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Autograph note, third person, to Bohte, bookseller..

T.H. Horne (Thomas Hartwell Horne)
Publication details: 
No date (time of Leipzig catalogue mentioned).

Bibliographer, Biblical scholar, polemic (1780-1862). One page, c.9 x 5", small portion torn without apparent loss of text which is clear and apparently complete. "Mr. Horne will be obliged to Mr. Bohte to procure for him the undermentioned articles, from the "Leipzig catalogue". viz./ H[K?]argii, M.A.T. Synopsis Historia Religionis et Ecclesia Christiana. Edit. 2. 8vo- (catalogue pr. 8/-/ Munter (Fr.) Symbolae ad interpretationem Novi Testamenti, ex Marmoribus et Numis veteribus, maxime graecis. 4to (Catalogue p.259)".

Autograph note signed to [Bohte -see #s2051 and 2053].

G. Williams (George Williams)
Publication details: 
Oxford, 6 Sept. 1826.

Radcliffe Librarian. One page, 4to, edges discoloured, text clear and complete. "I should gladly have availed myself of your obliging offer, if we had not already in the Library all the published works of Humboldt[.] They have been consequently purchased at a very high rate - But heavy as the charge must be, & inconvenient as it often is to take works in progress or at the first moment of publication, we cannot very well suspend our orders woth respect to articles of so much novelty & interest--" See #2051 for further cross-reference.

Autograph letter signed to Bohte ("my good Hostess Mrs Bohte")

T.M. Tuxen
Publication details: 
Copenhagen, 12 Sept. 1823.

One page, 4to, edges discoloured and chipped with marginal loss of text. "With a friend of mine Lieut Bodenhoff of the royal danish Navy who goes to London to visit his family, I have got an opportunity to write you a few words.- My long silence is principally occat[s]ioned by the expensive postage, having no particular news to tel you, nor any orders to give you in the litterary[sic] way. Being persuaded you allways willl receive my letters with friendship[ I am happy enough to tell you that I myself and all my family is still in good health.

Autograph letter signed to Bohte ("Compliments to Mrs Bohte")

D.G. Wait (Daniel Guilford Wait).
Publication details: 
Redland House, W. Bristol, 10 April 1824.

Hebraist and Biblical scholar (1789-1850). One page, edges discoloured, chipped, text complete and clear. "I was mentioning to a friend here Ebert's Bibliographisches Lexicon, who wishes much to see it: Mrs Wait [prob. mother, he was unmarried re. DNB] will leave town on Sunday, when she will arrive on Saty ["for" excised] on her way to this place. Would you entrust me with a copy to shew him, & direct it to me on Saty morng. to the care of Mrs Wait, at Mrs Bowdens 33 Gt Coram St. Brunswick Square? & if he does not take the copy, I will bribng it back.

Autograph Letter, third person, to Bohte.

"Dr. Williams" .
Publication details: 
Oxford, 7 March 1824.

One page, 4to, small portion torn off with small loss of text, dusted, text mainly clear. "Dr. Williams is obliged to return to Mr. Bohte the following articles contained in the last parcel-/ Acta Soc. vol.6th. - This work never taken by the Library / der Pflanzen/ American Med. Botany/ With Barrows Africa - 2 vols--/ The Leipzig Trans: still kept for consideration// Of the Index to Panzers <?> there ought to be a second volume -/ & Dr. W. desires Mr. Bohte to recollect that the 9th. & 10th. vols. of Nova Acta Physico-Medica [?] of the former parcel.

2 Notes signed, third person, to "Mr Bohte", bookseller

Dr Samuel Parr, divine, schoolmaster and scholar
Publication details: 
15 April 1824 and to "Mr Jones", 23 April [1824].

12mo. In a quavering hand (he died the following year), he is returning two volumes of Terence to Bohte with a payment and inviting a visit from Jones. Two items,

Two typed Letters Signed, successively to G[eorge]. K[enneth]. Menzies and W. Perry, Secretaries, Royal Society of Arts.

Sir Alfred Charles Bossom, 1st Baronet [British Art in Industry Exhibition, 1935; Royal Society of Arts; Royal Academy]
Publication details: 
22 June and 1 October 1935; both on House of Commons embossed letterheads, and from 5, Carlton Gardens, S.W.1.

English politician (1881-1965) and architect, much of whose work was done in the United States. Both letters two pages, quarto. Both letters docketed (the first heavily so), bearing the Society's stamp, and with pin and staple holes in top left-hand corner. Second letter good, first lightly creased and grubby. Revealing documents relating to the Royal Society's 'British Art in Industry' exhibition, held at the Royal Academy in 1935. The Society's website describes this as a 'resounding success', but as these letters show, the matter was not so clear cut.

Autograph Note Signed to the Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Professor Henry Gibson Atkins
Publication details: 
5 October 1915; '8, Granville Park | Blackheath, S.E.'

British linguist (1871-1942), Professor of German in the University of London. One page, 12mo. Very good. Docketed and bearing R.S.A. stamp. 'In answer to your letter of October 2nd., I have pleasure in sending a Report on the Viva Voce German Examinations held in 1915.' Signed 'H. G. Atkins'.

Sealed indenture: 'Appointment in fee [by Listowel to Oakes] of No. 3 Prince's Terrace Hyde Park in the County of Middlesex'.

William Hare, 2nd Earl of Listowel; William Hare, Viscount Ennismore; Orbell Oakes.
Publication details: 
4 August 1855; [London].

Listowel was an Anglo-Irish peer (1801-56) and Member of Parliament for Kerry, 1825-30. Ennismore (1833-1924) was his son, later 4th Earl of Listowel. Orbell Oakes, builder of Nowton Court in Bury St Edmunds, was son of the Bury banker James Oakes, and Receiver of Taxes to the West Division. On one side each of four sheets of vellum, dimensions roughly twenty-seven inches by twenty-two inches, each bearing a tax stamp. Signed and witnessed on the reverse of the last sheet. Schedule detailing leases, feoffments, fines and mortgages between 1813 and 1855.

Draught copy of Order in Council, with covering copy of minute signed by Greville.

Charles Cavendish Fulke Greville [Tobago, the West Indies]
Publication details: 
At the Court at Windsor | the 18th March 1829'.

Clerk to the Privy Council (1794–1865) and noted diarist. Items clearly disbound from volume, with minute foliated '84'. The Order in Council is three pages, folio, on two leaves of gilt-edged laid paper. Good, though slightly discoloured, dusty at head, and with several closed tears and stab marks along one edge. Small square cut away from corner of second leaf (not affecting text). Entirely legible in a clear neat hand.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Edward] T[racy]. Turnerelli.

Daniel Gilbert, President of the Providence-Row Night Refuge in Finsbury, London
Publication details: 
22 Finsbury Circus | Feb 4/64.'

The recipient, E. T. Turnerelli (1813-96), was an artist and leading member of the Conservative party. One page, 12mo. Grubby and creased. Mounted on a piece of grey paper, at the foot of which a newspaper cutting expaining the circumstances of the letter. Reads 'Dear Mr Turnerelli | I am most grateful for the cheque of £10. - from a "Traveller", - & forwarded by the Editor of the "Telegraph" for the Providence Row Night Refuge. Your efforts on behalf of the "Homeless" deserve every praise. - Hoping you are better. I am Yours Most Truly | Daniel Gilbert'.

Autograph Signature.

Paul Belloni Du Chaillu
Publication details: 
26 June 1901; on letterhead of the Auguste Victoria (Hamburg-Amerika Linie).

French-born American traveller in the interior of West Africa (1831-1903). On piece of paper roughly 4 1/2 inches by 7 inches. In good condition although somewhat grubby and creased. Reads 'Yours very truly | Paul Du Chaillu | June 26th 1901'. Letterhead, with vignette in gold, gray and blue, reading 'Au Bord | des Schnelldampfers "AUGUSTE VICTORIA" | den ........ 19 | Hamburg-Amerika Linie'.

Autograph Signature on fragment of letter.

Sir John Foster Fraser
Publication details: 
Without date or place.

Special parliamentary correspondent, traveller and lecturer (1868-1936; DNB). Dimensions: 2 inches by 4½ inches. In good condition and attached to a sheet of paper docketed: 'Sir John Foster Fraser, Kt., F.R.G.S., F.J.I. | Great Journalist, Traveller, Lecturer. | (Cycled round the world. 19,234 miles in 774 days)'. Signed 'John Foster Fraser' beneath '<...> you. Salaams | Thine gratefully'.

Autograph note, third person, to [Bohte], bookseller.

Kenelm Digby (Kenelm Henry Digby)
Publication details: 
Trinity College, Cambridge, 13 Jan. (no year - graduated 1819).

Miscellaneous writer (1800-1880). One page, 8vo, edges discoloured, text clear and complete. "Upon arriving at Cambridge, Mr Digby finds that only the ist volume of Kant's Works had been sent to Will's Coffee House [when did it close?]. He writes to request that Mr Bohte will forward the renmaining three to him at Trin. Coll. Cambridge."

Autograph Letters (four) to booksellers.

R.P. Gillies (Robert Pearse Gillies).
Publication details: 
Various places, [1820].

Scottish miscellaneous writer (1788-1858)(DNB). Total eight pages, 8vo, minor defects. In his two letters addressed to J.H. Bohte Gillies discusses (Feb.1820) his account and lists 21 catalogue brief catalogue entries. Most are German publications. Six are marked with a cross (presumably the bookseller is unable to supply) and eighteen with a tick (the bookseller is able to supply). He makes arrangements for the carriage of the books and reveals that he "had previously corresponded wh. Mr.

Das Endziel des Anarchismus.

E. Steinle.
Publication details: 
Buffalo, N.Y. : Lang, 1894.

Pamphlet, disbound, pp. 16, 8o, sl. chipped and discoloured but complete and clear.

Autograph Letter Signed, "Rd Dublin", to an unnamed correspondent.

Richard Whately.
Publication details: 
Palace, 22 August 1853.

Archbishop of Dublin, logician and misc. writer (1787-1863). Eight (8) pages, 8vo, laid down, good condition. He commences "I did not give any general advice to my Clergy because there c[oul]d not be any that . . ."he explores views on the system education at length. He says what he would advise. "As for my own school, it is just closed, owing to the P.P. having forbidden the Mistress to use the Scr. which had been used there from the first opening of the school". He quotes a relevant letter from The Times.

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