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Autograph Letter Signed ('G Gray') from George Gray of Bowerswell, Perth, brother of Euphemia Chalmers Millais, Lady Millais [Effie Gray], to Col. Spencer Childers, discussing his father Hugh Culling Eardley Childers and Australia.

George Gray (1829-1925) of Bowerswell, Perth, brother of Euphemia Chalmers Millais [Effie Gray]; Hugh Culling Eardley Childers (1827-1896]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Bowerswell, Perth, Scotland. 5 August 1906.

4pp., 12mo. Bifolium. Good, on lightly-aged grey paper. Gray begins by thanking the Colonel for allowing him to have a 'cursory glance' at his 1901 biography of his father the Liberal politician Hugh Culling Eardley Childers. Gray intends to get it 'from one of the Libraries & go over it more carefully. It is full of interest to me particularly the period of yr Fathers residence in Melbourne in Govr. Arthurs time whom he found intractable but liked Genl. McArthur whom I knew well & Col Neill with whom I often stayed at Hawthorn'.

Two copies of the typescript of a humorous poem titled 'Lines Written in Contemplation of the King's Bodyguard for Scotland 1937.'

T. B. S.' [T. B. Simpson; Thomas Blantyre Simpson (1892-1954), author and Sheriff of Perth and Angus] [The King's Bodyguard for Scotland]
Publication details: 
1937. [One copy headed in manuscript: 'From T. B. SIMPSON | 11/6/49.']

Each of the two typescripts is on one side of a piece of A4 paper. One is signed in type at end 'T. B.S.' and the other (which appears to be mimeographed) carries what is presumably Simpson's signature at head in the manuscript note: 'From T. B. SIMPSON | 11/6/49.' Text of each clear and complete, on creased and aged paper. Apart from the typed signature to the one copy, and the fact that one copy has square brackets and the other curved, the two texts are identical.

Report on the Metalliferous Lodes of the Wanerenooka and other Mines in the Neighbourhood of Northampton, Victoria District Western Australia. [With printed plan of a 'Portion of Wanerenooka Mining Property', signed and dated by Woodward.]

Bernard H. Woodward, F.G.S., Member of the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain, &c., &c. [Wanerenooka Mining Company; Western Australian mining]
Publication details: 
With printed date 'Perth, W.A. [Western Australia], 26th February, 1891.' Map dated by Woodward on the same day.

The report is printed on three pages of a bifolium with leaf dimensions roughly 30 x 21 cm. In small print. Both text and plan clear and complete. Both plan and map carry the faint 1 cm accession stamp of the Webster Collection, numbered in manuscript 4899. A scarce piece of Australiana, on grubby and stained paper, archivally repaired and tipped-in to cream paper folder. Describes the situation of the townships and mines, whose yields, both on the surface and at depth, he gives.

Autograph Note Signed ('Mary W. Findlater') to unnamed female autograph hunter.

Mary Williamina Findlater (1865-1963), Scottish novelist and poet
Publication details: 
27 October 1901; Mount Stuart, Torquay, England.

One page, 16mo. Good, on lightly aged grey paper, with previous paper mount adhering to reverse. Reads 'I have pleasure in sending you the Autograph you desire'.

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