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Sanskrit Luke

[St Luke's Gospel]
Publication details: 
Calcutta: Printed by J.W. Thomas, at the Baptist Mission Press, and published by the Bible Society, 23, Chowringhee Road, C.A.B.S. 1884
Sanskrit Luke

[114]pp., obl.8vo, printed blue wraps, worn at spine, loss of strip at edge, some damage to back wrap, contents good. See image on my website, (or request it). COPAC lists only one copy, at BL (who have the Mark and John as well).

[Typescript] The Insect Play. Inscribed by Day-Lewis.With two photographs (one with note in his hand), some fan mail and an admirer's artistic representation of two of his roles

[Daniel Day-Lewis, actor; Karel and Josef Capek]
Publication details: 
Play undated, others 1981-2.

A., Typescript (gestetner or similar), paper wraps, 70pp., sm. folio, wear and tear to spine, sl. grubby, a few marks, mainly good condition. Inscribed "Daniel Day-Lewis" with underlining and a few notes in his hand. Not listed among his roles on relevant websites. B. Two photographs, one with two duplicate images of Day-Lewis when quite young (Bedales tie?), 9 x 14cm; the other, almost full length holding baby on his shoulder [his son was born in 1995], inscribed by him on reverse, "Happy dressed father with unconscious naked son | I:x:95", 12 x 18cm. C.

[Book; verse] Graphidae, or Characteristics of Painters [Inscribed by author]

H.R. [Henry Reeve (see New DNB, 1813-1895), translator of de Tocqueville's Democracy in America, and editor of Greville's Diaries]
Publication details: 
Printed by Richard and John E. Taylor, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street [London], 1838.

Privately Printed. [40]pp., 8vo, buckram gt, wear to spine and edges, faint foxing, hinge strain, front cover partly deatched, staining to edges inside covers. Inscribed by author, Mrs. Alfred Shaw [actress] with the Author's best regards. | September 1838.

National Society, No. 29. Sunday School Lessons. Fourth Sunday after Trinity.

National Society [for Promoting the Education of the Poor in the Principles of the Established Church (Great Britain)]
Publication details: 
National Society, No. 29. Sunday School Lessons.

Four pages, 12mo, edges dusted, mainly good, not bound. No copy found on COPAC (one with similar title said to be at Cambridge is not this).

[MS.] A State of the Matter with relation to the Amending of Money Bills sent from the Com[m]ons to the Lords.

[Money Bills in the Houses of Parliament; the Lords exclusion from financial decisions]
Publication details: 
[Early 1700s].
[Sir Walter Raleigh; William Raven, Sea Captain]

65pp., folio, marbled wrap front only, ragged. It considers the issue of money bills and the two Houses between 1661 and 1703. Pencilled note, front free endpaper verso, "Unique M.S. from Earl of Harrowby's Collection".  The writer discusses various bills and their progress though amendment and proviso, precedent, dissent, and committee, commencing with the context: "There do not appear in their Lordships Journals any thing Remarkable touching that matter till after the Restoration, when the Lords from that Time to the year 1695 frequently amended Money Bills of all kinds , , , ".

Autograph Letter Signed ('W. W. Fisher') from Admiral Sir William Wordsworth Fisher to 'My Dear Chief'.

Admiral Sir William Wordsworth Fisher (1875-1937), Royal Navy, captain of a battleship at the Battle of Jutland, subsequently Commander-in-Chief of the Mediterranean Fleet
Publication details: 
4 June [no year]. Place not stated.
Admiral Sir William Wordsworth Fisher

4to, 2 pp. Fourteen lines. Text clear and complete. Begins 'With my wretched attainments as a cricketer & golfer how otherwise can I do credit to my revered Chief and his band of brothers than by trying to keep my wicket up in this job?' Discusses 'those Jokers [members of a club?] whom HM has still to honour': 'we all consider that to be a Joker at all is quite enough for any man'.

Autograph Letter Signed from 'M. McSweeney', of the American Association in London, to the English dramatist Benjamin Nottingham Webster, regarding a proposed celebration of George Washington's birthday.

M. McSweeney of the American Association in London [Benjamin Nottingham Webster (1797-1882), English dramatist; George Washington]
Publication details: 
11 February 1859; on letterhead of the American Association in London, 14 Cockspur Street.
Autograph Letter Signed from 'M. McSweeney', of the American Association

12mo, 1 p. Eight lines. Text clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper. Asking if Webster requires a seat at a celebratory dinner for George Washington, 'Tickets not to exceed one Guinea'.

Manuscript diaries for 1794, 1797 and 1798

David Boley (or Bolay) [TRAVEL EXPENSES IN IRELAND pre-1800]
Publication details: 
(London) 1794, 1797, 1798

The financial diaries of a Frenchman (rentier) living in England, possibly displaced by the French Revolution. Diaries in French, covers in poor condition, contents good. Comprising: The Kentish Companion: or, useful Memorandum and Accompt Book, 1773 [1794]; Kearsley's Gentleman and Tradesman's Pocket Ledger, 1797; and The Daily Journal; or, Gentleman's, Merchant's and Tradesman's Complete Annual Accompt Book. Address entered in first volume: Hereford Street, London. Contents: record of income and expenditure with information about investments.

Autograph Letter Signed ('James Ramsden') to 'Mr Thompson'.

Sir James Ramsden (1822-1896), civil engineer and first mayor of Barrow in Furness
Publication details: 
6 August 1882; on letterhead of Furness Abbey, Lancashire.

12mo, 2 pp. On bifolium. In fair condition, lightly-aged and creased. Discussing arrangements for a meeting with Thompson before 14 August, the date of the 'Furness general meeting', after which he is going on 'a months cruise'.

The Annual Address of the Conference to the Methodist Societies in Great Britain, in the Connexion established by the Late Rev. John Wesley, A.M. August, 1852.

John Scott, President; John Farrar, Secretary, Conference to the Methodist Societies in Great Britain, Sheffield, 1852.
Publication details: 
London: Published by John Mason, 14, City-Road; sold at 66, Paternoster Row. 1852. [Thoms, Printer, 12, Warwick Square.]

12mo, 12 pp. Unbound. Stitched as issued. Text clear and complete. On aged and worn paper. Ownership signature at head of title: 'Mr. Whittaker'. Ends: 'Signed on behalf and by order of the Conference, | John Scott, President, | John Farrar, Secretary. | Sheffield, August, 17th, 1852.' Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and none on COPAC.

Part of a mimeographed typewritten report into the activities of the VDA, including translations of Haushofer's 'Problems and Solutions of the VDA', Bockhacker's 'Resettlement Christmas', and other texts.

Der Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland [VDA; Karl Haushofer; Heinz Bockhacker; Nazi propaganda; Germany; Second World War]
Publication details: 
[Compiled by the American intelligence services between 1942 and the end of the Second World War.

The spelling (e.g. 'honor') is American, the latest date mentioned is in 1942, and there is no indication that the document has ever been published. 58 pages, on one side each of fifty-eight A4 leaves (each roughly 26 x 20 cm), paginated 26 to 83. Punch holes for a binder at the head of each leaf.

Printed handbill 'ADVERTISEMENT' concerning the recall of the 'Sixtieth Thousand' of 'Through the Looking Glass'.

Lewis Carroll' [Charles Lutwidge Dodgson] [Alice in Wonderland]
Publication details: 
Christmas, 1893.'
Lewis Carroll, Advertisment, Handbill

On one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 18 x 12 cm. Headed 'ADVERTISEMENT.' and signed in type 'LEWIS CARROLL. | Christmas, 1893.' Twenty-eight lines of text. In good condition on lightly-aged and spotted paper. Begins 'For over 25 years, I have made it my chief object, with regard to my books, that they should be of the best workmanship attainable for the price.

Handbill 'PROCLAMATION | by the G.O.C.-in-Chief in Mesopotamia | to the People of 'Iraq, on the occasion of the successful conclusion of hostilities | against the Turkish Armies.', together with Iraqi translation of the same.

General Sir Stanley Maude [Mesopotamia, Iraq, Ottoman Empire, British Protectorate]
Publication details: 
Baghdad, dated November 2nd, 1918.'

Interesting item with contemporary resonances. ITEM ONE: dimensions eight and a half inches by fourteen and a half inches. Around fifty lines of text. Clean, but heavily folded. States that 18 months previously Maude and the British Army had come 'not as conquerors but as deliverers'. Describes the progress of the war and states that despite Maude's death the promises he made in a proclamation to the citizens of Baghdad will be kept. Announces eight undertakings (e.g. 'Fifth, that the routes to the sacred places will be thrown open once again for organized pilgrimages').

Typed Letter Signed ('C. Oxon:') to Ormsby Gore, discussing at length the issue of 'the disestablishment of the Church of England in Wales.

Charles Gore (1853-1932), Bishop of Oxford [William George Arthur Ormsby-Gore (1885-1964), 4th Baron Harlech] [the Church of England in Wales]
Publication details: 
9 December 1913; on letterhead of Cuddesdon, Wheatley, Oxfordshire.

4to, 4 pp. Sixty-six lines of text. Clear and complete. Fair, on grubby and lightly-worn paper. At the time of writing Ormsby-Gore was still a commoner, sitting in the House of Commons as Member for Denbigh. Headed 'Private'. Gore considers that 'both sides in politics have been doing their best to confuse the issue'. He begins by stating his position: 'The broad ground on which I stand is that a Liberal Government cannot, either on grounds of policy or of principle, refuse the demand of the Welsh Representatives for the Disestablishment of the Church in Wales.

Autograph Letter Signed ('B. B. Woodward') to 'Dr Reynolds'.

Bernard Bolingbroke Woodward (1816-1869), Librarian in Ordinary to the Queen, Windsor Castle
Publication details: 
2 June 1869; on embossed Buckingham Palace letterhead.

12mo, 3 pp. Bifolium. Thirty-three lines of text. Good, on aged paper, with slight traces of glue from mount on blank reverse of second leaf. Apologising for not being able to join Reynolds' party, because of the visit of 'a gentleman' who 'is coming from the country to me on business of importance to me'. This is also disappointing to his daughter, who would have accompanied him. He hopes his 'excellent friends', Reynold's 'colleagues', will not suppose him 'indffierent to their invitation! Especially now that my renewed health has permitted me to accept <?>'.

Visitors Book. General Sir F J. Davies | General Officer Commanding-in-Chief | Scottish Command', containing the signatures of several high-ranking British military officers.

General Sir Francis John Davies (1864-1948), Military Secretary at the War Office, 1916-1919; General Officer Commanding-in-Chief, Scottish Command, 1919 to 1923 [Edinburgh Castle]
Publication details: 
First entry dated 11 March 1920. Last entry dated 4 June 1923. '27 Drumsheugh Gardens, Edinburgh'.

A quarto volume, bound in padded green leather stamped in gilt on the front cover with the words 'Visitors' Book'. Patterned endpapers. Tight, on lightly aged and spotted paper. Binding heavily worn, with outer corners of front cover dogeared and torn to show padding. Five leaves with one dogeared corner. Note (in Davies' hand?) on flyleaf: 'Visitors book. | General Sir F. J. Davies | General Officer Commanding-in-Chief | Scottish Command | 27 Drumsheugh Gardens | Edinburgh'. Each page with printed columns for the 'date' and 'name and address'.

The Dangers and Safeguards of Ethical Science. An Inaugural Lecture delivered in the Clarendon, May 25th, 1836.

The Rev. W. Sewell [William Sewell (1804-1874)], M.A. Sub-Rector of Exeter College, and Professor of Moral Philosophy in the University of Oxford
Publication details: 
Oxford: D. A. Talboys. 1837.

8vo: 66 pp. Stitched pamphlet. In original grey printed wraps. Text clear and complete. Tight copy on lightly-aged and foxed paper, with light staining at foot of wraps and first and last few leaves. List of 'Publications by the same Author' on the reverse. Worn inscription at head of title, to 'The Revd Vaughan Thomas | With the Authors best comptss & regards'. Scarce: no copy in the British Library, and the only copies on COPAC at Bristol, Lambeth Palace and Oxford.

Corrected galley proofs headed '125783 - BOOKLET - ONE | Queensland's Breach of Contract.'

[Breach of Contract for Pastoral Leases in Queensland, Australia, 1923]
Publication details: 
In blue pencil at head '3. 12. 23 [3 December 1923] R. H. C.'

On one side each of five 46 x 14.5 cm slips of paper. Good: slightly aged and with rusting to staple. Begins 'Much comment having appeared in the Press during the last three years on the subject of a breach by the Government of Queensland of the contracts contained in the Pastoral Leases issued by that State, it is thought that a clear [altered from 'careful'] statement of the facts of the case would be useful to Bankers, Brokers and others having financial interests in Queensland. The facts of the case are set out in the following statement: - [...]'.

National Education. Report of the Proceedings at a Meeting of the Glasgow Public School Association, held in the Merchants' Hall, Glasgow, on the 11th November 1851, with address then delivered by Dr. J. P. Nichol, [...].

J. P. Nichol [John Pringle Nichol (1804-1859), Professor of Astronomy in the University of Glasgow] [Scottish National Education]
Publication details: 
From the "North British Daily Mail" '. Glasgow: David Robertson, Trongate. John Robertson, 5 Maxwell Street. 1851. [William Gilchrist, Printer, Glasgow.]

12mo, 22 pp. Stitched as issued, pamphlet. Good, on lightly-aged paper. The title continues, '[...] Nichol, Professor of Astonomy in the University of Glasgow, On the Existing Obstructions to the Institution of a National System of Education.' Offprint. The text is headed 'PUBLIC SCHOOL ASSOCIATION.' In small type. The final paragraph reads '[NOTE. - The foregoing Address was not prepared for publication. It is now reprinted from the report in the NORTH BRITISH DAILY MAIL, made up with the assistance of Professor Nichol's rough notes.

List of the Partners of the Banking Company in Aberdeen, Instituted 1797. Alexander Bannerman, Esq. M.P. Governor.

The Aberdeen Banking Company (1767-1849) [Sir Alexander Bannerman (1788-1864)]
Publication details: 
Aberdeen, 30th March, 1838.' 'D. CHALMERS AND CO. PRINTERS, ABERDEEN.'

Finely printed on one side of a piece of good wove paper, 52.5 x 41.5 cm. Very good. Around two hundred names arranged in two columns, beginning with 'Dr. John Abercrombie, First Physician to the Queen for Scotland, in Edinburgh', and ending with 'John Young, Merchant in Aberdeen - His Representatives'. Directors and Extraordinary Directors are distinguished by marks prefixed to their names. According to one authority the Bank's demise was occasioned by the 'Large advances [which] were being made to firms in which the directors of the bank also had an interest.

Two broadsheet songs: 'Oh, Brother, did you weep?' (words and music by MacColl, illustration by Audrey Seyfang) and 'Yankee Doodle' (words by MacColl, and illustration by 'Catchpole').

Ewan MacColl; Audrey Seyfang; 'Catchpole' [Folksingers for Freedom in Vietnam]
Publication details: 

Excessively scarce survivals, with no copies of either item appearing on COPAC or WorldCat. Both are printed on one side of a leaf roughly 25 x 20 cm. In fair condition, with light creasing to extremities. Item One (on grey paper, with illustration by Audrey Seyfang): 'Oh, Brother, did you weep? | words and music by Ewan MacColl'.

Four illustrated broadsheets. Three with words and music, to songs: 'Oh, Brother, did you weep?' by MacColl; 'Lament of the Soldier's Wife', 'words: Claudi Paley'; and 'Nam Bo', 'by an American'. The fourth with McColl's words to 'Yankee Doodle'.

Folksingers for Freedom in Vietnam [Ewan MacColl; Claudia Paley; Karl Dallas; Gordon McCulloch; Audrey Seyfang; 'Catchpole'; English folk revival; sixties protest singers; Yankee Doodle]
Publication details: 

According to Karl Dallas (Morning Star, 16 November 2007) it was he who 'first mooted the idea' of an anti-Vietnam War 'campaign in the folk scene', with the 'singers' group' being formed by Dallas in conjunction with Ewan MacColl and Gordon McCulloch. The four items are excessively scarce survivals, with no copies of any of them appearing on COPAC. All are printed on one side of a leaf roughly 25 x 20 cm. Each leaf is differently coloured. The items are in fair condition, dogeared and with light creasing and chipping to extremities.

Millwall Docks Co

G. Hazlehurst
Publication details: 

A small archive of material relating to the Millwall Dock Co and the Manchester Ship Canal. George Hazlehurst, whose papers these are, worked several years in Manchester and climbed the ladder at Millwall, eventually becoming General Manager (1909). The archive includes: the Act entitled London and India Docks and Millwall Dock Companies (annotated in Hazlehurst's had); a copy letter to Winston Churchill, 3pp., 4to, dfrom Hazlehurst describing his abilities and achievemnts, 7 July 1908; copy application, 5pp., 4to, incl.

Printed 'NARRATIVE', printed 'MEMORIAL', and manuscript 'Protest' by the Society's members, all regarding the Educational Endowments Scotland Bill.

Publication details: 
Westminster and other places, 1880 and 1881.

All three items are grubby but in good condition. The manuscript (a copy for Murray Beith <?>, W.S.) consists of 6 4to pages on two loose bifoliates, and is dated 3 March 1880. The gist of the complaint is 'that the present diverting of the Revenues from Educational purposes is not in accordance with but in violation of the great ends for which the Society was incorporated as these are set forth in its Letters Patent'. The Narrative covers three pages of a 4to bifoliate and is signed in type 'J. CALDER MACPHAIL'.

Memorial to the Right Honourable W. E. Gladstone, M.P., First Lord of the Treasury, on the Proposed Scottish University Commission and Increase of State Endowment of Theology in Scotland.

Executive Committee of the Scottish Disestablishment Association[, William Henderson, Chairman].
Publication details: 
3 March 1883; 10 St Andrew Square, Edinburgh.

4to bifoliate pamphlet; four paginated pages. Neatly folded twice. Some wear along creases, and with top half of recto of first leaf grubby and with one pinhole, otherwise in good condition. Begins 'THE University Chairs of Theology in Scotland are sectarian, in the sense of being restricted to one section of the Presbyterians of Scotland - the Church Established. This restriction has been felt as a very injurious and offence part of Church Establishment in Scotland, because in all other respects the Scottish Universities are national and catholic.'

A woman's clothing account (manuscript notebook).

Publication details: 

74pp. used, c.17 items listed per page, description of clothes and materials, and cost, total cost given at the end of each page. Author unidentified, but occasional biographical entries (e.g "Left Ireland/ Bournemouth" (1900), "W. gave me pair of corsets" (1924)), obviously well-to-do and ultimately at least middle-aged (corsets needed in 1924). Sample page (Sept. 1916-Jan/Feb 1917) "Sepr Dressmaker (May) £4/ Hat (black velvet tri-corner & gold ornament 1.10/ Veil 2[s]3[d]/Navy coat Frock 8/8/- 8.15.6/ Nov.

Printed circular letter from Auchinleck 'To all officers whether belonging to the Staff or to the Services who are working in Headquarter Offices in this Command'. Consisting of a celebrated (and spurious) quotation from Wellington, and two cartoons.

Field Marshal Sir Claude John Eyre Auchinleck, Commander in Chief, Middle East Command [Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Wellington; military history; Second World War; British Army]
Publication details: 

A celebrated and scarce piece of Second World War ephemera. Printed on one side of a piece of paper 33.5 x 21.5 cm. Text and illustrations clear and complete. In good overall condition, on lightly-aged and creased paper with small damp stain to top left-hand corner and repair on reverse to small closed tear. The text consists of a supposed 'Extract from a letter written by The Duke of Wellington from Spain, about 1810.

Crown Deep Ltd. Insurance Plan', carbon printed on cloth, giving a detailed layout of the gold mine, keyed to seventy-seven entries. With Manuscript table of results of 'Crown Deep tube milling tests, 1907'.

Crown Deep Ltd (gold mine) [South African Gold Mining; Mines]
Publication details: 
Insurance Plan' dated in manuscript 1898. Manuscript table covering the period from 1 August to 9 October 1907.

The two items rolled into tubes. The 'Crown Deep Ltd. Insurance Plan' carbon printed on one side of a piece of cloth roughly 44 x 102 cm. In good condition: slightly discoloured and frayed. The keyed entries range from '1 No. 1 Headgear & all appurtenances' to '77 Shed near Feedwater tanks', and include '69 Coolie Compound at Dam' and '57 Stable Boy's House'. The table of results of the 'milling tests', approximately 37 x 74 cm, is clear and complete on discoloured paper with closed tears at head repaired with archival tape.

No. 8 Catalogue of Coins & Medals comprising: Ancient Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Early British, Anglo-Saxon, English, Irish, Scotch, etc. in Gold, Silver, and Copper, offered for sale by J. Verity, Earlsheaton, Dewsbury.

J. Verity of Earlsheaton, Dewsbury, nineteenth-century dealer in coins and medals [Victorian numismatics]
Publication details: 
[circa 1875] Dewsbury: Alfred Green & Son, Bond Street.

12mo: 50 pp. Stapled. In original green printed wraps. Engraving of both sides of the 'Pontefract Siege Shilling' on title, with 38 engravings of both the obverses and reverses of coins in text. Printed on light-blue paper. Internally tight and clean, with rusty staples, foxing to edges and wear and chipping to the faded and spotted wraps. Blank back wrap loose and repaired. Scarce: no copy in the British Library or on COPAC, although there is a copy among the Fitzwilliam coin catalogues. Another Verity catalogue, from the 1870s, is in the V & A Library.

Prompt copy typescript, with manuscript stage directions, titled 'Excerpt from Act 3. "Man and Superman" by BERNARD SHAW'.

George Bernard Shaw [Alec Clunes; Arts Theatre Club, London; May Hemery Ltd]
Publication details: 
[London: May Hemery Ltd for the Arts Theatre Club, 1946.]

From the collection of Alec Clunes, who performed as Don Juan in this excerpt from 'Man and Superman' ('Don Juan in Hell') at the Arts Theatre Club in 1946. Carbon copy of typescript by May Hemery Ltd, paginated 1 to 60, on the rectos of sixty leaves, preceded by title leaf ('Excerpt from Act Three | "MAN AND SUPERMAN" | By | BERNARD SHAW'. In original blue paper wraps, with yellow tape spine and label on front wrap. Grubby and worn, and with light staining to wraps, but tight, complete and clear. Numerous manuscript stage directions, mostly on the facing versos.

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