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Tables astronomiques publiées par le Bureau des Longitudes de France. Tables de la lune, par M. Burckhardt.

Johann Karl Burckhardt [Bureau des Longitudes, Paris]
Publication details: 
Paris: Mme Ve Courcier, Imprimeur-Libraire pour les Mathématiques, Quai des Augustins, No. 57. Décembre 1812.

Burckhardt (1773-1825) was a German astronomer, who first computed the orbits of a number of comets. First and only edition. Quarto. Pages: viii + 88. A rare survival, but in very poor condition: grubby, creased, stained and frayed at edges. In remains of makeshift wraps. Text perfectly legible throughout. Some scholarly annotations in pencil and pen.

Societe Asiatique. Seance Generale Annuelle Du 28 Avril 1825.

Societe Asiatique.
Publication details: 
Paris, 1825.

[75]pp., inc. Table, 8vo, original green printed wraps, back cover soiled, stitches loose, and other minor defects.

Societe Asiatique. Seance Generale Annuelle Du 28 Avril 1826.

Societe Asiatique.
Publication details: 
Paris, 1826.

[75]pp., inc. Table, 8vo, original green printed wraps, covers soiled and dulled, stitches loose, and other minor defects.

Autograph Note Signed to M. de Struve.

Alexander Cockburn.
Publication details: 
Hamburg, 10 July 1816.

Diplomat (1776-1852)(Boase). One page, 4to, in French, with added notesin another hand about Cockburn ("Envoye Britanique [sic] a hambourg"), thanking his correspondent for a prompt reply, adding "J'ai l'honneur de vous remettre [cy jointe?] . . ."

Autograph Letter Signed in French to the Abbé [François Napoléon-Marie] Moigno (1804-1884).

Thomas Sterry-Hunt
Publication details: 
15 September 1855; 35 Avenue d'Antin, Paris.

Canadian geologist (1826-92), Fellow of the Royal Society. 2 pages, 8vo, in good condition but with minor loss to one corner resulting in loss of part of one word of text. The recipient Moigno has been described as a mathematician and scientific vulgariser. Sterry-Hunt received Moigno's note the previous morning and regrets that he will be unable to meet him as he leaves on Monday for a 15-day tour of the Rhine and Alsace.

Autograph Letter Signed to De V. Payen-Payne.

Georges Lafourcade.
Publication details: 
a Negrepelisse, Tarn-et-Garonne, 22 June 1933.

Poet and biographer (La Jeunesse de Swinburne, 1837-1867. [With a bibliography.]) Four pages, 8vo, good condition. A very detailed defence of his work on Swinburne. For example, "[I] want first to assure you that there is here some misunderstanding: in my opinion, you have no real justification for speaking of" the unfair treatment I have meted out to your Father". If I have had to quote contemporary documents in which unfavourable comments are made, it's always clear that I do not profess to share those views". He has in fact suppressed material in Swinburne's correspondence with W.M.

Autograph Note Signed to an unknown correspondent.

Publication details: 
No date.

French composer. 2pp., 8vo, , referring to a list he has added to the letter of 8 pieces he would like to publish if his correspondent can cooperate. He has the proofs of To the Hills “a votre disposition”, and describes in a postscript a “fantaisie” he has justfinished.

Autograph Note Signed to an unknown correspondent.

Carlos A. Pozzo di Borgo
Publication details: 
No date.

Corsican-Russian diplomat (1764-1842). One page, 12m,, in French, some damage to one word, traces of mounting. He accepts an invitation in gracious terms.

Autograph Note Signed to an unnamed correspondent.

Louis Jules Trochu.
Publication details: 
No date.

French general (1815-1896). On visiting card, two sides, in French. He expresses regret at not being able to see or receive “Mr. Roumieu” inTouraine. He later describes himself as an old friend of England’s.

Autograph Letter Signed to “le Ministre de l’interieur” (J.C. Persil).

Louis Lemercier.
Publication details: 
11 Sept. 1830.

French politician (1755-1849). 2pp., 4to, sl. creased. In French with official stamp.He recommends to Persil’s attention a “M. Ducon”, lawyer and “sous-prefet”, describing his exemplary character and his achievements, and requesting an extension of his period in office.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir Francis Vincent.

George B. Rumbold.
Publication details: 
Berlin, 23 June 1806.

Diplomat. Three pages, 4to, poor condition but most of the text legible. "Private". Rumbold discusses the reception of a petition he sent to "Mr Fen[?]" saying that he is to get "immediate indemnification for the losses & expenses occasioned by the seizure of my Person, my imprisonment &c". Vincent is giving him support. He encloses his account, anticipates delay by the Treasury in paying but enlists his correspondent's help. His case was a cause celebre of the time, described in DNB as follows: "On the night of 25 Oct.

Signature only.

Prosper Merimee.
Publication details: 
No place of date surviving.

French novelist. Signature "Pr. Merimee" underlined on piece of paper, 1.5 x 0.75"

Autograph Note Signed to an unknown friend

Victor Sardou.
Publication details: 
No date.

French playwright. One page, 12mo. In French. He declares in inflated terms his inability to dine with him on a certain day.

ANS to unknown correspondent

Achille Fould, French statesman and financier
Publication details: 

8vo. In French, expressing pleasure at an invitation from the Lord Mayor of London, and accepting.

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