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[ Lieutenant-General Sir William Howley Goodenough. ] Autograph Signature ('W H Goodenough') as 'Officer Administering the Government and High Commissioner', the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, on part of land document.

Lieutenant-General Sir William Howley Goodenough (1833-1898), commander of the Royal Artillery in Egypt, and colonial administrator [ Colony of the Cape of Good Hope ]
Publication details: 
Cape Town, Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. 31 August 1896.

On 8 x 20cm. piece of paper from official document. In good condition, lightly aged. With embossed seal.

[Dr James Roche Verling, Napoleon's personal physician on St Helena.] Typescript: 'The St. Helena Journal of Dr. James Verling. A typewritten copy of the original manuscript presented to Napoleon III and now in Les Archives Nationales at Paris.'

James Roche Verling (1787-1858), Irish physician in the British Army, personal surgeon to Napoleon Bonaparte on St Helena, 1818-1820 [Norman F. Edwards]
Publication details: 
Note: 'This copy, one of six, belongs to - | Norman F. Edwards. | March, 1934.'

[4] + 172pp., 8vo. Attractively typed up with the greatest skill and care in black, with underlining in red, on 176 leaves, interleaved and bound in an attractive red morocco leather half-binding, with cloth boards and marbled endpapers, spine in six compartments tooled in gilt with title 'THE VERLING JOURNAL', and red ribbon bookmark. In very good condition, lightly-aged in binding with the slightest wear and fading to the cloth. The text is preceded by a typed title page, a one-page 'Note' and a two-page introduction by 'Mr.

[Manuscript] Diary of Sergeant Browne, principal flautist in the Royal Artillery band, Woolwich

[The International Exhibition 1862 and other events in 1862 ] Sergeant Brown, flautist
Publication details: 

1862 Diary of Sergeant Browne, principal flautist in the Royal Artillery band, Woolwich, Over 425 pages. Played at the opening ceremony of the International Exhibition under Costa, having been at the rehearsal attended by Meyerbeer - good descriptions of both events - and at the Horticultural Gardens next door throughout the length of the exhibition and elsewhere (Crystal Palace, Willis's Rooms, private houses, Lord Mayor's Show "nonsensical custom").

[Cary Tuttyt of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.] Autograph Letter, stamped by the 'Mil[itar]y. Department', asking for information regarding his brother, who enlisted in the Horse Artillery of the East India Company, and giving a description.

Cary Tuttyt of Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada [Horse Artillery, East India Company]
Publication details: 
'Ch: Town P. E. I.' 22 July 1846.

1p., 8vo. In fair condition, lightly aged and creased, with slight discoloration and repair on reverse. Giving his address as 'Cary Tuttyt, Charlotte Town, Prince Edwards Island, B. N. A.' With black rectangular stamp: 'RECEIVED IN | 29 AUG. 1846 | MILY. DEPARTMENT.' Docketted on reverse 'Does not appear to have enlisted 1839'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Dunsany') from Lord Dunsany [Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany] to his cousin Muriel Emily Summerson, criticising in strong terms a biography of her brother Lt-Col. John Hawksley by Lady Verney.

Lord Dunsany [Edward John Moreton Drax Plunkett, 18th Baron Dunsany] (1878-1957), Anglo-Irish fantasy writer [Lt-Col. John Plunkett Verney Hawksley (1877-1916), DSO, Royal Field Artillery]
Publication details: 
On letterhead of Ebrington Barracks, Londonderry. 23 May 1917.

Twenty-three pages (23pp.), 12mo., on six bifoliums. Very good, on lightly-aged paper. Written in snatches, with the last four pages dated 'May 23. 1917'. A well-written and entertaining letter, highly characteristic of its author in its mixture of wit and strong emotion. The subject is a 1917 privately-printed memoir of Dunsany's cousin John Hawksley by Lady Margaret Maria Verney, titled 'Lieut.-Colonel John P. V. Hawksley, D.S.O., R.F.A., 1877-1916: A Memoir compiled from his Journals and Letters'.

Printed and manuscript material relating to the Band of the Royal Regiment of Artillery [Royal Artillery Band], including notes made by Quartermaster Sergeant E. A. Reynolds for the musicologist Herbert George Farmer, concert programmes, staff lists.

[The Band of the Royal Regiment of Artillery [Royal Artillery Band, Woolwich]; Quartermaster Sergeant Edward Arthur Reynolds; Herbert George Farmer (1882-1965), musicologist]
Publication details: 
[Royal Artillery Band, Woowich.] Dating from between 1902 and 1952.

The collection of more than 100 items is in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, apart from a damp-damaged notebook (see below). It derives from the papers of E. A. Reynolds, who was referred to in two works by Henry George Farmer. First, in his 'Cavaliere Zavertal and the Royal Artillery Band' (1951), Famer acknowledges 'the valuable assistance of Edward A.

Autograph Letter from Henry Allen Brainard, editor of 'The Pacific Tree and Vine (And Santa Clara Valley)' to his former colleague in the Union army, Major B. F. Ainger, discussing their colleagues and describing the horticulture of the San Jose area

Henry Allen Brainard (1840-1900), Editor, The Pacific Tree and Vine (And Santa Clara Valley)
Publication details: 
The Pacific Tree and Vine (And Santa Clara Valley), 10 Orchard Street, San Jose, California. 10 May 1892.

2pp., 12mo. Very good, on two leaves of lightly-aged paper. In a difficult hand. The recipient is addressed as 'B. F. Ainger, Delegate to Editorial Committee, <?> Excursion'. The first two pages of the letter only, hence lacking Brainard's signature. Having seen Ainger's name 'among the delegates from Pennsylvania', he is 'strongly reminded of a Maj B. F. Ainger formerly of the 2nd. <?> Artillery with whom I had the pleasure of an acquaintance long ago when we were watching the Defences of Bermuda Honduras &c.

Four Autograph Letters Signed (all 'JPVH'), from Lieutenant-Colonel John Plunkett Verney Hawksley, DSO, RFA, to his mother in England, describing in detail his life in Kashmir, and including comments on bear hunting and the cost of living.

Lt Col. John Plunkett Verney Hawksley (1877-1916), DSO, Royal Field Artillery [his mother Emily Julia Hawksley of Caldy Island, Pembrokeshire; Kashmir; British India; the Raj]
Publication details: 
The four letters addressed from: dak bungalows at Rawal Pindi and Magam, near Srinagar, Kashmir; Rowbury's Hotel, Murree; from Srinagar iteslf; and in camp, near Islamabad, Kashmir. One undated, but all four written between 7 July and 11 August 1899.

The four letters totalling 16pp., 12mo. Each on a bifolium. All four good, on lightly-aged paper. Chatty and informative letters, in the bored tone of the English upper classes, and exhibiting a shocking casual racism. One: From Dâk Bungalow, Rawal Pindi, 20 July 1899, and Rowberry's [sic] Hotel, Murree, 23 July 1899. 4pp., 12mo. He apologises for a hurried letter of the previous day. 'I began my journey very badly by calling a high caste mahomedan who was snoring in my carriage a Scor - (pig) he got very irate.

Typed Letter Signed from Major A. M. Urquhart, Royal Artillery, to Rev. William Henderson Begg, giving a summary (as President of the Committee of Adjustment) of what has been done regarding his brother Captain Robert Henderson Begg's estate in India

Major A. M. Urquhart, Royal Artillery [Rev. William Henderson-Begg (1877-1934), Rector of St Paul's and Canon of Mary's Cathedral, Edinburgh; Captain Robert Henderson Begg (d.1915); Siege of Kut
Publication details: 
The Arsenal, Ferozepore, India. 27 April 1916.

2pp., foolscap 8vo. In fair condition, on lightly-aged paper. Captain Begg had died at the Siege of Kut Al Amara, Mesopotamia (now Iraq), and Urquhart begins by informing the Rev. Begg that the inventory which he sent of his brother's effects has 'gone astray'. 'In order to save any further delay I am forwarding you a complete list including some things recently recovered from Kirkee Arsenal. Would you kindly point out what you wish returned to you. The remaining items will be sold by auction here.' He continues with 'a summary of what has been done up to date'.

Typescript of 'The Last Month. By Ernie Wilmott' ['Camp Leader, Lager 31, Stalag IVG, Gaschwitz'], with autograph notes by J. L. H. Batt. With copies three articles, by Lieutenant Commander G. S. Stavert (2) and Norman E. H. Litchfield.

Ernie Wilmott, POW Camp Leader, Lager 31, Stalag IVG, Gaschwitz; Jack Lynden Batt (b.1922), of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery; Norman E. H. Litchfield; Lieut-Com. G. S. Stavert
Publication details: 
Wilmott's account without place and date (1960s?); describing events in April and May 1945. The other three items from 1970s and 80s.

The four items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper. In envelope addressed to Mrs P. E. Batt, Beckenham, Kent. ONE: 'The Last Month' by Wilmott. 13pp., foolscap 8vo. A photocopied typescript on thirteen leaves of paper, stapled together, with five original autograph annotations by Batt. The first reads '"Big funf" was one of the German Guards - had no roof to his mouth - spoke funnily' and the fourth 'We had a "Union Jack" which was used for burials when P.O.W.'s died.' Wilmott's account commences: 'There had been gun fire from the west and the south for the last three days.

Autograph Letter Signed ('Charles Geo. Napier | Major Rl. Arty.') from Major Charles George Napier, Royal Artillery, to C. J. Auret, Secretary, Board of Public Roads, Cape Town, tendering for the repair of the Constantia Road, Wynberg, South Africa.

Major Charles George Napier (d. c. 1846) of the Napiers of Tintinhull, Somerset [C. J. Auret, Secretary, Board of Public Roads, Cape Division, Cape Town, South Africa; Constantia, Wynberg]
Publication details: 
Plumstead; 19 May 1845.

3pp., foolscap 8vo. 60 lines. Good, on lightly-aged paper. Bifolium. Addressed, with broken red wax seal, to 'C. J. Auret Esqe. | Secretary | Board of Public Roads | Cape Division | Cape Town'. Napier understands that no tender has been received 'for putting in repair the Cross Road leading from Mr. place, to Mr. Henry Dreyer's Bridge on the Constantia Road & from the Bridge to the foot of the Hill leading to Wynberg'. It is 'very evident' to Napier 'that if some means are not immediately taken, that the heavy rains we may expect this winter will render the same totally impassable'.'s?>

Typescript titled 'The Last Month', signed 'Ernie Wilmott', describing the author's experiences during the last days of World War Two at Gaschwitz POW camp near Leipzig. With covering ALS from J. L. H. Batt ('Jack') and TLS to Batt from Charles

Ernie Wilmott [J. L. H. Batt [Jack Lynden Batt] (b.1922), of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery]
Publication details: 
Without place and date (1960s?). The account describes events in April and May 1945.

13pp., foolscap 8vo. Paginated 1 to 13 and signed at the end 'Ernie Wilmott'. On seven leaves stapled into grey covers, with the title 'The Last Month' typed on the front cover. In good condition, in worn wraps. The account commences: 'There had been gun fire from the west and the south for the last three days. Friday the 13th April 1945 the usual officials did not come to fetch the men, but a little later than usual the Gaschwyz [sic] column was called, so we assembled and left for work, about 20 of us.

Signed Typescript of the unpublished Second World War memoir of Commander Geoffrey Scott Stavert, Royal Artillery, 'Goodbye Campo 49. (A Slow March through Occupied Italy)', regarding his imprisonment and escape from a POW camp. With autograph note.

Commander Geoffrey Scott Stavert (d.2002), of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery [J. L. H. Batt [Jack Lynden Batt] (b.1922],
Publication details: 
Place and date not stated. [Southsea, 1970s?]

298pp., 4to. In good condition, on lightly-aged paper in blue ring binder. From the collection of J. L. H. Batt, who writes the following autograph note: 'Lt. Geoff. Stavert was E. Troop Commander of 155 Battery at Sidi Nsir Feb. 1943, & was my Troop Commander. On 26. 2. 43 I was up at the O.P as a Signaller on Hill 609.

Papers of Sergeant J. L. R. Royall, Royal Artillery Search Light Training Instructor (Anti Aircraft), 1939-1942

[Sergeant J.L.R. Royall; Anti-Aircraft; Search Light]
Publication details: 

These papers provide a unique insight into the top-secret workings of a vital branch of defensive warfare at its apogee - the Battle of Britain - during a period while it was integrating into its systems the new radar technology which would ultimately render it redundant, and at a time which saw it was at the forefront of the beginning of the integration of women into the armed services.

Typescript of the unpublished war memoirs of J. L. H. Batt [Jack Lynden Batt], of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, entitled 'Nothing Spectacular 41-45', and describing incidents in North Africa and as a POW in Italy and Germany.

J. L. H. Batt [Jack Lynden Batt] (b.1922), of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery [POWs; Prisoners of War; Second World War]
Publication details: 
Undated [written in the 1960s?]. Covering events from June 1941 to April 1945.

i + 207pp., 8vo. Perfect bound in green card wraps, with green cloth spine. In good condition: lightly-aged and a little dogeared, in lightly-creased wraps with slight wear to spine. Tipped in onto the last page is an original 'Army Form B. 104-83', signed and stamped with date 16 March 1943, informing Batt's father that he was posted as missing on 27 February 1943 in North Africa. Nine chapters: 'The Western Desert'; 'Italy'; 'Gaschwyz'; 'Leipzig', 'Gaschwyz Again'; 'Boehlen, Leuna, Wiederitsch'; 'Lager Waldfrieden'; 'Russians'; 'Latvians'.

Typed transcript by J. L. H. Batt of the unpublished diaries of John Heath of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, describing Second World War 'happenings' in North Africa and in POW camps in Italy and Germany, With preface by Batt.

John Heath and J. L. H. Batt [Jack Lynden Batt], both of 155th Battery, 172nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery [Lager 31, Stalag IV-G; POWs; Prisoners of War; Second World War]
Publication details: 
Modern transcript. Account of events between 5 January 1943 and 12 May 1945.

ii + 177pp., 8vo. Each page on a separate leaf. Original typescript, not a carbon. In very good condition, in green card folder. The first paragraph of Batt's two-page preface reads: 'This transcript has been copied from original personal diaries of JOHN HEATH with whom I served in 155 Battery, 172 Field Regiment R.A.; an artillery unit of 25 pounder guns stationed at Mersham, Nr. Ashford in Kent. John and I were together through most of the happenings in North Africa, Italy and Germany described in these diaries until May 1945 when we got split up as the war in Europe was coming to an end.

[Printed pamphlet on Nova Scotia, Canada.] The Royal Province of New Scotland, and Her Baronets.

Major Francis Duncan, M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., Royal Artillery [Nova Scotia, Canada]
Publication details: 
London: William Clowes and Sons, 13, Charing Cross. 1878.
The Royal Province of New Scotland, and Her Baronets.

8vo, 20 pp. In original blue printed wraps, with publisher's advertisement ('List of Military Works') on back. Clear and complete. On aged paper, with wear and slight marking to wraps. Two appendices.

Manuscript 'Memorandum' of 1883 by 'H. B.', headed 'Confidential', dealing with 'the reasons why the Officers of the Garrison Artillery should be separated from the Field Artillery, and why they should be more highly paid'. With 'Supplementary Memo:'

[British Army; Royal Artillery; Garrison Artillery; Victorian military history; the War Office]
Publication details: 
Both items dated 19 August 1883, and both on official British government letterheads.
British Army; Royal Artillery; Garrison Artillery; Victorian military history; t

Texts of both items clear and complete. Both on grey paper, each leaf headed with an embossed governmental crest. The 'Memorandum' proper is of ten numbered folio pages, on ten leaves held together with a brass stud. The first page headed 'Confidential' and the last dated 'H. B. | 19th. August 1883' Begins: 'The separation of the N. C.

Twenty-one glass slides of photographs of the funeral procession of King Edward VII through the streets of London, 1910.

[Photographs of the funeral procession of King Edward VII through the streets of London, 1910]
Publication details: 
[London, 1910.]

All twenty-one slides bound in 8 cm glass squares, with the black and white images themselves in good condition and unfaded, with only one slide damaged (glass shattered in a corner, not affecting image). All with labels numbered 394.5.

Collection of papers relating to the military career of General Sir William Cator, from the Peninsular War to the Crimean War (during which he was Director-General of Artillery). Comprising three commissions, a printed memoir, five manuscript items.

General Sir William Cator (1785-1866), K.C.B., Royal Artillery, Director-General of Artillery during the Crimean War [British Army; Peninsular War]
Publication details: 
London, Constantinople and other places. From c. 1853 to c. 1866.
Collection of papers relating to the military career of General Sir William Cato

An short account of Cator's career is to be found in the Gentleman's Magazine for June 1866. This collection of nine items is of particular importance, considering the fact that - remarkably for such a distinguished figure - he was not accorded a Times obituary, and has no entry in the Dictionary of National Biography. The absence of biographical material may be due to the contemporary criticism of Cator's department for its handling of the provision of supplies during the Crimean War. All items in good condition, on lightly-aged paper, with texts clear and complete.

Autograph Note Signed ('Fred Slade') to 'My dear Bee'.

Lt-Gen. Frederick George Slade (1851-1910), Royal Artillery, Assistant Adjutant-General, Woolwich Arsenal
Publication details: 
24 February 1899; on letterhead of the Chief Staff Office, Woolwich.

12mo, 1 p. 6 lines. Clear and complete. Fair, on aged and slightly grubby paper, with strip of glue from mount on blank reverse, which has laid down on it a ten-line biographical newspaper cutting referring to Slade ('[...] one of the youngest major-generals on the Staff in the Army [...] His most recent appointment was that of Assistant Adjutant-General at Woolwich'). He is sending 'a missed lot of Soldiers autographs. Some that you already have may be useful in exchanging for others'.

Two Autograph Letters Signed (both 'Henry Knollys') to 'Staff Surgeon Walter Haydon, Royal Navy, H.M.S. Conquest'.

Colonel Sir Henry Knollys (1840-1930), wrote on life in Japan and China; commanded the Royal Artillery in South Africa, 1889-1891; later Private Secretary to Queen Maud of Norway [Walter Haydon]
Publication details: 
24 and 27 August 1916; both on letterhead of 2 Morpeth Mansions, Victoria, London.

Both letters lightly creased and spotted, but good overall. Letter One (8vo, 8 pp): In stamped, addressed envelope. Begins by asking whether Haydon would consider acting as co-executor to his estate with his wife Flora. Outlines his financial situation and discusses the executor's duties. Turns to 'the naval situation', Haydon's letter on the subject being 'so guarded that it might be nailed up in Trafalgar Square without helping the enemy'.

Printed paper serviette, illustrated in colour, headed 'Souvenir in Commemoration of the King of Portugal's Visit to England, November 15 to 20, 1909.'

Mrs S. Burgess, printer, Bishopsgate, London [the visit of King Manuel of Portugal to England, 1909; royal souvenir; ephemera; King Edward VII]
Publication details: 
MRS. S. BURGESS, 14, Artillery Lane, Bishopsgate, E.C.' [1909]

Printed in black, blue, red, green and gold on one side of a piece of tissue paper roughly 37 cm square. Good, on lightly creased paper with a little wear to extremities. The text, with a woodcut portrait of the king (10 x 8.5 cm) in black at its centre, is enclosed in a coloured border of flags and flowers. The text descibes the 'programme of the first week' of the King's visit, with the 'route to be taken by King Manuel on his visit to the Guildhall', and a list of the 'distinguished guests who have been inivited to the reception and luncheon'.

Original watercolour illustration, with measurements, captioned 'Drill Motions', and docketed 'Drill Motions at Bunhill Fields'.

[the Honourable Artillery Company; Bunhill Fields; the City of London; military drill manual; the British Army]
Publication details: 
Anonymous and undated. [Circa 1810?]

On one side of a piece of wove paper roughly 28.5 x 24 cm. On aged, somewhat grubby paper, with 6 cm closed tear repaired with tape on reverse. Full-length diagrammatic depiction of a British army officer in uniform of the Napoleonic period (black boots with spurs, tight white breeches, green jacket with yellow trim and black hat with red plume), holding his sword horizontally in front of his face. A set of thirteen numbered angles are projected from the tip of the blade, some bracketed 'all these are strait in Front'. Others are described as 'flat'.

Autograph Letter Signed ('H. C. Colles') to Sir Henry Trueman Wood, Secretary, Royal Society of Arts.

Henry Cope Colles (1879-1943), music historian and critic of The Times of London [the British Red Cross; Royal Horse Artillery]
Publication details: 
11 November 1916; on letterhead of the R.A. Cadet School, Ordnance Road, St John's Wood, London N.W.

12mo: 4 pp. On grey paper. Very good, with a small strip of discolouration over the Royal Artillery crest. Bearing the Society's stamp. He is glad that his 'article on the Red Cross' interested Wood: 'in other circumstances it would have given me much pleasure to follow up the article with an address to your Society on the subject', but 'the work of the Cadet school, which I entered a couple of months ago, takes up my entire time'.

Autograph Postcard Signed to the Editor, Royal Society of Arts Journal.

Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur Erskine-Murray [ROYAL ARTILLERY]
Publication details: 
Postmarked 12 Nov 1916, Croydon, 'Westport | Purley'.

British soldier (1877-1948): Boer War; General Staff Officer, Portland Fortress, Dardanelles, Suez Canal defences, etc., during Great War. C.B.E., D.S.O. and Cavalierr of the Order of the Italian Crown. Very good though somewhat discoloured with age. Dimensions five and a half inches by three and a half. Bearing the Society's stamp. Signed (beneath stamp) 'A Ersine-Murray'. Headed 'Cantor Sections'. He has 'discovered that several typewritten pages have been omitted' from his fourth lecture ('lost in the post I expect').

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