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[John Boynton Priestley.] Typed Letter Signed ('J. B. Priestley') to Eric Crozier of the Performing Right Society Ltd, declining to write a piece on Alan Herbert [Sir Alan Patrick Herbert].

J. B. Priestley [John Boynton Priestley] (1894-1984), author [Eric Crozier (1914-1994), writer, librettist and producer; Sir Alan Patrick Herbert (1890-1971), politician and theatre producer]
Publication details: 
On his letterhead, Kissing Tree House, Alveston, Stratford-on-Avon, Warwickshire. 15 November 1965.

1p., 8vo. Priestley's agents have forwarded an invitation from Crozier 'to write a piece on Alan Herbert for a special issue you are planning'. Although Priestley has 'a high regard' for Herbert, he is 'particularly anxious just now not to accept commissions of this kind, and so must reluctantly refuse'.

Typed Letter Signed from J. B. Priestley to E. M. Forster, accusing him of being 'in the wrong' regarding a Society of Authors questionnaire on National Service. With Autograph Copy and Typed Copy by Forster of letters by him to the Society.

J. B. Priestley [E. M. Forster; Denys Kilham Roberts (1903-1976), of the Society of Authors]
Publication details: 
Priestley's letter to Forster: 3 The Grove, Highgate Village, London; 25 May 1939.

Forster's main objection is that the National Service questionnaire, sent out by the Society of Authors 'at the suggestion of the Ministry of Labour', asks members to 'give general particulars of their political opinions' (see Hansard, 25 May 1939). Four items. ONE. Priestley's letter, addressed to 'My dear Forster' by 'J. B. Priestley'. 1 p, 4to. Twenty lines. Fair, on aged paper.

Typed Letter Signed ('J B. Priestley') to 'My dear Minney'.

J. B. Priestley
Publication details: 
7 Dec. 1939; on letterhead of Billingham Manor, Isle of Wight.

12mo, 1 p. Very good. He hopes she will bring her paper out soon, 'as there is room' for it, 'especially if you are careful to steer clear of mere nonsense'. Asks her to ask her 'paper' to send the cheque to him, 'and not to Peters, as he had no hand in the transaction'. He 'travelled 2,500 miles doing those articles on our war-time effort', and is 'now very glad to be back home, picking up the threads of my own work again'. He has just finished 'a comedy', and hopes 'to start another soon'.

Autograph Letter Signed "T. Belsham", to Robert Philips, Esq.

Thomas Belsham.
Publication details: 
Essex Street, 15 Dec. 1822.

Unitarian Divine (see DNB). Two pages, 4to, blank leaf conjoint crudely trimmed with no loss, mainly good condition. He thanks himn for a present of game and discusses health and weather. He then talks about rumours of war and Wellington saying that, as a Spanish grandee, any nation attacking Spain would find him at the head of Spanish troops.

Autograph Letter to the booksellers Priestley & Weale.

Sir Jeffry Wyatville
Publication details: 
50 Lowr. Brook St. | Sepr. 26th. 1824'.

English architect (1766-1840). Very good. On piece of paper (roughly 4 1/2 inches by 5 1/4 inches) cut from envelope, with partial Windsor address on reverse. Formal letter in the third person to Priestley & Weale, architectural booksellers in High Holborn. Reads 'Mr. J Wyatville's compts. to Messrs. Priestley & Weal [sic] supposes the number herewith returned to have been sent by mistake as he does not subscribe to the work.' Cutting from book catalogue 'tipped' to foot of letter. Docketed in pencil at head.

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