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[Printed pamphlet.] Information for Those on Their Way Home from the Far East and who are stopping at Adabiya, Suez, en route.

[Middle East Command; Adabiya; Suez]
Publication details: 
The Middle East Command. 'Printed by the Printing and Stationery Services, M.E.F.' Dated '10-45', i.e. October 1945.

15pp., 12mo, with printers' slug at foot of otherwise-blank last page. Fair, on aged paper with slight creasing. P.3 carries 'Our Welcome To You', beginning: 'To all of you on your journey home, whether in the Services or not, this brings you a warm welcome to the Middle East Command. | You may be here for up to 48 hours and the reason for this break is to provide you with the warm clothing you will need on arrival in England.' Pp.9-14 carry nine tables relating to 'Clothing and Necessaries to be Issued' to service personel and civilian men, women and children.

Autograph Manuscript Notes for 'Deputy Controller's Course', in official Royal Air Force notebook. With two mimeographed typed documents relating to the Course, including one with introduction by Wing Commander Bradford.

A. H. Anderson, L.A.C.; Wing Commander J. R. Bradford, Fighter Command, Controllers' Training Unit [Royal Air Force; Deputy Controllers' Course; Second World War]
Publication details: 
Notebook dated by Anderson on cover 'Woodlands, Clamp Hill, Stanmore. 27 October 1941.' One of the mimeographed documents dated from Woodlands, 26 June 1941.
[RAF] Autograph Manuscript Notes for 'Deputy Controller's Course

4to 'Royal Air Force. Notebook for use in Schools', with Anderson's notes in pencil on all but 11 of its 96 pp. Text clear and complete, written in a neat, tight hand, with diagrams and tables. Fair, on aged paper, with slightly dog-eared corners, in worn and creased wraps. Ownership inscription on front cover of 'A. H. Anderson L.A.C. | Deputy Controller's Course | Woodlands. 27.10.'41'. Providing important first-hand insights into the procedure of the RAF during World War II. Subjects include 'Fighter Command Organisation', 'I.F.F. (Identification friend or foe)', 'P.P.L.

Visitors Book. General Sir F J. Davies | General Officer Commanding-in-Chief | Scottish Command', containing the signatures of several high-ranking British military officers.

General Sir Francis John Davies (1864-1948), Military Secretary at the War Office, 1916-1919; General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Scottish Command, 1919 to 1923 [Edinburgh Castle]
Publication details: 
First entry dated 11 March 1920. Last entry dated 4 June 1923. '27 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh'.

A quarto volume, bound in padded green leather stamped in gilt on the front cover with the words 'Visitors' Book'. Patterned endpapers. Tight, on lightly aged and spotted paper. Binding heavily worn, with outer corners of front cover dogeared and torn to show padding. Five leaves with one dogeared corner. Note (in Davies' hand?) on flyleaf: 'Visitors book. | General Sir F. J. Davies | General Officer Commanding-in-Chief | Scottish Command | 27 Drumsheugh Gardens | Edinburgh'. Each page with printed columns for the 'date' and 'name and address'.

Seven original aerial propaganda leaflets dropped by Bomber Command (six over Germany; one over France), 1939-1945; with copies of a further two (in German). All nine items with accompanying contemporary typewritten translations by W. A. Green.

British propaganda leaflets dropped on Germany and France by Bomber Command, 1939-1945 [World War Two; Psywar; Political Warfare Executive]
Publication details: 
1939 to 1945.

Seven scarce examples of English Second World War propaganda, six aimed at Germany and the last at France. Ephemeral and scarce. The seven are clear and complete, on lightly-aged paper with occasional minor rust spotting. Each consists of two pages printed on a leaf 21 x 13.5 cm, except for Five, the dimensions of which are 21 x 13 cm. Five (red and black) is the only item not printed simply in black and white. All seven in German, except Seven, which is in French. All translations in typescript and on A4 leaves.

Printed circular letter from Auchinleck 'To all officers whether belonging to the Staff or to the Services who are working in Headquarter Offices in this Command'. Consisting of a celebrated (and spurious) quotation from Wellington, and two cartoons.

Field Marshal Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Commander in Chief, Middle East Command [Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington; military history; Second World War; British Army]
Publication details: 

A celebrated and scarce piece of Second World War ephemera. Printed on one side of a piece of paper 33.5 x 21.5 cm. Text and illustrations clear and complete. In good overall condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper with small damp stain to top left-hand corner and repair on reverse to small closed tear. The text consists of a supposed 'Extract from a letter written by The Duke of Wellington from Spain, about 1810.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Leslie Rundle') to 'My dear General'.

Leslie Rundle [Sir Henry Macleod Leslie Rundle] (1856-1934), British army officer
Publication details: 
31 July 1904; on letterhead of Government House, York.

12mo, 3 pp. Good on lightly-aged paper. He has 'written to the necessary authorities' about his correspondent's son. 'Of course it will largely depend on which Slade [Lt-Gen. Frederick George Slade (b.1851), C.B.] says about him, as I do not know your son personally - though his record reads an exceptionally good one.' He is sorry to hear about his correspondent's brother's death: 'he was always very kind' to Rundle.


[JAPANESE PRISONERS OF WAR] "orders [...] issued by the Japanese Western Command FUKUOKA Prisoners of War Camps Orders"
Publication details: 
[Fukuoka, Japan], circa 1943.

Fukuoka is notorious as the site of some of the worst of the atrocities committed by the Japanese during World War II, including the vivisection of eight living American airmen. Twelve standing orders, each described in detail, and most with lettered subdivisions (46 in all), covering more than 120 lines of text, typedwritten with corrections, on one side each of two 4to sheets of wove paper, both sheets approximately fourteen inches by nine. Creased and with a small amount of fraying, but in good condition overall.

Autograph Letter Signed by 'Handley'

Publication details: 
No date [c.1940-1]; Sgts. Mess, Mildenhall, Suffolk.

2 pages, 8vo, both with Royal Air Force letterhead bearing the motto 'PER ARDUA AD ASTRA'. Not in good condition - creased, frayed, torn and discoloured - but a marvellous and immediate piece of history, regarding what one authority describes as the 'strategic bombing [...] principally against the Ruhr, on which No.149 concentrated during the winter of 1940-1'. The letter begins 'Dear Mum, | Just a line to thank you for the photographs, I think that one of you is very good.

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