Alice in Wonderland' and 'Cinderella'.

[ Walt Disney, animator ] [ Alice in Wonderland ]
Publication details: 
Printed for the proprietors Willbank Publications, Ltd, by Odhams Press, Ltd, London. From the issues of 29 July 1950 and 21 July, 1951.

Six leaves extracted from the two issues, carrying six pages of coloured cartoon strips, with black and white text and illustrations on their reverses. In fair condition, lightly aged.

[ Eugène Ionesco, 'Theatre of the Absurd' playwright. ] Typescripts of two translations of his plays by Donald Watson: the 'original text' of 'The Bald Prima Donna. A Pseudo-Play in one act', and 'The Motor Show'.

Eugène Ionesco (1909-1994), Franco-Romanian 'Theatre of the Absurd' playwright; Donald Watson, translator
Publication details: 
Neither translation dated, but both 'Copyright by DONALD WATSON, | 13 Oakley St., Chelsea, London.'

Watson's translation of 'La Cantatrice Chauve' (1950) was first published in London by Calder in 1958, and his version of 'Le Salon de l'Automobile' (1951) by the same publisher in the fifth volume of Ionesco's plays in 1963. The two scripts typed in uniform style, on rectos of leaves, and stapled together. ONE: 'The Bald Prima Donna'. 19pp., 8vo. In good condition, on aged paper, with somewhat-appropriate child's markings in black ink on blank parts of first page.

[Printed pamphlet.] Deputation to the President of the Board of Education and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Minutes of Proceedings.

[H. A. L. Fisher, President of the Board of Education; A. Bonar Law, Chancellor of the Exchequer; Sir Oliver Lodge; Sir Donald MacAlister; Sir Bertram Windle; Sir Alfred Ewing; Bragg; Gillespie]
Publication details: 
London: Universities Bureau of the British Empire, Imperial Institute, SW7. [Undated, but concerning a deputation on 23 November 1918.]

36pp., 12mo. Stapled and unbound. In good condition, on lightly aged and worn paper, with rust to staple. With manuscript shelf-marks (of the Board of Education Reference Library). Compliments slip of the Universities Bureau of the British Empire tipped-in onto front cover. The first page begins: 'MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS of a Deputation of Representatives of the Universities of the United Kingdom and of certain other institutions doing work of University standard, which waited upon the President of the Board of Education (the Right Honourable H. A. L.

[Printed booklet.] Malaya. The Road to Independence. ['a series of eleven talks specially arranged as an introduction to Malayan independence, which were originally broadcast in "London Calling Asia," the B.B.C.'s regional programme in English']

Tenku Abdul Rahman; Sir Donald MacGillivray; C. Northcote Parkinson; Malcolm MacDonald; Mohamed Khir Johari; Ong Yoke Lin; P.P. Narayanan; Sir Sydney Caine; Ya'acob bin Abdul Latiff; A. T. Lennox-Boyd
Publication details: 
Regional Information Service, Phoenix Park, Singapore. [Printed by Craftsman Press Ltd, Singapore.]

34pp., in green printed stapled wraps, with photographic plate of Tunku Abdul Rahman following the contents. In good condition, on aged paper, with slight wear to wraps. Accession stamp at head of front wrap of the Penang Contingent Headquarters Registry, dated 3 October 1957.

Mimeographed typed transcription of a discussion on the BBC Home Service chaired by William Pickles: 'Taking Stock on the Budget', with the speakers Paul Bareau, Lord Chorley, H. D. Dickinson, Lord Hailsham, H. D. Hughes and Donald McLachlan.

['Taking Stock', BBC Home Service, 1951; British Broadcasting Corporation; Hugh Gaitskell; William Pickles; Paul Bareau; Lord Chorley; H. D. Dickinson; Lord Hailsham; H. D. Hughes; Donald McLachlan]
Publication details: 
'12 April, 1951. 2115-2200 GMT. HOME SERVICE'. With compliments slip of the British Broadcasting Corporation.

13pp., foolscap 8vo, each on a separate leaf. Compliments slip printed in blue. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Headed 'TRANSCRIBED FROM A TELEDIPHONE RECORDING'.

Two typescripts: 'The Carmichaels of the Highlands. Argyll. 1200-1745.' and 'The Highland Carmichaels. Part II.'

Donald A. Tod, Scottish genealogist, of Brora, Sutherland [The Carmichael Family; Highland genealogy]
Publication details: 
Both by 'Donald A. Tod. 1929.'

Both items genuine typescripts, and not mimeographs. Both attached by brass studs in matching pink wraps, with titles on covers. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: 'The Carmichaels of the Highlands. Argyll. 1200-1745.' 8pp, 4to. Sections on 'The Carmichaels of Mac Ilmichaels of Perthshire', 'Muthill Parish' and 'Argyll'. TWO: 'The Highland Carmichaels. Part II.' 6pp., 4to. Both volumes mainly consist of dated genealogical information, with the source often given (e.g. 'Reg.

Two Autograph Letters Signed ('Camperdown') to Currie on the subject of Liberal Unionist politics.

Robert Adam Philips Haldane Haldane-Duncan (1841-1918), 3rd Earl of Camperdown, British Liberal politician [Sir Donald Currie (1825-1909), Scottish shipowner and Unionist M.P.; Home Rule; Ireland]
Publication details: 
12 and 16 September 1887; both on letterheads of Camperdown, Dundee.

Letter One (12 September 1887): 12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. On aged paper with a little wear to extremities. He has read in the paper that 'Aberdeen & some Gladstonian M.P's are going to deliver Home Rule Addresses in Crieff on 27th. Sept.' and thinks that 'the Liberal Unionists ought to be very active in Scotland' during the autumn. If it is 'of any service' to Currie or 'to the cause' Camperdown is 'ready to make a speech in Crieff on any night you like'.

Autograph Note Signed ('Donald Mackenzie Wallace') to unnamed female correspondent.

Sir Donald Mackenzie Wallace (1841-1919), foreign correspondent of the London 'Times' who published an important work on Russia
Publication details: 
29 June 1907; on letterhead St Ermin's Mansions, Caxton Street, S.W. [London].

One page, 12mo. Good, on aged and lightly spotted paper, but with blank verso showing traces of previous mounting. Nine-line printed biographical cutting laid down in top left-hand corner. Reads 'Madam, In accordance with your request I enclose my autograph'.

Autograph Letter Signed to the British shipowner Sir Donald Currie (1825-1909).

Baron Heinrich von Ohlendorff
Publication details: 
Hamburg; 11 September 1895.

Three pages, small octavo. With embossed crest. Aged, and with some wear to extremities, but text clear and complete. In English. He sends two walking sticks. 'Might I ask you to send one to the honored Mr. Gladstone and beg him to accept it from me as one of his Hamburg admirers, who knows how fond he is of working with the saw.' The other stick is for Currie, 'as a small remembrance of the pleasant time I spent with you at Hamburg and Kiel.' 'Inside the sticks you will find a saw, which can be taken out and fastened on to the hook.

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