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[ The Left Book Club, London. ] Subscription leaflet, including 'particulars of the very important new "C" membership'.

The Left Book Club, London [ Victor Gollancz Ltd; Harold Laski; John Strachey ]
Publication details: 
London: Victor Gollancz Ltd, 14 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London, W.C.2. [1938. ]

4pp., 4to. Bifolium. In fair condition, on aged high-acidity paper. Headed: 'N.B. PLEASE use this leaflet to get a new member. On page 3 are particulars of the very important new "C" membership. | LEFT BOOK CLUB'. In double-column and small print. Headings: 'What Membership means', 'No subscription whatever' ('The Books are selected by Laski, Strachey, and Gollancz.'), 'But Membership is a Key . . .', 'Probable coming "Books of the Month"' ['Justice in England' by 'A Barrister', 'The Battle for Peace' by F. Elwyn Jones, 'A.R.P.' by Professor J. B. S.

[John Findlay Drew Shrewsbury, bacteriologist.] Autograph Letter Signed ('J. F. D. Shrewsbury') to Lord Nathan, Chairman of Council, Royal Society of Arts, London, about his 'plea for assistance' regarding the publication of his 'history of Plague'.

J. F. D. Shrewsbury [John Findlay Drew Shrewsbury] (1898-1971), Professor of Bacteriology, University of Birmingham
Publication details: 
Cottage Farm, Pinley Green, Claverdon, Warwickshire. 29 December 1962.

1p., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper. He thanks him for his reply to his 'plea for assistance in connexion with the possible publication by a foreign press of my history of Plague'. He had 'no intention' in writing 'of soliciting any financial aid from the Society, because any such solicitation would have been an impertinence on my part.' He would need £20,000 to have the book 'privately printed by one of the smaller English presses, such as Messrs.

[Humbert Wolfe, author.] Two Autograph Letters Signed and two Typed Letters Signed to Sylvia Lynd (three signed in full and one 'Humbert'), discussing the inclusion of her poetry in a series of publications. With copy of letter from Victor Gollancz.

Humbert Wolfe (1885-1940), Italian-born British poet and author [Victor Gollancz (1893-1967), London publisher; Sylvia Lynd (1888-1952), Anglo-Irish poet, wife of the essayist Robert Lynd (1879-1949)]
Publication details: 
The five items between 1924 and 1927. Wolfe's letters from the hotel Les Bergues, Geneva; the Ministry of Labour, London; and Montagu House, Whitehall (2). The Gollancz copy from Ernest Benn Limited Publishers, London.

Wolfe's four letters total 5pp., 12mo; the copy of the Gollancz letter 1p., 8vo. Item One in its original envelope, with both envelope and letter carrying closed tears, the other four items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. ONE: ALS on letterhead of the hotel Les Bergues, Geneva; 7 April 1924, with envelope, with both letter and envelope torn on opening. TWO: ALS from the Ministry of Labour, London; 24 April 1924. THREE: TLS from Montagu House, Whitehall; 24 Aug. 1926. Sending, 'in confidence, this letter that I have had from Benn's.

[Morton Luce, Shakespeare scholar.] 29 ALsS, 1 ANS and 1 ACS, to R. N. Green-Armytage of Bath, on literary and personal affairs, with reference to individuals including Edmund Gosse and Sir Israel Gollancz.

Morton Luce (1849-1943), Shakespearian scholar, author of 'A Handbook to the Works of William Shakespeare' and 'Shakespeare, the Man and His Work' [Robert North Green-Armytage (d.1966) of Bath]
Publication details: 
All from 6 Walliscote Road, South, Weston-super-Mare. Between 18 August 1921 and 29 October 1929.

The letters total 36pp., 12mo; 12pp., 8vo. The collection is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Seventeen of the envelopes are present, all addressed to Green-Armytage at Bath (fourteen to 22 Bathwick Hill, two to 5 Queen's Parade, and one to 'Bath').

['Gwen John' [Gladys Jones], dramatist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Gwen John') and three corrected copies of her published play 'The Prince'; Typed Letter Signed from Victor Gollancz to H. F. Rubinstein, copies of two letters by Rubinstein.

'Gwen John' [Gladys Jones], sister of the suffragette Winifred Jones [Harold Frederick Rubinstein (1891-1975), playwright; Victor Gollancz (1893-1967), publisher; Millicent Fawcett]
Publication details: 
Letters by 'Gwen John' both on letterheads of 2nd Floor South, 9 Old Square, Lincoln's Inn, WC2; 11 January 1925 and 1 May 1927. Gollancz's letter on letterhead of Ernest Benn Limited; 24 July 1924. Play published by Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1923.

Gladys Jones ('Gwen John') lived with her sister the suffragette Winifred Jones in Lincoln's Inn. Her play 'The Prince' - three corrected copies of which are in the present collection as Items Three to Five - was retitled 'Gloriana' [= Elizabeth I] when performed at the Adelphi Theatre in London in December 1925, with a youthful John Gielgud in the role of Sir John Harrington. Items One, Six and Seven below relate to the volume 'Plays of Innocence' by 'Gwen John', published in 1925 by Ernest Benn (by whom Victor Gollancz was then employed).

Typed Letter Signed ('V.G.') to Daniel George.

Sir Victor Gollancz (1893-1967), London publisher [Hilary Rubinstein; Daniel George]
Publication details: 
21 September 1955; on letterhead of Victor Gollancz, Ltd.

4to, 2 pp. Postscript ends abruptly ('I have read innumerable books on Italy, <...>'), suggesting a page lacking. Good, on lightly aged and creased paper. An interesting letter shedding light on Gollancz's attitude to the practice of sending out advance copies of books for review. Addressed to 'My dear Daniel'. Further to a report he has received from 'Hilary' (his nephew Hilary Rubinstein) regarding a conversation with George 'at John Coates's party', Gollancz assures him that there is no 'personal reason' why he is no longer receiving 'a stream of advance copies'.

Eleven Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood (10) and G. K. Menzies (1), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Rev. Peter Hampson Ditchfield
Publication details: 
1915-18; ten on embossed letterheads, 'BARKHAM RECTORY, WOKINGHAM.' and one on letterhead of the British Archaeological Association.

English antiquary (1854-1930), writer on topography, history and architecture. All items 12mo, and good, though on slightly discoloured paper. All docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Regarding the Society's business, and in particular a lecture given at Wood's invitation. 1 March 1916: 'Sir Sidney Lee, whom I know, slightly[,] would be an admirable chairman - quite the best. Failing him I think Sir Henry Howarth, who is a friend of mine, would be excellent. If he cannot come - Lady Howarth has been very ill lately - Mr.

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