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[The Legislative Council of Jamaica, 1855.] Packet of six manuscript documents regarding the rejection by the Council of 49 chairs ordered from Druce & Co. of London, damaged in transit from England.

William R. Myers, Secretary, Executive Committee, Legislative Council of Jamaica [Thomson Hankey & Co, merchant bankers, London; Thomas Charles Druce; Druce & Co., upholsterers, Baker St, London]
Publication details: 
Items from the Executive Committee Office, Jamaica, and from Spanish Town, Jamaica, West Indies. All dating from 1855.

Packet of six items, held together with a pin. Totalling 8pp., folio; 3pp., 8vo. In good overall condition, on aged and worn paper. ONE: Autograph Letter Signed from 'Wm: R: Myers | Secy' to Messrs Thomson Hankey & Co, London. Executive Committee Office; 26 December 1855. 2pp., folio. Giving details of five documents which he is forwarding, 'on the Chairs received from Messrs. Druce & Co'. He writes that he is 'directed to communicate through you, that the Chairs are not accepted and will not be paid for, but will be kept on the account and risk of Messrs.

Committee of the Privy Council on Education 'Teacher's Certificate' for 'Matilda Bolingbroke (Mrs. Caron)', on vellum, signed by Vice-President W. E. Forster, and with reports by HM Inspectors of Schools Frederick Meyrick, Frederic Myers et al.

W. E. Forster [William Edward Forster] (1818-1886), Vice-President of the Committee of the Privy Council on Education; Frederick Meyrick (1827-1906); Frederic W. H. Myers (1843-1901)
Publication details: 
December 1866
Teacher's Certificate

Folio, 4 pp, on one skin of vellum folded to make a bifolium. Aged, in fair condition. The certificate is boldly printed in calligraphic style, with royal crest. Printed over four pages, with the first three completed in manuscript. Signed by the Vice President, 'W. E. Forster'. With three official stamps, the last stating that 'This certificate is raised to the 1st class July 1886'. Records that Mrs Caron studied at Norwich Training College. Ten brief reports, dated and signed, by the following seven inspectors of schools: 'Frederic W H Myers', 'D J Stewart'; 'Walter Bailey' (3); 'J G C.

Ten catalogues (five of the first firm and five of the second) of autograph letters, manuscripts, historical documents.

Myers & Co. (Booksellers) Ltd.; Winifred A. Myers (Autographs) Ltd.
Publication details: 
Myers & Co. (Booksellers) Ltd., 102, New Bond Street, London, W.1: 1941, 1955 (2), 1956 (2). Winifred A. Myers (Autographs) Ltd., 80, New Bond Street, London, W.1: 1958, 1959, 1960, 1962, 1965.

The ten items are all in the same 12mo format, each stapled and in coloured printed wraps. Page range between 56 and 106. Internally good, with occasional chipping to the high-acidity paper wraps. Rusting staples. A total of c.4500 items, catalogued in detail by a pioneer in the field and a President of the Antiquarian Booksellers' Association. Containing a mass of information about a wide range of individuals ans subjects, from 'Musicians' to 'Prime Ministers', George Gissing to George III, Lord Byron to Florence Nightingale, and Robert Browning to Napoleon Bonaparte.

Catalogue of Engraved Portraits, comprising many rare Mezzotints, Stipple and Line Engravings by Faber, Simon, J. Smith, S. W. Reynolds, Edelinck, Marshall, Gaywood, Wierix, De Pass, Faithorne, Houbraken, Bartolozzi and others. [complete in 4 parts]

Myers & Rogers, London booksellers, printseller and autograph dealers
Publication details: 
Parts I to III (numbered 15 to 17) published in 1901; Part IV (no. 18, supplement) published in 1902. Parts I and II 'On Sale by Myers & Rogers, 44, Booksellers' Row, Strand, London, W.C.' Parts III and IV by the same firm from 59 High Holborn.

8vo: continuously pagined 1-187, followed by three pages of publishers' advertisements. A tight copy, in good condition, with the four parts (each of which retains its original orange printed wraps) bound together in contemporary brown cloth gilt and floral endpapers. An invaluable reference work, containing a total of 14293 items, each priced and with a brief description. Example: '4428 Hobart (Mrs.) Lady Buckinghamshire, caricature by Newton, Mrs. H. (very corpulent) driving over the weighing machine in front of a Weigh House, sinks down in the pit, folio, 1797, 4s'.

Autographs [Reprinted from The Concise Encyclopaedia of Antiques Volume IV by kind permission of The Connoisseur].

P. J. Croft [Winifred A. Myers (Autographs) Ltd]
Publication details: 
London: Winifred A. Myers (Autographs) Ltd, 80 New Bond Street, W1. [c.1954].

Quarto: 10 pp (paginated 236-41). Stapled. In original printed green card wraps. Good, though lightly creased. Five plates, examples of the hands of Queen Elizabeth I, Sir John Harington, Admiral Lord Nelson, together with an original and a faked Burns letter. While the offprint is undated, the Encyclopaedia itself was published in 1954.

Autograph Note Signed ('Ernest Myers') to autograph collector 'Mr. Soulsby'.

Ernest James Myers (1844-1921), English classicist, translator and poet
Publication details: 
10 January 1884; place not stated.

One page, 12mo. Very good. 'I have much pleasure in sending you my signature, as I am told you wd. care to have it.

A homemade bibliography mainly of books of Scottish interest

H.D. MacWilliam.
Publication details: 

MacWilliam was the author of several books concerning the Black Watch, and a book-collector. On the front cover the label "H.D. MACWILL[IAM]" is laid down. 230pp., 4to, notebook, soft-covered, front detached, poor condition. In time-honoured fashion, the collector has extracted printed descriptions of books (and some manuscripts and letters) from their catalogues and laid them down (occasional manuscript descriptions), at times (but by no means consistently) naming the bookseller who originally catalogued them.

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