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[ The Battle of Omdurman, 1898. ] Unknown printed transcription of vivid and detailed letter written on the spot [ by Major Lord Edward Cecil? ], titled 'An Account of the Battle of Omdurman. By one who was present.'

[ Major Lord Edward Cecil[?] [Edward Herbert Gascoyne-Cecil] (1867-1918) of the Grenadier Guards, ADC to the Sirdar [ General Kitchener ]; Battle of Omdurman, 1898; Sir Nevill Maskelyne Smyth ]
Publication details: 
Without place or date. Transcription dated from 'Omdurman, 3rd Septr., 1898.' Item dating from around the same time.

1p., folio. In three columns of small print, on a sheet of 37.5 x 23 cm paper. With three manuscript emendations. In fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with a couple of short closed tears at margins along folds. The present item is excessively scarce. There is no record of its existence on either OCLC WorldCat or COPAC, nor does it feature in Harold E. Raugh Jr's 'British Military Operations in Egypt and the Sudan: A Selected Bibliography' (2008). The document is anonymous, but its author is clearly an ADC, and there is a strong possibility that it was Lord Edward Cecil.

[Offprint, 'Reprinted by kind permission of "The Morning Post."'] [on cover:] The True Story of the Tank [drophead title:] A Miscarriage of Justice. | How the Tank was devised. | Lord Kitchener's Foresight.

[Captain Bede John Francis Bentley (1878-1939), Royal Army Service Corps, claimed inventor of the tank; Field Marshal Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl Kitchener [Lord Kitchener] (1850-1916)]
Publication details: 
On cover: 'Morning Post. [London] | Wednesday, August 9 [1922].' At rear: 'Printed by St. Clements Press, Ltd., Portugal Street, Kingsway, W.C.2.'

[2] + 11 + [1]pp., 12mo. Printed in black on cream paper, with the wraps printed in blue in 'Stop Press' style. In very good condition, with minor spotting from staples. Presumably printed up by Bentley himself, and taking the story of his claim to 29 March 1922, the Home Office response to his petition to the king. The text begins: 'When Earl Kitchener called in Captain Bentley, a pioneer of motor transport, to embody in actual design the famous car which became known in the war a a "Tank," he promised that his interests as an inventor would be safeguarded.

[King's College, Cambridge.] Three Autograph Letters Signed ('J. Fred. E. Faning') from James Frederick Edmund Faning, regarding the loan of a tapestry by Lawrence W. Hodson, with reference to the Dean M. R. James and a visit by Lord Kitchener.

James Frederick Edmund Faning (1849-1928) [Lawrence William Hodson (1865-1934) of Compton Hall; Montagu Rhodes James [M. R. James] (1862-1936), Provost of Eton and of King's College, Cambridge]
Publication details: 
All three letters from 1 Addenbrooke Place, Cambridge. 1 August, 23 October and 27 November 1898.

The three items on 12mo bifoliums, and totalling 9pp., 12mo. All three in good condition, on lightly aged paper. The first and last letters in envelopes, with stamps and postmarks, addressed to Hodson at Compton Hall, with the third forwarded to North Wales. ONE (1 August 1898): 2 pp., 12mo. The college authorities have instructed Faning to thank Hodson for his 'kind offer to lend them the "Chapel piece" of your Tapestry and to say that they will be glad to avail themselves of it in October.

Autograph Note Signed "C.R. Conder" to his cousin (not named)

Claude Reignier Conder (1848-1910), soldier, explorer and antiquarian.
Publication details: 
12 Alva Street, Edinburgh, 22 April 1901.

One page, 12mo, with backing page, faint staining, text clear and complete. He says how long the letter took to reach him (on leave) and, "I remember your father when I was a Cadet at Woolwich. | Lord Kitchener with me for a year & with Prof Hull for some months. | I attach an autograph [not present]". NOte: "In 1874, at age 24, Kitchener was assigned by the Palestine Exploration Fund to a mapping-survey of the Holy Land, replacing Charles Tyrwhitt-Drake, who had died of malaria.[4] Kitchener, then an officer in the Royal Engineers, joined fellow Royal Engineer Claude R.

[Booklet] Lord Kitchener of Khartoum and AspallMiniature Series Biography. London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Ltd

J. Ivo Ball
Publication details: 
London, Swan Sonnenschein & Co. Ltd, [1902]

16pp. ilus., red paper wraps, darkened and marked, mainly good condition. Only one copy (BL) listed on COPAC/OCLC.

Autograph Letter Signed (Sir . Dn . Probyn') to Sir Edward Poynter, conveying a message from Queen Alexandra regarding Belt's bust of Lord Kitchener.

General Sir Dighton Probyn [Dighton MacNaghton Probyn] (1833-1924), V.C., British military officer [Sir Edward Poynter, President of the Royal Academy; Queen Alexandra; Richard Belt; Lord Kitchener]
Publication details: 
14 May 1917; on letterhead of Marlborough House.

4to, 2 pp. 36 lines of text. Clear and complete. Good, on aged paper, with slight wear at on the reverse. Written as Comptroller of the Royal Household to Poynter as President of the Royal Academy. He is returning Poynter's letter, which he has shown the Queen, and reassures him that he has 'nothing [...] to fear about the contents of it ever being divulged'. The Queen has told Probyn to tell Poynter 'how very sorry she is to see how the business has worried' him. It concerns a plaster bust of Kitchener which the Royal Academy Council accepted as an exhibit.

The Traveller's Oracle; Or, Maxims for Locomotion: Containing Precepts for Promoting the Pleasures and Hints for Preserving the Health of Travellers. [Part II: 'By John Jervis, An Old Coachman.] [Including sheet music of eight songs by Kitchiner.]

William Kitchiner ['John Jervis, An Old Coachman.']
Publication details: 
London: Henry Colburn, New Burlington Street. Second Edition, 1827. [London: Printed by J. Moyes, Took's Court, Chancery Lane.] [Sheet music engraved by Sidney Hall, Bury Street, Bloomsbury.]

2 vols, 12mo. Vol.1: viii + 264 pp. Vol.2: viii + 336 pp. Complete, with all the engravings of sheet music listed in the contents (vol.1: five two-page plates and one four-page plate, with one more piece of music 'printed with the letterpress'; vol.2: one two-page plate). Both volumes good and tight, on lightly-aged and spotted paper. In worn contemporary half-calf binding, marbled boards, with the first volume rebacked. Each volume with bookplate of Frederic Perkins, Chipstead Place, Kent.

One Autograph Letter Signed, one Autograph Card Signed, one calling card bearing unsigned Autograph Note, and one obituary from an unnamed newspaper.

Sir Philip Montefiore Magnus, Bart.
Publication details: 
Card to C. H. Grinling of Red Roofs, Peaslake, Surrey: 15 December 1928; letter: 13 June 1930; both fromTangley-Hill, Chilworth, Surrey; calling card and newspaper cutting without place or date.

Educationalist and biographer of Kitchener and Edward VII. All items are in good condition, but bear traces of rust from paper clips. The card is 1 page, 12mo, with printed letterhead, and carries two stamps and postmark on reverse. He is going to London the next day and will stay till Thursday. He will be happy to see Grinling on Sunday or Monday if convenient and he will try to be at home. The letter is 1 page, 8vo. In it he thanks his correspondent for the 'interesting papers which I will return'.

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