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[ Alexander Bain, Scottish philosopher. ] Autograph Letter Signed ('A Bain') to 'Miss M' [sister of David Masson?], on topics including his view on the writing of an autobiography, and John Stuart Mill.

Alexander Bain (1818-1903), Scottish philosopher, and friend and biographer of John Stuart Mill [ David Masson [ David Mather Masson ] (1822-1907), Scottish literary critic]
Publication details: 
Aberdeen. 10 January 1874.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, with strip of mount adhering to one margin and light smudging to signature. He writes playfully, expressing his gratification at the thought that his 'handiwork' has been so well received, and that she has 'at last conquered the doctrine of "Relativity." This will set you above the "erring crowd" for the remainder of your days.' Her brother David is 'not what we should wish: of all things, I hate debility.' After some personal news he turns to the reasons why he has not written an autobiography.

[ Richard McKeon, American philosopher. ] Typed Letter Signed ('Richard P. McKeon') to Mark Bonham Carter, teasing him egarding his trip to Chicago.

Richard McKeon [ Richard Peter McKeon ] (1900-1985), American philosopher whose work for UNESCO led to Universal Declaration of Human Rights [ Mark Bonham Carter (1922-1994), Baron Bonham-Carter]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of the Department of Philosophy, University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. 21 July 1948.

1p., 4to. In fair condition, creased and lightly aged. Addressed to 'Mr. Mark R. Bonham Carter | c/o The Commonwealth Fund | 41 East 57th Street | New York 22, New York'. He writes having just returned 'from another trip to Paris', and has seen Bonham-Carter's 'note of farewell - with the conspicuous marks of the Wegener influence'. He is glad Bonham-Carter enjoyed his visit to Chicago, and looks forward to a visit to England by 'one or more of the McKeons', which will give him 'an opportunity to retaliate for some of the ragging that constitutes the American conception of hospitality'.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist.

Thomas Lionel Hodgkin (1910-1982), Marxist historian, son of last.
Publication details: 
20 Bradmore Road, Oxford; 'Easter Sunday 1931'

ALS, on letterhead of 20 Bradmore Road, Oxford; 'Easter Sunday 1931', 2pp., 8vo. Mainly personal long letter thanking her for 'a splendid present - Thank Heavens someone has had the wisdom to give me books, and the bounty to give me a lot of books'. With typed copy (1 p, 4to) of text headed 'Love and the Revolutionaries'. Inscribed at head 'For Sigle [Sheila Lynd], With love from Thomas Hodgkin | Christmas, 1970'.


[R. Latta, philosopher] Autograph Note Signed "R. Latta", philosopher, to unnamed correspondent [Maurice Bonham-Carter, Liberal politician etc.]

R. Latta, philosopher [Robert Latta] (1865-1932), philosopher
Publication details: 
[Stamp] The College, Glasgow, 30 Sept. 1904.

One page, 12mo, bifolium, good condition. "Edinburgh University Free Trade Union | I am much obliged to you and your Committee for your kind invitation to the platform on the occasion of Lord Hugh Cecil's address. I greatly regret that I am unable to be present, as I have promised to address one of the Edinburgh University Societies on the evening of October 21st. | With best wishes for the success of the meeting [...]"

Autograph Letter Signed to Sylvia Lynd, poet and novelist.

Thomas Lionel Hodgkin (1910-1982), Marxist historian, son of last.
Publication details: 
20 Bradmore Road, Oxford; 'Easter Sunday 1931'

ALS, on letterhead of 20 Bradmore Road, Oxford; 'Easter Sunday 1931', 2pp., 8vo. Mainly personal long letter thanking her for 'a splendid present - Thank Heavens someone has had the wisdom to give me books, and the bounty to give me a lot of books'. With typed copy (1 p, 4to) of text headed 'Love and the Revolutionaries'. Inscribed at head 'For Sigle, With love from Thomas Hodgkin | Christmas, 1970'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A Bain') to G. H. Huntly.

Alexander Bain (1818-1903), Scottish psychologist, philosopher and educationalist
Publication details: 
27 April 1874; Aberdeen.

12mo, 2 pp. Seventeen lines of text. Clear and complete. Bifolium. Fair, on aged and slightly-grubby paper. He has 'no recollection' of 'a work published in Edinburgh in 1843, on Mind viewed as a part of Physiology'. 'Perhaps if I saw it, I might certify it as I [sic] work that I formerly knew. Few works of that nature have escaped my notice within the last thirty years.' The work referred to by Huntly would appear to be John J. Waterston's 'Thoughts on the mental functions. Being an attempt to treat metaphysics as a branch of the physiology of the nervous system' (Edinburgh, 1843).

Autograph Letter Signed ('Alfred Fouillée, Membre de l'Institut'), in French, to unnamed male correspondent.

Alfred Fouillée [Alfred Jules Emile Fouillée] (1838-1912), French sociologist and philosopher [solidarism; solidarist; André Beaumier]
Publication details: 
13 March 1902; 'Menton, villa Fouillée'.

12mo, 2 pp, 13 lines. Good, on lightly aged paper. He is sending his reply (not present) to an article by André Beaumier 'qui me concerne (Figaro du 11 mars)'. The question of university reform is important and 'à l'ordre du jour', consequently he asks his correspondent to make use of his reply. Fouillee was, according to J. A. Scott, 'the founder of French solidarist philosophy'. Loosely inserted in blue paper folder with catalogue entry for the previous sale of the item laid down on front.

Autograph Note Signed to S. C. J. Freeman-Matthews, [autograph hunter of] Cape Town, South Africa.

John Fiske (1842-1901), American philosopher and historian
Publication details: 
31 May 1900; Cambridge, Massachusetts.

One page, 12mo. Very good on lightly aged paper. 'It gives me much pleasure to add my autograph to your collection.' With a 38-line biographical cutting on Fiske.

Scenes from an unfinished drama, entitled Phrontisterion, or, Oxford in the 19th century.

[Henry Longueville Mansel, Dean of St Pauls; University of Oxford; J. Vincent, publisher]
Publication details: 
Oxford: Printed and published by J. Vincent, and G. Bell, Fleet Street, London. Fourth edition, 1852.

English philosopher (1820-71). 24 pages, 12mo. Very good, neatly bound in brown cloth binding. Bound in are the original grey printed wraps, affected with foxing, and with very slight damage from glue to front wrap. The rear wrap carries an advertisement of 'BOOKS LATELY PUBLISHED | BY J. VINCENT OXFORD.', including 'NINEVEH: the Best Newdigate for Years; therefore not recited in the Theatre, Oxford, July 3, 1851. 12mo. 1s.' A brilliant satire on academic reformers and German philosphers. Copac only lists copies of the third, fourth and fifth editions.

Ten Typed Letters to Mark Bonham-Carter (one signed 'Charles', one signed 'C. W.', seven initialed in type, one signed Charles in type).

Publication details: 
Four without year, the others between 1948 and 1950; only two addressed, one from Oak Park and the other from 5336 University Ave, Chicago.

American educator and philosopher (1921-2002), one of the key figures during the reorganization of the University of Chicago’s undergraduate college in the 1960s and 70s. All ten items quarto: five items one page in length and five two pages in length. Text legible throughout, but all items creased and some on paper discoloured with age. With occasional fraying to edges and a few closed tears. Several with pencil notes by Bonham-Carter on reverse.

Fragment of Autograph Letter Signed to unnamed male correspondent.

George Combe
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Victorian phrenologist (1788-1858) and natural philosopher. Paper dimensions roughly seven and a half inches by three inches. Folded four times. Good, but worn and with some loss to bottom corners from previous mounting. Reads 'I am | My dear Sir | Yours most truly | Geo: Combe | If you see Mr. <?> at the meeting put this letter into his hands, lest I should not see him before it. | [signed] G C'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

George Combe
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Victorian phrenologist (1788-1858) and natural philosopher. Paper dimensions roughly four and a half inches by two and a quarter. Very good. From autograph album. Mounted on larger piece of lilac paper. Crease line affecting first line of text. Reads 'I am | My dear Major Mair | Very truly yours | Geo. Combe'. Docketed in pencil at foot by Dame Sarah Elizabeth Siddons Mair (died 1941) '(Phrenologist) | Written to my Father - S. E. S. M.'

Printed Keepsake Signed by Whyte and his third wife Eva [Korner].

Lancelot Law Whyte
Publication details: 
Without date or place, but printed date December 1948.

Scottish mathematical physicist and philosopher of science (1896-1972), Director of Statistical Enquiries in the Ministry of Supplies, and chairman and managing director of the company which developed the Whittle jet engine. 3 pages, 8vo. Dusty and creased. Page 3 carries a reproduction of a pencil portrait of Goethe, beneath which is a quotation from him in German.

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