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[Sir Claude Aurelius Elliott, headmaster of Eton.] Autograph Letter Signed ('C A Elliott') to J. J. S. Driberg, discussing his son J. H. Driberg's 'Poems', inserted in a copy of the book, inscribed by the author to his mother.

Sir Claude Aurelius Elliott (1888-1973), headmaster of Eton; Jack Herbert Driberg (1888-1946), Lecturer in Anthropology, Cambridge University, 1934-42 and brother of Labour MP Tom Driberg (1905-1976)
Publication details: 
Elliott's letter on letterhead of Fernwood, Wimbledon Park, London SW; 17 September [no year]. Driberg's book: London: Frank H. Morland, 16 Park Mansions, Fulham, S.W. 1908.

ONE (Elliott's letter): 3pp., 12mo. 34 lines. Bifolium. In good condition, on aged paper, loosely attached to the title-leaf of the book by a small piece of gummed paper. The letter begins: 'My dear Driberg | I ought to have acknowledged your letter sooner, but I only received it on my return from abroad, and since then I have been busy struggling with the arears which always accrue during absence.' He thanks him for sending his 'son's little volume', which he has read 'with much interest & congratulate him on the neat & modest appearance he has made in print'.

[R. A. Austen-Leigh.] ALS and TLS to P. C. Vellacott, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge, regarding historical queries; TLS from Austen-Leigh to C. H. K. Marten, Vice-Provost of Eton, with Marten's ALS reply on reverse. With draft of Vellacott letter

R. A. Austen-Leigh [Richard Arthur Austen-Leigh] (1872-1961), Jane Austen scholar and relative [P. C. Vellacott, Master of Peterhouse, Cambridge; Sir Henry Marten (1872-1948), Provost of Eton College]
Publication details: 
One (ALS to Vellacott): As from D2 Albany, Piccadilly W1. 3 May 1942. Two (TLS to Vellacott): on letterhead of 1 New-street Square, London, EC4. 10 June 1942. Three (TLS to Marten): same as Two. Four (Marten to Austen-Leigh): Eton. 11 August 1942.

Austen-Leigh's three letters are all signed 'R A Austen Leigh'. ONE: ALS to Vellacott. 3 May 1942; 'as from | D2 Albany | Piccadilly W.1'. 2pp., 12mo. He asks if Vellacott can 'enlighten me on the following point - I am editing some letters of Dr. Goodall, who was Provost of Eton 1809 to 1840. There follows a sixteen-line transcript of a letter written in May 1838 from Goodall to his brother, regarding which he writes: 'Who would Mr.

[Magdalene Asylum.] Manuscript 'Report by William Lothian writer in Edinburgh, and Clerk to the Magdalene Assylum, [sic] To The Right Honourable Kincaid Mackenzie Lord Provost of the City of Edinburgh, and ex officio President of that Institution.

[William Lothian, Clerk to the Magdalene Asylum, Edinburgh charity for 'fallen women' [Alexander Kincaid Mackenzie (1768-1830), Lord Provost of Edinburgh, 1817-1819; Scotland; Scottish]
Publication details: 
Edinburgh. 28 January 1819.

3pp., 4to. Bifolium. In very good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Docketed on reverse of second leaf 'Memo[i]r for the Lord Provost as to the Magdalene Assylum [sic]'. Lothian begins by explaining that he was informed a year before by 'one of the female Managers of the Assylum' that the Lord Provost 'wished to have from him an Account of the then state of that House'. He would have 'cheerfully furnished' him with one had he not been under the misapprehension that the treasurer Mr Waugh was going to do so.

Typed Letter Signed ('B. H. Streeter') from the biblical scholar Burnett Hillman Streeter of Queen's College, Oxford, to 'Dear Major', responding at great length to criticisms of a book ('Foundations'?), discussing schism and the union of churches.

B. H. Streeter [Burnett Hillman Streeter] (1874-1937), Provost of Queen's College, Oxford, and biblical scholar
Publication details: 
Queen's College, Oxford. 3 May 1917.

4pp., 4to. Good, on lightly aged and worn paper. With numerous autograph emendations. A significant letter, in which Streeter carefully expounds his position on schism and the union of churches. Streeter divides his response into three numbered sections, the last of which is subdivided into three more. The first section discusses the question of whether the fact that the Church of England 'only allows Episcopally ordained persons to minister the sacraments' is only 'a matter of discipline and Church order'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('E C Hawtrey') from Rev. Dr Edward Craven Hawtrey, Provost of Eton College, written in warm terms to an American who had previously visited England, introducing Thomas Bendyshe, Fellow of King's College, Cambridge.

Rev. Dr Edward Craven Hawtrey (1789-1862), headmaster (1834-1853) and provost (1853-1862) of Eton College [Thomas Bendyshe (1827-1886), Fellow of King's College, Cambridge; Edward Everett (1794-1865)]
Publication details: 
Eton College. 4 October 1848.

3pp., 16mo. 52 lines. Bifolium. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Addressed by Hawtrey, on reverse of second leaf, to the 'United States Hotel'.

Ornate engraved invitation from the Lord Provost and Corporation of the City of Glasgow to 'Mr. & Miss Munro-Fraser', inviting them to 'a Highland Reception to meet the Members of An Comunn Gaidhealach' in the City Chambers on 30 October 1907.

[The Lord Provost and Corporation of the City of Glasgow; An Comunn Gàidhealach, the oldest Gaelic Language organisation, founded in Oban in 1891; Marjory Kennedy-Fraser ( 1857-1930)]
Publication details: 
City Chambers, Glasgow, October 1907.

Printed in grey half-tone on one side of a piece of 13 x 20.5 card. In fair condition: aged and a little grubby. With Gaelic-style lettering and design, with vignette engraving of Bishop's Castle in top right-hand corner. The words 'Mr & Miss Munro-Fraser' neatly added in manuscript. From the papers of the Hebridean folklorist Marjory Kennedy-Fraser and her daughter Patuffa.

The History of Mill Hill School 1807-1907. [Inscribed by the author Norman George Brett James to his mother, and with four pieces of ephemera.]

Norman G. Brett James [Mill Hill School; J. R. Magrath, Provost of Queen's College, Oxford]
Publication details: 
London: Andrew Melrose, 3 York Street, Covent Garden, W.C. [1909.]

8vo: xii + 416 pp. Fair, tight copy, on lightly-aged paper, in worn contemporary brown leather binding with the school's arms in gilt on both boards, marbled endpapers. Inscribed on flyleaf: 'To my very dear Mother from her loving son Norman. August 10. 1909.' Loosely inserted are two newspaper cuttings, the first being a 30-line undated term report, and the second a Daily Telegraph obituary of the school's headmaster Sir John McClure.

Autograph Letter Signed by Talbot ('C <?> Talbot') to Hawtrey on Gladstone's behalf.

C. Talbot, senior clerk [William Ewart Gladstone (1809-1898), Liberal Prime Minister; Edward Craven Hawtrey (1789-1862), Provost of Eton College]
Publication details: 
30 May 1854; Great George Street [Westminster].

12mo, 2 pp, 20 lines. Bifolium with mourning border. Text clear and entire, on lightly aged paper with a few stains. He is enclosing 'Mr. Gladstone's answer on the subject of the inscriptions [not present]' which he asks to be returned to him. 'I had no opportunity of submitting it to him till Sunday last, and as you see I lose no time in passing on his answer to you [...] I drew his attention specially to the question of the two languages as you desired me to do'. Asks to be remembered to 'Miss Hawtrey'.

Autograph Letter Signed to the Provost of Eton [Edward Craven Hawtrey (1789-1862)].

Samuel Wilberforce, successively Bishop of Oxford and of Winchester
Publication details: 
30 May 1854; 26 Pall Mall.

Darwin and Huxley's 'soapy Sam' (1805-73). 2 pages, 16mo. In poor condition: damp, creased and with some decay at head, though none of this affecting text. 'I hope youo do not think that I have been remiss in not replying to your last kind letter otherwise than by telling Mr Davenport to attend to you. The truth is I have been intolerably occupied. I believe I shall have Randall with me. I hope you may have asked Dr Phillimore - & I hope that the surrounding Clergy have been invited to attend on Thursday.' Signed 'S Oxon:'.

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