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[Sir David Harrel, Under Secretary, Dublin Castle.] Two printed forms, both signed by him 'D Harrel', regarding the application for the post of Resident Magistrate by John G. Cookman of Dublin and Waterford.

Sir David Harrel, Under Secretary, Dublin Castle, 1896-1900 [John G. Cookman, Dublin and Waterford; Ireland; Irish]
Publication details: 
Both from Dublin Castle [Ireland]. The first dated 30 March 1894 and the second 6 July 1895.

Both items 1p., foolscap 8vo. Both in fair condition, on aged paper. ONE: Addressed to: 'John G. Cookman, Esqre. | Tintern, | Arthurstown | Via Waterford.' Acknowledging the receipt of Cookman's letters, with enclosures, 'offering yourself as a Candidate for the Post of [Resident Magistrate]'. TWO: Addressed to 'J. G. Cookman Esq | 112 Pembroke Road | Dublin'.

Ten loose uncoloured india-paper proofs of the steel engravings of illustrations (from designs by the Marchioness of Waterford) accompanying the poem 'The Babes in the Wood', published in London by Joseph Cundall.

[Joseph Cundall (1818-1895) of 12 Old Bond Street, London publisher and photographer; Louisa Anne Beresford [née Stuart], Marchioness of Waterford (1818-1891), watercolour painter and philanthropist]
Publication details: 
London: Joseph Cundall, Mdcccxlix. [1849.]

Each proof is on 29 x 23 cm paper, and each is laid down on a piece of 38 x 31.5 cm card. In good condition, on lightly-aged and spotted paper, with wear and bumping to mount. The first engraving The Spectator for 23 December 1848 carried an advertisement by Cundall for 'ILLUSTRATED WORKS BY LADY AMATEURS', at the head of which was 'THE BABES IN THE WOOD. Illustrated with Ten Original Designs, Etched on Steel. | Colombier 8vo. price 1l. 1s.; or Coloured after the Drawings, 2l. 2s.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Rt Shapld Carew') from Robert Shapland Carew, 1st Baron Carew, to an unnamed male recipient, describing his own and his family's parliamentary career.

Robert Shapland Carew (1787-1856), 1st Baron Carew, Irish landowner and Whig politician
Publication details: 
'London June 6 [no year].'
Autograph Letter Signed ('Rt Shapld Carew') from Robert Shapland Carew

12mo, 2 pp. Twenty lines. Text clear and complete. On aged and lightly-creased paper, with short closed tear at head. Begins: 'My Father & Grand Father & Family represented the City of Waterford for nearly 100 years before the Union. My Father represented the County off Wexford in the Imperial Parliament in 1806.'

Autograph Signature ('Roberts, F.M.').

Field-Marshal Frederick Sleigh Roberts (1832-1914), 1st Earl Roberts [Lord Roberts of Kandahar]
Publication details: 
28 April 1908; on letterhead of Englemere, Ascot, Berks.

On rectangle of paper roughly 8 x 11 cm, with small triangles neatly cut away from corners. Aged and with traces of glue and paper from previous mounting. The letterhead has Roberts's Garter crest in the top left-hand corner and his address at top right. Firmly written: '[signed] Roberts, F.M. | 28. April 1908.' Slight smudging to the 'rt' of 'Roberts'.

Autograph Letters Signed to Brougham from Canon Flemyng; and Autograph Card Signed to Brougham from his grandson Henry Brougham.

Henry William Brougham, Dean of Lismore [Henry Brougham; Canon W. W. Flemyng]
Publication details: 
Brougham's card, 12 May 1904, on letterhead 'BROUGHAM HOUSE, | WELLINGTON COLLEGE STATION, | BERKS.' Flemyng's letter, 10 March 1906, on letterhead 'Coolfin, Portlaw, Co. Waterford'.

Flemyng was a noted authority in the field of Irish lepidoptery, and published a number of papers on the subject between 1877 and 1919. Both items concern the Latin saying 'ne sutor ultra crepidam' or 'sutor ne supra crepidam judicaret'. HENRY BROUGHAM'S CARD: one page, five and a half inches by three and a half; addressed, with postmarked stamp, on reverse. Extremely grubby. Reads 'Dear Granpy | The Dictionary references to Sutor, ne supra crepidam (judicaret) are | PLINY 35, 10, 36, 85 | c.f. Val. Max. 8, 12, fin. | Papim is sending a few pansy-blossoms hoping you won't be jealous.

Autograph Note in the third person to 'Mr Collins'.

Robert Shapland Carew, First Baron Carew of Castle Boro
Publication details: 
Woodstown | Waterford | Oct 10' [no year but post 1823].

Irish aristocrat (1787-1856). One page, 12mo. In good condition, but with slight staining at head and traces of grey-paper mount on reverse. 'Lord Carew has this day received Mr Collins letter - | Mr. Holmes shall have every facility of engraving from Lord & Lady Carews Portraits, on his calling here.'

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