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[ Walter Runciman, 1st Baron Runciman, shipping magnate. ] Printed pamphlet of 'Sir Walter Runciman's Dinner', with alphabetical list of guests and fold-out 'Plan of Grand Hall'. With seat reservation for Aneurin Williams, MP.

[ Sir Walter Runciman [ Walter Runciman, 1st Baron Runciman ] (1847-1937), English shipping magnate ] [ Aneurin Williams (1859-1924), Liberal MP ]
Publication details: 
Dinner at the Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, Kingsway, W.C. [ London ] 11 April [ b ]. Pamphlet printed by Metchim & Son, Westminster.

Both pamphlet and reservation in fair condition, with light signs of age and wear. Pamphlet: Titled: 'Sir Walter Runciman's Dinner, Connaught Rooms, Great Queen Street, Kingsway, W.C. | Friday, April 11th, at 7.30. | Alphabetical List of Guests with Allocation of Seats and Plan of Grand Hall.' 26 + [1]pp., 12mo. With fold-out 'Plan of Grand Hall | Showing Numbered Tables'. With lightly-rusted staples. Fifty-two tables of the great and the good, with the fifty sitters at 'Table "A"' including Lord Denman, Augustine Birrrell, H. H.

Account Book; Lloyds of London c.1800

A Scottish underwriter, Lloyd's of London and the Slave Trade,
Publication details: 

The accounts in the present volume cover a four-year period, with the first entry headed 'London 1st. January 1804', and the last 'London January 1808'. The author (perhaps the Hon. Montgomery Granville John Stewart) is a wealthy Lloyd's underwriter and a partner in a London merchant bank.

[ One forger to another. ] Autograph Letter Signed from the shipping magnate Owen Philipps to the literary editor and forger Harry Buxton Forman, regarding the biography of his relation 'The Matchless Orinda' [the poet Katherine Philips].

Owen Cosby Philipps (1863-1937), 1st Baron Kylsant, shipping magnate and Conservative MP [ Harry Buxton Forman (1842-1917), literary editor and forger; Katherine Philips ('the Matchless Orinda')]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Amroth Castle, Begelly, R.S.O. Pembrokeshire. 25 October 1903.

3pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with short closed tear at foot of fold. Signed 'Owen Philipps'. Having received a letter from Buxton Forman 'about the Matchless Orinda', he gives some details regarding her husband, who is 'an ancestor of mine, being one of the Phillips of Kilsant & Picton'. His brother has 'lent me a copy of her Poems which I have been reading with much interest.' He also refers to his relations 'Mr. Wogan', 'Mrs. Owen', 'Jas Phillips' and 'Hector Phillips'.

Fifteen Typed Letters Signed from 'Britain's richest man' Sir John Ellerman to Cyril Rollins, regarding Gilbert and Sullivan and the D'Oyly Carte Opera Company. With two Autograph Letters Signed from Lady Ellerman, 13 Christmas cards and other items.

Sir John Reeves Ellerman, 2nd Baronet (1910-1973), business tycoon said to be 'Britain's richest man; his wife Lady Esther Leopolda Ellerman (d.1985) [née De Sola, later Borwick] [Cyril Rollins]
Publication details: 
Ellerman's letters from Cape Town, South Africa, and the Dorchester Hotel, London between 1960 and 1971; his wife's letters from 1960 and 1973. The thirteen Christmas cards all undated.

35 items, in very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Ellerman's fifteen letters, all signed 'John Ellerman.', total: 10pp., 4to; 1p., 8vo; 7pp., 12mo. Rollins was co-author with R. John Witts of 'The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company in Gilbert and Sullivan Operas' (1962), and Ellerman's good-natured correspondence is entirely devoted to the same subject, with references to singers, current productions, historical information and Rollins's 'great book'. Two examples will indicate the tone. On 5 January 1968 he writes: 'I am indeed glad to get a little news of the G. & S. front; Mr.

Five Autograph Letters Signed [all 'James Knowles'] to Hurd.

Sir James Knowles [Sir James Thomas Knowles] (1831-1908), architect and editor of 'The Nineteenth Century' [Sir Archibald Hurd (1869-1959), writer on naval matters]
Publication details: 
Between 1898 and 1901; on letterhead of 'The Nineteenth Century'.

All five items are 12mo, 1 p, and in good condition, with the text entirely legible, but with slight discoloration to the extremities and to the blank second leaves of four of the letters. Letter One (17 May 1898): Concerns a letter by Sir William White, regarding which Knowles has not written as 'it seemed to me there was nothing to write about - & I am compelled to write so many letters!' Knowles 'did not at all think that Sir W. White intended any disparaging reflection in your competence by saying that you were <?> not a man "technically trained in naval architecture" '.

Letter, in a secretarial hand, Signed ('P Watts') to Archibald Hurd, 6 Stafford Terrace, Plymouth.

Sir Philip Watts (1846-1926), English naval architect [Sir Archibald Hurd (1869-1959); Elswick Shipyard, Newcastle upon Tyne; Victorian shipbuilding; maritime]
Publication details: 
16 July 1898; on Elswick Shipyard letterhead.

4to, 2 pp, 18 lines. Text clear and entire on aged, creased paper, with pin holes and indentations and slight smoke-staining in right-hand margin of first leaf (not affecting text) and on the blank reverse of the second leaf. The late response to Hurd's letter of 13 March is due to 'a clerical oversight and the illness and absence of the writer'. Gives details of the amount of coal carried by the 'Blanco Encalada', 'Hai Chi' and 'Buenos Aires', as well as their bunker capacity and normal supplies. He also refers to the 'Astraea' and the 'Japanese Battleship "Yahsima"'.

Loss of The Centaur Man-of-War, In the year 1782. (Written by Capt. Inglefield.)

[John Nicholson Inglefield] [Shipwrecks; The Centaur; Naval; Maritime; The Royal Navy]
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated [c.1818?].

Eight 16mo leaves ['A4' at foot of recto of first leaf]. Sixteen unpaginated pages. Unbound, in contemporary marble wraps. Aged and slightly stained, but good overall. Dramatic fold-out handcoloured engraving of distressed men in rowboat in turbulent sea, roughly four and a half inches by five wide, captioned 'CENTAU. | Situation of part of the Crew who are leaveing [sic] the Wreck in a Boat.' Closed tear in engraving unobtrusively repaired on reverse with archival tape. Small stamp of the Webster Collection, with manuscript date 1924, on reverse of print.

Autograph Letter Signed to the British shipowner Sir Donald Currie (1825-1909).

Baron Heinrich von Ohlendorff
Publication details: 
Hamburg; 11 September 1895.

Three pages, small octavo. With embossed crest. Aged, and with some wear to extremities, but text clear and complete. In English. He sends two walking sticks. 'Might I ask you to send one to the honored Mr. Gladstone and beg him to accept it from me as one of his Hamburg admirers, who knows how fond he is of working with the saw.' The other stick is for Currie, 'as a small remembrance of the pleasant time I spent with you at Hamburg and Kiel.' 'Inside the sticks you will find a saw, which can be taken out and fastened on to the hook.

Autograph Note Signed to Mrs <Swanthwaite?>.

Vice-Admiral Sir Percy Scott
Publication details: 
Monday' [no date]; on letterhead of the United Service Club, Pall Mall, S.W.

British naval officer and inventor (1853-1924; DNB). 1 page, 16mo. In good condition. Attached to larger piece of card, docketed with a brief biography. 'I shall be delighted to come tomorrow at 4. pm. | Yours sincerely | Percy Scott'.

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