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[ Puttick and Simpson auction catalogue. ] Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Modern Useful Books, [...] the Property of a Gentleman leaving England, also some interesting Archaeological Manuscripts, by William Bromet, Esq., M.D., F.S.A.

[ William Bromet (d.1850), M.D., F.S.A.; Puttick and Simpson, London auctioneers; the Society of Antiquaries of London ]
Publication details: 
Which will be sold by auction, by Messrs. Puttick and Simpson, Auctioneers of Literary Property, at their great room, 191, Piccadilly, On Wednesday, June 30th, 1852. [ G. Norman, Printer, Maiden Lane, Covent Garden. ]

Full title: 'Catalogue of a Miscellaneous Collection of Modern Useful Books, many in choice bindings, the greater portion the Property of a Gentleman leaving England, also some interesting Archaeological Manuscripts, by William Bromet, Esq., M.D., F.S.A.' 15pp., 12mo. Unbound and side-stitched pamphlet. Aged, worn and grubby. 308 lots. Lot 181 is 'Caumont (M. de) Histoire del' Architecture au Moyen Age, some manuscript memorandums and illustrations added by the late Dr. Bromet | Caen, 1838'.

Two publishers' prospectuses to 'The Palace of Minos. A comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustrated by their discoveries at Knossos.' [Vol. II, Parts I and II; and Vol. III].

[ Sir Arthur Evans, D.Litt., etc., F.R.S., F.B.A., Royal Gold Medallist, R.I.B.A. ] [ Macmillan and Co., Limited; George Salby, London bookseller; the Palace of Knossos ]
Publication details: 
Macmillan and Co., Limited, St. Martin's Street, London. 1928 and 1930. [ 1928 prospectus with stamp of George Salby, Bookseller, 65 Great Russell Street, London, W.C.1.' ]

The two prospectuses are uniform in design, and are both stapled pamphlets of 8pp., 4to, on shiny art paper. The second is in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, and the first is heavily worn, with the outer bifolium detached; both have rusted staples. The first has a two-page 'Summary of the Preface' and the second two pages of 'Extracts from Preface'. Both have two pages of contents, and two specimen pages, with the opinions of the press on the back page.

[F. G. Gordon and the Oxford University Press.] Correspondence with John Johnson, Humphrey Milford, Sir John Forsdyke, S. R. K. Glanville, Sir G. F. Hill, and others, about his book 'Through Basque to Minoan'. With corrected manuscripts, proofs, etc.

Frank Gordon Gordon [né Straube] (1874-1968), classical scholar with theory on Minoan Linear A [John Johnson; Humphrey Milford; Oxford University Press; Sir John Forsdyke; S. R. K. Glanville]
Publication details: 
Letters from various locations (including the British Museum), between 1930 and 1932. [The book published by Oxford University Press, 1931.]

The collection is in good overall condition, with light signs of age and wear. As the following description indicates, much care was taken by OUP with the production of the book, the Press even going so far as to produce new type for it (examples of which are accompany a letter by the printer John Johnson). Unfortunately the book was not well received - a savage review [by Sir P. J.

[Llewellynn Frederick William Jewitt, antiquary.] Autograph Note Signed ('Llewellynn Jewitt') to 'A Williams Esqre', thanking him for a positive review of his 'Half Hours'.

Llewellynn Jewitt [Llewellynn Frederick William Jewitt] (c.1816-1886), antiquary, illustrator, engraver, natural scientist, author of The Ceramic Art of Great Britain (1878)
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Winster Hall, Derbyshire. 18 July 1878.

2pp., 12mo. In good condition, lightly aged. He writes that he is 'much obliged, and gratified, by the expression of approval of my "Half Hours" in your kind note received this day', for which he thanks him.

[George Witt, FRS, introducer of the Turkish bath into Britain.] Autograph Letter Signed to 'Mr. Aldous', regarding 'a fresh Bath' at 'the excavations at Pompeii'.

George Witt (1804-1869), banker, physician, Fellow of the Royal Society, and introducer of the Turkish bath into Britain
Publication details: 
22 Prince's Terrace [Hyde Park, London]. 17 March 1861.

1p., 12mo. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with strip from mount adhering to the blank reverse. Reads: 'Dear Sir | I start off for Italy tomorrow morning - I hear that in the excavations at Pompeii they have come upon a fresh Bath. | Many thanks for your Books which I now return by Book Post.' Annotated at foot in pencil: 'introducer of the Turkish bath'.

[Sir Charles Thomas Newton, English archaeologist.] Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'C. T. Newton') to 'Mrs. De Salis'

Sir Charles Thomas Newton (1816-1894), English archaeologist, discoverer of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus [William Sandys Wright Vaux (1818-1865), numismatist and British Museum curator]
Publication details: 
The first letter dated from the Traveller's Club [London], 3 February 1863. The second letter from 74 Gower Street [London], 19 December [no year].

Both letters 2pp., 12mo, and both in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. The two items glued together along one edge. Letter One (3 February 1863): He is enclosing an account of her 'chiffres' from his colleague at the British Museum Vaux, and hopes they 'will be what you want'. He asks for more information regarding 'the drawings', and condoles with her on her husband's ill health: 'This has been a very unhealthy season.' Letter Two (19 December): Regarding his wife having the measles, which makes it impossible for them to accept her invitation.

Autograph Letter Signed from Rachel Boucher James, wife of Rev. Edward Boucher James, Vicar of Carisbrooke, to Reginald Hollingworth, regarding her edition of her husband's 'Letters Archaeological and Historical relating to the Isle of Wight'.

Rachel Boucher James, wife of Rev. Edward Boucher James (1819-1892), M.A., Vicar of Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight
Publication details: 
2 Park View, Shanklin [Isle of Wight]. 26 December 1895.

2pp., 12mo. On bifolium with mourning border. She has received Hollingworth's note and is sending him 'a circular about the book I am editing of my late husbands "Letters Archaeological & Historical". She explains that there are two "Letters" about the "Christian Family" and I well remember the interesting correspondence on the subject.'

Autograph Letter Signed from the antiquary Albert Way to an unnamed correspondent [the publisher John Russell Smith?] regarding the preparation of a volume on Sussex antiquities [part of the series of 'Sussex Archaeological Collections'?].

Albert Way (1805-1874), English antiquary, principal founder of the Royal Archaeological Institute [John Russell Smith (1810-1894), bookseller and bibliographer]
Publication details: 
12 Grand Parade, St Leonards on Sea. 3 March 1856.

2pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Fair, on lightly-aged and ruckled paper. The letter begins: 'Sir. | I am glad to find you can oblige my friend Mr Curzon, although I am too late, which I regret, as I should have been able to oblige certain persons who have assisted me.' He asks for 'a few separate sets of the Plates of Seals of the Sussex Cinqueports & Lewes Priory', for which he would pay 'with pleasure'. 'I had written a Title page - & a short prefatory introduction ought to be given - a leaf will be ample'. He assumes that the recipient has given 'the Pevensey Plan'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('M: A: Lower') from the Sussex antiquary Mark Anthony Lower to Lord Londesborough

Mark Antony Lower (1814-1876), F.S.A. M.A., Sussex historian who founded the Sussex Archaeological Society [Albert Denison Denison (1805-1860), 1st Baron Londesborough]
Publication details: 
Lewes [Sussex]. 23 May 1851.

1p., 12mo. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Written in a bold, attractive hand. The letter begins: 'It was with much regret that I was compelled to forgo the honour of attending your Lordship's Conversazione on Wednesday.' He was called to Hastings that day by '[u]navoidable business', but hopes to have 'during the continuance of the Exhibition, an opportunity of waiting on your Lordship'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'E P Loftus Brook') from Edgar Philip Loftus Brook, FSA, FRIBA, Hon. Sec. of the British Archaeological Association, to Norwich geologist and antiquary John Gunn, regarding membership and contributions of papers.

Edgar Philip Loftus Brook (d.1895), FSA, FRIBA, Hon. Secretary of the British Archaeological Association [Rev. John Gunn (1801-1890), Norwich geologist and antiquary; Walter de Gray Birch (1842-1924)]
Publication details: 
The first from 37 Bedford Place, Russell Square, and the second from 19 Montagu Place, Bedford Square; both on letterheads of the British Archaeological Association. 11 September 1879 and 6 May 1880.

Both letters 2pp., 12mo, on bifoliums. Both good, on lightly-aged paper. On both letterheads Brook has cancelled the printed address and the name of the Association's president. ONE: Regarding the renewal of Gunn's membership, 'the guinea entrance fee' being unnecessary in his case. 'I have also noted my enquiry if you will contribute a paper when convenient upon the Saxon works in your district. This will be very acceptable to us.' TWO: He has sent Gunn the proof of his 'interesting little paper with which you favoured us at Caistor'.

[Printed 'Resolutions' of the British Archaeological Association, written following 'dissensions' within the Association in 1845; with printed tickets of admission.

[The British Archaeological Association; Thomas Crofton Croker; Charles Roach Smith; Thomas Joseph Pettigrew]
Publication details: 
Resolutions undated [1845]; printed in London by J. Wertheimer and Co., Printers, Finsbury Circus. Tickets from the 1840s.
The British Archaeological Association

Both items fair, on aged and creased paper, with texts clear and complete. Resolutions: 4to, 2 pp. Headed 'British Archaeological Association.' A 'Requisition' having been signed by 'one hundred and sixty-two Members', the Association's treasurer Pettigrew is recorded as following a reading of this with 'a detailed account of the rise and progress of the Association, and of the nature of the dissensions which for months have diverted the attention of the Committee from the objects for which the Association was formed'. The resolutions are stated, and the proposers named as: Rev. R. H.

[Printed 1845 circular on behalf of the British Archaeological Association, by Honorary Secretaries Thomas Crofton Croker and Charles Roach Smith; with printed copy of 'Resolutions' following 'dissensions'; and printed tickets of admission.

[The British Archaeological Association; Thomas Crofton Croker; Charles Roach Smith; Thomas Joseph Pettigrew]
Publication details: 
Circular dated 7 March 1845. 'Resolutions' undated, and printed in London by J. Wertheimer and Co., Printers, Finsbury Circus.]
[The British Archaeological Association

The three items are in fair condition, on aged and worn paper, with texts clear and complete. Circular by Crofton Croker and Roach Smith: 12mo, 1 p. On bifolium. Headed 'British Archaeological Association'. Enclosing the 'Resolutions', and drawing attention to the fourth of them, with a statement concerning subscriptions. 'Resolutions': 4to, 2 pp.

Two Autograph Letters signed from the Sussex antiquary Mark Antony Lower (both signed 'M: A: Lower') to John Wickham Flower.

Mark Antony Lower (1813-1876), English antiquary and local historian, founder member of the Sussex Archaeological Society [John Wickham Flower (1807-1873), Croydon geologist and archaeologist]
Publication details: 
27 April and 9 November 1865; on letterheads of St Anne's House, Lewes, Sussex.
Two Autograph Letters signed from the Sussex antiquary Mark Antony Lower

Both items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. Letter One (27 April 1865): 12mo, 2 pp. Bifolium. Seventeen lines. He is sorry not to have been able to accept Flower's hospitality: 'Let us hope to meet about Whitsuntide for the pilgrimage to Firle'. He is eager for information for his 'Sussex Worthies'. 'My eldest dau[ghte]r's marriage & the starting of my eldest son on his professional career cost money, & every 30s. [subscription) will help.' Letter Two (9 November 1865): 12mo, 1 p. 13 lines. He has received the 30s.

[book, limited edition] Causeries sur les Hiéroglyphes, et deux Étapes de l'Histoire Ancienne de l'Égypte [Egyptology].

Adolphe Cattaui Bey [Egyptology; Egyptologist]
Publication details: 
Cairo: Librarie d'Art Stavrinos et Cie, 23, Rue Kasr el-Nil. 1925. [Imprimé sur les Presses de l'Imprimerie de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale au Caire]
Causeries sur les Hiéroglyphes [Book]

Small 4to, [vi] + 135 pp. Frontispiece and three plates, with illustrations and cartouches in text. Internally tight and sound, on aged paper, in worn and stained brown-cloth half-binding, decorative endpapers, sprung hinges. Number 43 of 400 copies. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copy on COPAC at the University of London SOAS.

Some Notices of Metallic Ornaments and Attachments to Leather. [Illustrated, and inscribed by the author]

The Rev. A. Hume, LL.D., D.C.L.
Publication details: 
Liverpool: T. Brakell, Printer, Cook Street. 1863.
Some Notices of Metallic Ornaments and Attachments to Leather

8vo, 40 pp. Five plates (numbered I to V and with p.40 numbered VI) and thirty illustrations in text. In original brown cloth wraps, with cover bearing white paper label printed in red and black reading 'HUME | METAL ON LEATHER. | 1863.' Tight, on aged paper, in rebacked wraps. Inscribed on front free endpaper 'To W. W. F. Hume Esquire from his the writer 3rd March 1863. Title-page also in red and black. Note on reverse of title: 'This Paper is printed in the Transactions of the Historic Society of Lancashire and Cheshire, Vol. XIV, for Session 1861-62.

Autograph bibliography.

Christian Gottlob Heyne (1729-1812), German classical scholar
Publication details: 
Docketed 'Augt 1788'.
Christian Gottlob Heyne (1729-1812), German classical scholar

4to, 2 pp. In bifolium. Text clear and complete. On aged, spotted and worn paper. Docketed at head 'Augt 1788 - Heyne.' and, in another hand, 'Professor Heyne's Handwriting at Göttingen University'. Twenty-three items listed, beginning with 'Aristoteles de mirabilibus auscultationibus per Beikman', and ending with 'Plato. et Platonis argumenta per Tiedeman', and including 'Tibullus Heyne' and 'Epictetus Heyne'.

ALS to "Dr Rost", orientalist

Dr James Burgess
Publication details: 

Archaeological surveyor of India. 2pp., 8vo. He discusses the personnel of the Survey, the senior position to be filled, and what he would do if he were in charge. (He was Director General from 1886 to 1889.)

Chronicles of Wingham. (Being a contribution towards the History of the Parish.) Compiled from Various Works by Arthur Hussey, (Member of the Kent Archaeological Society.)

Arthur Hussey [Kent Archaeological Society; Wingham]
Publication details: 
Canterbury: Printed & Published by J. A. Jennings, City Printing Works. 1896.

8vo: 211 pp. In original brown cloth binding, with title in gilt on front board. A good tight copy, on aged paper with occasional spotting, in worn binding with fraying at head and tail of spine. Four-page list of subscribers at rear. Fifteen chapters, with subjects including Wat Tyler, John Cade, Wingham College; the Oxenden and Palmer families, and the manor house of the Archbishops of Canterbury.

Autograph Letter Signed ('J. J. Bourassé'), in French, to an unnamed male correspondent.

Abbé Jean-Jacques Bourassé (1813-1872), French archaeologist and author
Publication details: 
6 June 1853; Tours.

8vo, 1 p. On lightly creased and grubby paper. Declining to become a corresponding member of the 'Institut historique', as 'les ressources me manquent pour payer les diplomes et les annuités nombreuses qu'imposent les honneurs, quelque flatters qu'ils soient, qu'ont bien voulu me proposer diverses societes savantes'. He has been president of the Archaeological Society of Touraine for some time, and he takes pleasure in reading the publications of the 'Institut historique', received by the Society.

Autograph Letter Signed ('A Durand') to Smith.

A[uguste]. Durand [presumably the printer and bookseller rather than the composer] [Charles Roach Smith (1807-91), British archaeologist]
Publication details: 
Saturday 29 Octr. [no year, but between 1843 and 1873]; no place [Paris?].

Two pages, 12mo. Good, on aged and creased paper. Engraving of ancient medallion as letterhead. He takes 'the opportunity of a friend going over' to send Smith 'a parcel which I have just received from Monsr De la Plane, Secretary of the Society of Antiquaries of the <?> & the Bulletin of the Society, for the Royal [sic] Society of Antiquaries, the British Archaeological Association [founded 1843], the Numismatic Society, and Smith himself. He is also sending a letter for J[ohn]. Y[onge]. Ackerman (1806-73).

Autograph Letter Signed to Canon [Edward Haderezer] Knowles.

George Stephens
Publication details: 
Husaby, Grimslof Station, Smaland, Sweden, July 30, 1880.'

English runic archaeologist (1813-95). The recipient (c.1820-1896) was Principal of St Bees Theological College in Cumbria. Three pages, octavo. A frail survival, in poor condition, on discoloured, fraying paper, with several closed tears and loss to second leaf of bifolium, affecting three lines of text, and repaired with archival tape. Red letterhead vignette of stone with runic inscription. 'Your favor of the 13th has followed me to this place, my son's estate, where I have a large part of my library, Museum and Collections, as he has plenty of room in his large house.

Eleven Autograph Letters Signed to Sir Henry Trueman Wood (10) and G. K. Menzies (1), Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Rev. Peter Hampson Ditchfield
Publication details: 
1915-18; ten on embossed letterheads, 'BARKHAM RECTORY, WOKINGHAM.' and one on letterhead of the British Archaeological Association.

English antiquary (1854-1930), writer on topography, history and architecture. All items 12mo, and good, though on slightly discoloured paper. All docketed and bearing the Society's stamp. Regarding the Society's business, and in particular a lecture given at Wood's invitation. 1 March 1916: 'Sir Sidney Lee, whom I know, slightly[,] would be an admirable chairman - quite the best. Failing him I think Sir Henry Howarth, who is a friend of mine, would be excellent. If he cannot come - Lady Howarth has been very ill lately - Mr.

Autograph Letter Signed to Sir H[enry]. T[rueman]. Wood[, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts].

Rev. Hugh John Dukinfield Astley
Publication details: 
10 June 1913; on crested letterhead 'THE VICARAGE, | EAST RUDHAM.'

British archaeologist, anthropologist and numismatist (1856-1930). Two pages, 12mo. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. He is forwarding a cheque for his subscription of two guineas. 'My wife & I hope to be present at the Conversazione on the 17th., but I am hardly ever able to get to a meeting. | Do you think an architectural or archaeological Paper wd. be out of place on some evening?' Signed 'H. J. Dukinfield Astley'.

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