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[ William Ewart Gladstone, English Liberal prime minister. ] Portrait photograph of Gladstone in middle-age, with conclusion of Autograph Letter Signed ('W E Gladstone') addressed to W. H. Pennington.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), English Liberal prime minister
Publication details: 
Neither item with place or date.

Both items are laid down on a leaf removed from an autograph album. Both in good condition, with light signs of age. The photographic print of Gladstone measures 9 x 5.5, with the head and shoulders image in an oval 7.5 cm high by 5 cm wide, and showing a middle-aged Gladstone with dark bow tie and frock coat, staring to the right.

[ William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal prime minister. ] Autograph Letter in the third person to 'Miss Lewis', expressing sympathy with the views she expresses in the preface to her translation.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), English Liberal prime minister
Publication details: 
Hawarden. 25 July 1892.

Lengthwise on one side of 12 x 7.5 cm postcard. In fair condition, aged and worn, with two light postmarks over text, and the reverse carrying traces of paper and glue from previous mounting. Addressed, on reverse, to 'Miss Lewis | 10 Lower Sloane Street | London | S. W.', and redirected in another hand to an address in Essex. The message reads: 'Mr Gladstone with his compliments begs to thank Miss Lewis fo rthe presentation of her Translation and enters with much sympathy into the views she has taken of the deeper questions involved both in the Preface and the work.'?>

[ William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister. ] Autograph Signature ('W E Gladstone') on frank to Colvile

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), British Liberal Prime Minister
Publication details: 
Fettercairn. 29 September 1839.

On 7.5 x 11.5 cm. panel cut from front of envelope. In fair condition, lightly-aged. All in Gladstone's hand, it reads 'Fettercairn Septr. twentynine 1839 | A. Colvile Esq | Craigflower | Dunfermline | W E Gladstone'. Gladstone's signature is in the bottom left-hand corner, but is merely underlined, rather than being between two horizontal lines, as customary when franking.

[ Sir Stafford Northcote. ] Long Autograph Letter Signed ('Stafford H. Northcote') to Henry Barnett of Woodstock, regarding W. E. Gladstone's candidacy for MP for Oxford University. With copy of letter by Gladstone and proof of speech by Barnett.

Sir Stafford Northcote [ Stafford Henry Northcote (1818-1887), 1st Earl of Iddesleigh ], Conservative politician [ William Ewart Gladstone; Henry Barnett (1815-1896), MP for Woodstock ]
Publication details: 
Northcote's letter from 32 Charing Cross [ London ], 5 July 1847. Copy of a letter from Gladstone dated 13 Carlton House Terrace [ London ], 29 June 1847. Proof of Barnett's speech undated.

ONE: Northcote's letter to Barnett. 7pp., 12mo. On two bifoliums, in a close hand. In good condition, in aged envelope, with red wax seal and two postmarks (one of Woodstock), addressed to 'Henry Barnett Esqre | Woodstock | Oxon.' At the time of writing Northcote was Gladstone's personal secretary at the Board of Trade. The letter begins: 'Coleridge has left town for Sessions, and will not I fear return for some time. This will account for your letter of the 1st. remaining so long unanswered. I am sure we are much indebted to you for your suggestions, by which I doubt not we shall profit.

[ Herbert John Gladstone, 1st Viscount Gladstone. ] Autograph Signature ('Gladstone') as Governor-General of the Union of South Africa.

Herbert John Gladstone (1854-1930), 1st Viscount Gladstone, British Home Secretary, 1905-1910, and Governor-General of the Union of South Africa, 1910 -1914
Publication details: 
South Africa. 27 April 1914.

On 9 x 13 cm piece of paper torn from bottom right-hand corner of document. In fair condition, lightly-aged. Typed document, with date added in manuscript. Reads: '<...>and and the Great Seal of the Union of South Africa at | [...] on this the [twenty-seventh] day of [April] 1914. | Gladstone | GOVERNOR-GENERAL.'

[ South African colonial administrators. ] Collection of signatures, including Governor-General Gladstone, High Commissioner Loch, Sir William Gordon Cameron, Abraham Fischer, Sir William Howley Goodenough. Taken from Cape of Good Hope land documents

Herbert John Gladstone (1854-1930), 1st Viscount Gladstone, Governor-General of the Union of South Africa; Henry Brougham Loch (1827-1900), 1st Baron Loch, High Commissioner for South Africa, 1889-95
Publication details: 
Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, and Union of South Africa. Between 1892 and 1911.

Extracted from six Cape of Good Hope land documents. In good overall condition, on paper with minor signs of age and wear. ONE: Signature ('W. G. Cameron') of Sir William Gordon Cameron (1827-1913), as 'Administrator [amended in manuscript from 'Governor'] and High Commissioner'. On part of document dated 5 December 1892. Stamped in ink twice, over the signatures of the two witnesses, one of whom is Surveyor-General John Templer Horne. With embossed 'Public Seal of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope'.

[ W. E. Gladstone. ] Printed handbill, titled 'To Members of Convocation. - A few facts concerning Mr. W. E. Gladstone.' Reverse headed: 'The Case of the Dissenters' Chapels' Bill.'

[ William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal Prime Minister; The Dissenters' Chapel Bill, 1844 ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. [ London? Circa 1846. ]

2pp., 4to. In good condition on a lightly-aged leaf of wove paper. The recto gives a list of some of Gladstone's speeches and actions on religious matters between 1834 and 1846, beginning with 'IN 1834, MR. W. E. GLADSTONE, then recently returned to Parliament, first made himself known to the public by his speech against the admission of Dissenters into the Universities.' The page ends: 'In 1846, MR. W. E.

[ Sir Thomas Dyke Acland. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('T D Ackland') to an unnamed recipient, on the eve of the Russo-Turkish War, regarding 'the horrors of Turkish Rule'

Sir Thomas Dyke Acland (1809-1898), 11th Baronet, Tory and then Liberal politician [ John Webb Probyn (1828-1915), Editor, the Cobden Club; Robert James Loyd-Lindsay (1832-1901), 1st Baron Wantage ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Holnicote, Minehead [ Devon ]. 18 September 1876.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged paper, with strip of glue from mount discoloring second leaf. Written in a difficult hand, the letter begins: 'My Dear Sir | I have not forgotten a conversation with you on returning from Bradfield which first opened my eyes to the horrors of Turkish Rule'. He is sending 'a small contribution to a fund to which I am led by your name'. Mentions 'the League', 'Lady ' and 'Col Lindsay', stating that he is 'a little puzzled'. Postscript refers to 'Mr Probyn Editor of the Cobden Club', ending 'I am just going to a meeting at Barnstaple'.?>

[ George William Spencer Lyttelton, private secretary to William Ewart Gladstone. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('G W Spencer Lyttelton'), on Gladstone's behalf, to 'Mrs B<owen?>' of the Midland Association for the Promotion of Kindness to Animals.

George William Spencer Lyttelton (1847-1913), private secretary to British prime minister William Ewart Gladstone [ Midland Association for the Promotion of Kindness to Animals, Birmingham ]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of 10 Downing Street, Whitehall [London]. 10 December 1883.

2pp., 12mo. On the first leaf of a bifolium. In fair condition, aged, and with traces of mount adhering to the blank second leaf. He writes that Gladstone has asked him to thank her for sending 'the illustrated cards' issued by the Association, 'and to say that they appear to him to be suitable for the very good purpose you have in view'.

[Printed pamphlet.] Workmen's International Exhibition, 1870. Report of the General Conference of Delegates, held at the Theatre of the Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, on Monday, January 10, 1870.

[ Conference of Delegates, Workmen's International Exhibition, 1870; Theatre of the Society of Arts, John Street, Adelphi, London; A. J. Mundella; T. H. Huxley; Auberon Herbert; Samuel Morley ]
Publication details: 
London: Published at the Offices of the Workmen's International Exibition, 150, Strand, W.C. [1870.] [Dunlop & Co., Printers, King's-head Court, Shoe Lane, E.C.]

40pp., 12mo. In small print. In good condition, in brown paper wraps with manuscript label. Giving the text of speeches by delegates including the MPs Samuel Morley, Thomas Hughes, W. H. Smith, and A. J. Mundella; Auberon Herbert; and the chairman T. H. Huxley. Stamp and shelfmark of the Board of Education Library on title-page, and stamp on front wrap.

[ Frederic George Kitton, critic and artist. ] Autograph Card Signed ('F. G. Kitton') to editor of New York 'Book Buyer', giving details of article 'satirising the Bacon-Shakespeare theory', 'proving' that Gladstone wrote the novels of Dickens.

F. G. Kitton [Frederic George Kitton] (1856-1904), English artist and writer, an authority on Charles Dickens, Shakespeare and Francis Bacon
Publication details: 
St Albans, England. 20 March 1899.

1p., on 11 x 9 cm card. Addressed on reverse 'To the Editor of The Book Buyer | c/o Messrs. C. Scribner's Sons | New York City | U.S.A.' With two postmarks. In fair condition, lightly aged and worn, and postage stamp removed. Since posting a letter on the previous day, he has 'discovered another article satirising the Bacon-Shakespeare theory', as with the one 'in Macmillan', anonymous. It is titled 'Who wrote Dickens's Novels?', and appeared in the Cornhill Magazine, August 1888. 'The author humorously endeavours to prove that Gladstone wrote them!!'

[Sir George Otto Trevelyan, Liberal politician.] Autograph Letter Signed ('G O Trevelyan') to Craig Brown, regarding plans for a private memorial to William Ewart Gladstone.

Sir George Otto Trevelyan (1838-1928), Liberal politician and historian, nephew of Thomas Babington Macaulay
Publication details: 
On House of Commons letterhead [London]. 19 July 1882.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged with pin holes. He has been 'advised that a private [last word underlined] memorial to Gladstone is the best course'. 'Publication', he has been told, would make the plan 'more exacting as giving a sense of importance'. Trevelyan would 'gladly, as M P for the burghs, forward such a memorial'. Gladstone had been intending to retire from politics at the end of 1882.

[Printed pamphlet.] Home Office. Children Act, 1908. Copy of Rules made by the Secretary of State for the Home Department, dated May 21, 1909, as to Places of Detention under Section 109 of the Children Act, 1908.

H. J. Gladstone, One of His Majesty's Principal Secretaries of State [Children Act, 1908; Home Office rules as to places of detention]
Publication details: 
Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, By Darling and Son, Ltd., 34-40, Bacon Street, E. 1909. [Whitehall, 21st May, 1909.]

6pp., 8vo. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. No copy on COPAC or OCLC WorldCat.

[Printed parliamentary paper.] Employment of Children Act Committee. Report of the Departmental Committee on the Employment of Children Act, 1903, appointed by His Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department [H. J. Gladstone].

[Employment of Children Act; British parliamentary report, 1903; House of Commons; child labour; street trading]
Publication details: 
Presented to both Houses of Parliament by Command of His Majesty. London: Printed for His Majesty's Stationery Office, by Eyre and Spottiswoode, Ltd., Printers to the King's Most Excellent Majesty. [10 September 1910.]

23pp., foolscap 8vo. Stitched. On aged and worn paper, with short closed tear to first leaf at foot of spine. Shelfmarks, stamp and label of the Board of Education Reference Library, London. Purple stamp on reverse of first leaf: '10 SEP 1910'. Divided into three sections: Warrants of Appointment; Majority Report; Minority Report. The 'Majority Report' section under the following main headings: Origin and Course of Inquiry; General Results of the Investigation; Remedies and Recommendations; Summary of Recommendations and Conclusions. A large part of the document discusses 'Street Trading'.

[Victorian handbill satirising Lord Randolph Churchill, Gladstone and other members of the House of Commons, headed 'HOUSE OF COMMONS. | PROROGATION OF PARLIAMENT'.

[Victorian satirical handbill; Lord Randolph Churchill; William Ewart Gladstone; Charle Stewart Parnell; Prorogation of Parliament, 1881]
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but accompanied by annotation in contemporary hand dating it to 1881.

Printed in black on piece of purple paper, 27 x 14 cm. In good condition, laid down on a leaf removed from a contemporary album, with the date '1881' written beside it. The first paragraph sets the tone: 'LORD RANDOLPH CHURCHILL rose to ask Her Majesty's Government a question as to the state of Public Business, and the probable date of the Prorogation of Parliament.

[Lieutenant-Colonel John Vandeleur, 10th Royal Hussars.] Autograph Letter Signed to the Military Secretary FitzRoy Somerset [Raglan]l, re. an application from one of his adjutants named Gladstone. Docketed with Autograph Note on subject by Somerset.

Colonel John Vandeleur (c.1793-1864) of the 10th Hussars, Aide de Camp to General Sir John Ormsby Vandeleur (1763-1849) in the Peninsular War and at Waterloo [Lord Fitzroy Somerset (1788-1855)]
Publication details: 
Dorchester. 17 May 1839.

1p., 4to. On bifolium. Very good on lightly-aged paper. Green date stamp of the Commander in Chief's Office. Docketed on reverse of second leaf with barely legible note by Somerset (he had had to learn to write with his left hand after losing his right arm at Waterloo), beginning 'Inform Messrs Cox of the intention'. Vandeleur considers that it 'would be a very great Indulgence to Mr. Gladstone to allow him the indulgence he asks provided it can be done without inconvenience to the Service'.

'A Picture Book for Country Voters. Being No. 5 of a Special General Election Issue of Picture Politics.' [Satirical supplement to the Westminster Gazette, with numerous cartoons by F. Carruthers Gould.]

F. Carruthers Gould [Francis Carruthers Gould] (1844-1925), English caricaturist and political cartoonist [Picture Politics, supplement to the Westminster Gazette]
Publication details: 
No. 21. '15/7/95 [15 July 1895] Printed and Published for the Proprietor by John Marshall, at the Offices of The Westminster Gazette, Tudor-street, Whitefriars, London, E.C.'

16pp., folio. In fair condition, on aged and worn newsprint with short closed tear at spine. Spoof articles ('The Secrecy of the Ballot', 'What the Villagers might make of the Parish Councils. By A Villager', 'What the Bishops tried to make of the Parish Councils', 'The Great Liberal Budget and the Wail of the Landlords', and others), with caricatures by Gould featuring Rosebery, Gladstone, Salisbury, the Archbishop of Canterbury and others. Also two full-page cartoons by Gould, titled 'The Tory Village.

Autograph Letter Signed from the Irish nationalist writer and politician Justin McCarthy, sending Lady Dorothy [Neville] 'the only Souvenirs from Dublin of Parnell's funeral'.

Justin McCarthy (1830-1912), Irish nationalist writer and Liberal politician [Lady Dorothy Neville (1826-1913), English hostess; Charles Stewart Parnell (1846-1891)]
Publication details: 
No place. 30 October 1891.

On square of paper. In good condition, lightly-aged and with traces of glue from mount adhering to reverse. The letter reads: 'My dear Lady Dorothy | I send you - at last! - the only Souvenirs from Dublin of Parnell's funeral. I received them this morning. One represents the scene in the City Hall under the shadow of O'Connell's statue - the other the grave in Glasnevin. | With kindest regards | Very truly Yours | Justin Mc.Carthy'. The souvenirs referred to in the letter are not present.

Autograph Letter Signed (both 'WE Gladstone') from Liberal Prime Minister William Eward Gladstone, thanking Miss A. de Grasse Evans (a relation of his friend and colleague Sir Francis Henry Evans) for sending a book.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal statesman, four-time Prime Minister of the United Kingdom [Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907), Liberal Member of Parliament (Southampton, Maidstone)]
Publication details: 
Hawarden; 8 December 1888.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed to 'Miss A. de G. Evans'. He thanks her for sending the book, adding: 'Both your kindness and the subjects to which it refers have made me very desirous to lose no time in examining it: and if, when I am able do to this, I find that I have any thing to say which can be useful (it will be no reproach to the work if I have not) you may depend upon hearing from me.' From the papers of Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907), who served as Liberal MP for Southampton, 1888-1895 and 1896; and Maidstone, 1901-1906.

Autograph Letter Signed ('HJ Gladstone') from Herbert John Gladstone, urging his friend and Liberal colleague Sir Francis Henry Evans to vote against the Government in Lord FitzMaurice's motion of no confidence over the handling of the Boer War.-+*

Herbert John Gladstone (1854-1930), Liberal politician [Sir Francis Henry Evans (1840-1907), Liberal Member of Parliament for Southampton and Maidstone]
Publication details: 
On House of Commons letterhead; 5 February 1900.

2pp., 12mo. On paper with mourning border. Headed by Gladstone 'Private'. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The letter concerns Lord FitzMaurice's motion of no confidence in the government, held in the House of Commons the following day. (The resolution, which had been introduced following British reversals in the Boer War, was defeated by 352 votes to 139.) Gladstone writes that he hopes that he was not 'too "stiff"' with Evans. 'The situation at the time was a bit acute, 70 men asking for that wh. I knew to be impossible.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W C Bennett') from William Cox Bennett to J. T. Baron, boasting that his magazine 'The Lark' is a 'powerful influence'; naming Gladstone, Tennyson and other contributors; and urging the 'Newsvendors' of Blackburn to buy it.

William Cox Bennett (1820-1895), English journalist and poet, editor of 'The Lark' [John T. Baron of Blackburn, Lancashire, autograph hunter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hyde Cottage, 68 Royal Hill, Greenwich, SE. 27 November 1883.

3pp., 12mo. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. In original envelope, with stamp and postmark, addressed by Bennett to 'John T Baron Esq. | 48 Griffin Street | Blackburn | [signed] W C Bennett'. He begins by informing Baron that four numbers of 'The Lark' have already been published.

Autograph Letter Signed ('F C B') from the humorist F. C. Burnand [Sir Francis Cowley Burnand], joking about a prophecy made by his 'Punch' colleague Harry Furniss in a letter to 'The Times', addressed to 'Dear H. F. Vates et Vox Stellarum'.

F. C. Burnand [Sir Francis Cowley Burnand] (1836-1917), English humorist and dramatist, a main contributor to 'Punch' [Harry Furniss (1854-1925), 'Punch' caricaturist and illustrator]
Publication details: 
On Bernand's letterhead, 27 The Boltons, SW [London], 21 July 1892.

2pp., landscape 12mo. On aged and dusty paper. This item is a jocular response to a letter by Furniss, printed in The Times of 21 July 1892 under the heading 'A Parliamentary Prophecy'. Both the Times letter and the present item are published in Furniss's 'Confessions of a Caricaturist' (1901), with other matter and the context explained. In this item Burnand teases Furniss about a misprint ('Is that setter-up-of-type still alive?

Circular letter, in a secretarial hand, on behalf of the Committee of the Eastern Question Association, London, signed and completed by A. R. Dryhurst, and addressed by him to Thomas Redfern, regarding the publication of speeches by W. E. Gladstone.

Alfred Robert ('Roy') Dryhurst (1859-1949), Secretary, The Eastern Question Association, King Street, Westminster [Thomas Redfern; William Ewart Gladstone, Liberal Prime Minister]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of The Eastern Question Association (Appointed by the National Conference), Committee Rooms, 27 and 28, Canada Building, King Street, Westminster. 26 May 1877.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Signed 'A R. Dryhurst'. The document begins: 'I am desired by the Committee to inform you that they have resolved to print the speeches revised by himself, which Mr. Gladstone delivered at the beginning and end of the debate on the Eastern Question.' The terms are then given, 'With the view of securing for them, the widest possible circulation'.

Autograph Letter Signed from Helen Gladstone, informing an unnamed male correspondent of the changes her father the Liberal Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone would like made to a 'Declaration'.

Helen Gladstone (1849-1925), Vice-Principal, Newham College, Cambridge, and youngest daughter of the Liberal Prime Minister William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Hawarden Castle, Chester. 3 October 1874.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium. On aged and lightly-creased paper. The letter, written while Gladstone's Liberals were in opposition to Benjamin Disraeli's Conservatives, begins: 'Mr.

[Printed pamphlet.] Parish of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Wages and Pauperism, being a report as to the occupations and earnings of recipients of out-door relief and their dependants.

Gladstone Walker, Clerk to the Guardians of the Parish of Newcastle-upon-Tyne [Pauperism; Poverty; Indigence]
Publication details: 
Gladstone Walker, Clerk to the Guardians of the Parish of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. November 1915.

23pp., 8vo. Stapled pamphlet. Text complete, but a frail survival: on aged paper, with first leaf loose, and with chipped and frayed remains of printed front wrap attached with gummed paper to last leaf, and lacking rear wrap. With stamp and shelfmarks of the Board of Education Library. Excessively scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC or Worldcat at the London School of Economics. A pamphlet on 'Industry and Pauperism' followed in 1916.

Autograph Letter Signed from the journalist and literary biographer George Barnett Smith to J. T. Baron of Blackburn

George Barnett Smith (1841-1909), English author, journalist and literary biographer
Publication details: 
Cuba Villa, Bickerton Road, Highgate, N. 6 March 1882.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium.Good, on lightly-aged paper. In stamped envelope, with London and Blackburn postmarks, addressed by Smith to 'J. T. Baron, Esq. / 18, Griffin Street, / Witton, / Blackburn.' He is only able to reply to Baron's not now, having been 'ill & confined to bed'. He thanks him 'for the kind expressions you use respecting my Life of Gladstone, which I am glad you like so much. I suppose you are aware that I have recently published (through Messrs. Hodder & Stoughton) a companion work, the Life of Mr.

Typescript transcription of a 'Poem written by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone MP Christmas 1869 for contribution to The Coppice Courant which had however expired in January 1867.'

[William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal prime minister; Sir Robert Joseph Phillimore (1810-1885), judge and Liberal MP]
Publication details: 
Undated transcription. The poem dated 'Christmas 1867.'

Typescript (folio, 2 pp), with a couple of manuscript corrections. Fair, on aged paper, with light marks from a paperclip at head. Thirty-six line poem, in heroic couplets, with 'W E G. Christmas 1869' at end, beginning 'Happy the gamester, on whose earliest throw, | Grim Fortune frowns, and cuts his treasure low; | But hapless he, whom luck shall onward lure, | She only means to make his ruin sure.' Made for Sir Robert Joseph Phillimore, of the Courant, Henley on Thames, judge, Liberal MP and lifelong friend of Gladstone's.

Manuscript transcription by Lord Phillimore, of a 'Poem written by the Right Hon. W. E. Gladstone MP Christmas 1869 for contribution to "The Coppice Courant" which had however expired in January 1867.' With typescript.

[William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal prime minister; Walter George Frank Phillimore (1845-1929), Baron Phillimore, Judge, ecclesiastical lawyer and international jurist]
Publication details: 
Transcription undated, on Phillimore's letterhead of The Coppice, Henley on Thames. Typescript undated.
William Ewart Gladstone

Phillimore's transcript: 12mo, 3 pp. On bifolium. Text clear and complete. Fair, on lightly-aged paper, with mark from rusted paperclip at head. Thirty-six line poem, in heroic couplets, with 'W E G. Christmas 1869' at end. Typescript (folio, 2 pp), with a couple of manuscript corrections. Fair, on aged paper.

Autograph Signature ('W E Gladstone') of the Liberal prime minister William Ewart Gladstone, as frank on front of envelope addressed by him to the Rt Hon J. Moncrieff, M.P.

William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), British Liberal prime minister
Publication details: 
Docketed by Moncrieff 'Gladstone May 16th [no year]'.

Complete envelope, 12.5 x 8 cm. With mourning border. Addressed on front: 'Immediate | Rt Hon. J. Moncrieff | MP - | [signed in bottom left-hand corner] W E Gladstone'. Docketed in close hand, lengthwise and downwards from top right-hand corner. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper.

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. H. Freemantle') from the Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle, Dean of Ripon, to Colonel Spencer Childers, regarding his biography of his father, the Liberal Chancellor Hugh Childers.

Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle (1831-1916), Dean of Ripon [Colonel Edmund Spencer Eardley Childers (1854-1919); Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (1827-96)]
Publication details: 
27 March 1901; on letterhead of the Deanery, Ripon.
Very Reverend William Henry Freemantle

12mo, 4 pp. Bifolium. 36 lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. He is sending a 'leaf of the Leeds Mercury containing a review of your Life of your father, which is good & appreciative', along with a copy of one of his sermons (neither enclosure present). Not having yet seen the book, he asks if he 'put in the extraordinary prophecy which your father made in March or April 1892 of the numbers of members who were to be elected in the July of that year?' He has 'the letter he wrote to Fanny with the exact number', and wishes he had reminded him of that fact before.

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