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Printed 'Memorandum on Programme of the Visit of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, K.G., to Sierra Leone on 6th & 7th April 1925.'

Visit of the Prince of Wales [later King Edward VIII] to Sierra Leone, 1925 [Alexander Howard Ross (1880-1965), Commissioner, Southern Province of Sierra Leone, 1920-1928]
Publication details: 
[Freetown, Sierra Leone?] '437-150. 14-3-25. [i.e. 14 March 1925]'.

21pp., 12mo. Printed with blue ink on cream paper. Saddle-stitched with blue ribbon, in light blue printed wraps. In fair condition, aged, worn and lightly creased. An interesting document, providing local information and casting light on the protocol of a Royal Visit. The document begins: '6th April. | I. 9.05 a.m. H.E. the Governor leaves Government House, accompanied by Staff, and drives to Government Wharf. | 9.10 a.m. The Governor, Mr. Basevi and Lieutenant Harrison embark on the Governor's Barge from the Eastern Jetty. By permission of Commander Geary Hill a launch from H.M.S.

15 items relating to Lieut. A.H. Ross's service in the Second World War as Platoon Commander in the Hertfordshire Battalion of the Home Guard, including Platoon photographs, Special Army Orders, service certificate, letter from Lt-Col. H. K. O'Kelly.

Alexander Howard Ross (1880-1965), Commissioner, Southern Province of Sierra Leone, 1920-1928, Platoon Commander, Hertfordshire Battalion, Home Guard, 1940-1944 [Lieutenant-Colonel Henry Kane O'Kelly]
Publication details: 
Items from the War Office, London, and Hertfordshire. From 1940 to 1944.

The fifteen items in fair condition, lightly aged and worn, laid down or pinned to leaves removed from an album. Items One to Three: three black and white landscape photographs, each around 15 x 20 cm. The first photograph, captioned 'November 1940', shows Ross standing in a field, in front of a platoon in two columns, shouldering rifles with bayonets. The second photograph, captioned '7. C. Coy of Batt., Herts Home Guard 1943', shows twenty-six officers, in three rows, in front of the entrance to a municipal building. The front row, seated, consists of seven senior officers with batons.

Material collected by Alexander Howard Ross, English colonial official in Ashante, Gold Coast, and Sierra Leone, including 158 photographs, correspondence of the Sierra Leone Development Co Ltd, an essay by him on West African piracy, and scrapbook.

Alexander Howard Ross (1880-1965), Commissioner, Southern Province of Sierra Leone, 1920-1928
Publication details: 
Most of the photographs dating from Ashanti, Gold Coast, and Sierra Leone, 1905-1920. Other material from England and Africa, 1930-1961.

The bulk of Ross's papers is deposited in the Rhodes House Library at the Bodleian Library in Oxford. The present collection derives from Ross's sister, Mrs Paterson.

[Printed] Procès Verbal of the Anglo-Liberian Boundary Commission, 1913-14. Description in detail of the boundary between the British Protectorate of Sierra Leone and the Protectorate of the Republic of Liberia [...].

[Anglo-Liberian Boundary Commission: Major E. L. Cowie; James G. B. Lee, Government Engineer, Chief Commissioner for Liberia; Captain G. V. Hart, 1st West Indian Regiment; Sierra Leone]
Publication details: 
Sierra Leone: 'Printed at the Government Printing office, Freetown. - 200. 6/16. [i.e. June 1916]'.

The subtitle reads in full: 'Description in detail of the boundary between the British Protectorate of Sierra Leone and the Protectorate of the Republic of Liberia as it runs from the river Makona (K) or Moa (M) in the north to the river Magowi in the south: together with the list of the cairns erected and other marks to identify the same. ' 15pp., foolscap 8vo. Stapled. In fair condition, on aged paper, with staining from staples. Small grey rectangular stamp at foot of first page, completed in manuscript: 'West African | 95 | Fo 2'.

Diaries of Lieutenant Albert Smith, RN, 1867-1897 and 1914 to 1919, describing tours of East Africa and the Mediterranean, and giving a first-hand account of the sinking of HMS Victoria following its collision with HMS Camperdown, 1893.

Lieutenant Albert Smith (1844-1928), RN [Royal Navy; Naval and Maritime; Collision of HMS Victoria with HMS Camperdown, 1893]
Publication details: 
1867-1919. From various locations in England, Europe, Africa and the Middle East.

Ten notebooks, nine of them 4to and the other folio, totalling in excess of a thousand pages. Not uniform. In original worn bindings, five with marbled boards and the others in full cloth. Internally all ten volumes are sound, with their texts neatly-written, clear and complete. Numbered 2 to 18 (lacking 1, 7, and 12 to 17). The dating of the diaries is as follows. ONE ('2'): 15 May 1867 to 1 September 1868. TWO ('3'): 4 September 1868 to 19 September 1870. THREE ('4'): 20 September 1870 to 7 September 1872. 'A diary written by "Albert Smith" G.M. & G.S.

Signed ('Geo Wroughton') printed circular letter, addressed to T[homas]. Adams [of Alnwick, Northumberland].

George Wroughton of Wilcott, Wiltshire [Bengal; the East India Company]
Publication details: 
25, Berners Street, London; May 12 1813'.

4to bifolium: 2 pp. Good. Soliciting Adams's 'Vote and Interest' when he is 'enabled to proceed to a ballot', having 'lately presumed to offer myself to the Proprietors of East-India Stock, as a Candidate for a Seat in their Direction, upon some future vacancy'. (Feeling 'that their suffrages will have been very generally engaged to an earlier Candidate for the next appointment which a casualty may occasion', he does not want to 'interfere with that Election'.) He was resident in Bengal for thirteen years, and the final paragraph describes his other qualifications.

Church Missionary Paper. For the use of weekly and monthly contributors. [With engravings 'of the oldest and latest Missions of the Society - those in West Africa, and in New Holland'.]

Church Missionary Society [New Holland (Western Australia); Australiana; Sierra Leone; Africa]
Publication details: 
Missionary Paper, No. LXXV. Michaelmas Day, 1834. ['This paper may be had of L. B. SEELEY & SONS, 169 Fleet Street, Pice 1/2d., or 3s. 6d. per 100'.

12mo (leaf dimensions 21 x 13.5 cm), 4 pp. Unbound bifolium. Text and illustrations clear and complete. Fair, on aged paper with sunning to margin in top outer corner. Circular 1 cm red ink stamp of the Webster Collection, with number 2600, at foot of final page. Short article on first page, entitled 'Account of Native Superstitions'. Preceded by an engraved 'view of Sierra- Leone from the sea'.

Autograph Letter Signed to [Rev Mr Ruston?]. "In haste"

J.B. Freeman [ Badagry, Nigeria ] [Slavery ]
Publication details: 
Badagry [Nigeria] 3 Dec. 1842.

Prob. missionary. Two pages, folio, minor defects, tect clear and complete. He is seeking his correspondent's help "in carrying on our mission at Badagry. They are so far from the Cape coast that they have difficulties getting supplies of cash [?] etc. "and shall be obliged if you will pay Mr Johnson (one of the Proprietors of the Brig 'Queen Victoria' of Sierra Leone) in ready cash £56-19-8 Sterling on my account and draw a Bill [underlined] for the amount on the Committee in London for sundry expenses for the Badagry Mission.

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