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An archive of journalist and editor, James Good',s letters to Robert Lynd, essayist, and Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist

J. W. Good [ James Winder Good ] (1877-1930), Irish journalist (Assistant Editor, Irish Statesman; Leader writer, Irish Independent; Irish Correspondent, New Statesman)
Publication details: 

See his obituary in The Times, 5 May 1930. 90 ALsS and one ACS to RL and SL. Totalling 192pp., 4to; 17pp., 8vo; 223pp., 12mo. Two signed 'Seumas', the others signed 'James W. Good' or 'J. W. G.' Mainly from 24 Herbert Place, Dublin, but also from 35 Waterloo Rd, Dublin, and other addresses, and on letterheads of The Freeman's Journal; The Northern Whig Office, Belfast; The Republic, Belfast;Uladh. The letters to the separate recipients as follows. To RL: 44 ALsS; 30 between 1908 and 1928; the other 14 undated. Totalling 63pp., 4to; 17pp., 8vo; 121pp., 12mo.

Autograph Note Signed "Art Ó Gríobhtha" [ Arthur Griffith ] to Robert and Sylvia Lynd, writers, presumably on their engagement or marriage..

Art Ó Gríobhtha [ Arthur Griffith ].
Publication details: 
[Printed heading] The "Sinn Féin" Printing and Publishing Company Limited [date incomplete [but 1909]

One page, 4to, fold mark, good condition, saying 'With a thousand wishes for your happiness.' and at botton ""A Study" | Lily Williams" - presumably on their engagement or marriage, and presumably the Lily Williams item is a drawing as wedding present. They married in 1909.

[First issue of printed periodical.] The Irish Volunteer. Oglác na h-eireann. ['The Official Organ of the Volunteer Movement'.]

[The Irish Volunteer, Dublin ('The Official Organ of the Volunteer Movement'); Sinn Féin Volunteers]
Publication details: 
Vol. I. No. 1. 7 February 1914. 'Printed by the North Wexford Printing and Publishing Co., for the Proprietors of "The Irish Volunteer," Middle Abbey Street, Dublin.'

16pp., 8vo. Complete publication, unstapled and unbound. Unopened (i.e. with the pages unseparated). On the usual high-acidity newspaper stock, brittle and aged, with chipping to outer margins. The first page carries a poem title 'Ireland, 1914', by Padraic Colum. Other contributors include Joseph Plunkett and Professor T. M. ('Tom') Kettle. The final page carries an article by M. J. Judge titled 'A Nation's Destiny. Arms Are The Arbiters', and an illustrated piece on 'First Aid'. The newspaper was published between 1914 and 1916.

Autograph Letter Signed ('John F. Dillon') from Sir John Fox Dillon of Lismullen to 'My dear Mary', criticising the 'queer state' of Irish politics, First World War 'shirkers', and describing what he claims as the first tractor in Ireland.

Sir John Fox Dillon (1843-1925) of Lismullen, Navan, County Meath, Baron of the Holy Roman Empire
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Lismullen, Navan, County Meath [Ireland; Eire]. 20 December 1917.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. 61 lines, closely written in a crabbed, difficult hand. Good, on lightly-aged paper. He begins by thanking her for a book, before commenting: 'Things are in such a queer state in this country that it is hard to know what will happen. This Government is enough to drive one mad. They are afraid to do a thing until the Convention has come to some sort of compromise (which no party will accept). The Sin [sic] Feins will do their best to upset any recommendation the Convention may come to. You must remember there are the Ulster men (Royalists) Royalists [sic] from all parts.

Copy of the Irish Republican newspaper 'Sinn Féin', from the papers of Robert Lynd, and with the main article on the front page ('Literature and Politics') written by him under the signature 'Riobard ua Floinn'

Riobard ua Floinn [Robert Lynd] (1979-1949), Irish essayist [Sinn Féin]
Publication details: 
'Printed for the SINN FEIN Printing and Publishing Company, Limited, by An Clo-Cumann, Teo., 68-71 Great Strand Street, in the City of Dublin, and Published at the Office, 17 Fownes Street'. 27 February 1909.

4pp., folio. Broadsheet bifolium. On aged high-acidity paper, folded once vertically, and once horizontally, and with wear along the fold lines. Lynd's article is the main one on the front page, covering 74 column inches across five of the seven columns. The article begins: 'I do not know what exactly can have been in my mind when I gave "Literature and Politics" to the secretary of the Irish Literary Society of London as the subject of a paper I had promised to deliver.

Copy of the Irish republican newspaper 'Saoirse na h-Éireann. Irish Freedom', from the papers of Robert Lynd, and with the front-page article 'Germany is not Ireland's Enemy' possibly written by him.

Robert Lynd [Robert Wilson Lynd; Riobard ua Floinn] (1979-1949), Irish essayist [Saoirse na h-Éireann. Irish Freedom]
Publication details: 
'Printed by Patrick Mahon, 3 Yarnhall St., Dublin, for the Proprietors and published by them at their Office, 12 D'Olier Street, Dublin.' September 1914.

8pp., folio. Unopened. On aged high-acidity paper, with wear along central vertical fold, and chipping to extremities. The article is unsigned, and covers the whole of the front page and p.5 (which is headed 'Ireland won't be fooled again.') and ends on p.6. An inflammatory piece of writing, as the following paragraph indicates: 'Good-bye, Tommy! | Firstly, the army of occupation has been taken from Ireland. Dozens of ships were steaming in and out of Dublin Bay for a week, taking away the men who held this country for England before Mr. Redmond offered Mr.

Copy of the Irish Republican newspaper 'Sinn Féin', from the papers of Robert Lynd, and possibly containing an article by him.

Riobard ua Floinn [Robert Lynd] (1979-1949), Irish essayist [Sinn Féin]
Publication details: 
'Printed for the Sinn Fein Printing and Publishing Company, Ltd., by Devereux, Newth and Co., 49 Middle Abbey Street, Dublin, and published by the Sinn Fein Company at the same address.' 27 July 1912.

8pp., folio. On aged and creased high-acidity paper, with closed tears and chipping. The two articles most likely to be the work of Lynd are 'The Viceregal Microbe' on pp.2-3, and 'The Future of the Language Movement' on p.2; both are anonymous.

[The fifth Central Council [Meeting] of Sinn Féin]

Sinn Féin [Aindrias Ua Broin, General Secretary]
Publication details: 
(Baile Átha Cliath: An Cló-Chumann, [1909]).

An Cúigeadh Árd-Chomhairle De Sinn Féin A Tionólfar 1 Nárus Na Príomh-Chathrach, Ar Diardaoin, Lughnasa 26ADh, 1909 [The fifth Central Council [Meeting] of Sinn Féin to be held in the City Hall of the Capital on Thursday 26 August 1909.] . Pamphlet, 12pp, 12mo, grey printed wraps, fair condition. Signed in type at end: Aindrias Ua Broin, General Secretary.’, In pencil (N.F. Dryhurst’s hand? – anarchist, suffragette, Irish patriot, etc.] at head of front wrap: ‘Please return keep for me’.

[Sinn Féin, newspaper edited by Arthur Griffith] Typewritten draft of circular letter

[Arthur Griffiths].
Publication details: 
Undated [c.1905].

Typewritten draft of circular letter, with corrections, appealing for support for Griffith’s Sinn Féin newspaper, and giving details concerning its foundation. Typescript, 3pp, 4to, good condition. Author and recipient not stated. Undated, but from the context written in 1906. It begins, We desire to bring under your notice the following facts respecting the Sinn Fein daily newspaper’ and says that Griffith and the directors stated that ‘a sum of £8000 was required for the purpose’, but that [t]he sum of £3300 only was subscribed in answer to the appeal.

The Economic Case for Irish Independence

Darrell Figgis
Publication details: 
Dublin and London, 1920.

[viii].91pp., 8vo, beige printed wraps, worn, sl. sunned, marked, chipped corner at back, discreet repairs to spine and edges, contents good. Scarce.

A Plain Tale.

[Eimar Ultan O'Duffy (1893-1935), Irish satirical writer]
Publication details: 
Undated; place and printer not stated.

One page, in two 62-line columns. Octavo leaf with blank reverse. Good, on lightly aged paper with slight nicking and creasing to edges. Satirical account of 'simple soul' Michael James's dealings with his hypocritical neighbour Susan Elizabeth, who hands him a white feather when he refuses to enlist in the British Army during the Great War. On 'the Day' of the Easter Rising James fights and is wounded and 'thrown into the interment camp at Frongoch'. Susan Elizabeth then becomes 'a great Sinn Feiner.

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